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Markus FIN

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Everything posted by Markus FIN

  1. Yes I can. In the two previous elections the most liberal party in Finland (Kokoomus) has won the elections. They are cutting down the public sector (even though many people hate them for it) bit by bit. It's not much but it is a start. Basically in Europe there is a BIG inner conflict on whether we should get rid of the welfare state or keep it.Markus FIN I understand but I think using the USA as an example of the entire world is kind of overreacting. Things are not all that bad elsewhere. The problem is that the USA has been the dominant power in the world for almost a century now and countries like that usually are more corrupt. Any time in history when a dominant nation is born it is always based on some idea superior to others. But after defending this idea becomes more important than following it, the country starts to collapse. It has happened to every single empire in human history... :/
  2. Okay. Thank you and I will avoid coming out manipulative next time, I just wasn't sure what to excpect. This forum is just so much more mature than the rest of the Internet and getting prepared for hate mail is kind of a reflex. ;)Markus FIN The "Democracy" in USA is not like it is elsewhere. The huge govermental power combined with corporations is enough to not allow any Libertarian movements to get anywhere. In Europe liberal (both economical and social) parties are actually very strong. Libertarians is still a bit of a taboo, but people will accept them by time. It is possible to move from a welfare state to a minimum state through national politics. My personal dream is to be able to prove that it works.Markus FIN
  3. I have seen that poster a hundred times and I took it in consideration when making this. If it was an argument then I am sorry but it is invalid in my opinion. :/ If you say that "government is always evil" thing then it makes me feel like you have not read my post. I said that Minarchism offers a way to reach the goals of Anarchists with minimum risks. I thought I was making it clear that the goal is to have no state... So what did I say wrong? :/
  4. Good point, but I try to define people by their means and how they behave. He means well he just doesn't understand my views. I constantly win our debates and we have come to the conclusion that we both want a world were everyone can be happy, he just doesn't see money as it is. In a F.I.A.T. currency what he said might actually be pulled off for a while, but I wouldn't try it. Also it is just strange that so many people are okay with the state, taxation and regulations that they simply won't listen. So I just try to get along and only be true friends with someone who feels the same way as I do. I have 3 close friends who agree with me politically and I come along with them very well. The problem is they don't want to talk about politics as they find it a bit of a boring subject on tbe long run. The thing is that I don't need to agree on everyone with my friends as we can just avoid the subject. They are all decent people so I trust them and continue to be friends with them. The Socialist guy however is a different story. He keeps calling me a Fundamentalist because I tell about the positive effects that the free market has on the society. Everytime I am about to win an argument he just says that I seem like a ridicilous Utopist. Maybe I should reconsider my friendship with him, but I will still chat with him during breaks. Because after all, being with people who disagree with you is a way to keep your edge sharp! :)Markus FIN
  5. I see your point there, we should try Anarchism somewhere and see via testing where it would lead. The problem is that there is really no unclaimed land left. :/ But that was a good idea dude! Thank you. Excactly! Thank you everyone for such rational and polite comments. My first impressions on this community are outstanding! Also I thought he had a video were he talked about getting rid of the government in like 30 days or something and that seemed very risky to me. This idea of teaching children to think for themselves and parenting them well is just beautiful. I have rarely met people who are just... so... well... good. I mean people here are open to everything if it is not morally and rationally evil, and those are the kind of people I have spent my whole life looking for! :')Markus FIN
  6. Thank you, it's nice to meet you too! "But he is just a regular citizen. It okay to take from people who have more money than they need!"
  7. I am a Minarchist and I know some people here might hate me for it, but let me explain. This open letter is meant to be at least some point in history to be read by Stefan as I very much respect his opinion. Anyone else reading this please don't dislike the post if you think I am wrong, but rather state why by a reply. I am fully willing to change my views if someone can prove me wrong on this! Minarchism in my opinion is a safe way to a totally free society. At the moment the societies we live in have state regulations and public sector companies growing everywhere around it. Some things are at the moment dependent on the state, because the previous generations thought it would be a good idea to build an infrastructure that is based on the existence of the state. If we went immediately from the current society to the Libertarian model of society, we would risk a chaos. Many people are so used to be living in a state that it would be impossible for them to deal in such a situation. A peaceful transaction from Statism to Libertarianism can only be achieved by taking it slow. Starting from privatizing public sector, reducing government regulations and decreasing the size of the army. It will take many decades until we reach a point where we can safely shut down the government and begin a completely free society. An example of a government that is ready to be shut down would be a one that only provides basic legal system and the police. The only thing I am still wondering about is how can we transfer the legal system to the private sector? I mean there is a huge chance for it to become corrupt... But I believe it can all be figured out while we get there, the important thing right now is to get this started. I still believe that politics and voting are important because they are a way to change the world without causing panic or fear. Of course there are examples of peaceful revolutions but that is a huge risk to take. Also in Minarchism there is the option to stop and think again if everything goes to hell. So before you judge Minarchists, let me tell you this: We both have the same goal, we just want to be VERY careful while getting there. And all out revolution is a big risk and risks cost lives. This is my question to Stefan (if he ever reads this): I know that what you want is freedom, but there is a big risk. So what are you willing to bet on it? Your life, your friends lives, your relatives lives or even your daughters life? I do not mean to come out insulting this is just a question I SO DEEPLY want an answer to. I am yet to find a video on Stefan about this subject but if someone knows one then I would appreciate if you linked it to me. Again if you people think this question is insulting or too personal (I don't think it is but i have been wrong), then please tell me either via private message or via posting on the thread so I can take whatever actions are necessary. Thank you all for listening to me and I hope you do well. Markus FIN
  8. I know it is not reality, I just think what people WOULD do in a situation like that. Don't judge me, I am just a man!
  9. Oh c'mon dude, this is the "off-topic" area. Cut me some slack! And I like zombie apocalypses because in them the state, laws and regulation disappear. You can be your own master and you get a completely fresh start to your life. Unless you get eaten alive of course.
  10. So have any of you ever thought about what you would do if you survived the first days of panic in a zombie apocalypse? I have had fun thinking about it and at one point I came across a really deep question while watching The Walking Dead. Are you allowed to shoot someone on sight if everyone you have met so far has done it to you? I mean you can't know what is this particular persons plan, but you can pretty safely assume he is going to try to kill you like everyone else. Would you have the moral duty to take your chances, or are you allowed to kill him? It is easy to say that it is "either him or me", but you can't be sure about it. What if you have kids or a loved one with you? Does killing someone to protect your family from POTENTIAL danger make you a bad person? I know that many people would just shut these questions out during an outbreak but I want to really think about it. This fits to almost any disaster scenario where chaos breaks out. Are you allowed to do whatever it takes to survive in a life threatening situation? Who are the most valuable people? Are everyone equally valuable, so if your kids are in potential danger you are still not allowed to take aggressive action? I have always had a very strict NO to this question, but I want to hear your opinion as well! "In this life now, you kill or you die... Or you die and you kill." -Philip Blake Markus FIN
  11. Oh god, that just got heavy. I think that parents have the right to bring someone into the world because that is the only way humans can continue on living and things can be approved. I mean even if he is born to live a life of prison he can still LIVE. I think your friend should be thankful that he was born because otherwise he would have had no consciousness. However if he finds his life too hard to live then he has the choice to end it. I just really hope he doesn't. Personally I was very depressed for about 3 years and during that time any self-destructive thoughts never lead to any action. It was because I was scared of losing my contentiousness. Scared that if there is nothing after death and I simply disappear from existence. A total oblivion of everything is what I am most scared of, I live to think. I can't imagine a life without it...
  12. True that! Thank you MMD.
  13. LOL Thank you. I was really thinking whether the problem is in me or him, because it felt like he was saying that 2 x 4 is not 8 but 24. I was really annoyed by it and I feel like all the true Leftists are like that. It's because they consider money as just an obstacle between them and their Utopia... Which is like saying: "I want to fill this bottle now, even though we are in the middle of desert without a water supply! The water is not important, the filling of the bottle is!"
  14. Because I try to get along with anyone, also I find him interesting to debate with. He means good, but I feel like he doesn't respect freedom like I do. That actually became an important notification for me because it allowed me to create my own theory on the subject. Here it is: There are two kinds of people in politics. There are people who want freedom and people who want safety. If you are a socialist, then what you want is to keep everyone safe. You don't care if they aren't free because you think you know what is best for them. However if you are a Liberal or a Libertarian, then what you want is that everyone can be free. So how can you ever turn this kind of person around, as his morals are completely different from yours and he doesn't respect the things we see important? But yeah I hang around with him because he is an okay guy and he occasionally borrows me a bit of money (like 2 Euros for a soda if I don't have any with me) if I am short on it. He does usually take a big interest from it though, which doesn't really fit his "Socialist" ideologies.
  15. So couple of days back I was debating with a Socialist friend of mine who came out saying that states can borrow money as much as they want. I obviously asked him that how the hell could that be possible? Well this is how he explained it: 1. States don't have to pay back their debt because they theoretically last forever. 2. If states were to privatize or end public sector it would cause unemployment, which therefore would require these new unemployed people to be supported. So the state would need to borrow even more money to do so. 3. If state is getting in trouble with paying back it's debt, it can simply print more and more money and use it to pay the interest of the debt. He said that inflation would be a better choice than reducing public sector, because it only takes away money from INDIVIDUALS. Public sector provides services to everyone free of charge so it is more important than personal rights. I asked him while shocked that doesn't he agree that taxing somebody is actually ethically wrong? He answered: "No. It's because money is only numbers, not property." After this discussion I felt like tearing my eyeballs out with a fork. How can somebody just smile and say something like this? Please share your thoughts and opinions, as I would REALLY like to hear them! Markus FIN
  16. Well I got sad because it made me feel that if Determinism is actually true, then for my entire life I have been supporting the wrong ideologies. In my family there is a strong belief in the fact that everyone can take control of their destiny and make whatever they want out of their lives. It gives me tremendous hope regarding mine and other peoples futures. I have always been against high taxation because I feel like no-one can be FORCED to support people that were less successful than them. But if we can't really decide what we become, then not being successful or being a criminal is not really the persons fault. He can't do anyhting because it is all determined. It makes me feel like I'm a rat in a cage and that I have no control over myself or the world around me. It scares the living shit out of me... Markus FIN Thank you. Markus FIN
  17. Sorry people, my bad! I didn't realize that there were already that many debates and conversations about this, I will search more carefully next time! Markus FIN
  18. So today while studying psychology I met this girl who said that she doesn't believe that we have free will. She said that we are like animals, only a bit more complicated. She also said that we can't really effect on what happens to us in the future, because everything we do is just a chain of complicated decisions made by our brains for us in search for happiness. This made me very sad and I can't get it out of my head... What if I really am just a brain and couple of other organs in my body. Perhaps I don't really think about things the way I believe, but am just being l controlled by a bunch of mindless instincts. It's really making me a bit nervous... Has anyone ever thought about this, or could share his opinions? I would like that a lot. Markus FIN
  19. I will! I am all open for new ideas, I hope to hear a lot of them! PS: I will be discussing about this specific topic with Stefan 22.6.2014 in the Sunday show! I hope he understands what my point with Minarchism is and can give me some suggestions on how to improve it. Of course it is possible that my theory is really a horrible idea, but I hope it is not, because I try to find a solution to the problem with the state and freedom that benefits everyone. Markus FIN
  20. My father works in a bank and when I was around 12, he thought me about the state and economics. I was immediately hooked and adopted his views on free market and the right to be succesfull in life. I immediately began hating the welfare state because it forced people to give something they earned to someone who had not. To me it was injustice and I became a Capitalist.After a few years I became even more sure that free market and economics are the way to go forward, not the state and public sector. I started debating about this with everyone I met and I even went on to meet the prime minister of Finland (Jyrki Katainen) and tell him about my views when he visited my home town right before an election. I was allowed a quick talk with him and I told him what I wanted this country to be and how I trusted him to do so (he is the head of the countries most economicly and socialy liberal party).So I came across libertarianism because I was watching some videos about global economics and suddenly I started watching some videos from LearnLiberty. After that I once clicked one of the videos from Stefan because I was annoyed that they kept coming in my feed. At first I felt like he was just another Utopist, but after a while I realised that the stuff he says has a good amount of truth behind it. The only thing I don't like about him is that I think he goes a bit hard on the people who try to question what he says. Not that what he says is wrong, but he comes off a bit "aggressive" at times. No offense though to Stefan, I know he means well.So after watching a few video I KNEW that I had to call him and talk to him about this. He seems like a smart guy and I always appreciate a good conversation, I just hope he doesn't go too hard on me if some of my ideas are not good enough. :/But overall that is why I am here. I am here to "fight" for everyones right to follow their dreams and make what they desire out of their lives. So in other words freedom of individuals and the right to not have your freedom being taken away by someone else.Markus FIN It differs by nation. But in a western country like Finland, USA or Canada it would mean roughly around the state only having the right to provide basic legal justice and the police. After that the only problem is how do we move the power to define what is legal and what is illegal to the private sector. I am still working on that. I would like to hear your idea! :)Markus FIN
  21. Hello everyone! I am 17 and I study in high school at the moment. I love history, politics, philosophy and economics! I am a Minarchist who believes that the Libertarian society can only be achieved via slowly reducing goverment size until it is small enough to be simply shut down. This means privatizing the current public sector and that way making the society less depended upon a state. A fast revolution or shutting down government in a flash would cause chaos to break out, so we need to go slowly. Slow and steady wins the race! Nice to meet you all, I hope I get to have a lot of good converstations! Markus FIN
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