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Everything posted by K.o.t.H.

  1. Do you have any particular skills that you excel at? Good luck, I was in a similar situation when I was seventeen.
  2. I have read the book and felt like it was a good prerequisite to reading Introduction to Objective Epistemology. I am open to rereading the book along with a group, I actually love the idea of going through it together and making sure everyone grasps the ideas in the book. I will have to ask for the book back from a FOO member who I hoped would read it, as well as other AR books I loaned him, he never read it. Personally I like the idea.
  3. Excellent work! Thanks for all the hard work doing this series.
  4. People who have experimented with acid generally all claim the same type of expanded conciseness. I really think that without ever having experienced it, it is not able to understand. Personally I think the topic is fascinating, and there MIGHT be something to it. I am not suggesting people should try it.
  5. James, I can not thank you enough for taking the time to help me, and investigate this issue I have been having. I can't wait to finally enjoy the premium content! I really like the seek feature you added, because I have listened to the beginning of all of the bronze podcasts.lol. Thank you,thank you! J-William, thanks for the info and the suggestion, I will check that out and see if that helps me as far as downloading the premium podcasts to listen to away from home. Have you tried using lite or similar to download the premium podcasts for listening to away from an Internet connection? I am excited and very thankful for the help with this!!
  6. Thank you so much James! I am anxious to see what you report back.
  7. I would like to update my post. I am still unable to download bronze and silver podcasts to listen on the iPad or iPod. With the ios8 update the iPad is doing something a little different, I am not sure if something here changed or if it is the ios8 update. Now when I click the green 'download' button a different screen pops up as the player, instead of the black screen with the small player in the middle with the play button, I now get a totally black screen with some sort of line across the whole screen with the word 'live' at the bottom left hand side of the screen. Now the podcasts do not reset after a minuet or so, they play for about 10-15 minuets before resetting. I think the best way for me to figure this out is to find someone who is able to download or listen to the premium content on an iPad. So, has anyone here attempted to, or been successful in listening to or downloading premium content on an iPod or iPad? If you have an iPad and have not attempted it recently, do you mind attempting to download or listen to the premium content and letting me know what you experience? If anyone with access to an iPad could do this and report back here your findings I would be certainly grateful for your time. Thanks for any help whatsoever.Brian
  8. Stefan addresses situations like this several times just in volume 1. I think that if you start at the beginning and listen to the podcasts many of your questions will be answered, several of mine have and I am only now starting on volume 2.
  9. Stay strong. You can do it.
  10. The experiment of the 20th Century Motor Company.
  11. As someone who doesn't have any emotional attachment to either side, I found the video to be extremely informative. I did not know about the entire history of this situation, learned many new important facts, and feel I am much more informed about this whole situation. Thanks for making this video.
  12. I just listened to the podcast entitled 'mercantilism' today and I think it is worth listening to again and applies somewhat to what you are talking about, I was compelled to share it with a few people in my family earlier today. I agree that a new video on this topic would be great also.
  13. I am unable to download premium content. I have access to the bronze section and plan to subscribe to a higher level, but am unable to download using ipad(no XML option), ipod, and macbook. On the ipad I can not download, and when I click the download button the player page comes up but the audio resets every few minuets. On the laptop the audio does not reset and I am able to listen but can not download. I would like to load some to the ipod so I can listen when I am away from home. Will someone please help me with what the process is to download bronze content? Has anyone here used an ipad or macbook to download premium content? If so what was the process? It was suggested to me to try Atomic and check my browser settings, I have checked the settings and tried Atomic to no avail. If anyone can provide any help whatsoever I will be very gratefull. Thank you to all who have welcomed me to the board and have attempted to help so far. Brian
  14. I say he is full of it. Rediculous. I wish people would just stop trying to defend mechanisms of social manipulation. Just let us be free and stop thinking of new ways to make society better with threats or force.
  15. Have you listened to many of Stefan's podcasts that talk about this subject? They are very helpful. I have listened to many of the older podcasts this week and several of them would be very helpful for you in this situation. I have always had major difficulty debating with family but I am getting really good recently. If you have not done so yet go through the podcast lists and look for titles that seem like they might help. The more time you put in to being a better debater the better it will get for you to have these types of discussions with family and friends.
  16. Hello all, I am a new member and I wanted to share this story of mine and article. I will try to make this quick and to the point. My wife works as a legal assistant in a large building, the other day in the elevator someone whom she does not know well walked up to her and handed her an envelope with my name on it. This man is somewhat of a friend of my father and he knows that she is my wife, and that is about it. She promptly texted me that this had occurred and that it was weird. I felt a little weird due to the fact that I know this man but do not know him well. Ten years ago I helped with his failed run for office by knocking on doors and passing out flyers. I have not seen him much since but my father sees him occasionally. The whole day I was curious as to what on earth was in this envelope. Was it some sort of gift? Some sort of offer? I really could not figure out for the life of me what he could possibly want with me. I asked my Dad that day "what have you told 'Bob' about me?" "He has given my wife a mysterious envelope." My father had no clue and had only mentioned a conversation we had about friendship to this man, as far as he knew. Well, in order to get to the point I will speed this story up. So I forgot about the envelope until late that night and asked my wife about the envelope, which she promptly handed me. The curiosity was killing me so I tore into it hoping it was full of money,lol. Inside I found a post-it note stuck to some papers. The post-it note read "I thought you might enjoy this, I emailed a copy to your dad,All my best." I opened the papers and saw in big bold letters 'Libertarian Delusions.' So apparently in some discussion with my father it was mentioned that his son was a libertarian. This apparently prompted this man to print this article and seek out my wife to deliver this article to save me from the evils of freedom. I have seen Stefan's breakdown of several articles similar to this and of course immediately thought of that and searched in hopes of finding something from Stefan about this particular article. No luck there. I sent this man a short generic email in the morning thanking him for the article.(he put his email address in the envelope.) I will share this email and his response if anyone is interested. So I decided to join here, which is something I was planning to do, so I could get your thoughts on this article. I immediately hoped Stefan would do a breakdown of it, but after reading it through realized that it is really not even worthy of a video. The background on this guy who delivered this to my wife is that he is a catholic republican. I have decided that I can not discuss this article with him due to the metaphysical and ethical differences we have, I don't believe that I could make my points without him being insulted. So I figured I would share it here, with the hopes that this is not old news here and I have just missed the thread. If you get a chance read it through and let me know your thoughts. http://pharmacychoice.com/News/article.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=1241394
  17. I really loved this one, you guys really do great work. Thank you for all of this great material. I feel strongly about how unfair the family court system is in the US. Thank you for speaking the truth, again.
  18. Thank you Adrienne for the warm welcome. I believe that I am, and thank you.
  19. Yes I have seen the first two movies and I am anxious about the release of the third. I did enjoy the first two, although I was worried that I would not. I did not realize that the third movie was coming out so soon, that is great news.
  20. Hello all, I am excited about joining the board and anxious to get to know everyone. I am from WV, 35 years old, and enjoy reading and learning. I was introduced to philosophy after reading Atlas Shrugged, the book spurred me to read all of Rand's non-fiction books which opened me up to philosophy. I began studying the Greek philosophers, and prior to finding Stefan began watching youtube philosophy courses. I had seen some of the popular videos such as 'Jon Stewarts tough questions', but did not realize it was Stefan until much later. During the Bundy standoff I ran across the video in which Stefan was being asked some questions about it, in the beginning he made the joke about how much the government cares about the turtle, lol. I spoke about, and told this joke to several people but I still did not realize it was Stefan until much later. Then one day I watched that Bundy ranch video again and there was a suggested video to the right entitled 'my girlfriend is in my attic.' After listening to this entire call I was hooked and subscribed to the channel. So here I am, months later and I feel compelled to join the conversation going on here, and do my part to help by donating. There is so much more to the reason I made it here but for now this brief introduction will have to do. Hello to all, I can't wait to get to know you. Brian
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