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Everything posted by surfingthoughts

  1. Are there any FDR meet ups near you if not maybe think of making one. There are plenty of online meet up opera unities to be had with this community aswell. Maybe you don't have to leave the states just the area why would you want to stay if the area is so full of drug addicts and poverty I mean it would hardly attract other intelligent and rational people to come I bet quite allot have already left. Perhaps think what would attract you to an area and try finding such places. Not sure how accurate it is but a quick google search says you are more intelligent than 99.4% of people, I am sure you are more intelligent than me but I'm confident we could have some interesting conversations and common ground. Intelligence is important but clear logical reasonable thinking I value much more.
  2. Just managed to get around to listening to this wow loving it just at the bit talking about John and his wolf . Talking about the change in tv I think game of thrones followed in the footsteps Spartacus in terms of nudity and swear words ect. Sky later bought the rights to Spartacus due to its huge popularity. Haha I'm the fan who doesn't know the names I want to restart watching it.
  3. Seems it's been added to the podcast list.
  4. Nice concept so your the first to be doing this? How are you planning on making your money from this? Subscriptions? Advertising? Is there any way we could test it out before its properly released without signing up, anonymity is important for many members of this forum. There is probably allot you can learn from the online dating industry in terms of marketing - what would be your launch budget? And monthly budget? http://www.smallfuel.com/blog/entry/popular-ways-to-determine-your-marketing-budget/ might prove useful as there are many different ways to budget for example x% of net profit could be your monthly budget. You could use the social medias have a like button on your website ect a recommendation from a friend is a powerful one . Consider PR contact small online media outlets and you tubers at what stage you do this is up to you but remember the importance of first impressions. By the way the meet ups for this community area quite successful, I haven't been to one yet but it's on my to do list.
  5. I've noticed Podcasts released slightly before YouTube videos and some podcasts are split into a few different videos. I will try looking for it. Edit : Hmm I can't seem to find it either
  6. As someone born in the UK currently traveling in Australia I much prefer your new flag .
  7. I'm sorry to hear that shirgall that's horrible. Claiming my tax back as a non Australian resident is proving difficult so much so I'm considering using a third party to chaise up some of the details from all the farms I worked at.
  8. The money is still not in the hands of the owner and now isn't even going to contribute to anything I know the state would have wasted most of it but still, plus some of the tax payers want to pay tax... With money going missing they will probably want/already are getting more from the tax payers. I don't think the thieves are as bad as the tax man that's not what I am saying but I'm resisting calling it morally neutral. I'm up for hearing more of your argument though perhaps I could be persuaded, I could be missing something.
  9. It's kind of ironic that they don't like it when people steel from them (not saying steeling from them is moral). The IRS have been hacked again and apparently this is quite common with billions yearly being stolen. This might be worth putting in true news. If this interested you check these sources for more info: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/real-question-massive-government-hack/story?id=31716481 http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/irs-announces-steps-combat-taxpayers-identity-theft-31701424
  10. To be clear I wouldn't lie consciously I would just sometimes say something and think to myself shortly after that's not 100% accurate and correct it. You could call it a mistake and it turns into a lie when it's not corrected. I would probably call it a lie from the subconscious as it would always paint a better picture ect. "Plan" made me think I always found it useful to have a few subject matters to talk about before each session to reduce anxiety but the most productive sessions often went in very unplanned tangents which was great. It wasn't so important if I talked about everything I planed as if I wanted to I could talk about it in the next session. Talking about it makes me excited to continue . Journaling is a good tool maybe see what your therapist thinks about it.
  11. First off I just want to say good on you its a hard but great step to take I wish you the best of luck. When I was in therapy which I should be continuing very shortly when I move state I sometimes found myself telling a lie (often a small one when talking about something I was ashamed about to paint a better picture) or exaggerating (again to paint a better picture or to try and get him to relate to my pain more) just being honest when you spot this with your therapist is good. That and journaling is all that comes to mind right now, good luck.
  12. (I just wrote a post almost in full that got deleted when switching tab so this might come across as irritated I'm aware of it so it shouldn't but just encase rest assured my irritation is not aimed at you). Interesting that faces annoy you more when they are in that particular style I do wonder why. This might be a long shot but it might have something to do with eye contact as the thumb nails do look like he is looking at you quite often. If Stefan has done this on purpose it's clever in the sense that it's human nature to spot eye contact, would make the thumb nail stand out on a subconscious level triggering people to look at it consciously. In my rushed reading of your message I made a mistake, "matriarchal guilt trips" I understood as guilt trip videos in general. Sorry about that. You didn't need to explain yourself to me of course I understand why you did the word guilt trip triggered the thought process and conclusion it wasn't meant as an attack This mistake kind of made my post off topic but glad you found the Jones affect interesting. Disagreeing might have been the wrong choice of words critique might have been better but you hit the nail on the head with what I meant. It's a hard one to get the balance right in terms of not annoying people but getting the message across this is the case for allot of marketing especially for donations. Ps I like the way you communicate a friend request will be sent .
  13. Hello. I can see where you are comming from but I think you may be missing a few things. Personally I don't get annoyed with provocative thumb nails and titles as if I'm watching anything or listening to anything and I get to the stage where I'm like what going on this isn't what I thought I simply stop watching. The amount of noise (everyone is shouting for you to watch their vids) on YouTube is hudge and the tactic of using thumb nails and titles is so common that it doesn't get to me. I guess because I have a marketing background (BA hons) I might be looking at adverts ect in different way - for example I struggle to watch even a tv commercial without analysing it similarly to perhaps a English student struggling to read a book without analysing it in the sense of hidden meanings and quality at portraying them. The short videos that (rightly) point out the moral obligation to pay for what you consume I avoid simply because I already donate as much as I can reasonably afford. It is possible that these ones annoy you the most as you do it yet donate and they are pointing this fact out. Of course donating isn't the only way to help out and you could be doing your part in other areas such as sharing the videos... -> Having said that I have been meaning to contact Stefan regarding a communication technique that I think he isn't using to its full potential. The Jones affect although harder to do with a online community compared to a physical local community I still think it is worth exploring. I didn't learn this technique (which I will explain) at university or at least not in depth I actually learned it when I was involved in 3rd party charity sales. Before I go into it I recognise that fdr is not a charity but there are some similarities in terms of asking for donations and the techniques used to get donations. When I was knocking on doors trying to get average people to sign contracts for significant monthly charity donations (to be clear everything was above board the charity even phoned them the next day to check they knew what they were signing up for and no money was taken out until at least a month and they could opt out whenever they want, also the charity aimed at helping children). Like I was saying when I was asking for donations a huge tactic in the sales pitch was to use the Jones affect when I had signed up someone on that street that would fit into my pitch. It is affective for a number of reasons primarily decisions are safer in numbers we are social animals and this runs deep within us even if we don't realise it. Another reason is it is allot harder for them to be defensive or dismissive of your arguments/points when they know others have listened and have donated. When they feel they are in the same community as others who have donated even if they don't know that person it was just the fact that person lived on the same street. It was used when I introduced myself "Hey how you going" (Australian way of saying how are you) "my name is xyz I have been asked today to speak to yourself and all you wonderful neighbours on behalf of these guys xyz, have you heard about us before?" That was off the top of my head it might have been a bit different. Now I get that you can't do it too much I mean if people think your getting rich rightly or wrongly they will get defensive about adding to that wealth but there is a bigger role for the Jones affect in my opinion. I'm running short of time but I think you should get the idea. We were told not to guilt trip ect as it makes people defensive fdr is a little different in this aspect as it's about philosophy and psychology so many people at the stage of donating would listen to this argument which is logically correct and act accordingly this is what I did but at the same time it will turn others off. Marketing is a balancing game sometimes. There are a few other things in terms of marketing that would like to discuss with Stefan presuming he would be interested in speaking with me. I was planning on messaging him tomorrow as my schedule today is tight and I have already spent more time than planned on the forums not that that is a problem. I think I might include a link to this thread in that message. I haven't had time to proof read so sorry for typos and spelling mistakes ect. Ps although I didn't agree with everything were saying Mags you managed to be far less aggressive in your communication than most people who disagree with Stefan which is why I took the time to write this.
  14. (This is short quickly using McDonald's wifi) Its not subsidised laziness in the opinion of the donators it's their money and their choice they don't have to give you anything Aslong as your not lieing or being misleading then I think it could be ok. Must admit the concept is strange to me. It's one of a few options I guess later down the line you could consider an investor perhaps ...
  15. Hmm thank you so much you have given me something to think about that's for sure:).
  16. As long as your hunting on your own land or have the permission of the land owner (state doesn't count) I see no problem even to sell the meat presuming you have the permission of the owner. It's up to the owner to make it sustainable and because they own it its in their interest to make it sustainable for long term profitability. I'm curious as to why it was so emotionally difficult. I think I remember Steff saying that people can over connect with animals because they cannot connect to themselves as childeren Or atleast struggle and it's easier to connect to a animal such as a dog than your past (obviously said allot more eloquently). Are you a vegetarian? If this is the case I can understand that life choice even respect it but I think it would be a shame if it got in the way of clear rational thinking. Thankfully in this case it seems you came to the right conclusion in my opinion. Would be interested to hear your journey on this one and if anyone has any counter arguments to your (and my) conclusion that would also be most welcome.
  17. Very ontrapenarial of you I always want to try something like this but I fear the legal side too much wish we lived in a true free market things like this would pop up everywhere. Atleast in australlia you can move from state to state if needs be but all the regs in aus piss me off. I mean bbq having to have a warning sign on them saying that they could be hot just makes me laugh. I've heard aus is worse than France for business regs especially for foreign business. Do you think it could be worth my while in a city speaking to a florist and offer to do what you did on their behalf I mean they would have to take a cut so there would be less money in it but atleast it would go through their books plus it would help some backpackers out. I have exsperiance in sales but would prefer a more managerial role like you seemed to be operating. When I get back to the UK I am going to be setting up a business with 2 friends different sector but doing what you did would look like gold to an investor.
  18. Interesting thanks for the link, I view the this as a posotive thing it's hard to deny the advantages of the free market and this is a step closer I'm sure there will be secret barriers and legislation but in my opinion a step in the right direction. I don't understand how the usa wanting to get rid of trade barriers will result in a one world government though? Maybe better internet speed, cheaper xyz and a better public opinion of capatilsm once the state monopolies get dismantled. Am I missing something's?
  19. I'm not a podcast but I have a degree in business and marketing, I would be happy to have a chat (msg to begin with I'm ill at the moment). I wouldn't ask for money I would just be helping out, I choose how much or litle ect, atleast in the short term. What stage are you at, do you know what your selling? do you know who to? costs ect?
  20. That's not too far away from me I am near bundy aka bundaberg a few hours from Brisbane behind Fraser Island. Everywhere here you have to go through hostels to get work which makes it a real gamble. Hopefully joining my friends doing building work fitting shops out payed hourly. If that doesn't happen soon I will probably head back to the west coast and prune the vines I have contacts there who treated me well in the past. I get what you mean with the stoners not aggressive but they drag you down I'm living with them and have quit the stuff myself but always get offerd a puff on a joint as its being past plus the drug dealer next door. I'm confident I can avoid it just another thing that could keep me in a rut easy to ignore problems and do nothing with pot. There are few backpackers like myself who don't smoke cigarettes even fewer who will say no to a joint being passed. I could count the boys who don't smoke weed on 2 hands and I've met allot of people in 6months aswell. Your exsperiance with the rose selling sounds interesting was it all cash in hand or done through the books if you don't mind me asking?
  21. Thanks Patrick that's equally as interesting for me to hear your exsperiance. I have had some good farm jobs but far too often I am surrounded by big stoners and poverty. Yes things get stolen you know who does it and get even more irritated when they complain about getting their things stollen it's like no one knows 2 wrongs don't make a right. We haven't quite split as a group yet we should all have building work coming up fitting out shops soon but I have allot of changes to make if I'm going to make the most of my travels. I'm already aware that I'm a people pleaser which is why it took me so long to tell the group that I won't be joining them to their next place in their travels. Intresting bunch of people not all bad but I can't be around them right now. Ps think game of thrones is or will be on soon so enjoy .
  22. Definetly interested would it be possible to record the convo just encase some people miss it?
  23. Your right it felt weird handing over money but here in aus for backpackers its normal because they can't guarantee work they are an agent with a hostel competing against other agents with hostels. They see easy targets called backpackers that are use to being taken advantage of not to mention the language barrier allot of backpackers have. I'm glad someone else came to a similar conclusion about the state though in this example.
  24. We went to the new area about a 3day drive away (we want to travel around the whole coast) by recommendation from our old boss in a good job he gave us 3 contacts non of which panned out still the area was full of backpackers and they were all working. The only route to farm work (or even most work) was through a working hostel there are many allot of them full or have no work. We asked what we thought were all the right questions before handing money over but handing money over before work is the only route to work especially in a large group which I going to leave once we leave the area we are getting new jobs soon. Farm work is what we needed for the visa days and is typically the easiest job to get due to cheap backpackers. Yes we left the last place too soon with not enough money and that is why I am going to travel alone now so I can settle down into a good job earn money for a few months then do cool stuff. Like I said we were told the pay was hourley and so it should be for skilled job such as pruning I did 2times the amount of trees the new guys did and I think my trees would produce more fruit and better quality then theirs. They sell these peaches at $3 each supermarkets sell for $5 each they are an expensive variety the farm is the only one in Aus to sell this type they can afford to pay a fair rate. The price has been increased again to $1.7aus but still not enough. I'm not saying we need gov to help me find a job there would be more jobs without gov and the level of competition would slowly get rid of these types of businesses. I'm just asking if you (perhaps stupidly) got in my position would you have ruled out running to the state?
  25. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-32972880 The idea of a libertarian political party is an oxymoron but it is nice to see the biggest state run news website mention libertarians at all. I just wish there was an accurate definition of libertarians in the article. There is allot of anger in the UK towards politics and the younger ones are voting less and less still most people don't even know that there is another way, something to get passionate about.
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