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Everything posted by iHuman

  1. Women addicted to Free Stuff Indeed.... Also a Typical "Whats Mine is Mine & What's Your'es is Ours" crossed with a "I have it all but I MUST HAVE MORE!" attitude... http://www.epictimes.com/2014/11/oklahoma-oil-magnate-ex-wife-says-1-billion-divorce-settlement-isnt-enough/?utm_content=buffer923df
  2. http://www.buzzfeed.com/nicks29/aif-in-doubtatake-ita-behind-closed-doors-4y3w Far to long to post it here but it will open your eyes to a seldom mentioned problem involving a mind numbing degree of corruption with a monopoly on force.
  3. http://www.westerngazette.co.uk/Single-adults-banned-park-case-paedophile/story-24477493-detail/story.html Talk about Paranoia Dialed up to 11 and the knob broken off....
  4. Yes, yet they obviously aren't smelling what they are spreading.....
  5. Just when you think they cannot get lower, they start digging.....
  6. Indeed, yet the problem is trying to explain that to people (and actually get them to listen) whom have literally been brainwashed from infancy that one group or another are somehow "More Important" than another.
  7. Oddly enough the T (& I but we don't get listed) side often gets Ridicule from many on the LGB sides, particularly the feminist LB sides.
  8. Just a friendly FYI Hermaphrodite & Intersexed are 2 words for the same thing, currently the word Intersexed is preferred due to the current association of the word Hermaphrodite being used in more of a negative/polarizing context by media etc. Most Intersexed and Transgendered have a strong dislike for Radical Feminists, they (Radical Feminists) tend view us as incredibly loathsome freaks of nature that are somehow encroaching on "Their Entitlements" (far worse than they view Males fyi).
  9. Also when they Change the Meaning simply to attempt to discredit anyone who Categorizes themselves under it.much like the media often do to dramatize everything under the sun in a purely imbecilic attempt to increase ratings which more often than not the braindead masses tend to fall for hook line and sinker repeatedly.
  10. Nothing new, Fudging "Numbers" to give a Completely False Appearance that things are Improving to attempt (in a purely laughable manner) to gain Political Favor.
  11. I Personally don't trust Tor all it takes is a Compromised Exit Node and *Poof* your Privacy is gone.
  12. Dual Boot Windows 7 and UE Linux here
  13. I guess we differ in opinion on that then.
  14. Excellent post Revanna. edit: Here is a old but good article I found on Gender Disphoria that may prove useful in explaining some things it does not cover a few aspects but does cover much. http://www.avitale.com/developmentalreview.htm
  15. Auto Pilot is an interesting Innovation, the problem is in insuring that their is no way for it to be used for nefarious purposes. (which I personally include remote shutdown/warrant-less location tracking by LEO/Fed Agencies etc)
  16. It is very late and I need to get some rest so I will keep this short. (I will try to post more when i get the time to) No, I do not Agree with all of that.
  17. Their are many things I could and would like to say in response, however in interest of not writing out an encyclopedia that likely will not actually get read I won't. MMX, you honestly think it is a "social movement" ? how did you come to that conclusion? also one thing in interest of full disclosure and contrary to my preference to not talk about this in public forums, here goes. I Personally have Gender Disphoria, I have been diagnosed with it more than once and and spent a VERY Long time in denial over it (it didn't go away and only got worse), later on I found out that in my case it isn't exactly a Transgender issue, something else I also spent a very long time in denial about and found out about quite by chance, I was born Intersexed and was half-assedly "Assigned" as male, and by half-assedly I mean that they left most of my female organs intact. For Certain I did not want to have such a issue, but I do and I don't even view it as something being wrong with me, It's just the way I was born, I do however view having been forcibly "Altered" by others just so they could categorize me easier as a problem, but that is a different topic for a different post. as some of you can imagine this gives me a somewhat different perspective than some on the whole issue. MMX, so, what then in your mind does that categorize myself and others like myself as? (their are far more like myself than you could likely imagine fyi)
  18. Many Interesting Comments in this discussion, some good, some outright cringe worthy (considering the type of forum this is)... what was the surprising part to me was how many seemed to go on the offensive armed with data that was largely "Popular Belief" based rather than factual on a subject that is more often than not muddied with social and religious stigmas to a literally disgusting extent, all the same for those who seem to have either not researched or have only researched non-factual information here is my input on this based on my own research and thoughts. I will first start off with some basic and often not well known facts, then i will go into other linked issues and facts. [*]All Humans Start as both Male & Female: http://www.livescience.com/32467-why-do-men-have-nipples.html [*]Men Can Lactate: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/strange-but-true-males-can-lactate/ [*]Men Have a Vestigial Uterus: http://clinanat.com/index.php/495-prostatic-utricle [*]Women have a Vestigial Penis (3rd paragraph): http://www.thevisualmd.com/visualizations/result/healthy_nerve_supply_of_clitoris_and_labia I will mention but not go into the brain structure issues, but they have scientifically proven that Transgendered indeviduals have brains with the same structure and fundamental development as the opposite physical sex. A great deal of Children are born that have Klinefelter Syndrome or are Physically Intersexed (AKA Hermaphrodies) far more than most would think. Gender Disphoria/Gender Identity Disorder is not a Mental Illness as many mistakenly think, their is a great deal of academic and intellectual debate on what the root cause is, but it can often be most simply likened to being allergic to the hormone balance your body naturally maintains to a degree of it being essentially toxic, it is manifested in several forms, not just "Feeling Female" it can also manifest as an unimaginably dense cloud of stress & or feeling of "something being wrong" (much like when you become ill) with no apparent cause that often starts at or escalates exponentially at the start of puberty but cumulatively worsens throughout life and in some cases can lead to actual mental illness if left untreated. (I have no reference links on this handy at the time of posting this) Not all who have Gender Disphoria Transition, but most therapists tend to recommend it with Males with Gender Disphoria primarily due to Stereotypes and Social issues (Eg "Better to appear as an ugly Woman than even a slightly Effeminate [Non-Macho] Man") that all to often result in a violent and or fatal end (This links back also to the issues of Female Abuse and Upbringing of Male Children and Radical Feminism) [some have gone as far as adults {both male and female} physically attacking and killing male children & or their parents with such issues when found out about]. Children who are Born Intresexed are in most cases quickly surgically altered (AKA "Assigned" but in most literal cases "mutilated") to "Conform" to "Gender Norms" in their Infancy (Often without even their parents being informed/asked), gender assignment is literally as random and arbitrary as a coin toss, and are often botched, although some changes in this practice are now being made: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2004/06/the_cutting_edge.html (To Little, FAR to Late IMHO) later in life the same kinds of societal nonsense that puts stigmas on transgendered individuals also hinders/prevents intersexed from finding out much of anything about it both through hurdles in obtaining medical records and attached social stigma that them and their parents should somehow be ashamed for them being born different and the subject should as a result be an extreme taboo and never spoken about. None of this is really new, their are recorded cases of all of the above going back into some of the earliest of recorded history. My own conclusion is that gender is not and never has been binary, their is as much variety as their is in human skin pigmentation possibly more depending on how/if you want to categorize things.
  19. I didn't say I knew she had forgotten or mis worded something, and If I implied it I apologize.I was saying that I recognized the Nervousness and that forgetting and or mis wording can be very likely to happen, as to if that did or did not actually happen, I have no idea.
  20. Their was no need to create a new law for this, it has been in US law since the beginning.
  21. I Think Stef Summed things up Rather Nicely, although he didn't appear to take into account her obvious nervousness at Speaking Publicly. I know Firsthand how that can make many people botch/miss-word/forget things they wanted to say, even if they have a speech all written out in front of you. and to look on the bright side, this is at least a "start" in the right direction.
  22. Apologies for not having participated in this more, I have been incredibly busy lately. I think that the point of weather or not this nut is simply looking for attention is somewhat moot due to the amount of Radical Feminists this is giving Ideas to. you can always be sure that their will be some severely brain damaged and evil human out there to take such crap to another level and make at least part of it take place. the other group I mentioned I encountered once at a College event, that group was not above openly wanting the total eradication of the Male gender via Biological/Chemical Warfare means, the part that made me take notice was they claimed to have very credible potential to make it happen. (it was Quite Disturbing to be Honest)
  23. Meet the 22 year old Criminology Student who wants to eradicate 90% or more of the male gender supposedly "For Peace".... I personally encountered a group like this back in college who's methodology was far more violent and extreme, but this one will give you an idea of just how deep the "Radical Feminism" Rabbit Hole Goes..(I can write about that later if you want to know more) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvEJfN-jiS4also here is an Article about this.http://www.newsforage.com/2014/08/meet-woman-who-wants-to-reduce-male.html personally I am of the opinion she belongs in a padded room....
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