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Everything posted by neeeel

  1. possibly 3911 - Baby Boomers: The Selfish Generation - Call In Show - November 22nd, 2017 ?
  2. How is it moral to love your nation? How is it moral to love your family, especially if ones family arent that nice as people? Throwing words like "fairy tales" around is not an argument
  3. nope. Jumping off a cliff, you can see the rocks, you know what will happen, in that sense you are choosing to insist on jumping off a cliff. No one has ever seen hell, or heard god. Theres no proof that any of it is actually real. You are framing it as if god has no agency, doesnt choose anything, or if he does choose something, whatever he chooses is perfectly moral. He has set up a system where you burn for eternity simply for not believing that he exists. You cant choose to believe in something you dont believe in. Your analogy is awful.
  4. Nope, not lying at all. Did you, or did you not, say "Our will is free in the sense that we make our decisions". Did you agree that this implies that you believe in a ghost in the machine, or soul? How is it lying to ask you for proof? ASK you. Asking you for proof is not a claim that you have proof, or that you said you had proof. Its becoming clear that you are the passive aggressive dishonest one.
  5. you made a statement. How is that different from "making a claim"? Why can I say "I cant wait to see proof" when you make a claim, but not say it when you make a statement? saying "I cant wait to see proof" is not the same as saying "You said you had proof, now show me it" , I have never claimed that you SAID you had proof, I ASKED you for proof. Do you see how they are different? I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that it is actually a language issue
  6. Im not sure what you mean. You are saying that I made a proof claim? Or that I said that you were making a proof claim? its not clear. I think calling me a liar is extreme, did you, or did you not, say "Our will is free in the sense that we make our decisions", and was I not correct in logically deducing from that that you believe in free will, and therefore a soul? If your issue is that you werent making a claim, whats the difference between making a statement ( "Our will is free in the sense that we make our decisions") and making a claim? If you make a statement, can I not ask for proof that your statement is true, and how does asking for proof suddenly make me a liar? Sure, you can say that you dont have proof, in which case I can dismiss your statement. None of this makes me a liar.
  7. How can you have a culture of self-ownership if there is no self and nothing to own. If determinism is true, a culture of self ownership would be similar to saying that a PC owns its keyboard and mouse
  8. as donnadogsoth pointed out, a soul, a ghost in the machine, is the logical conclusion of belief in free will. So I didnt make anything up, but as you appear to believe in free will, it follows that you must believe in something resembling a soul.
  9. Yes, that is what logically follows from the belief in free will, as I understand it.
  10. you have spent I dont know how long typing out very long posts critiquing UPB ( a philosophical work), but you have no serious philosophical interest in it? This isnt an argument. I suppose you might claim that you have already supported this statement in previous posts, but I havent been able to determine exactly what your problems with UPB are from reading your posts.
  11. how is it dishonest to ask you for proof, especially as I just echoed your own words back to you? There is nothing dishonest about anything I said. If something non-physical has an input into decisions ( and sure, I may have misunderstood or misread what you are saying, in which case, you are free to point it out, rather than do what you actually did), then the only other possibility is non-physical, ie ghost in the machine/soul
  12. He isnt consistent, in the sense of giving us a morality, and then ignoring it himself ( by killing off millions in the bible). My game, My rules is not in any way moral
  13. Is it possible our decisions are also down to "robotic circuits" , to steal Donnadogsoth's term? There is nothing else, no other entity or thing that has input into decisions. Otherwise, you are suggesting a ghost in the machine, a soul. Now there's an extraordinary claim. I can't wait to see the proof.
  14. my question would be, why? Sure, in a free market, you could start up a company that offered this, I suppose. Not sure how you would make your money though. Harvesting organs , blood, etc? Why is it my job , or our job, or someones job, to provide a blissful life to people? How is this different from a welfare state, for example?
  15. You cant even force yourself to feel differently. Emotions are involuntary responses to thoughts and events. I suppose you could recognise what thoughts were linked to the emotions, and then whenever that thought came up, think a happy thought, but you are still experiencing the negative thought, and the emotion linked with it. You also dont get to choose what thoughts come up, so that likely wont work anyway. If what you said was the case, then it would follow that depressed/anxious/negative people were choosing to be that way, or at least not choosing to change to being positive. I suppose thats possible, but not very likely.
  16. Huh? How does understanding an idea mean that you believe in the idea? What does it mean to "believe in the idea of god" anyway?
  17. Of course it is. You dont suddenly go back in time. You are experiencing thoughts and sensations in the now.
  18. repeat offending might be part of it. Are blacks more likely than whites to repeat offend? Do you get a longer sentence if its your 2nd, 3rd, crime? I dont know but its one possibility
  19. It doesnt follow that, because we can observe near identical patterns in the family unit, the cultural realm, and society, that human existence is a mixture of linear time and "bogged down ness". You would have to logically show how you get from P) We observe near identical patterns in the family unit, the cultural realm, and society to therefore C) human existence is a mixture of linear time and "bogged down ness". You would also have to define "bogged down ness".
  20. Im glad to hear it. I think they will be able to help you much better than a random person on the internet (me). Keep us up to date with what is happening.
  21. https://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/4010/life-long-failure-call-in-show-february-21st-2018 If you click on Podcasts in the top bar, you can search on key words. I searched on sister asian abuse and found it
  22. Sure theres a big difference between sleep training when they are 6 months, and helping them to move to their own room when they are 10. Depends what you mean by care and attention. Im not sure you can ever remove those. Caring and being attentive doesnt necessarily come with any actions.
  23. Its not clear what this means What does this mean? I dont know what it means to "exist in non-linear time". Linear time, as in the webpage you linked to, is a measure of the time taken to complete a task. a computer program doesnt "exist in linear time", whatever that means. I think you are confusing two different concepts, "existing in time" and "the time taken to do a task". The fact that you think about things for a long ( or short) time, does not mean that you somehow exist "outside of time", or that time is wibbly wobbly for humans, rather than a progression from one moment to the next, or whatever it is you are trying to say. Of course, I may have totally misunderstood what you are trying to say, you havent made it very clear.
  24. I didnt know you had been on meds previously. Is it possible that coming off meds has triggered all of this?
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