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Everything posted by neeeel

  1. its wierd , one of the guys who was interrogating her, sounded exactly the same as the guy from JBP's college who had a debate on TV with JBP about transgender stuff. Same light voice, same phrases, same tonality.
  2. things that exist for real dont depend on whether we believe in it, yes. Things that dont exist , people can believe in them and they ( or the belief in them) can be motivating factors
  3. You are possibly correct, yes. Will power only exists if we believe in it. Is that circular?
  4. Willpower requires belief. Belief in willpower, belief that you can attain what you want. Belief that you can act
  5. I thought it was the general idea that god was infallible, infinitely good, always right, etc. In which case, that means he cant make mistakes Not sure what you mean by " no argument"? I suppose I could have been more specific about the above.
  6. Ribs occupy a specific place in your body. You can feel a specific place, and feel the pain when you touch that place. You can cut open your body and identify that a rib is broken, or get an xray When you examine "feeling awful" ( I am assuming you do this by introspection, or therapy, or something similar), you find that thoughts and beliefs are the things that are causing you pain. You do not identify that your "female" brain is stuck in a "male" body. That is another thought, another assumption, and again, there is no way for your body/brain to inform you of this , because a brain does not know that its in the wrong body. What is the awful feeling that you have? Or in what way do you feel awful, to put it another way? I realise that this might be hurtful, or insulting, and its not meant that way, but it is something I struggle to understand, so I want to bring it up to you. I am sure you have heard of the man who identifies as a 6 year old girl. Would you say that he has the brain of a 6yo girl stuck in a mans body? Or that he feels awful and finds that identifying as a 6yo girl makes him feel better ? Or, what is your explanation? I sometimes feel awful , and wish, or imagine, or want, to be something other than what I am. Im not sure that means that I am actually something other than what I am?
  7. So libertarian means you can do anything you want to someone commiting a crime on your property?
  8. I think this brain thing is misleading. I mean, there is no way for a brain to know that it is supposed to be in a different body. I suppose its possible that a "female" brain in a more "male" body could cause miscommunication of signals and stuff, but theres still no way that you could link those miscommunications to "Oh, Im a girl/boy/whatever". There is no such thing as "feeling like a man", or at least, there is no way to isolate and identify a feeling as "feeling like a man" because you have nothing to compare against. Its likely that higher testosterone may cause different signals, emotions, and sensations than low testosterone, or high oestrogen, but again, you have no way of identifying what causes those signals, emotions etc.
  9. How are you defining girl/guy? You state that you are a girl. How do you know? You state you are not a guy. How do you know? What criteria are you using to come to those conclusions? Its interesting, having asked you these questions, I thought I should probably try and answer them too. Its not that easy. I would say I am male because I have male genitalia, male characteristics ( hair on face, deep voice,etc). I also assume I have XY chromosomes, but havent checked.
  10. Science says the universe was created? I dont think thats correct. Maybe its to do with what you mean by created? Created generally means a creator, no?
  11. God doesnt exist. If he does exist, Im not sure you can say he makes mistakes
  12. So, by your reasoning everyone dies death is the reward for evil conclusion : - everyone is evil. Unless you are going to argue that death is also a reward for doing good things?
  13. Users do not get to hold posts in abeyance. Only admins can do that. Donators do not become admins. I would be interested in seeing what you have to show
  14. What does it mean that he "cant so no to bob". He wants to say no but cant? Or he doesnt want to, but isnt that happy with bobs behaviour towards him either.
  15. Sorry, I still dont get how you get from "stef is a tall chinese man" to "stef is virtue signalling". I am probably being dense though
  16. I dont follow your reasoning "Tall chinese man" refers to the idea that just because you can find examples that dont follow a trend, it doesnt mean that the trend doesnt apply. So, I dont know what trend it is that stef is an example of a "tall chinese man" Even if its true, how does it follow that his comments could be considered virtue signalling?
  17. Is this not basically what bitcoin does? There's a theoretical upper limit to the number of available bitcoin, which is the same as having one unit divided into smaller bits
  18. I find this interesting. First, you say its been a long and happy story. I suppose thats possible. I realise that there is a wide spectrum of how much touch people like. But in general, it would be fair to say that children desire and need physical touch, they wither and die without it, even. So, either your father is on the extreme end of low need for physical touch. Or, there is dysfunction there with how he , as you say, is "awkward with physical touch both with me and with my mother". Since your mother chose him, and must have known that he didnt like physical touch, then she was happy with that. This means that she too, is either on the extreme end of low need for physical touch, or there is dysfunction with regard to physical closeness. This is probably why they ended up with each other. Either they both didnt need much physical closeness, or they both had a lot of problems with physical closeness and intimacy, and so were glad to find someone who had the same problems. The second is much more likely than the first, in my opinion. Do you remember ever wanting to be close with your parents? Do you remember ever trying to be close, to get hugs, to hug, to snuggle in bed, or whatever?
  19. Wow, thanks troubador for taking the time to write this response. I found it quite moving. Its strange, it seems like I dont want human connection, and yet, you are right, I do, i think. I guess thats what I am working on in therapy, to connect to my therapist. My friend hasnt contacted me since the movie thing, almost 3 months ago. To be fair, I havent attempted to contact him either, but it seems like either he doesnt care, or perhaps hes realised why I didnt go to the movie and is feeling bad. Its hard to make sense of, really, although I know he has some dysfunction from his childhood which makes it difficult for him too. But I feel like I have just been cut out like deadwood. It was the dishonesty that bothered me too. I dunno, perhaps he totally forgot that we were going to go, and I am building it up to be more than it was. I am never sure of my ground, of whether my "friends" are actually my friends. I think you are right, it would be good to have someone to make a priority of me, for me to be certain of there being someone there for me, that I had no doubts about their care and friendship. I am not even sure of my ground with my therapist yet. But thats not going to happen. I can never have loving caring parents. No one is going to help me that way. I appreciate your thoughts about me not turning into a human hand grenade. I havent really looked at it that way, as a thing to be proud of, but it is.
  20. because everything you said in your OP was negative about her, so I wondered why you were with her, and what qualities you liked about her What you said in the OP also contradicts that you "get along really well" and its been the "best times of your life"
  21. You realise this tells me nothing, right? Its basically "why do you like her? because I like her"
  22. In general, you cant fix people. You can only fix yourself. The question is, why are you with her? She sounds, at the very least, to be depressed and mixed up, if not very dysfunctional. What is it that you love about her?
  23. Im not sure thats true. Or that it even means anything. What does it mean to be the "language of the universe"?
  24. Yeah, except the analogy is more like, Suppose you paid the terrorists to take your daughter hostage and torture her, and threaten to kill her. Then you offer yourself to the terrorists in place of your daughter ( the terrorists accept because you briefed them before, they are in on it), and then the terrorists let you go unharmed, and you go and live in a cave for the rest of your life so that everyone thinks you are dead, and everyone thinks you are a hero this doesnt sound very loving to me
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