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Everything posted by neeeel

  1. Ye, this is still nothing like what evolution says happens. You are just making stuff up now
  2. This still doesnt address my point, its just a glib answer that you can reel out to make it look like you have a counter argument. Evolution says nothing about kissing frogs.
  3. To be fair, we dont know that there was a singularity, before the universe began, as far as I am aware. All we do is rewind time to come to the conclusion that everything started from the same point in space. But where did that "point in space" come from? Even if we accept that there was a singularity, where did that singularity come from? Plus "singularity" is a very vague term anyway. Its basically a place holder for where the laws, the mathematics, of physics, break down.
  4. neeeel


    yes, that does seem to fit, that whatever I do, I feel like crap. In the example with the christmas cards, I lose integrity and honesty if I give them ( because I dont really want to give them), and I will project an unsocial and unfriendly image if I dont give them. I will take a look at your video, thanks.
  5. neeeel


    Not sure what you mean with respect to my OP, do you have an example?
  6. What are you trying to achieve with a time out? What I mean is, what is the aim, the goal of it? eg, I want X to happen. X will happen when I give a time out, because of reasons Y, and Z.
  7. neeeel


    Joel, a good part of my resistance to the voting system is probably because I want others to do the work for me, I will admit that. I want them to tell me what I, or someone else, did "wrong2, rather than trying to find it out for myself.
  8. Sense data does not come pre labelled. So, there is nothing on any sense data to say "this is a female feeling" or "this is a male feeling". this gets done after the sense data is sensed, so to speak. And, these labels only come about from previously held beliefs and experience. Would you agree that a baby does not have gender dysphoria? Its not possible for a baby to feel "wrong" about its feelings, or to feel that some of its feelings are incongruent? If you had been born on a desert island, do you think you would still have feelings of incongruence? What I am trying to say is, although I dont doubt your feelings and sense data, I do doubt your labelling of the feelings and sense data. I can empathise with the desire to be something other than what I am. I have even taken steps to try and be something other than I am. But this is a basic denial of reality. I am only desiring to be something other than what I am, in relation to something else I see in reality. I am making an unfavorable comparison between "how I am " and "how they are". There are certain aspects of my body that disgust me. Does that mean that it ( my body) is wrong? no, its not possible for it to be wrong, reality is never wrong. And my body is the way it is, in reality. The only place it is wrong, is in my head. And, its only wrong there, because I label it as "wrong", and those labels come from beliefs I hold, and not from reality. Reality does not tell you how you should be. knowing a fact about reality ( eg gravity, or the speed of light) does not tell you how you SHOULD be, how you SHOULD look
  9. neeeel


    given your last post, joel, I can see that starting off my Downvoting thread by saying "the downvoting system is useless" was incorrect. Its not useless for the reasons you presented. I still think my other point stands. That is, I want to know why me, or someone else, has been downvoted. In an early post of mine, someone pointed out that I was asking leading questions. If they hadnt pointed this out, and just downvoted me, I wouldnt have known about my leading questions. I probably still ask leading questions, and I would find it useful to have this pointed out to me when it happens. I dont think that you should be forced to give feedback. But I would rather have feedback and no downvote ( or even feedback and downvote) than just a downvote. On the few times where I have asked why my or anothers post has been downvoted, I havent got an answer. Is downvoting about protecting the people who are already here? If someone arrives full of misconceptions, beliefs, with a poor way of communicating, and gets downvoted all the time and leaves, does he learn anything? Do the people who are already here learn anything? On another forum I am on, people arrive full of beliefs and opinions about the subject, often with the intent to ridicule others. They get a lot of feedback about their posts, pointing out fallacies or given different perspectives. You can often see a softening and opening, or at least some sort of learning. I am not sure that happens with downvotes. Thats not to say that that doesnt happen here too. I just wonder what the ratio of feedback to downvotes is. Ie, how often do people make a post to state their objections to a post, or how often do they just click the downvote button.
  10. neeeel


    I still dont understand why you were satirising my post
  11. neeeel


    whats the difference between satire and "taking the piss"
  12. neeeel


    I didnt say he was exaggerating. Its possible that I jumped to conclusions. Perhaps it wasnt mocking at all
  13. neeeel


    given that your post mirrors my post almost word for word, I am guessing you are taking the piss/making a point. I am not sure what the point is though? That my post was stupid?
  14. I dont understand why you are continuing with this line of argument. Violence / non violence, is a true dichotomy. If something is violent, then its not non-violent if something is non violent, then its not violent everything ( in the field of communication, which is what it was narrowed down to) is either violent, or non violent. There is no 3rd choice. So, if all non-violent communication is included under the label Non Violent Communication, then every other form of communication, which is not included under the label "non violent communication" ,is violent I guess the key word is all. I assume you are saying that not all non violent communication is included under the label Non Violent Communication?
  15. Depends what you mean by "work" What is your intention with this? Is it to teach people what UPB is?
  16. Downvoting tells you nothing about what you did wrong. And generally, it is very difficult for someone to read their own post and see whats wrong with it. Further, I also find it hard a lot of the time to see why others posts have been downvoted. For example, MMXs post #47. It has 3 downvotes. And I cannot see anything that deserves a downvote. Taking that post on its own, there is nothing wrong with it, nothing insulting, nothing unempathetic. If I had to guess, I have heard people make fun of him for his habit of putting 1).....2)...... in his posts, and so I would assume that the people who were making fun of him, are following him around and downvoting every post where he does that. I cant know if thats the case, but I cant see any other reason why his posts would be downvoted. If it is the case, where does that leave your wall of text? Its the downvoters who should be following your instructions, not the poster.
  17. As I understand it, axioms are things that we just accept as true, but cant show that they are true? Where does that leave things like logic and maths? Perhaps we shouldnt descend this thread into a discussion of knowledge and epistemology though
  18. ah, sorry, I was thinking of the link patrick did, I can read your thread
  19. I cant read it, I think its just a philosopher king thread?
  20. knowledge is a subset of belief, according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Epistemology But I agree that calling it a belief may not help things.
  21. I would be for comments for upvotes too. I dont always see why posts are upvoted either. Yes , maybe you are right and it indicates something else going on with me
  22. ok. but can we add an anonymous comment section? Or encourage people to explain why they downvoted?
  23. I find the downvoting feature to be fairly useless as it is. If I see a post that has been downvoted, or I get my own post downvoted, I usually cant see why. This site is about learning, and, I learn nothing from being downvoted. If the person who downvoted brought up what their problem with a post was, then the original poster may learn where their thinking was off, or the person who had the problem may learn that their thinking was off. Is there any way to add a reason why you down vote a post?
  24. I wonder if the person who downvoted engardeknaves post #4, would explain why? I dont see anything in his post that is worthy of downvoting.
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