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green banana

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Everything posted by green banana

  1. Because they use liquid Sodium. And when you paid attention in chemistry, you know what happens when Sodium reacts with water, let alone liquid Sodium. The technology is fundamentally flawed. After they built test reactors, it was found out that the pebbles get damaged by the Neutron moderators at a high percentage. So you would have to run the reactor and then turn it off again to remove the damaged pebbles. There are more fun ways to waste energy.
  2. Most people who drive fast don't have a deathwish, rather they don't understand physics. Doubling the speed with the weight remaining constant means that the kinetic energy increases by a factor of 4. That, and a lack of driving skill (how to react to oversteering and understeering) causes deaths due to ignorance.
  3. It does not work in theory. Information is transmitted at maximum at the speed of light. Lets say somebody is far away from the earth and moves towards the earth. That does not mean that the person can the see the future, because this information has to get to that person first. Relativity of simultaneity means that there are different nows for people on different inertial systems. It is not a method for time travel.
  4. green banana


    Simple logic would have been a far wiser choice. What is more likely? That dozens of women describe fictional molestation that is due to the way their mind works or that they had been abused? As far as I know, Freud never cured a single client.
  5. It must be nice living in a bubble where "bad" words are your only problem.
  6. What you wrote looks similar to a model proposed by John Eccles and Karl Popper: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popper%27s_three_worlds
  7. This is why the Flat Earthers are laughed at. They make outrageous claims and don't even know the most basic science. And yes, it has been repeated over and over again.
  8. The main limiting factor in plant growth is not CO2, but bio-available Nitrogen. It is necessary for plant growth, since it is used to make Amino Acids.
  9. Railroad tracks can be bent easily when they are laid down. This accounts for the curvature. Nobody installs a mile long railroad track. They come in much smaller sizes.
  10. When your stock shares go up in value, does the Fed have to print money to make up for it? There is a difference between money that the Government issues and book money. In the case of mortgages and car loans, the house and your ride belong to the bank and serves as a security. Covering it is easy in theory. You can't default on student loans which is also some sort of security.
  11. I think there are two simple explanations for Thomasio's question. The printing of money can paradoxically cause Deflation. Western and Japanese banks have a traditionally very low reserve to back up their operations, in case something goes wrong. When the Japanese and Western housing market crashed in the early 90s, respectively 2008, the banks were about to collapse. To prevent that, the Japanese and the Western governments did Quantitavie Easing to save them. While they were kept alive, they need the stimulus just to keep operating. This is why QE does not enter the market and that is why the velocity of money goes down. This has a deflationary effect, since this money would have been spent more productively instead of saving bancrupt banks. The other explanation is closely connected. In addition to the FED and its equivalent agencies in other countries, other actors, such as banks can create money too, by loaning it into existence. Since the crash, the requirements for doing so have been become more serious, plus, the near 0% rate makes it not viable for the banks to create money, when they can have it by asking for it.
  12. The scenario is flawed. Even if the assertions were correct, it would need to make predictions and describe an experiment that can verify it. As long as this is not provided, theories like that are discarded instantly.
  13. Great video. Once you enable little people to pursue their own dreams by teaching them how to achieve it you will get wonderful results.
  14. http://farmsubsidy.openspending.org/FR/ gives you all the details including the name of the recipients. In 2013, the total amount of subsidies for France was around 7 Billion Euros.
  15. No company would survive throwing away 1/3 of it's product in a free economy. The state (both France and the European Unions) pay farmers a lot of to produce more than they would in capitalism (Ironically, you can also get money for having your land be barren for a couple of years). These subsidies distort the price finding mechanism and have negative externalities in a lot of ways.
  16. Up until the First World War, the region of the Levante was one of the richest regions on Earth. The elites have kept some of their former sophistication.
  17. It comes down to a simple question. Is it cheaper to fix a problem of your product or to pay compensations in lawsuits? Keep in mind that this line of reasoning would not exist in a free market where personal responsibility is guaranteed. As is now, corporations reap benefits while avoiding risks.
  18. Homesteading either means you mark something unowned as yours or you work on something like a field and make it yours that way. What those companies try to do is to acquire licenses to something by describing it.
  19. Eight months ago I received a link to a video, called The story of your enslavement. Little did I know how much it would change me. I almost got a neck injury for nodding so much. At that time I went through a divorce that was accompanied by marriage counseling. As bad as this sounds it was a good thing because Stef's video and the therapy were the first time I was presented with meaningful psychology. However, I was also in a dilemma. There was nobody in my social circles to talk to about anything important to me. Whenever I talked about freedom in your social and personal life it was as if I said something inappropriate. People looked at me with a blank stare and changed the topic suddenly. Ever since I try to catch up with what I missed. I am glad that I got the opportunity to take a year off and go on a journey. I am happy this place exists.
  20. "all you can have is a pragmatic conversations on the results of your maxims in the real world." But that is already a big step ahead from where some Atheists are who doubt the validity of said maxims.
  21. I have a hard time understanding why the Founding Fathers are put on a pedestal.
  22. Colleagues of mine (pediatricians) recommend books on Parent Effectiveness Training. It is widely regarded as the gold standard when it comes to teaching little people.
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