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Magnetic Synthesizer

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Everything posted by Magnetic Synthesizer

  1. J. D. you are a hero. I just zeroed on exactly what these self-defenses look like. They look like exploited upholding their exploitation, if only they did that for their exploitation alone.
  2. was originally quoting the pciture with seoul and asking where that is, then I used google.
  3. There is no begining and no end to reality/truth It is eternal. or maybe its not. But there is no point in believing that Infinity / eternity. If you have a sample of 50 000 you cannot convict a sample of which you haven't even found the size of.
  4. ''The even better news is that federal government has a fatal weakness: It can get away with its thousands of laws and regulations only if the overwhelming majority of Americans voluntarily comply with them. Murray describes how civil disobedience backstopped by legal defense funds can make large portions of the 180,000-page Federal Code of Regulations unenforceable, through a targeted program that identifies regulations that arbitrarily and capriciously tell us what to do.'' http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N6PBGM2/?tag=freedradio-20 What about that low approval rate? If a majority disagrees, it doesn't do anything UNLESS it disagrees to a high enough extent to 'take arms'.
  5. Should verify if other metals/minerals vary in rain and to what degree they do.
  6. SRM: Solar Radiation Management. I went to check some of the data. Thought I'd have to email, but looks like they have the integrity to have it all handy on their website. http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/water-tests/ Downloaded the California Citizen lab tests. At first the results files I randomly opened where below 1ppm of aluminum. favoring mr. Debunk: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-rainwater-samples-from-alachua-county-florida-test-positive-for-aluminum.t313/in case u wanted to check out. But a good chunk from this downloaded sample has numbers way above 1 ppm. If you want to skip to the significant files: Shasta 04 Backbone Rd Pond Shasta 06 West Redding Home, Air Shasta 07 West Old 44 Shasta 16 Lake Shasta Lightning, Rain Shasta East Shasta Lake, Rain Shasta Lined Pond, Bella Vista, Surface Film Shasta Pit River, Sludge Water< other file: ONGOING PH STUDIES OF SOILS AND WATERS IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA FOLLOWING STRATOSPHERIC SPRAY OPERATIONS Also known as, lets destroy intellectual capacity with aluminum poisining /conspiracy proposition #3 What do you guys think? Looks like doing an independent rain test will be less conclusive. As not all samples are above 1 ppm. Atleast in the sample of tests I downloaded. *troll face* sample of samples.
  7. Not much mention of ethics. ''universal principles of art and science'' I think all human endevours fall within 3 categories: survival, virtue and curiosity. survival as the only value or justification has earned utilitarism a bad name. Sophists use argument for/from effect a lot. Survival is a means to an end. The end being curiosity. What are you gonna do when there's no evil left? play. discover. experiment.
  8. Homer seems rather r-liberal and you seem to be pretty rampant with sarcasm. I wish It was obvious when you used it, brings confusion.
  9. You realize, in your story, you switched from the advocation against reflection to the advocation for reflection ? Carbon fuels also have Hydrogen. Hydrogen is turned into H2O, maybe you want to check SRM (very creative stuff). Simply google the molecule (aka chemical composition) of any carbon fuel like oil, propane, butane, octane. Edit: They are also called hydro-carbures (crude translation form french) for that reason.
  10. update: I did feel a resistance when I heard about the ''behavior originates form the center of the mind, the emotional and reaosning is done post-facto''. It's basicly saying my very nature is against the very values and leaps of faith which I used to navigate life, developp reason etc. The self-generated origin of much of what I have accomplished, (wether to attempt reason or not and wanting to know what is valuable if such a thing exists it would be a fail to not search for it, stuff like that). Acting with reason. lol. If I ever analyzed myself, It is most credible (the above paraphrased quote) that I do not think much before I act . Just wanted to provide an example, I don't expect to be the perfect exception so easily .
  11. There is 1 specific thing which Is the root cause of probably all the bs I am reffering to (not dominant in me, but dormant, like a twisted temptation that I can revive at will and will only revive at will) That specific thing is a memory. a very memory that combines all the bs that is the twisting and corrupting of minds. Sadly, it is as old as all my memories, so I will have to rely on external investigation. I will likely need 4 hours of dedicated mental ressources (massive mental memory) probably 20 minutes of just building the framework with main leads before fully engaging whole-mind sync mode. Fortunatly, it is a factual memory (movement and action and thinking (emotion to, but I bet its recreated because my emotional memory is, lets say, one of my mind's least priority in cognitive profficiency) with unprecise but accurate emotions. The type of emotion, its consturct and its relationships should be easily identifiable (I can reproduce it, and it seems to originate from the same deep space, it is entirely self sustained and is disconected form my modern self nearly totally (all aspects considered) ). Can you re-animate emotional component of memories (without simulating them) by acquiring the emotinal memory skill decades later? Seems far-etched. If you can record such things, there's a good chance you have the skill to read them simultenously. Altough, I will say that memory extraction efficiency comes much later after memory retention. It is then plausible. In fact, If I had to bet, its true.
  12. I don't see how this argues for something regarding the US, that stimulus spending is bad? I am not focused on that, I am focused wether there will be a crash or a recovery or an eternal stagnation. I consider there might be a recovery.
  13. Looking at those numbers I think its not going to fall regardless of currency devaluation (ignoring debt) I think it will never crash with the tools of control avialable to the controllers. I thought that the statistcs where unprecedented and now I realise that they are not.
  14. Wait, there's a serie of 3 parts : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_Shrugged_%28film_series%29 I think there's an old one: What is it's date of production or is there none other than the part 1,2 and 3?
  15. You have to be kidding me, this is a hawks!? This website https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/data-analysis-documentation/federal-employment-reports/historical-tables/total-government-employment-since-1962/ claims that there are only 4 million in the workforce. So 146 in private sector... how is this unsustainable? http://www2.census.gov/govs/apes/2013_summary_report.pdf What is a local government?
  16. http://www.dlt.ri.gov/lmi/laus/us/usadj.htm 2015: 316million labor force: 157 million ( about 50% work) 1978: 222million labor force: 100 million (less than 50% work) I might have been fooled so bad, there is no economic crisis? How can it be unsustainable when it hasn't degenerated for so long? It has always been this way, its sustainable... Now If I coud have data as convenient as this one for Laborforce distribution by age group?
  17. Yes, principles determining the value of things (wether negative or positive value)
  18. So I heard about Atlas Shrugged, was turned into an eel, took some notes and proceeded to run 10 minutes. What is the best way to explore this novel? Book first or movie first? Both or only one of those medias? Provide your experience (If you read or watched it first and if both) and your recommendation. With indicators of reliability as always. Oh an you can ask me the relevant questions. Info: I was spoiled the general story. The world turns bad->escape reform-> bad world dies-> good world takes over. I actually intended to do this in my life, except with an auto-sufficient biosphere life support system in a military submarine. Which probably has to be so big it'l be atlantis. With absolutly no future strategy, it is designed as a leap of faith into the only remaining glimmer of hope. Because technology could enable a point of no return. I am starting to think that evil will fail to use it UNLESS there is organized conspiracy instead of a general mess. I am also starting to think that it is highly unlikely I will achieve so much but still act as If I can lol.
  19. https://youtu.be/ypbH5l1J4Nk?t=16m14s Human action is initiated from an emotional origin. Reason and rationalization is only made post-facto (afterwards). I have actually experienced some level of denial of this, while simultenously being aware of how obvious it is. It claims that my nature goes against the very things I have followed my entire life: The foundational leap of faith, that reason and knowledge was worthy of my time and that virtue(if there was such thing) was worthy of my consideration. That before even being competent in any of that and completely oblivious. As I have previously thought was likely (some antonym of doubt), emotion wether in neutral state, antoagonist or protagonist, was a factor of unlimited potential in my ability to execute my ambitions and that it could comepletly overthrow any rationalization (atleast in the long-term). Right now, I believe that my emotional self is where the greatest improvement can take place. Much more than acquiring better understanding of the world or even acting on it more. https://youtu.be/ypbH5l1J4Nk?t=20m54s ''There is a lot you can do'' What is it that I can do! Group brainstorm engaged (tanks crush the doors of their garage, aim at each other, look at each other, then play a board game, lets talk.) Extra not very related: Now I wish I had an unlimited ammount of time per day, that would be great! I don't always choose to do the best things. I rationalized that what I desired was the best for my welfare, therefore the most productive by my value (that my productivity is grounded on), unable to quanitify if my balance of delayed gratification was 1.Oh yeah, the only thing that quickly comes ot mind, is knowing the truth about your childhood and 'vanquishing' it's distortions.
  20. Dr. Andrew Bernstein is sometimes called an "Ayn Rand evangelist," Who is that?
  21. Great channel, discovered a book and a game! Awesome"! Ah the book Atlas shrug has been spoiled for me... oh no..
  22. I barely watched any star trek in my life. I like the Borg. They are legit. ... nvm, I just arrived ot the part where they mention diseregard for NAP. Borg...ya u do dis. Good video, good talk. Thank you, I enjoyed it.
  23. I will go with those. a non-issue: At the top of page 29 (PDF). ''If we can prove that moral theories can be objective, rational and verifiable, this will provide the same benefits to ethics that subjecting physical theories to the scientific method did.'' I think he ment: ''If we can prove that moral theories can be objective, rational and verifiable, this will provide the same benefits to ethics that the scientific method to subjecting physical theories did.'' ?? Does anyone else think so?
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