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Everything posted by Spaceballs

  1. Every time I hear Jew's IQ... I become skeptical. Lots of Jews are nomad and I really doubt most are >60% pure. Any data where I can verify it? ie Larry David is 63% European (Jew? Russian? Polish? else?) and 37% Native American.
  2. Trump (the most Jewish president of the United States) and the Jewish Press. Brexit Capitalism is production and trade. The real American problem is in Wall Street. Brexit,
  3. Oh OK, I see. I'll simplify some ideas first. Catholic promotes New Testament. Protestant also promotes Old Testament to go against Catholic church with the help of two Rabbies. Catholic are against Judaism. Catholic church admitting Judaism (Vatican II) is admitting their own fallacy. (Leon de Poncin about Jules or Julius Isaac) For some reason, in history, there have always been an alliance between Protestants and Jews (2 rabbies promoting protestants) : Judeo-Protestant (Freemasons, Neo-con). (Tragedy & Hopes by Carroll Quigley) In France, Freemasons (Jews) have been trying to remove the Church from power and succeeded in 1905 with secularism (Laïcité). Laicite instead of Atheism!! They removed the Church and now have the Freemasons in power, another religion. Since then, Freemasons(Grand Orient de France) & Zionists(CRIF) are controlling France. (youtube : hollande franc macon) Today, French claim they are Culturally Christians, not Christians. Christianity without God. Same with USA, but it is not as bad since there are much more religious people than France. Most powerful lobby is AIPAC. Not many people are Christians because Christians are admitting they are Goyim. A good consumer has the same set of values as a Goy. Christianity-God=Judaism It's not very clear but I hope you get the general idea.
  4. It arose from Judaism. Notice how Jews are always in the Left in France, USA, Canada and probably elsewhere too. Not sure to understand that question ? Jesus said that anyone can be elected. Everyone is Jewish, therefor there are no more Jews.
  5. Alex Jones proved it 5 years ago.
  6. 1. I add to the list : Bolsheviks,Trotkyist, AIPAC, Bnai Brith, ... To your title, I'd correct it to Christianity - God = Judeoprotestant (Judeochristian an aporia) => Freemasonary => Judaism
  7. vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/pizzagate-4chan-uncovered-sick-world-washingtons-occult-elite/ Bunch of weirdos.
  8. https://youtu.be/NVCQaykEsWg?t=2m42s
  9. 1 year later... I think Molyneux and one of his listener destroyed Goleman's EQ book. www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3228/why-emotional-intelligence-is-nonsense-call-in-show-march-11th-2016
  10. in French. If you understand French, this is a extremely good analysis of the situation : Partie 3 de 4 Thèmes abordés : 0:00 – Le triste destin des Youtubers 7:56 – Antiracisme à Cologne ou le métissage par le viol ? 15:56 – Calais encore sacrifiée pour les Anglais ? 19:18 – Pique Mal 27:56 – Déchéance de nationalité : le faux débat 34:58 – Ce que cache la crise de l’Hôpital français 43:07 – Zika, un virus qui tombe à pic ? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4gwqx6_soral-repond-l-emission-du-14-fevrier-2016-3-4_news
  11. Isn't Grandiose Sense of Self and Parasitic Lifestyle a very important factors? "horrendous childhood with two insane parents" You don't seem to have any of them. A narcissic person would've said their parents were beautiful, etc.
  12. I think his real name is Keyser Söze.
  13. Before, X+Y=M (reference to XX & XY, and M for marriage by definition) and : X+X=simply 2X and Y+Y = 2Y now that X+Y=M and X+X=M and Y+Y=M then it simply means X=Y and therefor simply a synonym confirming the Gender Theory. No duality. another analogy a Car is composed of the Frame, Engine and 4 Tires (Car = Frame+Engine+4Tires). Homo logic would be: 3 Frames = 3 Engines = 12 Tires = Frame+Engine+4Tires = 1 Car ? I've never seen someone drive a car composed of 3 engines with no frame and no tires. If we still want to delete the duality of man and woman, we should simply invent a new word or simply use words that have already been invented like : concubinage, inverted-couple, inverted-sex, double, twice, etc I wrote the same example but which part is not clear illogical or something ?Am I still ambiguous & illogical because I think I'm pretty much on the same page as Proudhon ?
  14. As far as I know, in a general sense, people have been bullying minorities for ever. Ugliness, handicap, low IQ, high IQ, etc. are always going to be marginalized.
  15. I don't trust online tests either. I got 169 on a website once... which is totally ridiculous. I'm probably between 110 and 150. 170 is just too high. We have to find a common & legitimate website or book or something. To the people who did real Mensa, can you confirm which website i legitimate? iqtest.com, mensa.se, sifter.org, iqcomparisonsite.com
  16. At my engineering University it was around 25% each color. Most people aren't honest. In engineering, the success rate was about 90% (85 to 95% perfect description).
  17. Ottawa but no one from Montreal? Come on guys!
  18. INTJ so most of us are really bad at communication with regular people. Why are we in this forum ? LOL.
  19. INTJ. I think it's really popular in universities now. They are doing it in one of the accounting firm (top 3 in the world) office here and at my university (engineering). It helped me a lot for understanding myself and others, which then improved my communication with others. There are 16 types and the company (Insight Discovery?) that was hired to do the test simplified it into 4 colors. Like shirgall said, there is not scientific basis, just like Economy, Management, Psychology, etc. but it works!
  20. I'm no philosopher at all but it seems to me that going too much on the specific(courage, virtue,...), his concept become unclear. I read it quickly and there are little similarities but it's still not really categorical or "cardinal" (a little contradictory). I'm reading Pornocracy (Proudhon, which I think most of you are much more familiar ) and it's concise and much better explained in a few sentences than the writer.
  21. I only read about half of Proudhon's Pornocracy but marriage is about devotion. Love, sex, etc. are only supporting that idea. A marriage without children is called concubinage no ? By reading you two debate it seems that Marriage (until the child is independent enough,not until death imo) is impossible in an anarchist society.
  22. Anne Lucken summarizing Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's unfinished book Pornocracy Throughout many videos, I feel like Molyneux is defending marriage but he is anti-marriage. I'm really confused about his point of view. Homos always had the right to get married anyway. From my understanding Homo marriage is the destruction of marriage. example : X+Y=M so obviously X+X =2X /= M and Y+Y =2Y /=M eye glasses is composed of 2 glasses and 1 frame. If you have 4 glasses, it cannot be used as eye glasses. If you have 2 frames it cannot be used as eye glasses. It can only be called eye glasses if you have 2 glasses and 1 frame. I never understood why this simple logic is so difficult to understand.
  23. OK. His book is about Men & Woman and the Genius. In the book you'll have the concept of Man & Woman, simplified as M & W. It contradicts EVERY feminist ideas about man and woman. He trying to explain what the "ultimate" man is and what the "ultimate" woman is. Through his definition of M & W, he will describe what Love is and what Geniuses are. If you think you are smarter than most people, this book is for YOU. There are 2 parts in the book. The more antropological part and the philosophical part. You could skip the 1st part if you are lazy. Three reasons made me read his book : a very knowledgable, smart & intellectual Frenchman, #2 most wanted and persecuted by the state of France (#1 being a standup comic called Dieudonne) highly recommended this book; as a general metric or benchmark reference of his knowledge, it's about ~10X Molyneux. I think I'm smarter than the average dude; and the quote (1st post). Based on your answer and skepticism I really doubt it's for you. If the quote isn't already poking your curiosity then it might be a waste of time for you, just skip it. Eschielder vs Ethernal Growth. Eternal Growth : I think you are too specific and therefor missing the point. Your ideas probably differs because you are a S (Sensing, opposite of iNtuitive according to Jung personality or MBTI). You two are very advanced, too advance for me, very interesting conversation. I'll add more small inputs later.
  24. Like eschiedler already said, there is no hate or fear from him, you totally imagining things. And your questions are answered in the book. It wasn't answered in a few lines unfortunately. Also why would you want to know his background after reading one LINE in a quote from him ? At 23 years old, there isn't much about background anyway. Everything is explained in his book. You can't just judge a person from one quote and without reading his MAJOR work. We have a little understanding of his life from Wikipedia but to take his little biography and to think that it summarize his thinking is a big mistake. To answer eschiedler : well again, you explained it very well. I think everything is in the quote already, but it seems like it might not be clear to some. The quote should be something that hits someone's curiosity. I have his avatar more for publicity than admiration. (btw english is my 3rd language, I probably have some syntax or orthographic mistakes)
  25. As a Canadian that traveled and watch a lot of news in France and USA. If you want to talk about Nationalism, center of the Universe and bone headedness, they pale compared to Americans. One major difference is that they have a history and culture to back it up. Us, North Americans, have no boundaries, huge lands and more freedom to make something new and good about it. Europe is old and therefore stucked with bourgeois, oligarchs, royalties etc.
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