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Everything posted by Spaceballs

  1. I thought the same, until I read it. At some point in the book, topic about religion I think, you could easily see that he's probably going to commit suicide.
  2. Yes, according to Jacques Balthazart. The article is in French, I used google translate so there might be a lot of mistakes. Homosexuality is a biological origin Jacques Balthazart is a lecturer at the University of Liège. It is part of Giga-neuroscience where he leads a research group in neuro-endrocrinologie behavior. Original article in french
  3. I search his name in the forum and to my BIG SURPRISE, there is no mention of him. I read his book a few months ago and it's been a revelation. It's confirming almost every hypotheses I had but couldn't put into a clear and concise arguments. His book addresses this topic perfectly. The best book I've read to date (I haven't read much unfortunately). He wrote this book at around 22 years old. At his age, I really doubt any of us or anyone you know could've wrote anything close to this quality. This book redefined my notion of a "Genius". I probably will need to read it again a few times since I don't have the culture to fully understand all of his references. His biography from Wikipedia, a summary of his book from Wikipedia Sex and Character links pdf : Old version, modern version, web version or buy it somewhere. Have any of you read it ? Do you agree with his view of woman?
  4. I agree, Milo seems to have a good potential. With the right books/informations, he might become one. Gavin McInnis is also very good at vulgarizing the gay marriage. I agree in part with Gavin. I think Gay Marriage is to destroy the basis of the society(Proudhon's unfinished Pornocracy), therefore society itself.
  5. Ezra Pound explained it very well in 1935 We will never see an end of ructions, we will never have a sane and steady administration until we gain an absolutely clear conception of money. I mean an absolutely not an approximately clear conception. I can, if you like, go back to paper money issued in China in or about A.D. 840, but we are concerned with the vagaries of the Western World. FIRST, Paterson, the founder of the Bank of England, told his shareholders that they would profit because “the bank hath profit on the interest of all the moneys which it creates out of nothing.” What then is this “money” the banker can create out of nothing”? Let us be quite clear. Money is a measured title or claim. That is its basic difference from unmeasured claims, such as a man’s right to take all you’ve got under war-time requisition, or as an invader or thief just taking it all. Money is a measure which the taker hands over when be acquires the goods he takes. And no further formality need occur during the transfer, though sometimes a receipt is given. The idea of justice inheres in ideas of measure, and money is a measure of value. MEANS OF EXCHANGE Money is valid when people recognise it as a claim and hand over goods or do work up to the value printed on the face of the ticket, whether it is made of metal or paper. Money is a general sort of ticket which is its only difference from a railway or theatre ticket. If this statement seems childish let the reader think for a moment about different kinds of tickets. A railway ticket is a measured ticket. A ticket from London to Brighton differs from one for London to Edinburgh. Both are measured, but in miles that always stay the same length. A money ticket, under a corrupt system, wobbles. For a long time the public has trusted people whose measure was shifty. Another angle. Theatre tickets are timed. You would probably not accept a ticket for Row H, Seat 27, if it were not dated. When six people are entitled to the same seat at the same time the tickets are not particularly good. (Orage asked; Would you call it inflation to print tickets for every seat in the house?) You will hear money called “a medium of exchange,” which means that it can circulate freely, as a measure of goods and services against one another, from hand to hand. GUARANTEE OF FUTURE EXCHANGE
  6. I'm not so sure that the main problem in France is the Government. More like a small community that controls the Government. Even with its huge bureaucracy France is still among the top 10 country in the world. Their education system seems to produce really good engineers, financial mathematicians, computer sciences compared to Canada (from my experience with about 50 or so Frenchman that immigrated). Their knowledge surpasses us by big margin. The Last Mitterrand by Georges - Marc Benamou Date of publication: 27/1/1997 Editor: Plon - Omnibus Eurozone & European Union, NATO (imposed by non-French citizen) and a small non elected community ruined France.
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