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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. You forgot to mention that a lot of people don't go to therapy because they don't think it's more effective than doing nothing at all.
  2. Of course she is a 'racist'. A lot of what we say is virtue signalling. But even liberals leave vibrant areas when they have kids so that their offspring does not have to go school with immigrants and minorities.
  3. Your first premise is wrong For most of the time, human reproduction rate was a bit above 2. Child mortality was high, miscarriages were common, and many mothers died during childbirth. You were lucky when you made it from an embry to reproduction age. Only with the advent of modern medicine has mortality rate for embryos and mothers dropped significantly, not to speak of childhood diseases. With 2,1 kids making it to adulthood, standard quality cannot be related to fertility. Fertility was rather a way to survive at all.
  4. False dichotomy. Marx envisioned his theory to be like a physical theory. According to him, history progresses in ways that can be studied and predicted. According to communists you cannot stop the historical development as you can't stop gravity from working.
  5. I live there. I would not move there unless you have something figured out already. No idea about other regions, but Linz and Vienna are pretty tight right now.
  6. At least here (Austria) you can create a company fairly easily and then get work as a contractor. But the competition from Eastern Europeans is pretty hard. In addition, most European countries have restrictions on visas.
  7. I get that. But if economics is a science, it's descriptive and predictive. And the picture it draws is incomplete when it doesn't take psychology / genetics into account. If you add those, you will have a much better model.
  8. I don't think it does. It assumes a priori that all humans are the same essentially. It has to, because it cannot know of those differences. They use an abstraction of humanity that is void of any attributes.
  9. Praxeology rests But does it give a valid description of human nature? Imagine two islands A and B. Both have enough ressources, a stable population and the ghost of Rothbard prevents any goverment from coming into existence. If you applied praxeology you would conclude that the population in those islands develops the same way because it cannot take into account that there are biological differences between groups of humans. It decidedly neglects empirical reality like differences in IQ, agency, work ethics, trust and so on. A more realitistic view on the thought experiment is that those societies in the islands develop differently based on differences in IQ, time preference and what have you. If that is the case, there are two decisive factors that determine how a society will look like. The political system and the biological basis. Comparing real world examples it seems that apart from extreme examples (Communism), the biological basis is more important than the policy or the ideology of those states. There is a major difference between Detroit and Seattle though both are run by Democrats.
  10. Where does that show up in our anatomy?
  11. This is a good intro to HBD http://www.unz.com/jman/hbd-fundamentals/
  12. Communism describes class structures using a dialectical method. A communist can describe the relative utility for a system and will then go on to tell you that there are inherent problems with it. Capitalism produces more and ever cheaper goods which is a good thing but at the same time it causes crises because the profit margin goes back more and more. Furthermore, since each class has a different interest there can be no common util that increases the happiness both for the bourgeois and the proletariat.
  13. The reason for that is simple. Every natural event has a predecessor(s) and takes place within the framework of the natural laws. All processes in the brain are determinated by biochemistry. If you are argue for free will you have to show it can exist within a deterministic framework or you have to argue that there are supra-naturalistic processes in the brain that influence biochemistry. That being said, I understand the forum's guidelines on determinism and stop my argument.
  14. Sorry Shirgall, I edited my post to make it more appropriate.
  15. The laws of physics, chemistry, biology etc. together with previous events necessitate events. You have to show that there are agents with free will in this scenario.
  16. What Stef describes sounds like 'tit for tat with benefit of a doubt'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tit_for_tat
  17. That's simply not true. Good programming languages have standard libraries that include the most common functions. If your language does not have that, it's crap pure and simple. Also, if you have to use a package to check if a number is positive I have serious doubts about your proficiency as a coder.
  18. That is because the media conglomerates are part of the system. They focus on states / people that are hostile to Western Imperialism, like Russia, Syria, and the like. The corporate media follows state propaganda: https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2016/04/corporate-media-gatekeepers-protect-western-1-from-panama-leak/ Also, keep in mind that the consortium who does the research in the first place is backed by powerful and well connected funds: (ibid) What are the chances that Western corporations and billionaires appearing in the leaks?
  19. Neural networks already do research where it's very profitable. They look for new drugs and molecules which are then tested. They are becoming more and more widespread in engineering too, specifically to test the durability. If the trend continues and they get better at creating programs we'll see a cataclysmic change in information technology.
  20. If that is the case why do our set of teeth and our digestive tract resemble omnivores that have a bit of meat occasionally? Just by looking at the forms of teeth that carnivores and humans have you can see the difference.
  21. The question is discussed here by Aquinas http://www.intratext.com/IXT/ENG0023/_PP.HTMAll those years at a Jesuit school finally pay off
  22. Hey, I have a method to add natural numbers!1! Fine, but what about negative numbers? Ermm, negative numbers don't count. How about multiplication of real numbers? You don't need to. My model is superior. How do I take the squareroot of numbers? Jesus Christ make your own model of arithmetic and then get back to me.
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