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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. If you want to become a meteorologist you have to study a lot more than 75 hours. And even the ones I spoke to (2 students so far) have a nuanced approach to AGW. Spend a few hours researching on why CO2 is a warming agent. Then you will realize why your statement is false. The dichotomy is wrong / correct.
  2. My favourite comic gets a perfect review.
  3. From your blog. The opposite is true. Bohm suggested a deterministic QM. It's the same problem over and over again. People who want to seem deep use physics without understanding the basic concepts. Hey I know a lot of countries that stagnate both in population and economy but I dont think you'd want to live in them.
  4. That will teach them a lesson they will never forget.
  5. Murder turns into something virtuous when an old dude with shiny badges on a uniform tells you so.
  6. It sounds familiar because Kitty Werthmann has an agenda. She wants to depict Obama as the new Hitler. Her memories are either incorrect or distorted. Austria was invaded after Schuschnigg wanted to hold a referendum, deciding if Austria remain an independent nation. Before that happened, the fifth column of the Nazis in Austria and German Nazis intervened. They arrested the Schuschnigg government. The government was replaced by Nazis. Hitler wasn't elected in Austria. The question at hand was the unification of Austria with Germany (Anschluss). Keep in mind that before the referendum thousands of Socialists, Jews, and other dissidents were arrested. The vote itself was accompanied by people 'helping' the Austrians make the right decision. The crimes of the Nazis were widely known in Austria. The Nuremberg modification of citizen law was also known. And how would she explain the exodus of dissidents from Germany? Not true either. In 1933 Hitler made a concordate with the Vatican guaranteeing the existence of voational schools and the non interference of the state in the church's politics. This held until the end of war. Another blatant distortion. In the early 1920s two politicians reorganized the healthcare system in Austria. Resch and Hanusch introduced mandatory insurance for all workers and a private insurance for employers. Healthcare was socialized well before Hitler. This is hilarious. The doctors fled because they were predominantly Jewish and not because of Hitlercare. The opposite is true. Seyß-Inquart immediately began building concentration camps after he took office. The persecution of Jews and their expropriation also started right away.
  7. Add to that we have a hard time understanding feedback mechanisms and you get the confusion. It wasn't until the 60s that Lorenz described the basic function of meteorology. In short, you have functions that depend on each other. Unlike linear equations you don't see a proportional increase when one variable gets bigger. Instead, the graph of the function fluctuates around a point (Lorenz attractor). When the increase becomes big enough, the graph 'jumps' to a different attractor. If the theory of AGW is correct, then longlasting negative changes cannot be reversed once they occur (or with very great difficulty).
  8. Didn't you mean the coffin scene from Django?
  9. People calling it fake coming in 3,2,1 ignition
  10. How does that follow from QM and what research have you done?
  11. Clearly Donald Trump is immune from the machinations of the clockwork elves
  12. I think for the longest time and in most cultures marriages were arranged between the heads of families. Marriage because of romantic interests is a European invention of the early 19th century.
  13. What makes the Judeo-Christian god so special among other gods? Zeus, Odin, and many others are not infinite. And what kind of infinity are we talking here? Countable or uncountable infinity?
  14. Euklid did a proof about 2500 years ago that there is an infinite number of primes.
  15. Here is something I found that makes me wonder if ants have that much of a brain
  16. Which Roman Empire do you mean? The Republic or the Imperial one? Which Greece do you mean? Athens, Sparta... I am sure you have some historical data that has not been considered yet. Nobody uses this etymology anymore. That slope is so slippery that I had to remove soap from my eyes while reading it. Saying so doesn't make it so.
  17. That's a good description of real life banking too
  18. Lets assume for the sake of the argument that both theories have equal merit. There could be a way to tell if you are in a simulation or not and that has to do with game engines. If you have ever played a game you will have noticed that almost any game engine has a version of physics, rudimentary as it may be. To save processing power it is condensed and can lead to switches. In addition, events are monocausal there is no multiple chains of events that lead to an outcome, but it is mono-linear: action -> reaction. In our world you have both granularity down to elementary particles and multi-causal events. You would need a very complex computer to simulate our current universe which seems highly unlikely.
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