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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. You can find it all over Germany, the best site for that is around Berlin where it was pushed by glaciers. Occasionally, you can find them south of the Thuringian shale.
  2. I found a layer of Orthocerenkalk (no idea what that is in English) when I looked a bit off site. You can't trilos in the normal site. I went prepared with a geological hammer since these layers can be tough to work with. The ice age was not generous with Southern Germany / Austria but with a good luck, you can find some layers left by glaciers.
  3. I spent a vacation in Bavaria (Eichstätt) where you can enjoy the beautiful nature, go rafting or look for fossils yourself. http://www.eichstaett.de/poi/fossiliensteinbruch_fuer_hobby-253/ I found a trilobite, a crustacean and parts of a plant.
  4. If it wasn't for the interest of the government in the first place, no reactors would have been built. The current design was used to generate fission material for atomic bombs. It's doubtful that nuclear reactors would be used in a free society because the premiums for insurance would be astronomical. Today, these are socialized by the public.
  5. Lead can be used for dating the age of the earth. This is because Uranium decays into lead over time. Different isotopes of Uranium decay into different isotopes of lead. The decay of Uranium isotopes is known with a little margin of error. This means that when you have Uranium isotopes and lead isotopes in a geological sample you can use three methods to get the age of that sample. Get the ratio of Uranium isotope 1 / lead isotope 1. This gives you age 1 for the sample. Get the ratio of Uranium isotope 2 / lead isotope 2. This gives you age 2. Get the ratio of lead isotope 1 / lead isotope 2. This gives you age 3. This means you have three different ways to test the age of a sample. Geologists have done that numerous time and determined the age of the earth with a very tiny margin of error. All samples indicate that the earth is 4,5 billion years old.
  6. Here we go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution#Applications
  7. Wealth in today's (semi)free society is arranged following the power law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_law The difference between a rich and well to do persons is that a rich person has many sources of income and only pays relatively few people (Adele sells a lot of records compared to what she buys) while a well to do person has usually one source of income and pays many other persons / companies compared to that. Unlike natural attributes there is no natural limit to how rich somebody can become. You don't see a 50 meter tall guy walking around because of this limit while there are a few very rich persons whose wealth makes them the equivalent of a giant compared to most other people.
  8. You can put the question more abstractly. Does parenting matter? There is one way to test this hypothesis. You can have a look at the way adopted children develop into a socioeconomic status. If their status is similar overall to the parents that adopted them, then parenting has a big impact. If adopted kids and their economic status resembles their biological parents then parenting as a predictor for success later in life can be discarded. http://rationallyspeakingpodcast.org/show/rs144-bryan-caplan-on-does-parenting-matter.html
  9. If La Rouche (or one of the authors) had actually read Newton, they would realized that Newton does not use Déscartes at all. All of the Principia Mathematica is based on Euclid's geometry. Entropy was used to describe the behaviour of gases and flux of heated air. Newton wrote nothing about that.
  10. Where does Newton write that? This metaphor means that the universe is regular like a mechanical clock. Nowhere does Newton have the idea of entropy as developed by Boltzmann and others.
  11. Newton's universe was eternal. He knew nothing about entropy which came up in the 19th century. I fail to see how Carnot engines work when entropy is wrong.
  12. http://www.revolutionspodcast.com/page/10/
  13. There is a whole series dedicated to that in the Revolutions podcast. Looks at it from all perspectives.
  14. You did not, and I am happy that your genes will disappear from the genepool when you keep being a MGTOW. Degrading women in wartimes / invasions is a well known used tactic. The immigrants know this and the natives begin to see it that way. Western culture is attacked and if we don't fight back we deserve to disappear in the trash bin of history.
  15. The Anabasis by Xenophon is one of the best adventure stories out there. Greek mercenaries have to fight their way back from Persia to the Pelleponnes.
  16. Not sure about math, but there is the case of Kaspar Hauser, a child that was abandoned and left for good until he was a teen. He managed to learn to write poems and draw nicely (until he was murdered) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaspar_Hauser
  17. That's how bifurcations work. In non-linear coupled systems small changes can lead to drastic fast changes.
  18. Nationalism is a product of the French Revolution. When the Prussians, Austrians, and a bunch of others invaded France to reinstitute the King the situation looked pretty dire for a while. The solution of the convent was to rile up the feelings of the citizens (read the lyrics of the Marseillaise for an idea how that worked). The gullible people joined the army and eventually defeated the Allies. Before the levée en masse, wars were seen as a private problem of the respective king. You as a single person had no stake in it. But following the French Revolution, the state began to make efforts to make people think they were part of a larger whole and not only single people living in a geographical region. As a result of the Napoleonic wars, Germany, Prussia, and Austria copied the French method of propaganda and making their people believe they had to unite and fight off those evil French people. This resulted in millions of death, whole generations were lost.
  19. So let me summarize. You read a drug addict, a crazy person, and finally Hitler. I am not surprised you feel turned off by what you mistake for philosophy.
  20. It's a coherent physical theory and makes testable predictions. So yeah. AGW goes back to the 19th century. Look up Svante Arrhenius. A basic understanding in physics and chemistry. Somebody who does not understand what a Lagrange point is, is immediately disqualified. I don't defend anything. If data and theories point in one direction I tend to follow it unless there is a better theory available.
  21. There is already a BIG in the US, it's called foodstamps. When you work at Walmart or McDonalds and you don't make enough money you are eligible for foodstamps and other programs. Eliminating all subsidies for workers and putting them into one income would reduce overhead and create an incentive for companies to create better paying jobs above the BIG (to play government's advocate for a second). Mc Jobs are only possible because of state intervention.
  22. Since making coffee properly I cannot stand coffee from chain stores.
  23. There were a series of events called Rapid Climate Change. A notable one was called Dryas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Younger_Dryas Keep in mind that the basic mechanism of climate / weather was only discovered very recently (in the 60s) and that I am no expert. I ran acros this during thermodynamics and it caused me to look at it deeper on an amateurish level.
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