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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. No. There are two options. a) Joe Arpaio finds out the birth certificate is fake with the help of two unnamed experts (previous experts on digital image analysis have been shown to be frauds). All that after 8 years and dozens of other proofs that have been thoroughly debunked. b) Joe Arpaio looks for a new job after not having been elected as Sheriff. To do that, he tries to get national attention. Which scenario is more likely? Also, keep in mind that there is no way to show that the alleged birth certificate from the woman is genuine and has not been doctored with.
  2. Sure, but i still live under duress, according to libertarians with rulers, police, unchosen positive obligations and what not. Here we go. Marx depicted anarchism as an utopian ideal with no rulers. Automisation made wagecucking go away, you can live in peace and do what you want.
  3. I dunno, but there are some rulers over me. If I don't obey them, I get thrown in jail. Then you can point me to specific dates and places where there was anarchy in the sense you defined?
  4. This is what Communism looks like in the Communist Manifesto. Look it up.
  5. The money created by the Fed isn't that much compared to the money created by private banks. In the case of a mortgage, the bank takes the down payment, uses a part of that as a security at the Fed and creates money out of thin air. The role of the Fed in the economy is not so much the issuer of credit, but rather as a clearing institution for banks. Most money in circulation was loaned into existence by private banks.
  6. Have you read the Communist Manifesto? If so, how is the society depicted there different from an Anarchist utopia?
  7. Subjective experiences are worthless when it comes to building a theory. Finding an animal that was thought extinct is objective in the sense that anybody can do it. Hearing voices is either connected to a mental condition or in the case of the scenario a subjective experience that is not reproducable.
  8. Each Western culture is different and what they value and what their perspective is. Those values and perspectives are largely driven by genetics that adapt to a geographical and economical situation.
  9. This cannot be stressed enough. Every transaction is balanced out. The sum total and sum individual is always (by definition) 0. See balance mechanics for details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balances_Mechanics
  10. Seeing the purity spiral turn is pretty entertaining. So the op had a positive effect.
  11. Let's assume for the sake of the argument that the though experiment is valid. What follows from it? Why doesn't god interfere more frequently?
  12. No. 1) Go to xubuntu.org2) Install it on your computer 3) Add features you want 4) Create your own distro, using uck or something similar 5) Burn it to a DVD 6) Install it on a computer 7) Done.
  13. Yeah, but I understood daVinci wanted an installation DVD which is easy to obtain with Linux
  14. My question is twofold: a) How can you find out if something is toxic? b) How can it be made sure that companies don't actually distribute toxic chemicals? Say in an anarchist utopia you and a bunch of other companies make tomacco. You know it is highly addictive and has severe side effects. How would a free market response be to the tomacco problem?
  15. I am interested. I do. Yes. People still smoke, drink alcohol, and eat sweets. I still have no idea how a market solution would look like.
  16. I think they want to abolish it, except for potions that colour your hair in really bright and annoying colours.
  17. Nice moving of the goalpost. Do you have examples? To feed a mass population you need preservative chemicals or a really expensive infrastructure.
  18. Yeah. But inspection industries are prone to favouring the clients who give them something to inspect and pay for it. There are market solutions but they don't fit into the Jetson's world lalala land a lot of libertarians seem to have.
  19. How will the market determine the toxicity of chemicals, some of which are lethal after a long time?
  20. Compared to Germany, the profit margin is still substantial. Which is my Lidl and Aldi copypaste their model and start branches in the US.
  21. Sorry to read that I use a GTD-like system that helps me organized.
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