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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. That's what I do when I am interested in a philosophical question. Works like a charm, most of the time.
  2. Why not look it up on wikipedia and then research the more detailed article on Stanford philosophy?
  3. Liechtenstein or Andorra seem pretty great to me. You get the benefits of a functional Western society (healthcare, good education) without its downsides (trying to improve the world, feeling bad about other people's problems).
  4. Not to forget that there are derivatives on derivatives
  5. You just reinvented the concept of unions. Barter doesn't work in complex societies with division of labour. Say you want to pay a loaf of bread with your system. You can 'pay' the baker, but how does the baker pay his employees, rent, flour and what not?
  6. After having asked for evidence of violence against Trump supporters and after having received numerous and shocking examples, Scott Adams got shadowbanned and had an talking event cancelled. http://blog.dilbert.com/post/151301555066/the-week-i-became-a-target Another example for the takeover of social media by the establishment.
  7. 2 + 2 = 4 has no empirical truth value. Addition, like any other mathematical operation is constructed using axioms of set theory. In nature and in most human societies, might is right. Responsibility (and guilt) is a Western concept (guilt) that can only be found there, because of natural and societal selection for those values / concepts. Almost any other society is based on shame. Stealing is ok, unless you get caught, then you lose face. From two sides. I had a look at the evolutionary development of morality reading up on hbd and game theory. Since the West praises individualism and outgroop orientation any group that lives in the west and that is based on ingroup cohesion or two moralities (one for your group another one for everybody else) can game the system. Given enough numbers they can overtake Western societies at ease, unless we realize that and stop it. You can arrive at the same conclusion having a look on how the definitions of moral concepts like virtue changed after the Judeo-Christian corruption of Europe. It turned from a life affirming position (virtue = being manly) into a cuckfest that stresses internal progress and enables resentment against functional powerful people.
  8. Fiction The crypto money trilogy by Stephenson (Cryptonomicon, Snow Crash, The Diamond Age) and Anathem by the same author. Philosophy The incerto trilogy by Taleb (Fooled by Randomness, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragile) Popper, Conjectures and Refutations. Science Dartnell, The Knowledge
  9. Cold climate selected for a high IQ. Which is why Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Slavs, Europeans have a higher IQ compared to the rest of the world. Manorialism selected for a nuclear family, individualism, and outgroup orientation which is why the concept of freedom could take hold in Western Europe and not in China, Japan, Korea or Eastern Europe.
  10. You only have the possiblity to work on yourself because you live in a predominantly white society. If that composition changes the insights you have won don't account for much. That's what this election is about.
  11. Property rights only exist in a society that is able to understand and respect them. If you are on a lonely island all alone, the birds and bees don't care about your property rights.
  12. Jews are disliked because they don't live the values they preach. They teach extreme invidualism while having a strong in group preference themselves. They call for open borders in the West while building walls around Israel. They claim that normal behaviour is neurotic but wouldn't you know it? Jews are exempt from that. If you think the hate goes only way recall what happened during the Bolshevik terror against Russian and Ukranian farmers. Then look who was responsible for that. The hate for Russia is so engrained in Jews that it remains a stable position even for today's Neocons.
  13. The US congress decided to override the veto issued by president Obama. https://www.ft.com/content/4497bb36-8533-11e6-8897-2359a58ac7a5 Being the keen lawyer he is, Obama immediately opined that While the Neocons in both parties are afraid of that it may well be decisive in holding the US accountable for their acts of terrorism committed abroad.
  14. Which is why the industrial revolution and free trade only developed in absolute monarchies / feudalistic systems. Oh wait...
  15. In a state of nature you only have property rights if you can defend your property. In a society you can only have property rights if the society recognises property rights and is willing to adher to them. Importing people that neither have concept of property rights nor are willing to follow them is suicide for Western societies. You can be principled all day long, but living in a society that looks like Rio or Lagos means that nobody around you gives a hoot about abstract principles. In that sense, voting that your society remains predominantly white is rational.
  16. That's not a proof but some sentences put together. Gödel attempted an ontological proof using modal logic. It suffers from the same mistake as all other attempted proofs based on necessary existence though http://www.stats.uwaterloo.ca/~cgsmall/ontology.html
  17. I had a look at studies that compared the effectiveness when it comes to psychological problems. I suggest you do the same.
  18. The problem with the proposition is that effectiveness and efficacy can't be measured when it comes to therapy. To determine them you would have either to conduct long term studies with clients. Looking at those it seems that classical therapeutic approaches don't produce lasting changes in the enviroment and personal well being than was previously thought. In addition, doing double experiments to weed out bad therapeutic approaches isn't possible.
  19. What are you interested in? How old is your kid / are your kids?
  20. If you need a supra-logical intellect to intuit that there is vision you are a lost cause.
  21. So particles want to do what they want but they don't know what else to do because they don't know any better?
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