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Everything posted by RCali

  1. Don't have it, but it's still interesting to know. Thanks.
  2. I can't really trust government sources about something they clearly have interest on being such a way - whether it coincides with empiricism or not.
  3. This is irrelevant. We aren't speaking of heat waves, but of constantly higher temperature.
  4. Behaviors aren't proof of illness. For something to be considered illness, there must be physical evidence of a cause. If there has been shown no cause, by science, it's wrong to say such illness exists. Read carefully: I didn't say behaviors don't exist, I said illness causing such behaviors does not exist. And this is where you can use Hitchens' Razor: "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." And it's pretty silly saying that what I'm discussing is irrelevant. Mental illness has been referred in this thread, and I'm refutting it. It's just silly to say that.
  5. I need to have evidence of something not existing, if there's no evidence of something existing? That's not how it works. Refer to Hitchens' Razor. When there are two opposing sides to the same story, you can assume various things: one side is completely wrong, they are both wrong, and there can be some truth in the middle, they are both completely wrong, etc. With cannabis, it's pretty evident there are two opposing sides. On mental illness the same. Global warming? Same thing.
  6. Those studies on cannabis are as valid as the global warming alarm. Look enough and you'll see it's all bullshit. And you ignored most of what I wrote.
  7. Contradictions, contradictions... Adding to that is: there's no empirical evidence of such a thing as "mental illness". Therefore, it doesn't exist.
  8. Anuojat, I never once said you should risk your life. Who are you trying to spread truth to, or who were you thinking of? Speaking these things to muslims? I would never do it. Not if they knew my identity.
  9. Well, if you give up on your values before they give up on theirs, you are the weaker person / culture.
  10. It's not as good as you might thing. I'll address one thing that I remember from watching this before: the effects of CO2. Not only does it strengthen plant life throughout the globe (greener plants), it makes it so plants can grow where they couldn't before. Plants LOVE more CO2. Another point about the warming of the planet (even though it's false that we have the most influence in this) is that it is good for us. Warmer planet means less low temperature related deaths. And this is only a direct relation, there are many more reasons why global warming will be good for us. Further about temperature: there's much more that influences temperature, and not simply anthropogenic sources. The main source of temperature is very obvious: the sun. Changes in the sun make huge changes here. That's what mainly affects the globe's temperature. The atmosphere has a large influence, of course, but it hasn't changed enough for it to have catastrophic influence on the temperature. If you research enough about past CO2 and temperature, you'll see it doesn't correlate to what the global warming alarmists are saying. Besides the obvious "the arctic will melt very soon" - it doesn't melt when they say - repeat several times. They clearly don't know about what they're doing. So far, the increase in CO2 has only benefited the globe. Now for what REALLY is bad: concentrated CO2, among other sources of pollution, and deforestation. These things are the problem. It's a problem that whole cities are permanently covered in smoke, which destroys human health, and it's a problem that whole regions of forest, throughout the world, aren't being tended. They destroy the whole region, and don't care that it will grow at a decent rate, or at all. I don't know exactly what effect this will have in the general environment, but I love nature, and it absolutely disturbs me that they destroy it in this manner. Just like it greatly disturbs me when animals are hunted for fun, or there are genocides for a tiny bit of the animal's body. These things are where the problem is. CO2 is good. And when the temperature may be too high, for whatever reason may be, we will use the "cloud whitnening" method, and we will manipulate the temperature to the best of options.
  11. Muslims who die participating in holy war go straight to heaven, regardless of any wrong they have done in life. I'll repeat to emphasize - ANY wrong they have done in life is forgiven if a muslim dies in holy war. You can read this in the Quran.
  12. Were you bullied by your family or in school? How people behave and think later in life is closely related to their infancy.
  13. Why do you work with people you don't agree with, or even like? I know the answer to this, and so do you, but I think you don't consider that answer, or haven't considered, to be as important as it really is. Your anger towards yourself and regret for not having done something, when the time was right, is perfectly normal. From my understanding, everyone, or mostly everyone, feels this, and it's our body's insentive to take action on what's best. You know you made a mistake, now it's time to make amends. What that will look like, is of no one's responsability but your own to decide, and if someone here tells you a specific action to take, you should be very suspicious.
  14. Isn't that what you've doing all along?
  15. Isn't that what you've been doing all along?
  16. That's a lot of porn to keep track of. Must be for a great reason. When have governments done anything not for the good of the people?
  17. The videos with charts could definitely benefit from embelishment. They generally look boring and... Normal.
  18. It's a real problem, and very common. I suffered of the same, for most of my life, under different circunstances. I could only guess, what made her feel like she had to prove herself to others AND be more, just like Stefan very well explains for the case of Robin Williams. I felt the same thing, the only difference was that I wasn't as good looking, or very interested at all on this gigantic superficiality she went through, and that it made me very, very shy, and isolated. She was 18, at that time, and even if she doesn't go down to her core problem, she is definitely much closer to understanding that than most people. She shows some signs of inteligence, and, being in the position she is, it's likely she will influence a lot of people to see how shallow and unrewarding all of likes and shares and bullshit really are. If she goes down a path of learning and wisdom and knowledge, it can be that she will be someone quite important in this world. And saying this woman was whiny is really just projecting something of your own. I felt none of this, but honesty and pain and hope for change and sympathy. I liked her, even though I'm not interested in listening to someone that's not very verbally skilled, regularly, or that may not have much to say, that I don't already know. I hope the best for her.
  19. If the scientific method doesn't prove something, then nothing does.
  20. I wonder if the reputation value is related to how different IQ is compared to the usual member.
  21. Could you explain why they would borrow from other countries, if they could just print more?
  22. It's amazing how many different things you can explain through property rights. Thank you very much for being such a helpful member of the community.
  23. Goodness, how much time did you use to watch porn for? Won't comment on the rest of the post, since it's been done enough in this thread.
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