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Everything posted by M.2

  1. Most men in non-western societies have multiple women in their lives. It is impossible to find accurate numbers on this, but those of you living in the west may find that about 50% of men have extramarital relations. As for Eastern Asia, I would say the number is as high as 80%-90%. In countries like China, open marriages are unofficially the norm. To go further, in Africa or the Middle-East, it is an absolute mess. People there have sexual relations with their close family members as well as with others. This gives us that only about a fifth of the world population lives in a society where one woman is generally considered enough. ...But then you also have the mormons... So is your question then "Why do Western societies generally think one man and one woman is the ideal?"?
  2. 1. I think the forums should not be regulated at all. You don't have to agree with my conclusion. If you haven't experienced getting your posts blocked, good for you! Maybe it's just me. 2. I was not redefining terms. I presupposed that if FDR were a government, the tax system would be voluntary, since I presume it would run according to ancap principles. I was making an analogy. Pardon me for not being clear. 3. Still going with the analogy here. There aren't many people on the forums with whom we constantly speak past each other, but you are definitely one of them. 4. I did not claim that they are, I suggested they could be and should be. 5. I have been very honest with you, and I don't recognise the severity of my claim, since bullying is a natural part of life, and even I do it sometimes. I often see bullying going on in the forums, but I wouldn't go as far to say that it is misconduct. If you don't experience anything of the sort, that's great, maybe you have very thick skin. Also, I am in no mood to get into a case study with you regarding who was bullied by whom. I put forward a possible explanation to the question above, and you can take it for what it is, or you can accuse me of making unsubstanciated claims, which I did not. 6. I cannot imagine any other reason why the forums would be upgraded other than to make it more comfy. Maybe to make it uncomfy? 7. No, I'm pretty sure I did. And I think I answered it to the best of my abilities. The very appearance of the forums was upgraded, which makes me think that the target was not the admins or developers, but the members. 8. My bad. I edited my post.
  3. 1. I cannot post them. That's the point, isn't it? Besides, they are lost forever as soon as they are discarded by the admin. 2. There are the donators to the forum, whose voluntary support could be called tax with a stretch. That much is in accordance with the free market. However, the goods allowed to this market of FDR are undoubtedly limited by the admins. Which I argue is not a good thing. We already have the reputation system to ostracise anyone who writes a bad post. What could make it even better, is if posts could be voted up or down like in the reddit system. That way good arguments could be much more accessible, and bad ones difficult. 3. I leave this one up to you. I began the sentece with a "maybe", which means it was meant to be speculation. 4. The upgrade was made to make the forums more comfy, that we agree on. But I think we also agree that upgrades to a service or product are made to attract and retain customers. If the forums were gaining 100 active people per day, I don't think the upgrade would have been made. Why fix what is not broken? Again, just speculation.
  4. I admire anyone who posts truth to social media instead of videos of teenagers testing the darwinian theory. However, I would not, and do not do that. Maybe you have a life that permits you to speak out, maybe the risk of retribution to you and your beloved is not as great as to someone in Germany. This is for you to weigh. I thonk you should contemplate over WHY you are willing to do this. Perhaps there is another way in which you could be much more productive. Posting controversial information on social media may do nothing but create an echo-chamber around you, since people very often simply unfollow those they disagree with. Again, your dilemma.
  5. Could it be that the forum is too strictly regulated? There have plenty of posts of mine that were not allowed for some reason. I even checked the community guidelines to see what I did wrong, and couldn't figure it out. That is what is most off-putting for me. Maybe that is why the unofficial forums were created. Maybe the unrestricted free market of ideas should be applied to the forums. Other than that, there are certain members on the forum who go out of their way to bully others for "making a bad argument". I can take a punch or two, but I can understand those who quit because of it. This may be just my experience. Anyhow, the forums were given a decent upgrade a couple months ago, so that makes me think the admins have noticed the decline of activity here.
  6. Thank you very much for your encouraging testimonies! My generation has been sold a myth that as soon as they graduate higher education, they will be given a 6-hour job and a six-figure paycheck. This is clearly not the case, as every honest entrepeneur knows full well. An entrepeneur works 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, and earns negative profit for the first 2 years at least.
  7. 1. America is no doubt an interesting subject. America was founded before the rise of nationalism, and in fact was never touched by nationalism. In those days, a country was founded on either a crown or a constitution or both, since the colour of one's skin was not that much of an issue as it has become now. People back then simply didn't imagone such a massive movement of peoples that woud bring about the question of race. Nowadays, of course, it has become somewhat corrupted. Half of all americans are borderline traitors to their own country. About the US constitution, it has a very strong foundation, and I would dare say it has the strongest foundation possible: the inalienable rights of man bestowed upon him by the one almighty God. 2. In my opinion, it is perfectly natural to seek identity. Everyone does it at some point in their lives. What is going on in America right now, is that people are reaching out in the dark looking for others like them to feel supported. This is happening because you have not been faced with an existencial threat for nearly 30 years, and you have gotten lazy, sloppy, and divided. That's what happens to a species with no natural predator. But now you are banding together again in the face of cultural annihilation, and that is very good. 3. Coercion is never good. We got one gift from God that distinguishes us from animals, which is free will. It must be respected. Marriage is not a contract, not a social contract, not a business contract, not a deal, not a treaty, not even a gentlemen's agreement. It is marriage. You cannot break a marriage agreement, because there is no agreement. It is a vow. When you make that vow, there is the implied statement that you are going to remain by each other's side even if one of you happens to be a complete liar. More personally on the same topic of marriage and divorce... I understand that maybe you haven't gotten a good hand in life, and you don't have too many martyrs of marriage to look up to. But I know a good number of men and women in my life who took their word very seriously, and have suffered for their honour and their vows. And I refuse to accept your definition of marriage, because it minimises the heroism of these people, or even outright deems them idiotic. By the catholic definition, which is the only definition that counts, marriage is not a contract, it is a sacrament.
  8. Could you give us some details? 1. This is a very interesting topic you touched on. It is not ethnicity that makes allies of nations, nor is it really history. It is IDEOLOGY. I wrote that in capital because in the field of geopolitics, the ideology factor is often ignored. Ideology is the biggest factor that makes and breaks allies; not ethnicity, not money, not interests, not even geography. I could write a book on this, because it is so interesting, but I think this is a bit off topic for the thread. 2. No, not all Romanians were dominated by Muslims. A Romanian is someone who speaks Romanian as a native tongue. Transylvanians are genetically closer to the Slavs than Vlachs, and yet they are Romanians. Their ethnicity is determined by their language. Same goes for Hungarians, Finns, Germans, as they are genetically indistinguishable from their closest neighbours. A Swiss however is someone who lives by the Swiss constitution, and the same goes for an American. Makes sense, right? 3. I think I get your point. That said, I do not agree with that point. The threat of divorce creates distrust between spouses, not security. And unless you can show me that spouses work more on their marriages when divorce is on the table, I will not agree. To be honest, the threat of divorce is exactly that - a threat, it is coersion. "If you behave that way, then I will leave you and good luck raising 5 kids on your own" or "If you behave that way, I will leave and break your heart". This is absolutely wrong and impractical for a society. When you say your vows, you swear to be by their side no matter what, even if they sink into a deep depression and drink themselves to paralysis. Such backbone is what the West was built on.
  9. Let's imagine a person who "values God more than reason, evidence, logic". What would he be like? What would his actions look like? How does a person like that think?
  10. 1. Ethnicity is complicated, and has vague definitions at times, so I don't expect to win this argument. Naturally, interbreeding was never rare among europeans, and you are right that Hungarians haven't got much on common with their ancient ancestors by now. That however does not matter. Traditionally, we have always grouped Hungarians, Estonians and Finns in the Altaic family. Genetically, Hungarians are about 45% Slavic, 40% German, and only about 5% Mongolic, but we still don't consider them slavic. For a more extreme example, Slovenians are more than 70% Italian, yet we do consider them Slavic. Moldovans are Romanians. Thats all to it. You are pretty much correct about the Russian muslims, however, the Muslims of the Caucasus have been terrorising the Russians since the 80s. Ever heard of Chechnia, Dagestan? 2. All of the countries above will be spared not because of their geographical location, but because of their strong border security. For instance, when it comes to the open borders debate, Luxembourg is the biggest hypocrite of them all. Go and see how many muslims live in Luxembourg.... I'll wait. You can bet that as soon as the ship hits the fan, not even a fly will be able to get into Luxembourg. 3. I kindof lost you on this point. So are you saying that the action of divorce is good or bad? I am not arguing legality, nor practicality, but morality on the part of a K-selected man.
  11. Would a half-white guy like me have a place in White Sharia? 1. Wait... You don't think Hungarians are Slavs, do you? Do you think Albanians, Romanians, Moldovans, Finns, Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians are Slavs as well? The reason why Slavs are so concerned about this issue is the following: Muslim Population by country: Russia 15%, Bulgaria 8%, Macedonia 35%, Bosnia 40%, Montenegro 20%. The slavs will not be spared the horrors of the future, as they have already been infiltrated. Ones who will be spared in Europe are: Iceland, Portugal, Andorra, Switzerland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Luxembourg maybe, Poland, Baltics, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Liechtenstein, Malta if they are smart, San Marino, and of course the Vatican. 2. It is messed up. But You have to have that conversation to find out where your parents stand, and you have to hear them say it. But like I said, this is just my wisdom. 3. Divorcee is what has made marriage unserious. Since one can make up their mind later, why would they put much effort into finding a good mate? But if you are going to have to live with your decision of all eternity, a sane man might really try to make it work. I did include the "picking a wife" step aside from this. 4. For example, Mr.Molyneux has a mission to spread philosophy and good arguments. But not only while he is alive. He envisions teenagers like us a thousand years from now looking up his videos, learning and arguing. Your mission is to recreate the Holy Roman Empire, and a dynasty to rule over it for all eternity. That is also a mission, since it is beyond what you are.
  12. M.2

    What to die for?

    Your post touches very thoughtily on the underlying question of how precious human life really is. It is clearly nigh imposssible to measure and quantify from an objective perspective. That said, we, from our subjective human perspective are in more less agreement that it is somewhat valuable. But then comes the question "valuable to what end?". This is where cultures and ideologies disagree. Some say two lives are worth more than one, whereas others say lives differ in value, and thus one life can be worth more than two lives.
  13. 1. I don't disagree. However, if slavery were still prevalent in America, I would strongly advise you to visit a plantation to see for yourself what a horrible thing it is. (BTW I didn't mean you should get wasted drunk, just simply get a taste of what alcohol is.) 3. If you happen to live near a parisian ghetto, you are in luck, as you only have to walk down a street, and you will surely get attacked. You can even keep to your sweet NAP streak. 5. The Latins have failed, the Germanics have betrayed us, and if the Slavs fall, then it is up to the Americans to save the West. I am no Slav, just to be clear. 11. In my view, conversation, all conversation, is very important, especially with parents. If you can't get it for free, you try to purchase it. If you don't have a confessor, you get an expensive psychologist. 15. Oh, I think I get your point. I misunderstood you. 19. Separation is permitted by the Church, but divorce is another story. I think you would agree that divorce is the worst invention ever that has affected the family. 20. I think you misunderstood me. I said "mission", not "goal". A life's mission is, I agree, a journey. If you are on the path, you are happy and fulfilled, and if not, then no. Unlike in modern military vernacular, the word "mission" is used in the same manner as in the Church. A missionary never says "mission completed", because a mission lasts until the end of time. 21. So to the uninitiated, what are the steps to "knowing thyself"?
  14. 1. Drinking has been a part of human history since before scripture was. You have to know what it is. But I agree, if you can avoid it, just do. 3. Controlled confrontation is nothing like a real fight. Even if you skip this step, sooner or later antifa or some muslims will assault you. By then, it pays to know what a fight is. 5. If Eastern Europeans had decided to not enlist, the 100thousand migrants stuck in the Balkans would be on their way to Malmö by now. 6. You have to see it to know it. 7. I am poor. My mother earns eastern european minimum wage, and my father gives me nothing. Working for free is not meant to be a pleasant experience. It is supposed to teach life. 11. We can disagree on this point. 14. Don't tell me you don't have 20 minutes to spare while sitting on the loo. 15. I was talking about findng a place to settle down where you can raise your family. 19. Nobody wants to marry a "bad woman". Yet people make mistakes. Once you do realise what a mistake you made, it is the Christian way to stand by your word. 20. Yes you will. 21. I appreciate the points you added, although they are all too vague to be added to my list. My list contains only concrete steps. Even the "don't do drugs" rule is too ambiguous. We call medication drugs too. Sometimes marijuana can help people with parkinsons. I think what you meant to say was: "Don't mess your brain up if you don't have to" By the way, could you start condensing your posts a bit? They are really hard to navigate.
  15. "What do I actually do?" is a question I hear an awful lot from young European men like me. I decided to make a checklist to make things simple for myself and to whomever is interested. The west is dying. Our governments are monstrously large, our vote doesn't seem to matter 80% of the time, and we are all isolated in our own little worlds. So what are the concrete steps to take to save Europe? This is what I want to initiate a dialogue about. Here are what knowledge I have accumulated from men and women much wiser than I: simple and doable for every common European young man. (To not make it seem like I am all words and no action, I will add what I am doing specifically under every point.) 1. Don't drink. Drink once with your family as you reach legal age, then don't drink again until you drink with your son. It's a waste of money, neurons, time, self-respect, health. - I drank a few times with my family only. I don't anymore, because I have seen my loved once drunk, and that was a sufficient argument for me. 2. Don't have sex. Until you can provide for a family, just don't. Plus, using other people for pleasure is the most repulsive thing in the world, even if it is consentual. - Unfortunately, I failed at this one. I was far too curious, but I haven't done it for a solid 2 years now. 3. Get into 3 fights. Loose one, win one, and draw one! If you haven't done this before you finish school, you can get back to this anytime. 4. Finish school. I know, school sucks, and it is essentially the latest form of slavery. But the fact of life is that you need that piece of paper to be considered a human being. Plus, school isn't THAT hard. - I got suspended numerous times for my behaviour (got a big mouth) at school, and I hated every minute of it, but it is good to know that I could survive that whole thing. 5. Get away from your parents! Use your momentum, and get away from the town your family lives in. Get into university, enlist in the militray, go volunteering, whatever really. Just get out! - I went to another city for university as soon as I finished school. It sucked, but I learned to be independent. 6. Go to 1 grownup party. You have to know how decadent your peers are. If you think you are missing out, trust me, you are not. There is nobody there that you want to be associated with once your career kicks off in a few years. 7. Work for free. This might sound weird to some people, but you have to learn what it is like to be a slave. Your currency is work ethic, experience, contacts, and above all, trust and appreciation. Money will follow. - I have worked as a volunteer for the Jesuit Order for a year, and seeing my value, they hired me as a part-time employee. Still, the biggest reward is that I have allies all around the world now. 8. Find what your mission. There are actually 3 steps to this: - What do you do in your free time? Your freetime activities are a good indicator to what you have affinity for. If you play games all day, you may have a future as a sortware developer. - What looks awful? Look around you, and find what you want fixed. Then fix it. - How do you look before God? At the end of your life, what will you have had to achieve in order to not to be ashamed to stand before your creator? 9. Eat well, sleep well, work well. 3 filling meals, 8 hours of sleep, 6 hours of work minimum, and 20 pushups per day. Simple as that. - I wake up every morning at 6 to go work out by the Danube river for an hour. Even in the winter. 10. Become independent of your parents if you haven't already. Get a paying job, or a scholarship. - I have been getting nothing from my parents for over a year. Feels pretty good. 11. Clean up your past. Arrange a meetup with your parents as soon as you become independent, and sit down to talk with them for 8 hours. If they refuse, offer to pay for their time. If they still refuse, they don't love you. Try again in 3 years or so. - I couldn't set things straight with my father yet. I invited him to Budapest, I arranged accommodation, entertainment, everything. But then he told me he was disappointed in me. It was a disaster. I shall try again next year, when I will invite him to Belgium. 12. Join a community. If you can't find a community, then make one. - This was probably the hardest for me, even though I am extremely blessed, as I have the best people around me as my colleagues. 13. Dress well. No need to complicate this. Just dress as if you were going to see your dream girl for the first time every single day. - Got this one down. 14. Read the Bible. Whether you like it or not, the bible is the foundation of western civilisation. Literally every single fairy tale, and movie production is a "gesunkenes Kulturgut" of the Bible. If you haven't read the Bible, you don't know what you are fighting for. - Checked. 15. Choose your place. If you haven't already, find a good spot to create your family, and to live out the rest of oyur life. This may be almost as difficult as predicting the stock market. - I am not here yet, but I have begun the research. 16. Find a woman, marry her, and love her. However, do not ignore the power of boners. Do not make your choice alone. Have your allies give you the green light. - Not there yet, but I have begun the research. 17. Make lots of soldiers. A population needs 2.1 babies per woman to sustain itself. But since not everyone has such foresight as you, you should make at least 6. Plus I need men for my crusade. 18. Homeschool your children for as long as it is legal. 19. Do not divorce. Affections will die, the wife will get old. It will be tempting, yet you will be a man of your word. 20. Fulfill your mission. You will know when you have.
  16. You have no idea how excited I am to hear from a German peer who is into FDR. I am sure there are more, but you are the first I have heard of. Do you have any particular political views, or are you only here for the self-knowledge section? Which part of Germany are you from? Your name looks polish, so I would guess... Prussia, Saxony, Brandenburg? Whatever you have experienced growing up, you should know that you are not alone, and in fact, in the decadent west we have created for ourselves, there are very many like you.
  17. 1. By "conservative", of course I mean "traditional", not necessarily american or british conservatiove. In other words, socially conservative. You may not be old enough, but there used to movies and shows up until about 2005, in which there were heroes and villains of the traditional sort. Shawshank Redemption, officially the best movie ever, and if we bring in kids shows, then Transformers, Voltron, even the earlier Power Rangers... 2. Sadly, I have stopped watching anime since Yu-Gi-Oh for the very reason I that I based my thread on, so I am poorly equiped to discuss anime. What I have discovered though, is that Japanese, Korean and Russian works still more or less go by the traditional hero and traditional villain. However, they have been going decadent for a while too. 3. I deliberately did not reference any western examples, because it would have seemed like I was guided by confirmation bias. I just wanted to see if this theory holds up in the minds of others as well. One worthy example I should give is when I saw a footage of a BLM "protest", where some pretentious woman literally started quoting the Hunger Games. And it is also common knowledge that Harry Potter is a leftie favourite. 4. Yes, eastern villains still tend to be someone we cannot stand with, since they are truly evil and unappealing. 5. As for western villains, yes, that is exactly the problem. They actually attract more fans than the heroes do. Best case is probably Star Wars, in which everyone wants to be on the side of Darth Vader, and not the cliché-men. If you actually think about it, they are so terrible at selling us how evil the empire is, that their own rebel merchandise hardly sell off of shelves in comparison to empire merchandise. 6. We can actually witness the metamorphosis of the conservative villain through the James Bond series, in which the villain gets progressively more attractive, organised, refined, interesting, with stark contrast to the hero, who has been becoming a borderline rapist sociopathic murderer throughout the franchise. A tangent on antiheroes here... The film industry has been noticing how disinterested the public has become in their heroes, so lately they have been creating antiheroes, or stories in which there is no hero at all (Game of Thrones as far as I can tell). The modern antihero is basically the same as the modern hero, except that he has been endowed by one or two conservative traits, like a good work ethic, emotional stability, or loyalty. I do not disagree. They are however valuable character traits by conservative standards.
  18. I heard this theory from a person I deeply respect, and it seems spot on to me, but I just wanted to run it through FDR to get some additional thoughts. He advised me to become the modern antagonist. According to this very smart person, the modern portrayal of the fictional antagonist in movies and books is actually the ideal man by conservative values. The modern antagonist has a clear and well-defined set of values, an objective to which he strives with all his will, and he also happens to be very eloquent in his speech and sophisticated in his behaviour, mysterious, and very charismatic. Their most notable trait to me is that they believe they are serving a cause more noble and worthy than themselves. All the "flaws" of the modern antagonist seem to be things that don't really seem like flaws to me to be honest. Such may be that he is pragmatic, rude, cold and crude, merciless, impatient, mean, sometimes too ugly, or other times too handsome, too forceful, judgmental, Lately, for some weird reason, they like portraying him as a family man. On the other side, the protagonist seems to have evolved into something pretty... undesirable. He (more often than earlier a she) is usually a person who has undefined ideals, very vague goals, a rebellious attitude, an incomplete character, influencable and weak will, emotional instability, terrible friends, zero charisma, average looks, uncontrollable sex-drive, submissive personality, but god almighty... extraordinary talents. Although the protagonist also thinks he is serving a great cause, he is always quite sure that he will have a part in it, and that the cause can be achieved pretty quickly, simply, and that happyend is in his favour anyway. If the modern protagonist was the ideal that formed the millenial generation, then it is no wonder some of them turned out such insufferable rebellious whiners, all of whom believe that everything is about them, and that they are special, and that they are always only targeted by expendable stormtroopers that cannot aim. If their picture of the bad guy was drawn by such ideas, then it is no wonder that they consider the most competent people on the planet to be evil. Such being Trump, Putin, Duterte, and Farage. This theory put a lot of things in place for me, as more often than not, I usually find myself rooting for the supposed bad guys.
  19. There are 4 sorts of debt to consider. 1. External debt. This matters only if the borrowing nation is at the mercy of the loaning country. In the case of regional powers like the USA, UK, Russia, no it does not matter. 2. Internal debt. This matters only if the working population ceases to produce. The reason why the USA and Japan could burry themselves under so much debt is that their virtual wealth is still more or less backed up by real value. Change is in the air however, for better or worse, I don't know. 3. Corporate debt. This matters only if the given economy is relatiely unfree of government intervention. As long the government stays out of the business world, this debt should be sorted out among parties. 4. Private debt. These are student debt, mortgages, credit card debt. In my opinion, this is the most dangerous kind of debt, as it erodes the very personality of the individual. It causes social insecurity, familial disunity, and psychological problems. In all cases though, sooner or later, the bill always comes due. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_public_debt
  20. M.2

    What to die for?

    I think this should make a thread of its own, or perhaps even a segment on the show. You are not alone in Europe in wanting to do good, but having no idea how to do it. Americans have the luck of having elected Donald Trump before they were pressed to the fringes of society. In Europe, there are a few examples to look for, that are of a strong preservationist policy. As you said yourself, Hungary is the loudest of these examples. But there are also some that don't get much spotlight, like Macedonia, Bulgaria, Malta, parts of Italy, Switzerland, Russia, and of course Poland. There is an event/festival upcoming on June 30th of the Youth for Christian Europe here in Budapest. It is being organised by the christian youth of Hungary and Poland. This might be of interest to you. As you know, Hungary and Poland are strong supporters of Donald Trump and of Brexit. There a lot of good people to potentially meet.
  21. Vladimir Putin is one of the most brilliant leaders of our era. In some ways, for me at least, he is more likeable that Donald Trump. He has a lot of discipline, he speaks extraordinarily well, and he loves the Orthodox church very much. I jsut wanted to add one thing to the discussion here. According to the Prophesies of Fatima, Russia was going to be the greatest defender of christianity by the end of the millenium. This was uttered back in the 1920s in rural Portugal. It seemed completely unbelievable at the time, since that was the height of the red terror. Now this prophesy has manifested itself through the person of Vladimir Putin and the russian people. As for Anacap, I in many ways you may find that Russia is a lot freer, and more committed to the free market that most of the West. Adding to that, Putin has never given an order that would violate the NAP as of yet.
  22. M.2

    What to die for?

    1. I will take the liberty to guess that you have never been in a real fight. There are certain people who are simply not worth putting in the ranks, since they are untrustworthy. In a battle, discipline in everything. And distrust erodes discipline. Whenever I go into a fight, I go with my brothers or alone. 2. I will wait until you substantiate that claim that women can't detect specific motives. 3. Survival does not constitute only the life of an individual, but that of the species/tribe. The conviction that the germans had when they stood against the USSR was the same conviction with wich they rebuilt their entire country in 5 years. That conviction is gone now. 4. It is fair of you to ask me to substantiate my claim, so I will. However, since we do not agree on terminology, I don't expect to convince you. Any person who speaks of Islam and the terrorists as if they were simply just a bunch of crazy fanatics who want 47 virgins, they clearly haven't done their research. And unless they have a family and 4 children, they have no excuse not to do their research, as the internet is accessible to everyone. Hence, having not put in the sufficient effort into a cause (fighting Islam), they are clearly lazy. 5. I stand by my accusation. 6. I think you are projecting. Do you not believe that some people die just to prove a point, or that some people die purely for ideals, or that some people die because they took an oath?
  23. M.2

    What to die for?

    Sadly I don't know what you consider a worthwhile cause. It all depends on what your values are. I am a hardcore catholic, and I have spent a year with Jesuit Refugee Service of Hungary, but quite frankly I don't think they were doing a good enough job. That said all other refugee services are corrupt arms of the EU. I have also been in touch with the Sovereign Order of Malta, and they do some good work, although they have been corrupted a bit through the years. My father worked with the Red Cross, who are simply communists. My mother declined a job offer at the United Nations for pretty obvious reasons. Perhaps you could get in touch with some youth nationalist movements in the UK, France or Germany. There have been sprouting up all around for the past few years. Or perhaps we can organise a crusading army along with the many thousand strong youth of Europe yelling "Deus Vult". I would gladly die in a crusade.
  24. I have been following this thread, and seems interesting, but I don't understand any of it. 1. Why do you bring up tradition? 2. How is that a fact? How was it proven? 3. Why would one make that argument? What is a moral system?
  25. Most impressive indeed. This is some true kurzgesagt level production. How does one get involved in such a project besides donating money?
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