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Everything posted by barn

  1. Hi @Productivist Welcome to the board and posting! Barnsley
  2. Hi @Azrael Rand 0. To me, a long time listener, the quote and the context from which it was taken from translates as (in a very tiny nutshell) : 'There are a lot less rational people out there than what my own experiences about my own way of thinking forecasted and it was beneficial had my expectations were adjusted to a more accurate level, better mirroring empirical reality.' 1. Is that genuine applause? (Please take it as me being unsure, weary since the time you gave me the definition for manipulation and influencing others as a simili or perhaps equivalent for emotional intelligence; saying that they're "objectively the same". ) 2. Maybe it's just me... If he changed his mind, people as a whole aren't irrational or he wasn't referring to all but a selected (arbitrary) group of them only, seeing himself as one of the exceptions. With the same breath, it seems : 3. There are people who choose to change the way they think and translate it into conscious behaviour afterwards. Since it was possible for those individuals to do so, when helping others (potential candidates seeking more truth) with rational arguments to change the way they thought is logical and preferable to declaring that all people are irrational (Which's been proven wrong by his personal experience for starters.). ps. - I'm not contemplating whether he thought of all individuals as irrational beings, unable to exercise their varied levels of free-will but I just wanted to illustrate a few points for you.
  3. No worries. Thanks for adding your take. It helped me compare with what I was curious about. Um... that's only partially what I wrote. Here, let me re-iterate: How did you test your idea? as in: what were the universal standards that you used to see if your ideas could be disproven? Can you show how reversing that is also logically sound? Would you say that those animals by solving simple tasks are therefore comparable to humans in terms of our manifested & consciously developed ability in ethics, architecture, art, science, medicine... etc? as in: - dolphin poems? - chimp moral contemplation? - crow architecture? - alternatively: 'Scroogle' AI self-awareness and personality, independent of the human input? (emergent property, not pre-determined, has free will Is this a good way to define embodiment? Embodiment: "Someone or something that is the best possible example of a particular idea, quality, or principle, especially a good one As in: He is the very embodiment of kindness. " "so yeah i'm not talking about free will at all." :D, If animals had free-will, they would also possess the ability to "know/notice when they were thinking". I don't think they have that capacity. That would be self-reflection, a cognitive process that requires an immense mental capacity only supported by evidence in humans. "the idea of embodiment, the idea that one is an entity that exists in a unique body separate from corporeal reality" I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you saying here that individuals are practically 'brains in tanks' or in other words their consciousness could be transfered into any adequate surrogate in form of an energy pattern and the phisical body was just a 'shell', an 'excangeable vehicle'? "other animals possess a sense of embodiment much like our own." Would you say that humans were a type of animal or that humans are similar to animals in some ways but they are in fact completely different creatures with unique properties instead? "just because a crow cannot solve differential geometry problems does not mean the crow doesn't have a sense that it is a unique organism. " An amobea moving away from excess ph or temperature in the media, otherwise it would be damaged, it would probably die... would you say that the amobea has a sense of it's uniqueness and wants to protect it? Because we can observe life in general responding to environmental influences but yet it's not the same as having consciousness.
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    >- 597. Optimo - Caste Out >- 598. Boards Of Canada - '84 Pontiac Dream >- 599. Lalo Schifrin - Self-Destruct
  5. A'right-y... not sure why you couldn't / wouldn't just note&provide the time-stamp of an audio, guiding any potential listenership to the substance arguments at hand but maybe that's just me being short-sighted. Absolutely. Please, do suit your fancy! It's possible someone will find the video you speak of and link it for you in the future. I couldn't, can't find a video with said parameters. (Maybe my Internet kung-fu isn't worthy of the 'challenge'... hjja! ) As for me, I wouldn't be bothered to listen or watch (either way as a., the caller isn't visible, b., it's not a presentation, c., Stefan Molyneux conveys crystal-pristine-clear...) but maybe there are others who need a video feed to process arguments to the fullest... for some odd/unknown reason, dunno. (Convincing forehead size?... I'm riffing, sorry.) Anyhow,.. Good luck!
  6. Hi @Spumoni Hi Justin, Nice one. Kudos on that! While I haven't found the exact source(s) you are looking for (the one/s referenced by the FDR team), the following ones might be still useful: 0. I tried to link you the original source but it's not working for me (maybe call attention to it in the 'Technical issues' subforum) The link I'm speaking of here is: 'w3 board.freedomainradio.com/topic/39621-the-truth-about-daycare/' 1. Check out - "The Rise of the Daycare Generation"(Stefan Molyneux, video, same glitch as above when checking out the sources 'w3 fdrurl.com/daycare-generation' ) 2. Have a read about cortisol (to me, there are plenty of reasonable conclusions to draw, all other things being equal) 3. Check out this massive selection of resources being mentioned in this thread Good luck, Barnsley ps. - I might add some more info later. Would also appreciate you chiming back if/when you stumble upon the study/ies, exact FDR sources. ps2. - (Maybe re-word the title, it sounds as if daycare was responsible for...)
  7. Hi @Nebula Out of curiosity... and that summer's over... what did you end up doing finally? Any good experiences you might want to share?
  8. Hi @Colonel J I think neeeeel is spot on about the podcast, furthermore I don't think it's been made into a video (I could be wrong). If you don't mind me adding... In my experience, people who wouldn't be likely to checking out a legit source in audio unless a video was available... maybe not worth of our time. What's the big difference? Are they likely to be interested in the arguments or something else? (It's not like a presentation with charts, or facial gestures that aren't being transferred in Stefan Molyneux's more than plentiful and precise manner of speech & / choice of language ...) Think intellectual curiosity, ability to think for themselves. (no comments, no views, just the convo - 'unaided' ) I'm guessing... with them, probably you'd be having a harder time to have an honest dialogue, it's possible they would have a hard time choosing to bow before superior arguments in the absence of outside influence.
  9. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    595. Martinis - Hung Over 596. Gero - Deja Vu
  10. Hi thinkers and alike, Please FDR Team, consider reaching out to him (or Dr Ursula Bassler) ! From where I'm looking at it: A bunch of ideologically possessed cry-babies, armed to the teeth with 3rd-wave feminist bigotry, effectively censoring science in real-time. Any males thinking of still applying for a job at CERN?... I doubt it. What a world we're living in... F%@&#ccck! refs. Alessandro Strumia gets dropped for presenting facts ('Scroogle' like, isn't it? - James D'Amore) a snippet from his presentation: CERN the statement Dr Ursula Bassler, soon to be president
  11. Supplementary: "Some men living out their life... " ' beautiful ones ' In my estimation, the work John B. Calhoun made is a must to be familiar with. (with all the reasonable caveats added. ie. - no, humans aren't 'just like' rats... etc.) There's a decent summary titled "The Mouse Utopia Experiments | Down the Rabbit Hole" on 'ScreYoutube'. But if you can, delve deeper into the source material... ____ mind expanding!
  12. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    593. Mike Oldfield - She Moves Trough The Fair 594. The Cranberries - The Icicle Melts
  13. Thank you @ACStudio Much appreciated, I'm sure many of us could use a more down-to-earth, hands-on approach when learning about the subject of investment through the experiences of others with in-depth knowledge (comparably at least) . Probably the most important skill would be to learn to forget and/or not care. Forget everything you have probably been taught about finance...it's probably wrong or outdated, or both. I've had discussions with advisers fresh out of their series 7 exam who within 30 minutes of me showing them how real investors trade are questioning their life choices. As with many other subjects being taught in the same, far removed from the real-life applicability fashion...whereas school (in general, imo) ought to be about really just that... see, I think you're 'preaching' to the right crowd here. (I'm sure there're exceptions but they are few and far in-between) I haven't been taught, nor taken finance related subjects... mainly sciences and always have / had a strong interest in communication in general too. Looking back, might not have been the wisest decision... then again, I also had a turbulent path prior with little to no support, so mostly self-taught. Red pilled a few years back too... bla-bla-bla. Hahaha... Yeah, overconfidence is a common mark of lacking 'depth'. Opposite to: "I like money... " Instead : I like risk assessment and calculated risk, don't mind (kinda do but I know it's necessary to learning) falling flat on my face when I err, if it's unforeseeable. Although my aim (as with most things) is to not repeat the same mistake twice. This sounds very much (to me at least) as recognising and accurately assigning incentives to the source of information. (or at least thinking about it carefully, ahead of making any assessment on the value of the information being offered) Plus the fact that advertisers don't or hardly ever would bite the hand that feeds them. While I was involved in sales(minor, tho international) , I realised there's also usually a group that gets earmarked as 'can be sacrificed' for when things go into red. So even if insider information is available, there'd be layers of available 'truths' depending on how essential your contribution was to the source. It's fine, nothing wrong with that(I guess)... unless you're willingly blind to the existence of such (common) practices. I learned the hard way first... lost an investment. Later, being wised up, at least recovered most of my losses (as in: initial investment) with an added bonus in 'Xp points' and slightly burnt pride. Then I got out, realising back then that I wasn't suited for the ' big boys' ' game just yet. This sounds like a(n existing) sales-pitch for the Saudis capturing asteroids, mining them for resources, making a fortune in the process and becoming the first space-colony building nation. Not to mention, avoiding bust due to the oil sooner or later being phased out is always an attractive option if you are dependent on it. On paper, it looks good, numbers checking out and everything is looking up for investors...'on paper' that is. Word. (because if they knew they wouldn't / why would they share it with...) Nice one, enjoyed this part a lot. You definitely have a way with words, I'd imagine you probably make decent 'enticements' too...with good arguments supporting your proposal too, I suppose. You're right. It's probably my own 'paradox of choice'. Probably I need to narrow down my options first, by that I mean maybe going deductive and whipping out a whole list, one by one going ; 'can't do that', 'no, it's not an option', 'this could be'... so on. How did you know what you wanted to learn, invest your time and energies into? Because in my mind, that's what I mainly struggle with. Or it doesn't really matter as long as I'm trying different stuff? (crypto seems to me the most ' sure-unsure ' longterm safekeep but I don't think it's a viable vehicle for making a living on a monthly basis...however I really like the idea of 'smart contracts' with Ethereum) Yeah, this could be an idea for a future thread. (gonna look, at least to not duplicate any existing one/s) Wrote this actually down. (Sounds trivial but it isn't, good stuff!) Again, you are right. I haven't developed an adequate vocabulary to understand the language used in investment apart from a mere superficial base, maybe the words but that's far from enough ... that's why I'd asked : Also, don't mind checking out opposing approaches if you have several in mind... not afraid to make mistakes or to look dumb asking 'low resolution' questions. Thank you @ACStudio
  14. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    591. Idris Muhammad - Could Heaven Ever Be Like This 592. Stwo - Confused
  15. Comedy? Which's here, often obviously super hilarious? maybe not..?
  16. Hi @Puebloboy Welcome to the board and posting! Barnsley A hibrid of giggly stuff mixed with supplement to my earlier post: Option 1. Take the snippet and ignore context () Option 2. Add context () Option 3. Other variations... Now, here's what I mean: On the other hand, I'm still not sure what to make of this 'sophisticated' show of body language.
  17. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    589. Jamie Foxx - The Brady Bunch 590. The Dinning Rooms - Hip Hop Hippies
  18. Hi thinkers and alike, Anyone familiar with r/K selection, effects of statism, cRapitalism and likely future consequences of the currently increasing social tensions amongst competing groups of people will be more than invested in watching this film from start to finish... I suppose. About the film
  19. No. Those things have continued to hold true. The home, degree, and job are all admirable. Erm... Admiring someone because they got a house, a degree and a job? Maybe I'm missing something and you mean stuff like: perseverance, ambition, self-care... Right. Probably the boyfriend mentioned earlier belongs/comes from the same group of people, correct? Ouch. Ok, I think we aren't, haven't been talking about the real worry for you. The thing that is actually provoking anxiety for you. I could be totally wrong and please of course correct me if necessary. Is it correct that for some reason, you think you need to confront her and when you'll be telling her things that you know she won't take kindly, just thinking about it makes you feel anxious?
  20. How did the conversations go when you brought up your doubts, worries, preferences regarding how things would be better?
  21. Is that somewhere along the lines of: 'I don't admire her for anything currently, can't think of anything.'
  22. (I'm ok with focusing on things that are more of an importance for you, at the same time I also don't want to miss possible, yet to be answered questions.) Please tell me, what do you admire about her?
  23. In my guestimation, 'that' stands for: 'We'll meet when I need something from you, otherwise I don't really think about you that much.' Is it close to what you've been sensing from her part? How did it go when you tried to bring it up?
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