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Everything posted by barn

  1. @RichardY Why don't you care? (my q, as in: open ended, curious)
  2. Bulgaria is not supporting the EU's decision. (Could be seen as support for Hungary, most likely they too are against the EU's immigration enforcement) link (archived) ps. - It helps too (or just funny), when the Dalai Lama says things like: “Europe belongs to the Europeans” and that refugees should eventually return to their native countries to rebuild them.
  3. Your definition of EI: "My personal definition of emotional intelligence is an advanced understanding of human nature, integrated into a person's mindset, which then can be effectively used to exercise influence (or 4D Chess if you prefer). " Objectively speaking they're the same. However if I use the term manipulation people will shy away from it because we are lead by our emotions not reason (proof below). It's my position that we have to embrace this concept due to the philosophical implications of human nature as discussed in a previous post.  ... That's willingly breaching the NAP. ie. - 'If I told you I was going to steal your watch, I wouldn't be able to nick it. So I must do it secretly...said the pickpocket ' Manipulation where it's hidden or obscured, is force. Soft version of control without consent, theft... it's the same thing for you but still you call it by two different names ...that's misleading (to put it veeery gently) People I can't trust (and thereby their ideas as an extension) are for example, believe these are the same. (risk factor, their morality is corrupt) I think it's bad for you, certainly not going to expose myself to it. Thanks but I'm out...(it's a free-will thing) No need to respond to my other questions, no problem. Ultimately, thanks for your time. It has been instructive.
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    568. Tortoise - Everglade 569. Blind Arcade & Super Weird Substance - The Construct (Peza's Acid Rework)
  5. One of the better alternatives to 'Wackopedia' is down. Anyone knows the why or for how long? (no speculations please, there are lots of leftist articles, opinion pieces already, like this one) UPDATE! It's back, up again. Hopefully it was just some unannounced daylong maintenance or something. (sigh) 'may-as-well-could-have-possibly-been' the upgrade to the awesome 'DONTPANIC' engine... towards stage 3 ->...
  6. Good one! Got any more, maybe a link or two?
  7. Right, people don't just need those things but actually, they can't get them without virtuous people showing good example, having platforms for free interaction. I see what you mean by the teaching angle,... even created a thread or two on a similar content... I myself have identified similar thoughts of mine as : mental exhaustion, lack of focus, my own fear of imaginary future outcomes... stressing it that those were my conclusions back then, I can't know what is really going on for you. Is it perhaps possible that you experienced something similar too? That you've spent far too much time in an environment with people who saw critical thinking as their enemy? About 'amping up the sugar content of ideas to make them more enticing' or 'mountain dew-ing' : People respond to incentives, the better the invitation, the more people are likely to turning up, listening. As in: entertaining, truthful, useful, constructive, reminding of objectively assertable consequences with proofs, adequately graded. It's easy to teach smart kids, the challenge is to distill without messing with the essence of any given idea. Good teachers are capable of that. Others, not so much / not at all and those individuals tend to be the 'zombie army footsoldiers of government propaganda'. Hopefully, this bit will be of use to you : Is it true that genuine caring for others was only possible as an overspill from first having adequately cared for oneself? I think so, because if I'm not doing what I say I believe in, want to see... well, that's hypocrisy. Loosing respect for myself in the end, paralysis, depression ultimately. No wonder (logically), why when I don't deal with my own problems (avoidance), I tend to normalise letting people do the same. We are what we do repeatedly. We can choose what to do and what not to do repeatedly. Only ideologues and deterministic individuals who choose those 'chains' can't. What will you choose then? The only final thing about human existence is death in my humble opinion. Between birth and that, there's a immensely vast pool of options, some better some worse... What if the inconvenience of opposing ideas was not a bad thing and people became better equipped to update their thinking as a result? Would it be possible to achieve that with promoting an 'escapist' lifestyle? Also, both can't "get their way" . They're mutually exclusive. As in: ° reality can't be described as a form of 'virtually real' phenomenon, they are, the two are different things ° giving an addict more substance of addiction can't be helping them to not be even more addict Let's say it existed, a segment of the population (some already do it in their own head) went into the 'void'. Would they have a positive impact on the rest of the world as a result or they'd become 'allergic' to anything not being supplied to them through manipulated imagery, regulated content, base lizard-brain brain-washing? In a nutshell: (VR here, relativism digitalised)
  8. Hi @moatdd What do you think about this: Those that are least capable of critical thinking need philosophy and clear ethical guidelines the most. If we want a better world. Anything that perpetuetes their worldview, allows from an even greater isolation from countering ideas (to madness, ignorance) is to the detriment of these people and those around. VR for them would be a great bubble to wrap themselves in... (as academia, think-tanks, subsidised media, is showing it to us) Therefore, I would put forward that similarly to addicts, ideologues, emotionally possessed individuals it's highly beneficial to NOT aid / create more tools for escaping reality. If we claim to care about improving the world / fellow individuals.
  9. Hi @Echopeak Welcome! Rockies, huh? Awe-inspiring places in the world... Sure, thumbs up on making progress ! Barnsley
  10. SpaceX, new design, Yusaku Maezawa, 8artists, considerable down payment for all the seats, from the total costs estimated around 5B dollars ... (artists travel free... ) some data: (link) space dot com
  11. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    566. Dj Krush - Slit Of Cloud (ft. Akira Sakata) 567. Bruno Coulais - Ouverture
  12. I know I still owe you this one and the free will discussion from the PMs and a couple more (to mention a few, as accurately as possible, you can find my rebuttals to each in the PM-s, feel free to copy&paste if you'd like. After you, I'm also ok with switching from private to public discussion... You put forward in your pm-s: ° groups aren't an arbitrarily created mental concept ° group preference over individuals' ° UPB isn't the same for everyone ° From a strictly Objectivist POV rational self-interest would include "influencing" others using EQ ° people's shared sense of empathy equity, therefore people know what the general outline of morality is ° God/s can't be proven/disproven ° Stefan's book on UPB is a modified clone of Objectivism w/o the state ° The morality of Objectivism is based around being a rational individual dedicated to productive values. ° Stefan can't acknowledge a role for EQ due to his objectivist cognitive dissonance that dictates that facts always trump emotion even when it comes to persuasion. ° facts don't trump emotions (according to your assertion, this is also 'as we all know') ° ('blankety' assertion) We are irrational creatures led by emotion not reason and that has implications. ° it's hard not to be a relativist ° The human brain isn't designed to process dualities like this (black/white school performance, reasons are racial & environmental) it's designed around consistency. ° race is the cause of a (me - don't know what kind of) discrepancy in feelings among/between individuals ° Whether or not the influencing can be classified as manipulation or objective caring would depend on whether the outcome benefits both parties or just the persuader. ° That me... unmistakably female, no doubt. (not like 'perhaps' or 'most likely') ... etc. and several more(imo 'standard' projections) , but they are accusations without any credible base (plus I don't take them seriously), so don't see them of value here. For now. If you think I wrote something inaccurately, I'm always happy to quote segments from the back&forth. Or don't mind you doing the same. Annnd... how is this different from manipulation? (sounds insincere approach, utilitarian) Now I must ask you for a definition of 'manipulation'. Would you give me a definition? "Emotional judgement" - did you just labeled my assertion without proof? The question is why would you not bow here before the reasoned argument I had put forward? Is it because you think manipulation is a positive for you? As in: That it's a good thing in general to manipulate people, unbeknownst to them, to get what you want? This looks to me another 'blanket assessment'... don't get me wrong, I know it's true for a certain part of the population. The problem is (I think), that if you keep normalising it, it'll become (or perhaps is) your modus operandi and that includes not making (or trying) rational arguments... Like, declaring what you will find even before you got going. That's... I can't quite find the right word for it... maybe 'ideologue' ? (You know, the people who are only interested in their own opinion, at the same time being controlled by the very same idea(s) Not everyone who disagrees with you does so out of cognitive dissonance. Some do, no doubt about it. People who are willing to make/bow before superior arguments for example are not ideologues. They enact free-will. However if you are presented with superior arguments and you do not review your convictions... (the list above I think would be a great starting point perhaps) Why do you think we aren't born with free-will to start with? Can you objectively prove that? This is not an argument because it lacks proof and therefore can't be evaluated. If it's an opinion, sure. Can be. On a second note (after having said 6+ times), I think it would be a great idea to do some research into the validity of EQ, or use the right words, definition... so far, from what I quoted above, your definition is indistinguishable from the capacity of manipulation. Not good. That terrible actually, in my humble opinion. As an individual thinker and a strong advocate for UPB, I highly disagree with 'we must'. You can't outgun people if you want them to freely choose to follow superior arguments... no I'm strongly against coercion. The natural consequences of one's poor decision should be more than enough incentive for one to re-evaluate. After that, it's really just a binary outcome. Interestingly, I also think that this process is most certainly diminished by manipulation at any rate. (resentment, pick-axe to trust, double standards) No misunderstanding here at all. If you're a long time listener you should realize that the criticism Stefan applied to Ayn Rand's body of work was accurate but also that it applies to Stefan's collective body of work thus far to the same extent (objectivism does not account for emotions first, reason second). Human irrationality is an objective fact; ignoring it comes at a price. Being aware that these facts exists is one thing but fully internalizing these facts into your mindset is another.  (more 'blankety-claims'... very inaccurate at several levels; body of work(2), same extent, these facts(2) Do you know what the subtitle of UPB is? ps. - If you won't change your mind on 'people are irrational', most likely our discussion will need to come to an end. Until you've re-assessed a few important axioms(generally to acknowledge the existence of free-will, determinism is a dead-end, literally). I'm putting this forward as my preference and as an argument for the mere foundation of the possibility to having a dialogue with any value in it. . - - - 19.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'tickety-doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), Here, let me counter your 'sophisticated argument' with an equally 'sophisticated rebuttal'...(presses 'F')... nailed it!
  13. I see. Psychopaths got that too. Would you say they are also highly emotionally intelligent? Maybe it's your definition I'm not following right... What's your definition? The part where you claim: (1) and (2) For the record, I know for a fact (long time listener) that here, one of your examples shouldn't have been mentioned in the first place. But maybe this was a terrible misunderstanding and you'll clear it up, leaving no space for second thoughts... - - - 21.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), Have you missed this before? Still 0 arguments, just random arrows... From hiding... Isn't that coward or perhaps inept, maybe both?
  14. Hi, Can you objectively prove that? (1&2) ps. - Additionally, from what I've seen btw, 'EQ' is floccinaucinihilipilification. 'Unicorn stuff' in other words. - - - 19.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'tickety-doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), Here, let me counter your 'sophisticated argument' with an equally 'sophisticated rebuttal'...(presses 'F')... nailed it!
  15. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    564. Big Bud - Spiritual 565. Lazybatusu - Endless Road
  16. Checz-s too (direct neighbours) Apparently there's a growing number of allies on the side of Hungary, making Brussels look increasingly worse (if that's even possible) Poland's in support of Hungary Italy's in support of Hungary Czech-s too (direct neighbours) for now... I expect at least 2-3 more countries in the near future to express their support in some similar fashion.
  17. Thanks. (R. B. - not sure about it, though you could be still correct... flight attendant mother, crazy stories ; one where he was left in an unknown part of town and had to find his way home alone at age ~10...could be just a myth, dunno)
  18. barn


    Is this the right room for an hour of... ... later, we get a glimpse into the 'fruits of regulated speech'. (dark humour)
  19. I particularly am glad the 4th caller made it into the show. She spoke to contents with exceptionally high importance as of today's society in the West. Thank you for making it happen, taking the effort!
  20. Hi thinkers and alike, Is there such a thing called 'EQ'? (As in: 'Emotional Intelligence'... can it be objectively proven like ' g ' ?) There are plenty of articles, courses, books on the subject suggesting one's ability to become more empathetic by practising, learning about it. I would be particularly interested in the arguments of those immersed in psychological related subjects, with access to case studies either by research or other exposure. refs. ' g factor ' ' emotional intelligence, EQ ' ' mirror neuron ' ' neuroplasticity ' ' synaptic weight ' ps. - I think it's a myth that gets 'weaponised' more often than not .
  21. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    562. Thomas Newman - Hauntingly Beautiful 563. Bonobo - Light Pattern
  22. Are you sure? (I know you are wrong but it doesn't matter unless you take your accusations to the test of reason & evidence... me thinks. Or not. That's been always an available option for you. Even now.) I mean, you could have spent those votes for the last month or so on other stuff... or could have made at least one reasoned argument with some proof at least. You haven't made any here neither. Right? Would you like to speak of the things you think are proof for you? . - - - 19.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'tickety-doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), Thanks, I was hoping to highlight that not making any arguments but voting is cowardly. (your choice, it has been...)
  23. Thanks. - - - 16.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'tickety-doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), getting desperate like the last time, huh? Well, still no argument... like the last month or so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  24. Hi @Azrael Rand "Please feel free to share your feedback or questions.. [...]" What is your preference? Private message or Public Post, on this platform? - - - 16.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'tickety-doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), getting desperate like the last time, huh? Well, still no argument... like the last month or so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  25. Sold. Checking it now... - - - 16.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'tickety-doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), getting desperate like the last time, huh? Well, still no argument... like the last month or so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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