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Everything posted by barn

  1. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    Hi voter ('doorbell enthusiast') , Thanks for your continued interest here and in the first post of this thread... and in several other threads recently (month or so) ... Oh, and for the support for making many of my posts more visible, while not once making any argument just hiding in the shadows! Please continue what you do, it's very educational. New music coming tomorrow, so that more people can see this fabulous turn of events. Looking forward to seeing you continue supporting my contributions, thanks (I mean it positively, though you might not grasp it). - - - /14-08-2018/ Hi 'doorbell enthusiast' Thanks for demonstrating my point, well done! Keep going!
  2. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    496. Dj Krush - Four Elements, Yes To Life, Just Be Good To Me 497. Pat Metheny - Letter From Home
  3. No problem. To make sure I've managed to transmit meaning, could you provide an example of yours based on what you understood of my explanation, please?
  4. Hi @FeedomReignFourmer (interesting choice of nick) "answr" = answer? Where were you looking? What were you expecting to see, that you didn't see? "Steffan" = Stefan? You mean the linked thread is insufficient in terms of information for you?
  5. Sir David Attenborough (State Of The Planet) “ We now know that we are seriously damaging biodiversity and there is a risk that the world we hand on to our next generation will be less rich, poorer in variety than the one we inherited. Why is it that the activities of our one species, aiming at no more than living in reasonable comfort and avoiding hunger, should cause such devastation on the rest of the natural world? ”
  6. A very interesting video from Sargon Of Akkad. I believe, it's highly pertinent in this thread. Enjoy!
  7. Are you asking me? If so, How do you define " coordination " , what is that you would like to see?
  8. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    494. Katie Melua - Piece By Piece 495. Vangelis - Damask Rose
  9. Hi @meeri Great to hear you chose to return, moreover good on you for the progress you've achieved! I hope those people "who encouraged you to go to therapy several years ago" will see this. See you around, Barnsley
  10. Hi @Elizbaeth Thanks for your detailed and (what seems to me) 'from the heart' response to @Siegfried von Walheim, post. It was very revelatory for me to read. Thank you for sharing. Massive kudos!
  11. I think that's a fair approach to research, being constructive, demonstrating intellectual honesty... etc. What does your response mean in light of my question? Do you think the ideas I proposed could have a substantial effect on the study, do they make sense to you (in its current, superficial form) ?
  12. The way I understand the 'difference' is that : The Pareto principle and Price's law are the same thing observed from two different perspectives. ie. - it takes little effort to get better at something that you have just started out doing and so you will advance reasonably fast compared to the other beginners until you reach the point where you really need to make an effort to get better. = focused training on the essentials will get you to acquire ~70-80% of the total material (Pareto) However, once you are at that stage, it'll get noticeable very quickly, just how many people are also at that stage and only those few who got what it takes to push past can make a difference from that point on. (Think of any saturated market) They are, who got what it takes to get the really high payoffs, create the true innovations, their number is rapidly declining in the hierarchy as requirements increase for quality and innovation (Lotka, Price... ) Vilfredo Pareto Pareto principle Derek J. de Solla Price Price's law (wackopedia) something/another cool thing about Derek Price ("Gears From The Greeks... ")
  13. Supplementary Annual Sunshine Hours Map of the World
  14. Hi @dataguy Interesting study, thanks. Here's a link to the original. I was wondering, how would this study be updated, were weather acclimatisation and topographical comparisons with similar ethnicities living in warmer climates/more exposure to sunlight... etc. introduced, would it budge the metrics? If yes, how so? Just an idea. Some time ago I stumbled upon a study assessing the physical and mental health level of doctors in the UK, with other professions comparatively placed alongside. Now, I know it's off topic but I think it is also another aspect of the health-care-industry that receives little to no attention. I would be curious to know your take, your feedback either here or on the thread there...
  15. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    492. John Murphy - In The House, In A Heartbeat 493. Kohachiro Miyata - Honshirabe & Sanya
  16. A'right... never mind the 'segway'. So, who's (?)
  17. If you mean how to make things worse, sure drugs are an alternative. I mean, the boomers didn't really work sh*t out but just postponed and borrowed to d'eheath
  18. ... my guess is appeasement and drugs. Lots of them. Both of them.
  19. I could be wrong, but yes. I'm putting forward it's different. Much more vicious. Probably has to do with how much 'damage' sane and well-put arguments can do to 'castles of sand' and so nowadays they just 'snitch-you-out' like a d... I might be assessing it incorrectly, back in the day at least you were weighed down by multiple hoops to jump through before you could become any substance of shining beacon of truth = or threat in the eyes of the ones running the show. Nowadays, they must act pretty quickly or you could end up becoming a dangerous meme which in many cases can be more threatening than a coherent argument since humanity still responds viscerally to the symbolical and visually engaging with a pinch of subconscious... ie. - colours, logo-s, body language, packaging shapes and sizes... etc.
  20. My experience might be different from your experience. I'd rather not say stuff that could be of influence... you'll see, if you have the 'juice'. (I was just trying to to be friendly, welcoming) ps. - feel free to browse my posts for reference. Hahaha I'd offer a counter point to at least one intellectually honest downvoter but since they never came forward, that's a 30+ missing opportunity(curiously within a month) ... I always thought / assessed it's ineptitude so never was angry, just annoyed at a slight. Again, I've only been on this forum for a couple of years, your experience might be different.
  21. to the current ' zeitgeist ' /12-08-2018/ Hi voter, Absolutely, thanks for the demonstration. (You nailed my meaning, well done!)
  22. My last post started : Unless you voted, it's for someone else. Barnsley
  23. Hi @Joe the Mountain Hermit Your ask is of prevention, right?! (thanks for the link btw) The problem for me contributing in the way of the op is 'cause (I think) the war is on. Graduation doesn't mean it's not yet started. When people double down on despicable ideas and willfully(choose to not listen ='la-la-la') silence others who'd push back/offer to debunk it, it's when the war of ideas had started, the inevitable detachment from reason is initiated by a group of people. Escalation seems to be spending up with ever more hyper-armed and out of touch narratives being put in place of anything that has/could exist/ed instead, memory lane's getting longer. Maybe you are too optimistic, Maybe I'm too pessimistic, but Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern just got rejected in NZ... did you see what the interview with the 'Maori-native-descendant' was like?
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