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Everything posted by barn

  1. Hi (new) voter, Thanks for your interest and the new views also. I'm sorry, that you disagree (Don't be afraid to make an argument, if you had any... there are quite a few I made... but of course it's not an obligation ) . Have a good one, Barnsley
  2. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    463. Boards Of Canada - Reach For The Dead 464. Boston 168 - Oblivion And Vapor
  3. I've detected at least 9 occurrences... "You think that's air you're breathing?!" ... powerful stuff. (having had similar realisations, I can level eeeasily.)
  4. Hi voter, Thanks for your interest and views! I'm sorry we disagree. (Normally, I just add a thanks to my post but now it's not possible)
  5. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    461. Stuck In the Sound - Let's Go 462. Chinese Man feat. Ex-I, Lush One, Plex Rock - Get Up
  6. This, I'm not sure about in the plural sense. (from 01:37:05) Am I wrong? as in: ° 4 children (all 4 working, 3 doing high-end professions... doctors... etc.) ° only the mother who doesn't, lives with the sister of the caller's wife, not mentioned whether the mother's on welfare  -> I remember the mother lived with them and was elderly. So it could be that the caller and/or her kids are supporting her rather than welfare That's why I intended to help you re-listen to the part. Had you done so, I think would have been preferably better... (free choices people make) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, it looks like to me, that you're avoiding to make a correction. (no probs, you don't have to) This, I also think is factual. This, I believe to be your personal assertion, hadn't heard anything that would support it other than the caller's personal and wrongful personal deference. (apart from me disagreeing, which doesn't mean I'm correct...) Please, elaborate on the basis for the validity of your idea. (... you already have my counter, the 'scorpion & frog' + 'women have the ultimate say' arguments) Nope. You and every sentient, cognitively capable being has the capacity to free-will. Choosing to not choose but 'let them fall where they may' IS also a choice, inalienable from one's agency. The only scenario in which I could vaguely imagine some probability for your argument is if he'd been a 'Manchurian candidate' but that falls apart instantaneously once you recall how he'd been changing his behaviour thanks to the argumentation of Stefan Molyneux. Does it make sense to you what I'm saying above ? White societies are high-trust societies, and high-trust societies are, for the most part, white. Japan is a notable exception.  I'm sorry that you went to all that effort to support a point I wasn't addressing... May others find the references useful. Lemme try again... Does it matter what ethnicity is a tennis player on a court, when playing a match? As in: To be able to be granted a point, was ethnicity any relevance? Not that much. This husband-cucking African woman was the best that this man believed he could do, which means she is the best he can do. (He might be able to work on his mindset and do better, but for now, she is the best he can do.)  My quote was longer there, would have been better had you included it... sigh. You did generalise before, now you switched to the individual. Does that mean you admit you weren't accurate before? (... or perhaps you missed my 'highlighting-wunder-magic' ?) Probably this you meant in a hiper-inflated, exaggerated sarcastic way.  next 'thingy'... With some mindset training, he could do better. But what makes this guy's mindset weak? It's his deferral to women, which is the norm for Western men.   Yes. But what are the norms or averages? The caller is well above average in looks and about average in mindset. And a total cuck. Which seems to be the average Western mindset.  Here I'm speaking to, what IS, the individual and those that are prepared and willing to filter adequately. yet, You speak of what could be (future&now) why he was the way he is and then jumping to, again blanketing Western men, when I argued for individuals such as my/yourself... Dude! it's like you're having a different conversation with someone else or I'm not following, how, what you've responded is connected with what I had put forward... oh, dear. Do you see what I see? Sorry, not interested in discussing this part as of now.
  7. Hi @pretzelogik So, as of the 'completeness sake', independent of the op.; I'm curious as to what your initial thoughts were on... a. Tuskegee syphilis experiment b. Tampa Bay - Whooping cough virus release from boats and maaany others... c. d. e. f. g. h. i. ... at what point do you think about converting 'official communique' to equal of 'armpit talk'... not really an extreme but lacking credibility due to the track-record... daunting stuff really. I wish it was different. (You most likely are familiar with the 'If wishes were horses...') were they reported factually at the time? were they reported a decade later, factually? were they described in their full extent, EVER? were they discontinued with a pledge and reassurance as to not be possible to redo, adequate consequences would follow? ... I'm convinced that it isn't a certainty. Right?! With the interconnected telecommunications and proximity to easy access tech gadgets... verifying a claim isn't as hard as it was 40 years ago. Maybe less meddling, more sophistication now-a-days, it's rather fashionable to use microwaves and 'low-frequency saturation' but I digress... My two cents, sure keep a check on what the MSM is allowed to say but do your own research separate.
  8. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    459. Yoko Kanno - Triad 460. Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss /Slayer of 'Dragons' to me, sorry Elizabeth... /
  9. Yep. Stacked mistakes one on top of another... Well done Western parents, the guy obviously hasn't learnt to filter, stand up for his values, lacking a lot of life-skills and paying it with more involvement of the state, detriment to the environment, society... meanwhile his parents walk scoff free, very few people see the full story (thanks to the show, this time it's very different though)... ugh, a mess. A highly instructive conversation, stern reminder of what the lack of, (or rather) how negative values-propaganda can influence a man's life, how much damage control is necessary afterwards. This, I'm not sure about in the plural sense. (from 01:37:05) Am I wrong? as in: ° 4 children (all 4 working, 3 doing high-end professions... doctors... etc.) ° only the mother who doesn't, lives with the sister of the caller's wife, not mentioned whether the mother's on welfare Do you mean, the father & the mother? ('takes two to dance') add to that the fact that genome propagation ultimately is always in the hands of the women (as it's been reinforced by caller's description of the wife's decisions, her mother's bad decisions, bad parenting-photocopying... etc), they have the final say whom do they choose to be the father of the child, to abort or not in highly exceptional cases. (In this sense, in general, their responsibility and the need for forward thinking is higher. ie. - the fable of the scorpion and the frog, the frog can't blame the scorpion) and (another point of agency) That the caller NEVER took the time to examine his core beliefs, especially after he got independent? (even though I'm sure he suspected there was a sea of red flags, he shouldn't have waited until things got catastrophic, obviously 'rotten') Why white? Why not just simply 'good and vetted-principles driven' society, in general where people cared about the truth and honesty, looking out for each other? Probably this you meant in a hiper-inflated, exaggerated sarcastic way. There ARE women and men who'd never let their standards sink so low, would take action much sooner to avoid ending up in situations such as the caller's. Right?! For example nor you or I would let this happen in our lives... or the many other multitude of people seeking truth, reason and evidence. (I know they are very rare but that only means you need to look harder-better/become more visible.)
  10. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    457. Danai - Apo Mesa Pethamenos 458. Hidden Orchestra - The Windfall
  11. Hi thinkers and alike, The EU is toast (imho), too late & too little. (bleeding out, civil wars inevitable in my estimation... there'd have to be a great enough number of nations WITHIN the EU to enact mutiny, but that'd also include many of those nations going against their self interest... very, reeealy hard to even say that it is a possibility... so, I rather discarded its puny likelihood) Has anyone seen any plans drawn up by sympathetic nations to welcome those in hopes of finding less feudalism/deepstate-globalist environments ? (I wouldn't be surprised if it was already in the making, filtering for skills and genome.) Russians are seemingly doing something about the situation in South Africa but I'm less than convinced many would ever consider it other than a last resort.
  12. "Do you know the way?" The future of cyberspace meetups?
  13. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    455. Plug - 'Feeling So Special' 456. Savages - You're My Chocolate
  14. Hi @GeorgeW A quick question. Did you include free-will?
  15. Hi @Grosen Friis "Do you know the way?" Yes, the post (I) quoted is how you apply, please make sure to follow the instructions there. (will make everyone's life easier) Also, keep in mind that you're writing in to the world's most popular philosophy show, it might take a while (or not, depending on scheduling) so be patient and keep doing your things as usual after having made your request. Good luck, Barnsley : ^date You're welcome, pal! Looking forward to hearing you've made it!
  16. Describe, make an ask to operations@freedomainradio dot com.
  17. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    453. Quasar - I Never Thought I'd See The Day 454. Sainthood Reps - Widow "Looking out your window, noticing trees without leaves dying in the cold Coming back to life in some land, wishing that they had some place to go" /-Cielo-... saved by the bell/
  18. (Maybe I shouldn't have suggested. No probs, it only matters what you think, in the end.) Gotta hand it to you... imaginative.
  19. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    451. Youssou N’Dour Ft. Neneh Cherry - 7 Seconds 452. U 96 - Das Boot (Techno version) "I like the doors wide open So that friends can talk about their pain and their joy Then we can give them information, that will bring us all together"
  20. I like the recommendation of a journal by @Boss because it'll make the absorption and deciphering a lot more tangible (even by its symbolical sense, words and meanings created with the conscious effort of you on a paper...) My addition is slightly different though. Try this. Write down in your journal a relatively short ask/question about what you are having lately on your mind. In bed, formulate the ask/question by approximating its imaginary representation complete with sensory details for sounds, smells, touch... Then trust your mind to have heard you and fall asleep as usual. Repeat for a few days in a row, hoping but allowing for deviance, be patient.
  21. Supplementary, for the better grasping of the 'lay of the land'... I did go through the origins and the myths, trying to trace the family tree back to the 'unformed' (sorry, can't remember its proper name) once in my life... now all I can wish for if J. P. B. had done some work on it. I know it's probably not something highly useful but as a supplement I certainly recommend books such as : Richard Buxton The Complete World of Greek Mythology ps. (Greek mythology before and above Roman... as usual.)
  22. I did find what you contributed interesting... I usually do, hence my inital :
  23. May I suggest thinking in 'practical' terms? "Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than master of one" Robert Greene, referring to some William named bloke I suppose out of envy. Dude! Focusing your shining intellect on much less things would allow you to advance faster, more in depth and with a smart strategy a midterm plan could be completed ahead of schedule while sacrificing a few 'could've, would've' - s. Then, with new and solidly acquired skillets you'd be able to unleash an even greater potential on what you now only hope to be doing one day... What do you think? Am I way off?
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