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Everything posted by barn

  1. "My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety." - William Wordsworth -
  2. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    411. Aphex Twin - Alberto Balsam 412. Tweak - Nocturne
  3. No worries, appreciate the update. On the whole, do what comes natural to you. (I would) Also, given that something similar happened to me (absorbing, mulling over), I believe I perfectly understand what you mean.
  4. A huge thanks goes out to Sargon of Akkad! Thank you Sargon! This video is aimed at anyone other than the power elite. Events taking place are marking an important point in the time-line of the Internet, ramifications are uncertain but nevertheless critical, far-reaching... (btw, it simply is, no hype or exaggeration... given that you care for free speech.) FIND & CONTACT your MEP here ° sources ( until they can be linked ) For a deep, multiple-perspective breakdown, I think it was highly recommendable that you watched the Freedomainradio video, titled: " [YouTube] The Biggest Threat To The Internet As We Know It | Article 13 "
  5. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    409. Metallica - Frantic 410. Nujabes & Fat Jon - How You Feel / You live it or lie it... My lifestyle determines my ______ /
  6. Those are subjective, non-quantifiable. I'm sorry, I'm not interested. I'm out. Have a Zetetic good one,
  7. How have you verified, to what level of accuracy are your instruments certified?
  8. 1. Your generosity is much appreciated, one tries, when can speak unfiltered ... (there are exceptions, although generally they solidify the trend ultimately, as a whole. Oh, and not in science-science.) 2. It's started (any addition changes the characteristics of the whole... not just mathematically). The questions are multiple, for some, from this point on... sorry, I'm not here for those (ie. - how/when/what degree deviation... Easy to win over people are easy to lose... etc.) All in all, it's a noteworthy 'blip' on the radar...
  9. (You're welcome!) Same here, who knows what might we learn from you/seeing you contribute ...
  10. I was wondering if joining a party was really necessary, had you supported their specific goals with producing content endorsing, explaining the benefits. I would also argue, the membership meant, those joining will/are having less 'wiggle room', therefore staying an unofficial supporter of specific goals of a party was overall more benefit for the celebrity AND the party as well. (creative people tend to be more creative with less restrictions but with adequate guidance on the concept their productivity is aimed at) ps. - Sure, good to see a boost to a movement that's been much needed lately. (ie. - active participation in the very thing what one's trying to break free from... I... I'm not so sure about that.)
  11. Hi @perrymiller821 Welcome to the board! Barnsley
  12. Hi @soundwave86 That's a wise decision (imo). More power to you!
  13. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    407. Dj Bootsie - Sword Removed 408. Tomas Dvorak - By The Wall
  14. Not sure what you mean, but ok. This is curious because on the one hand I'm not seeing any problem then, while at the same time I could be blind to something important... Here, lemme share the view I have from my end: ° You seem to know what the main problem (interruption) is and what addage is attached on the side (less than preferable organisation skill) ° You seem to know what the pattern is and how to identify it. Yet it sounds as if you needed something more to adjust this dynamic... Have I missed anything or you already have all the information? Is it accurate to assume : If you wanted, you could have started upgrading, reformulating? This looks to me like an insincere person, hiding, acting for some reason but then having difficulty dealing with true-emotions. Not surprising. Sorry for saying this if it's uncalled for but by the description and in my own mind, this is an example for an actor. A faker. It takes much more courage to take ownership for what's not so appealing, than to take all opportunity trying to cover it up. That's like running away from one's true self, denying reality. Not good. (Although I don't really know what the person is like, I could be wrong) I think I understand your theory. It could be, sure, why not. But then fair transactions need both parties being conscious of the values being exchanged, be in agreement... not regretting/doubting later. (in general I think) Would you say that he was susceptible to a certain type of manipulation therefore and it was (one of) a benefit for him that you could warn him ahead of time? Sort of like when friends look out for each other's blindspot? I'm not a musician, so I could be very wrong here... but that sounds like oversimplification. What about inspiration/emotional involvement, imagination, true aim (not copying continously)? If what you put forward was consistently true, anyone could become a great musician. Don't get me wrong, I do think practice is the/a lionshare of doing it right, but I would imagine there were a few more essential things too. Of course it depends on, what level are we talking about.
  15. Hi @J.L.W Any or all of the following can be 'privatised', it's fully up to you. Also, I'm not bothered at all if you say you rather skipped certain things (like you did before, totally fine, seriously... maybe they're not important) I love music too. Definitely a wonder of the world. Here, check this out, I'm guessing it'll work neatly for your 'climbing into the zone' : Quartetto Minimo - Khayyam (why you never posted in " μ-Ziq for U " escapes me...) Knowing that, do you think one can make certain preparations, take reasonable precautions? It's ok to err, fumble, sound weird, imperfect... So what. Just do your own 'tang', try new rhythms, speeds... at least, that's what I would do. Forget everything else, when you are 'there', be 'there'. And when something is good, you'll feel, hear it something else... This might come handy too... (you'll decide for yourself) : If you state that you don't want to think of something, it won't work and you'll keep thinking about it. Annoying as hell. A workaround is to replace it with something better that can capture your attention for its greater charge and so you'll naturally levitate towards it. Something awesome, something really great and powerful for you. Yes, I perfectly remember. It's fairly recent. The second too. The third I don't recall but I'm sure you're right. On the first one... I told an acquaintance a couple months back, when the convo fot further than 'just met you' (she came around the third time) she shouldn't be making so jagged edged jokes about her shortcomings because it was literally humiliation in a gift-wrap with her own name on it. She started laughing and sort of shaking her head said, how weird I was for pointing that out and it was just a joke and I take things too seriously. Her next bit was, how sensitive I might be, a softy for believing it's anything more than just an empty comment people usually make, harmless. Still laughing. I wisely swallowed my pride and shrugged. Well, we never got an inch closer. Turns out she's very cynical and likes to fling, jab and make nasty comments, all in the name of ' good humour '. I made a good decision then to not provide a platform for her, nor later when she was around... found other things to do, other people to chat with. That's a tough one, except for people who see/live virtuously. Chances are, those people repelled the unstable, the two-faced, simply because 'visibility' is scary for the malicious, hence the dark, the behind the scene, manipulative preference. If you don't mind me saying, make sure you don't have doubts, 'an ounce of preven...' - style (as in: evaluate, prevent) Does the third make you feel uncomfortable too?
  16. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    405. Ramon Morris - Don't Ask Me 406. Bonobo - Shadowtricks
  17. Supplementary: "The 'Marginal Utility' of ... that stuff."...is now FDA approved. Not sure why morphine on the other hand (to name one from a DIFFERENT 'family') isn't reclassified already (to a more restricted substance) but hey, the gov. works in not so mysterious ways.
  18. Kudos on noticing. You did a lot, not easy. (I mean it) How about shaping 'these' into a special, full-on song? (for you, 'pouring it into a form') ps. ' Takes two to... '
  19. I think that's a wise choice. Maybe this will help you... Sometimes it can get anxiety provoking and inconvenient to put these things under microscope. What has been useful for me in those cases is to remind myself my present (I'm here not there) and the good reasons why curiosity will bring me closer to understanding, which will eventually be substance of getting better things... as long as I'm open to finding whatever I might find. (I know this might have been a little abstract but it helped me a lot, so my focus was constructive) As in: " I just don't want any more trouble, and disappointment. " contrasted with " What I want is _____ because it will enable me to ______. " Huh. Interesting. Wrestling. Struggle for power. Domination. Immobilisation. (the stuff that we're drawn to and frequently expose ourselves... there's always a reason)
  20. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    403. Lone - Midnight Feast (Bibio Remix) 404. Toshinori Kondo & Dj Krush - Mu-Getsu
  21. ' I feel you '. It isn't easy but there are tons of things one can do (and a couple, the least, doubles that pool of opportunities) to help those pieces fall into their most preferable place. Calling things by their proper name and comparing proposed ideas to objective standards has been the biggest for me. Or the book OT, RTR... there's literally nothing out there I could adequately compare it to... don't get me wrong, I'm not in full agreement with some of his arguments... but there's vastly more aspects to his thinking I objectivity see valuable emulating. Good value, consistency in principles... you get me. Yes, I have seen the 'past experiences' you eluded to in that post, also said it there, reiterating it here also... Thank you for sharing those words (helped me further adjust my perspectives) and working on stopping the Tsunami, NOT letting the past flow through you to others! Kudos to the both of you, champs! (I seriously think of virtuous parents as champions!) If you don't mind my curiosity... Would you say that you feel as if you've exhausted the possible avenues regarding trying to have meaningful conversations about 'respecting boundary/whose benefit is what' with the grandparents, any/all subjects that could result in win-win scenarios ? p. s. - I do believe people in general rarely change, nevertheless I found those following good principles have a much easier time readjusting, upgrading as they are invested in truth more than 'worthless and illusory quick-fixes'.
  22. I understand this part better. Thanks. I still don't see what you'd meant, that's why I said (this comment above is actually yours from: oleom Posted Saturday at 11:11 AM) If it's too much asking that you quoted, no problem, you can certainly decline. I'm just letting you know I haven't made progress with this small chunk of your comment. I was also wondering, what if you called in? Sent an email to @operations? Did you know, parenting matters had a priority over others? (It's been mentioned and I think written/highlighted by staff too)
  23. Conundrum is another way of saying 'paralysis', as of now, from the perspective that led to it. Would you say that you could explore more and maybe find out different and new perspectives and possibly solutions too?
  24. Welcome back. Was there anything noteworthy happening before the dream? Just an idea, maybe... Have you thought about if the dream was expressing a strong desire for being reached out to, saved from something that you could be suspecting to be on the horizon if nothing changed?
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