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Everything posted by barn

  1. Computing Forever, Dave Cullen, a guest on the show... yep, he's recently received the 'Dear John...' letter after 4yrs of being in a contract... The MCN btw isn't not Canadian... although who knows why they chose to drop Dave, they haven't explained it to him other than 'we're doing this 'n stuff...' 'Interesting' times the Internet is looking forward to... or at least what's left of it...
  2. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    387. Thomas Newman - Picture Window 388. Faskil - Clear Mayhem (Cassino & Laben Rmx)
  3. That looks like an honest response to me. Hey! Thanks. Um... I don't know what else to say... because you do seem to be choosing consciously and I respect that. (whatever I might be thinking meanwhile, doesn't matter)
  4. ° (4yr old data, humble estimate = willing to register) over 10.7% of the total population. ° (as a reference) In 1998, immigrants accounted for 3 per cent of the population ... Please, let's not go into the details about partnership with African coordinator centres, doctors without borders and / illegal migration re-routings... Touchy subject, haven't (yet) seen a dedicated presentation on it. I would appreciate it but at the same time it's also... a Touchy subject. I might not be able to go into it any deeper. Sorry.
  5. (I was hoping you wouldn't mention Spain... please, can we pretend it was never brought up... pretty please?!...<facepalm>) I'll wait for the rest of your contributions to trickle in...
  6. barn


    To tell when someone really listens... ' Double Dabble '
  7. Supplementary (HAWT) #1 - Gyroscopic precession rationale
  8. Hi @J.L.W Sounds like you got the job you wanted, if so... awesome! Sure, no rush.
  9. Please excuse my skepticism due to not grasping all that might be happening... George W. Bush - ( 2 Terms ) Angela Merkel - ( 4 TIMES !!!! ) " #1 - A happenstance. #2 - A coincidence. #3 - Enemy movement. " #4 - 'You' are clearly brainwashed. How fast and to what extent can those be argued into a better mindset who had previously supported Merkel's politics 4 TIMES ? ps. - (after awhile) A group of individuals seemingly not willing to voice their individual opinions and deferring to the majority OR a group of individuals not being capable to perceive their individually distinctive/inherently present distinctions... not that it matters either way from the perspective of a manipulator. (here, 'manipulator' is, in appearance, it's actually a toned-down version of an existing force... globalist agenda, visible from continents away)
  10. #3 - Comparative study of spar-type floating horizontal and vertical axis wind turbine subjected to constant winds (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2015) pdf (link) #4 - Vertical axis wind turbine design load cases investigation and comparison with horizontal axis wind turbine (13th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, EERA DeepWind’2016, Trondheim, Norway) pdf (link)
  11. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    385. Dj Cam Quartet - Nebulosa 386. Nuru Kane - Goree
  12. Erm... Maybe you just missed my point entirely or willfully ignored it. 'Interesting' choice of yours. Completely misses my point but I can't say I was surprised, given how you took what I had said out of context earlier on, here: I never said or suggested nor implied you should do that SO THEREFORE I don't understand why you would be saying that. (It looks as if you're taking what I said out of context, claiming stuff I never said. Is that a fair assessment?) Additionally, it does make me wonder if you had the capacity to examine your own convictions.  A brief summary OF YOUR CHOOSING: Probably you remember asking me: Im interested to know, how are his nature documentaries indoctrination? To which I responded: So your choosing ( Tasmania, the video you linked) has no "human impact being described during the narration" (???), what a surprise you haven't heard anything about that... Analogous to -> ' I couldn't find any food at the hardware store! ' <- Well, imagine my shock! This just further adds to my suspicion that the way you argue is less than preferable by intelectually honest standards. ( i. e. - You, choosing a video not discussing human impact, different than what I had previously highlighted to you, then taking things out of context, stating things I never stated... not good.) I ask you for the second time: @neeeel, I ask you, don't post on my threads! I don't enjoy the format nor the content you are producing, AS OF NOW! - - - /21-08-2018/ Hi Shadow voter, Sure, keep voting secretly. I c u
  13. A quick re-cap, noticed they weren't answered. It's ok if you don't want to, they're totally up to you. I'm just letting you know I had noticed: #1 #2 #3 ( this is an ask for clarification ) #4 #5 Lastly, have I been successful (in your opinion) un-packing the 'ship' analogy enough, so that you could respond to it now?  Yes that does make sense. So what you are saying is that you do not see a sudden shift for a positive change but that people will have to really slog to change things.  I don't see sudden shift, yes but that's beside the point. The ship has travelled a distance, it first needs to return. THEN can it go more in the opposite direction, opposite of the initial heading that had to be reverted. I deliberately said speed was optional because let's say society agrees we need a fix and needs it quick, it's possible to have the work required done faster. But the amount of work still won't change, the 'ship' still needs to traverse all that distance back it 'wrongly' sailed down upon the first place. 
  14. I'm not trying to convince you or anything, sure I see your idea. I'm just saying less control is still not freedom. Although faint memories of what I've read about the 'Miracle' tells me there's a lot that can be learned from it. Especially, since it quickly got 'watered down' , how it got diminished and turned into some sort of a feudalism for the joining nations within the EU. Quite annoying to think of it that it couldn't be maintained nor taken further towards more freedoms.
  15. What I mean is, Say you had a land for crops, which you managed exploitingly, didn't replace nutrients, didn't allow the land to rest... etc. One day came a farmer from a faraway land and suggested that you used crop rotation and allowed other farmers to utilise some parts of the land for a small cut in the proceedings from their work, allowed them to choose from ONLY 10 different types of crops to grow. My question is : (1)Did you or did you not give away any power over your land since the beginning, (2)or is it just that you're managing your property better?
  16. Um... how did state power decrease there? Isn't state control greater, only reorganised?
  17. No, it has given me the opportunity to more strongly explain my position and I think that sort of political discussion does need strong opinions. Oh, that's good. Errm, I beg your pardon? ( I'm happy to re-visit it THERE if you'd like, it doesn't make sense to me HERE, maybe you assume I'm following your train of thought since it initiated in your mind? Sorry, I don't. ) Yes that does make sense. So what you are saying is that you do not see a sudden shift for a positive change but that people will have to really slog to change things.  I don't see sudden shift, yes but that's beside the point. The ship has travelled a distance, it first needs to return. THEN can it go more in the opposite direction, opposite of the initial heading that had to be reverted. I deliberately said speed was optional because let's say society agrees we need a fix and needs it quick, it's possible to have the work required done faster. But the amount of work still won't change, the 'ship' still needs to traverse all that distance back it 'wrongly' sailed down upon the first place. This looks like a nice-ish sentiment, a hopeful thought. Wish it was that simple. Do you have any ( past) provable track record supporting the validity of your idea? (I mean, can you point to a single example of reduction in state-power/coercion?) {Caveat: I'm all about probabilities, not exceptions. In regards to politicians, I just see them as 'shopfront', even Trump... it's like a machinery, some parts get exposed, others never get to see daylight. You can't interact with what you don't know existed. Replacing the outer layers, don't have any meaningful effect on the inner parts responsible for the running of the 'engine'.} I strongly believe that the real change for a better future can only come from a transformation within the base of the pyramid. The top only cares about itself, only extorts what people are willing to in order for quick 'n easy cash... The more people wake up to their potential, the more they realise their responsibility for their own life, their' horizontal' influence -> the more 'accurate' (aware) their response will be to existing incentives. -> the less they can be influenced by dangled carrots tied to sticks. i. e. - increase in preferring long term gain over short term bursts of gratification, or at least more honest about it -> people will appreciate more those that provide such things = peaceful parenting, strong ethos, merit based evaluation, principle based justice system, respecting property/ownership more... etc. But first, society has to check-in to a rehabilitation facility, get off drugs such as future borrowing or 'let us not worry about our children, they'll raise themselves' hypocrisy. We might. Or we might not. The availability of an option doesn't mean it is going to happen. -> ( Not saying it about you, just in general to my point : ->A common misconception about "Murphy's Law(link)", the inverse is falsely interpreted too) I couldn't piece this one together, probably it's too vague but I really can't tell . Sorry. I'm more worried about the people who have chosen her (4 TIMES !!!!!!!!!) in the first place, the people who are celebrating Germans becoming a minority by the end of 2040 hasn't decreased significantly... and, well, they're not saying nonsensical stuff if you look at the rate of population replacement. Oh, and the recently arrived, soon to be state-power 'props', them people kinda tips the scale of 'progress' too towards 'hard-landing on the side of a mountain, gears not extended jammed, engines stalling' . In my assessment, very nasty and turbulent times are being facilitated by all of that, the options for negotiations are decreasing, everyone's doubling down, pushing harder. You know as well as everyone does, what will come next... SNAP! Do you know who's most likely to replace her? P.s. : #1 - A happenstance. #2 - A coincidence. #3 - Enemy movement. #4 - 'You' are clearly brainwashed.
  18. Perhaps it represents the mindset of a physicist or engineer.  Following through on another post.  Good engineers, physicists are able to explain complex ideas a lot simpler, be clear on what they mean... I certainly would like to achieve that standard as much as possible. Besides, I wouldn't worry about cognitive stuff for now... maybe I was just too dense, too 'whatnot'... you should always let me know if anything similar occurs, I welcome it. Ok, let me know if this version is better: Would you agree, in order to get back to the starting point of a ship's journey, the ship has to travel in the opposite direction the same distance than it has been sailing since the initiation of the journey. (to return back)? plus: ° can do ( faster movement ) ° can't do ( not change direction or just slow down = won't get closer) I'm sorry, don't know enough to contribute here meaningfully, other than in layman's terms. I just understand why Fiat currency is cannibalism on the long run, we're already neck deep in the obvious consequences... If you've seen Stefan Molyneux's latest presentation on Italy, you know what I mean ( German banking standards, or lack of... ) Do you think my doubts in your thread are doing a disservice to what you think would be preferable?
  19. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    383. Puccio Roelens - Intimate Conversation 384. Maserati - Closer Than You Know How
  20. Ah, ok. "Poetic license", sure. I'm out, but thanks for sharing. Good luck with the book sales! I read the reviews for one of your work, the "Talking to the Birds" here
  21. Additionally: I do think 'aiming at the sky but landing on a mountain peek' is a great thing, realistically. We shouldn't suspend our dreams or be paralysed because what we aim for isn't guaranteed. I was perhaps 'triggered' by the notion that we are "winning" which I can only but falsify from all that I've seen on the large scale(techworld, monetary, educational, activists... all but doubling down,) less and less conversations amongst people with different views. Thanks by the way for this very convo!
  22. You're right, I do ask and prefer specificity. Not sure about "unusual" or "incredible" because compared to what... I also understand it might not be something you preferred ideally for yourself, besides it might be even annoying to you or at least tiring. If you ever need to complain... don't hold it back, we'll figure something out if we can, as long as it's constructive, both agrees. Yes. You are right. Most people do. I'm not like most people. I'm unique as everyone else! (Tee-Heee ) Cool. Thank you @J.L.W Where I was going with that is, it's a common error (you can observe it in business, sports, scientific research... ) to think a goal is being achieved by looking at some minuscule progress having been made. Think of this: 'Extraordinary claims require...' or what people usually deem as overnight succes, more often than not turns out to be a preparation in the making for a very long time... How long has been the corruption of the state expanding into all aspects of life? How many generations? How many centuries? Add to that the fairly constant nature of humanity (and it's subgroups, ethnic, cognitive differences) for hundreds and thousands of generations... Do you think it's reasonable to expect change due to at least (and ONLY) after the same amount of (not time) and intensity, opposite, counter effect/work? Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see 'something' happening but I am not convinced at all after having seen how un-Brexit is being implemented, France, The Netherlands, Trump's sweating bullets for minor achievements... When I see sustainability (change in principles, not appearances) , be it economic or social... but that needs much more work. By the way... What do you think about the "Fall of Rome" presentation and the plethora of parallels with current times?
  23. Perhaps you could quote parts if you wanted, please quote parts as for me it would be recognisable what your issue was... or Should I take it as a blanket statement in response, for all that I have provided? (You could be right, not saying... as of now, don't know what you are referring to and I rather not assume things but ask you to tell me instead.)
  24. Some updates... (adding more over time) From here Papers #1 - A General Description and Comparison of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines and Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science University of Iceland, 2014) pdf (link) #2 - A Comparison Between the Dynamics of Horizontal and Vertical Axis Offshore Floating Wind Turbines (Offshore and Renewable Energy, Cranfield University, Cranfield, 2014) pdf (link)
  25. That looks like an honest response to me! Thank you @PillPuppetPoet, nice one ! p. s. (I read the preface, " In all likelihood, the philosophical work provided in this document [...] "
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