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Everything posted by barn

  1. A huge stride closer to the police state people in Europe seemingly are indifferent about... Un-be-f-ing-'live'-able ! (I guess my plans for moving could be sped up, having even more incentives now..."All hands! Abandon sinking ship! I repeat! All ha... ") "On 20 June 2018, the European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs voted in favour of adopting Articles 11 and 13. The vote will then go to the European Parliament in July 2018, while a final vote is set for either December 2018 or January 2019.[22][23]" (from here, see -> 'Progress') (' Progress' ... they dare calling it as such... ) 'Altrutis constanti' , the insanity manifested : (... Constantly reminded of Stefan Molyneux's analogy of the two football teams playing against where one team keeps passing the ball to the other team, while that team never does so and only attacks and attacks and never backs down...) Indeed... " The future belongs to those who will it the strongest. "
  2. That's all-right, I'm open to having my thinking updated by (a) superior argument(s). Please provide proofs for workable solutions to your ideas. Would you agree, that bad habits can just as well cause long term negative consequences? (i.e. - deeply rooted and never corrected habits, for example extended 'dummy' use, not helping the development of communicating of needs, learning to be able to seek/invent engaging activities sometimes independently... etc.) On a slightly different note, that's a good question ("degree of cost"), and to my mind it boils down to a fully free individual, not withheld by erroneous beliefs, capable to fully express its needs without curbing it due to the preferences of others (self-assertion). i. e. : I want to do X, it is the right thing to do I'm convinced (with reason & evidence) but I know it'll upset person B so I rather not pursue it. (dependent) contrasted with I want to do X, it is the right thing to do I'm convinced (with reason & evidence) but I know it'll upset person B, so apparently it'll cause inconvenience but I'll have to do it regardless. (free, assertive) Given how language skills are vastly superior with an added year of the parents' efforts in exposing the child to stories, interaction in speech (stay at home, involved parenting), I have no doubt in my mind that the child gains a much greater benefit. Also, the first 3-4 years (from what I gather) translates to 'multiple years' in effect, the most important to having good foundations. Oh, yes absolutely. If there's a method to loosing weight and then keeping it off without exercising harder at first, then eating consciously-staying fit, I'd be interested in that. This is a long shot, an unverified assumption, my own idea... Is it remotely possible that you had trouble dealing with your own anxiety and that could be affecting your pool of available options in your mind? (as in: 'skewed' objectivity if/when it was preferable/needed)
  3. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    393. Kenji Kawai - At Parting (Patlabor 2) 394. The Juju Orchestra - Kind Of Latin Rythm
  4. Hey Mole, These are really complicated things , if I accidentally forget to mention something or skip something... I welcome your reminding me of it, if it happened. (1) I'm suggesting revisiting this part again, please (no body -> no mind) A suggestion, the following (curious what you thought of it) (Although, I must admit I can't disprove adequately the inverse, that non-matter can't, in no circumstances can it create matter.) I know my suggestion might be perturbing some things down the chain of conclusions but I think it's important to make that distinction, to highlight that one-way relationship. Or maybe I'm completely wrong, in which case I should be helped to see my error. Maybe I should say not contingent instead of independent? (1) As with the definition of free will, I mean not determined by. (2) Also, what do you mean by a physically appropriate surrogate? (3) (1) - See my first comment in this reply above. (2) - Ok. (3) - Sure. Back then (IQ-G), now, additionally (living vs. dying) I was thinking back then about how IQ-G (biologically determined) isn't sufficient for free-will, from personal observation, empirically too. Place two smart enough individuals side by side and if one of them isn't capable to manifest free-will in a scenario where the other was capable to utilise it, it's fair to conclude, free-will required more than just sufficient bodies/brains...or 'whatnot' (Chemistry is 'reallyverytoomuch' complicated here, for me) But now, when I have re-visited it, it's also likely that since free-will can be partially blocked/erased (ie - in abuse, coercion, threat), it must have been either intrinsically present before as a capability and later developed further into a more complex sytem. Or in the case if it wasn't intrinsically there, maybe it was taught/learnt. Which made me ask: Would an individual be able to survive on a deserted island (provided enough food, no predators, endless supply of fdr podcasts... was available) by having to rely on the self only, to invent and then manifest free-will? I think yes. It's because life's core part is an endless chain and continous manifestations of choices. Failing at making decisions on a continuous basis, equals to being very good at atrophy, dying. Does what I have written make sense to you? · Do you think a human has the ability to put its head in a bucket of water and ... until ... ? · Well, tell me what you see here. All good? (If yes, then I'll have to ask you some more because then it's probably me, who's not in picture.): "our awareness is fundamentally in control of external causes affecting it." with "The neurobiological changes reflect the phenomenological changes." · Probably you know how a torrent file is being shared (download from multiple sources the same file in pieces simultaneously, pieces come not in order, ie - download part 1 and 4 and 2 and 3... but in the progression bar you see a 'common' strip, representing the overall progress in percentage written over it (usual progression bar with a percentage, nothing fancy). And in another part of the program (utorrent - it's at the bottom third of the UI)... the already acquired parts/availability (imagine a very sparse barcode becoming denser and denser to the point that it appears as a continous colour, each thinly pixel strip represents a piece of the file you're downloading)... ) I'm thinking that free-will, self-awareness are things that similar to the analogy with the torrent file being downloaded in pieces, only becomes accessible/available to be opened after a certain quantity of pieces have been gathered. For example you can open the movie file at 89% completion, albeit experiencing some artifacts in the video, unplayable parts while playing the movie until the download is fully terminated. Similarly, I'm wondering if free-will and awareness could be accessed less or more depending on consciousness, which is greatly influenced by age... I'm curious of your opinion... Would you say that my 'torrent' analogy could be applied to stages of free will too? (a file can be accessed from 89% but not before) Narration: Mouse 1 - He said it's 'His' experiment... If he knew. Should we tell him? Mouse 2 - I don't know. O-ooo, I mean he's family 'n all ...
  5. Yes, you did. There are two different meaning to levels. I am aware researchers are splicing up awareness and even free will to say that there are different degrees of free will working at the same time. Another meaning is reflected in the paper you cited, which is suggesting different stages of awareness, just like developmental stages that a child goes through. I will evaluate both meanings with the original idea I had posted. First meaning (degrees of free will): It seems to me that if my argument is sound then our awareness is fundamentally in control of external causes affecting it. For example, I may be thirsty, but my thirst doesn't over-ride my free will. Because awareness is unified (awareness is a whole package) it seems that if any external cause were to create an effect in my neural network, the neural network would act as a whole to integrate this effect with the rest of the neural network through causal links that go through the entire network. Indeed, this is exactly what we experience when we realise we are thirsty. The neurobiological changes reflect the phenomenological changes. Because of this reason, I have doubt that there are levels of free will. Second meaning (stages of free will): Of course, responsibility depends on knowledge. It would seem that as more information is integrated the person reaches higher stages of free will.  This looks beautiful to me, what you just did. Thank you for the clarity too. I'm gonna have to reread it carefully later. A hat-raise! Thanks. p.s. {I'm starting to like your 'style' .}
  6. Bumped (1) into the above, can't get past it. Feel free to skip. (based on previous comment, no probs) I prefer to think in terms of (substance dualism, Descartes) , as in: no body, -> no mind Similarly, 'Will' can't be independent of the physical realm it 'lives' in, furthermore not every physically appropriate surrogate manifests (a) free-willed entity, hence it's more than just physicality as a pre-requisite that's needed. (Sorry, can only theorise regarding the requirements there) Is it perhaps that there are levels to free-will, though could be difficult to agree on specifics... maybe a similar approach could be used, akin to how awareness is being 'spliced up'? (the later, like this levels - look for-> Psychology / Developmental stages, ' levels 0-5 ' , levels ') E:dit
  7. Hey, that's fair and square, accepted. I'm moving past it. Yeah, I know it looks as if I cherry picked for the sake of being argumentative, while I can tell you my aim was to best absorb the meaning of your 'foundations' for the idea proposed, without the need for having to ignore 'annoying splinters' from the get-go. That's a bit 'paranoid' in my estimation, meaning I think it's 'overkill' but perhaps you disagree. Anyways... I think I know that from having seen it before. (amongst other 'garden variety of approaches') ... and that's why I suggest (and remind myself) to be open when constructivity is present. Splendid. All good, thanks for updating your proposed base.
  8. What do you think I know? (not trying to be difficult but that looks presumptuous) Well, yeah I understand you would like to see your vision being taken further, interacted with. It's just I can't mind-read and that part seemed conflicting. Sorry if that's bothersome, I hoped you would welcome questions... maybe not. Do you mind me asking clarifications if it's unclear what you're putting forward? What do you mean by "I don't have time to discuss particular details"? Is it that you preferred just went along with what you suggested as a whole, like a thought experiment? (like 'riddle me this' type approach?)
  9. (no influence?) Independent of my will is how many people choose to buy baguettes on a specific day, nevertheless when I am about to grab a pair and they're all gone, I can't disregard the choices of others and pick up two of them if people before me, they'd bought them all up. E:dit - say you added 'from the pool of perceivable & available options.
  10. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    391. Egberto Gismonti - Salvador 392. Dj Shadow - ... Meets His Maker
  11. Thanks, no thanks. This is the reason why I prefer not to engage with you : E:dit
  12. Ouhh, is it possible that your girlfriend is lonely and finds it hard to find sympathetic people, friends, interesting girlfriends? E:dit - My bad, I thought your girlfriend lived in the same country.
  13. Is it possible that your focus needs adjustment from 'short term, relieving anxiety' to -> 'enduring short term anxiety in order for long term and stable benefit' entirely for the child's sake? as in: prevention is always superior to > quick fix (pulling out a bad tooth compared to > temporary, local anaesthesia for a toothache) Isn't independently sleeping an uninterrupted night's dream is a greater benefit? Besides, in which scenario can a parent (btw, the child rests better alone too, gets a more consistent rest for the same reason) have more energy to be a more attentive caretaker during the day : a. sleeping with interruptions due to an additional person being there b. sleeping casually, knowing the child's comfortable in its environment sleeping uninterrupted Principle wise, I'd say that which allows for the most independence age appropriately, self-expression free of any dependence (age appropriately again). I'm not a researcher and will be keeping an eye on the things you find and post in the future. If you do.
  14. I highly doubt that. Think of the pain that a tooth-ache represents as a simili, we rather suffer the short term unease for the long term benefits... not to mention, a baby with incomplete self-awareness has little chance (actually none most cases under 14 months old from what I've read) choosing for its own good. That's exactly why parents doing the method Stefan Molyneux has also employed, are thinking 100% about the 'what's the most benefit for the child, regardless my own discomfort' a superior approach.
  15. Will pm. Last time I checked, there were plenty more 'clicks' in that button, if you'd run out I'm sure people can always lend you some more, around here! And no, I wasn't / am not being sarcastic. You gave me no reason & I see no use for it, here. The reason I asked was to find out whether you had a clear idea of either the positive or negative direction & / next 'summit' you wanted to get to. In my strong opinion, nobody can achieve what they haven't been able to imagine in the first place... plus what our minds eye gets to see almost never manifests exactly in the same parameters. I know it's a cliché but thought it was fitting : 'No plan survives first implementation.' Additionally, (not saying healthy genes aren't important) beauty fades, therefore it's beneficial to have those 'virtue things' present more importantly. How often do you think about 'them things' within this topic? It's not possible (I think) to truly love a person who we don't admire. Isn't it logical to choose such a partner for life if we want to have a strong, lasting, deep relationship? Feeling at ease ("where I needed nothing"), perhaps is for recharging, preparing for the next project or wave in life. At least, that's my take on it as I had experienced much higher levels of happiness when I was active doing stuff, engaged in activities suitable for my aspirations... then say, when I was complacent about how things were in general. By the way, I think you're right when saying happiness 'isn't sustainable', but I see it just as keeping fit... don't pay attention to it, it deteriorates (atrophy). Speaking to the last paragraph, I hope you read this bit carefully and used it for your own good: See people for who they are, not how you'd like to see them. That means, allow them to be themselves, same as you don't curb/exaggerate yourself in hope that they'll like you better. (self-improvement is different)
  16. Hi @toughfish Welcome to the board... No, it isn't. It's here. (funny how your title mirrors it) Why do you think this particular 'glitch' occurred? E:dit - To voter, yes I see your opinion.
  17. Those are interesting thoughts, ideas. Sorry, you don't always respond to my replies, or takes ages for you (not an argument) but I rather skip you for now. Thanks for the interest, those are really interesting ideas, Barnsley E:dit - Thanks for the honest vote
  18. Very intriguing thread, indeed. Hemocyanin,.. oh, yes completely. 'The nobility' in the animal kingdom, funny. (though the medieval belief, lack of physical... pale skin-appearance-o2/co2 ratio... stems from another set of observations...unrelated... anyhow)
  19. Some additional thoughts, don't think I would like to post them publicly as of now, may I send you a pm? ps (Duuude! Good language skills! e. g - organisation, emphasis)
  20. Hi @Omarcrysis Welcome to posting on the board btw... That's a big chunk of shared thoughts, appreciate it, you aiming to lay it out in a comprehensive manner for the readership ... (I read you ~2.25 times...) What would you say, how would an ideal scenario look like for you, REGARDLESS of what you've shared? (as a thought experiment) i. e. How do you imagine (1)seeing yourself happy and why(2) would that make you happy? Barnsley
  21. Hahaha... (imagine my 'surprise',... examples provided below) 1st, please don't try to manipulate, won't work. (btw, if you are interested, I had written to a near identical content earlier... maybe you missed it, ignored it ... it looks as if it's a pattern emerging from you) 2nd, due to personal experience with you, I don't see the value in ... i.e. - you saying how much you would appreciate something and then you don't even bother replying about it, not even when I called your attention about it... I think that's inconsistent of you, to put it gently... not good. Based on the assumption that you read what people respond to you. (in my example, on that post, twice) 3rd, I'd provided (probably you missed/ignored that too... seemingly there's a pattern, (yet again)... piling evidence) I'm sure you are well-suited to discern on your own. There are a few examples I can think of (haven't seen all of them documentaries) , easy to find if you actually want to. Unlike finding what you asked me in another thread; the one that you haven't acknowledged still...not good. (Had your interaction been constructive, probably my response would have been quite different. Not that you have to, I'm just outlining my preferences... for the future also. It's up to you how you 'take it'.) I hope that helps you see my meaning better (not sure if I can or want to take more time on it). You're a smart person, I'm sure you can 'get it', if you choose to. - - - /21-08-2018/ Hi Shadow voter, Sure, keep voting secretly. I c u
  22. Don't want to 'speak vegetables here' but a certain 'onion' might be getting much more desirable as a result of this... which is counterintuitive if the State's goal is to better protect, prevent ... i. e - The most appropriate way to relocate an unwanted wild-bee colony recently having settled under the roof of a family home is, logically the steps are... one must first shake it really hard and then ...
  23. I highlighted the parts that you deliberately took out of context, (again) hoping it's easier for you to see why I don't think you picking randomly is making me see you less intellectually dishonest and you even admit to it.... Mustering up my remaining scraps of good-will (i.e - you could improve) for now, maybe transmitting something constructive as a parting gift... This looks like, it's been happening for you for a while... I estimate it's a pattern in your way of thinking, how you choose to approach arguments time and time again, jump to conclusions prematurely... hopefully the references help you, they sure aided me seeing clearer. or this (more recent, akin to my observations, similar patterns mentioned by someone else) Otherwise, take it easy (I'll) - - - /21-08-2018/ Hi Shadow voter, Sure, keep voting secretly. I c u
  24. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    389. Dj Krush - Deep In Ill-Usion (Dj Krush remix) 390. The Impressions - People Get Ready
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