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Everything posted by barn

  1. Interesting. I would never consider #2, be it peace or war-time. To much abstractions, zero 'visibility' of personal incentives...risky-er than #1.
  2. Humans are social beings, wanting to be part of a group is intrinsic (mainly) to the specie. It's just what it is. Longing for 'connection'... I understand. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So, let's say someone was about to endeavour on a journey with explorers and had put out a call for new recruits. The first guy comes in and says: " Sorry for most likely disappointing some of you... but here's the deal. I'm here to make my fortune, earn my share and profit. For that I'll work hard and not let you down, I give you my word. Take it or leave it. Thank you, I trust your judgement." As he's leaving, the second candidate walks in smiling and with open arms... " Brothers and sisters! The reason for me being here is to join your mighty and divine mission, I too am touched by the higher call. Choose me, a true soul for your journey, let us be guided by virtuous light from above. " Soon, he leaves as well. People start voting on which candidate to finally settle for... Which one would YOU take for 'the journey' ?
  3. (before all, let me compliment your English, I personally enjoy reading you!) Ok. In very broad terms I can see why that's better (than its opposite variations, determinism even), it's reminiscent of the "unexamined life's not worth..." What do you think about (if I'm nitpicking needlessly, let me know) 'appropriately graded' responsibility? As in: 'Each to its ability.' i. e: Don't expect a child to take (also moral) responsibility for any action that's outside of what's perceivable to him/her (because can't relate, lack of experience). Isn't it fair to expect their guardians to do that, until... you get me, right?! The reason why I used this example, even though you specifically said is to illustrate the point of the distinction 'adult' should be replaced (better?) with 'aware' and even then, there are more difficulties for me seeing the justification for (greatly exaggerated) 'leaving people to their own devices'. When observing my own actions, I generally act as you put it. Respecting individuals sufficiently to happily allow them get 'rekt' if they want to (Hahaha, that's a word I haven't seen in a while, kinda hard to focus now... dooh!) I'm not convinced about if it's applicable for groups of people or if I'm missing something important because of convenience... but that's maybe because I don't know/understand enough. Apart from sufficient experience, there's intelligence: 1. It's possible for a more intelligent to scale down, do an entry level job. While expecting the inverse from a less gifted individual is just plain nutts. (wink, wink - globalists, socialists) 2. You can teach 'application', not processing speed. What I'm trying to say is that the oversimplification of principles runs the risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. A CPU does the calculation but take away circuits and it's useless... does the circuit have less value? Well, yhheaa... but even so we need both if we want to play 'Kandi-krush' or determine DV1's closest approach to the degree of ~10 000km accuracy (that one passed in march). I so wish that was true, that your idea was objectively provable in reality. 'snot ('It's not.') Please refresh my memory... (being cheeky, playful) Why are you looking to move ASAP? Because the individuals who made terrible choices..., because you are shielded from the consequences of their NOT TAKING responsibility? Nobody has the right to rob you from the fruits of your labou...Hahaha, I'm sorry... couldn't hold it in. So given that I meaningfully demonstrated that what you put forward is a great ideal, though isn't realistically present only in a small portion... May I suggest that we introduce a few more variables into the way we see individuals living in a society, their responsibility taking being a mixture of many things, some of which are not up to them (ie - coercion) + (for now)? I can argue both, in conflict with myself to be honest. Yes, can't take responsibility for what's not mine. (self ownership, respecting freewill) No, I can't NOT TO FEEL responsible when I (at least) can provide (or believe) guidance. That's why I feel cowardness, even though astronomical odds are, I shouldn't. F&#ck!!! I. - Word! (agree, because outsourcing responsibility is what's the EU's been about) II. - disagree because people aren't stepping up to the line. (as in, seeing what's been happening SW/NL/FR/UK/SP, the metrics... critical mass is decades away... F@&ck!!!) Remember?! We both expressed a desire to move away! That must mean we've given up... doesn't it? (sigh) I would personally put it to within 6 or so generations (technically), though the realisation might came after for most. Maybe it's the aggressive nature of it, the 'warrior gene' - s gradual and incremental occurrence within the populace, while lower consciousness allows for ignoring morality and curbing the 'column B'. (Got reminded of a podcast by Stefan Molyneux where he talked about choosing one property that is the opposite of another, directly diminishes the choices from 'column A'. ie - becoming more extrovert, diminishes traits of introversion) Also, cousin marriages is seemingly speeds up producing less advanced humans, many requisites of a democratic style society being outside of the options for them... can't get a working democracy under IQ 95, If I remember correctly. It's mental! (no pun intended) Yes, see that's another reason why I don't think your earlier statement about 'choices acrew to the one making... ' + 'can't rob fruits of labour...' is accurate (to say the least). Right?! People respond to incentives in general, the general population 'fell' for the trap of outsourced decisions are better illusion and look, the more intelligent is unhappy, of course they don't feel like striving. While those who can't perceive really what's going on, the less gifted, they think everything is honkey-dorey and think it's the best time/place to be alive. In that, I think they're correct and don't blame them. They just wondered into a treasure store, doors were open... it's the guards that have to be sacked and replaced by competent ones. (me thinks) Thank you for reading.
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    368. Fear Factory - Scapegoat 369. Jeff Mills - The Bells /Maybe reading the lyrics(1st) in this occurrence was (again) perhaps interesting... or not, you decide./
  5. Hi @violet Would you like to quote me directly in the future(I am having difficulty sometimes relating things you mention) ? Thanks for your honesty, again. (expect reciprocity) Maybe it's just me but I got the sensation that you'd spent a lot less than 'reasonably sufficient' time to approach your own supposed basis for your own question... while I know this isn't an argument, nor objective... (except your initial vague-ish/too broad ask supports the notion, in my estimation, that the topics were quite distant for you from the start... that's why I asked initially what you'd meant, by saying this to you ->) -> As of the Sure, spend as little time researching a topic you (seemed to have/) showed to have some interest in... my mistake, I fully accept your preferences for your use of your time. (genuinely, not mocking or being 'difficult'... etc.) Do as you wish. I beg your pardon? Wha... Erm... Intimidating?! (Hmm...) Are you serious or am I not getting a playful joke here that everyone else does? (puzzled) This philosophy forum is intimidating for you? Why? (I'm sorry that you feel that way. Is it ok if we examine it objectively?) Ok, let me ask you then the following... Is it true: that this is a subjective assessment of yours, (from) someone who's not been posting much during her (<-name/'her', can I also assume that you are a female too?<-) membership on the board? (~2 years, 40 posts in total, am I right?) (I'm fine/neutral with that, nor do I say you should've done more/less, just and only asking if it's true or not.) also, May I ask who are you comparing the board and its members to, your standard for comparison? (maybe you just forgot to mention, it's ok, no 'biggie' but I'm curious to know compared to what other board&people) (if you wanted to know my take to compare it with yours: I think, this is a public philosophy forum with all that comes with it. I'm here because I want to, hopefully share&contribute useful stuff constructively, learn things I can use in the process. So far, I'm very happy I discovered and stayed, I think I made a very good choice.) I think I can grasp that. (Is it like: 'In general, the listenership/callers sound more genuine and open-minded than what I generally see the majority of people around are like.') Well, the good news is that by being yourself in a conversation, acting pro-actively, you'll get to incentivise it for others too. Naturally, that means the 'pro-actively' part is essential. (instead of... when people are acting passively and await others to kick-start a community for them without having to move a finger... no pun intended. I'm not suggesting anything, just providing the counter example.) Without trying to exaggerate, does that mean you're ok with some coercion, something like a minarchist? i. e: a little bit &/ hard to notice contaminated drinking water vs. clean water? Gotcha. ('understand') There's nothing though about morals in objectivism, right?! (Altruism never made sense to me. Maybe in a 100-1000 generations or more, once we aren't irrational, tribalistic...until then, altruism will always loose to, well everyone maybe not the Buddhists but they're quite inconsequential anyway. Except for the territorial, the militarised mass murderer types amongst them.) (smirk) If you asked me, 'labels' are for the 'superficial' I'm definitely certain about that... Principles however! Now, that's something different. The good thing about principles is that they tend to hold true even when seen through different glasses, objectively stay the same. Labels such as 'skeptic' ('sit in front of') and many others must be messed-up/with lately it seems, to suit the wielders of the most dominant cultural influence of the time... you can't say that about principles. i. e What does it mean to be a Libertarian nowadays? 20yrs ago? To the westerner? To a women?... they all are quite free to interpretation today, for most people it seems they can conveniently 'shape-shift'. So yeah, no labels for me, don't recommend it to anyone neither. Also, doesn't it look like to you, the libertarians are usually not much action compared to the amount of talk and talk and more talk they produce? That's why they don't really attract my sympathy for their content. We're living quite a violent times for all that chit-chat to be had, freedoms being ripped to pieces then flamed to ashes left and right... again, no pun intended. Careful, not to accidentally reach the '20 hours' mark, that would be too much. Hahaha (Ok, I admit. I'm being cheeky with this last one, couldn't resist.)
  6. That's Logical, understandable, yes. Can't disagree, here. Guilt-free for wanting to surmount to your full potential (as of my own... don't see how it could be argued against, neither) Oh, no... Of course, (K.I.S.S. principle) keep-it-sillysimple... water flows towards the least resistance, (let's not dwelve into supercooled helium...but,) in general, I agree (as in: self-preservation, best use of opportunity cost(s), seeing what's about to occur most likely in the immediate future). I see and also 'feel' you. Even-so, that doesn't diminish the fact that the less able, can't and won't rely on those more suited to untie the knots created by the miss-guided, the despicable and dangerous. Abandoning them (conundrum: after they'd taken advantage of 'us', is in part, leaving them to their own devices(greatly, not entirely reduced opportunities). Am I right in that? Ok. Let's say your assertion was correct. What's the insurance 'that the drying up pond won't loose more water, gradually being reduced until it's all but a dry depression in the desert'? I'm looking at what comes after having survived the first wave, as it's not too comforting to realise what can happen in one part of the world might just leap overnight to elsewhere... f&#ck!!!
  7. Hi @Mole /Quickly bungee-ing in, to (meaningfully).../ Add to @RichardY 's list something essential imho... G. Lucas - THX 1138 (movie) and Logan's Run - William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson 1967, (a book, the movie not so much)
  8. If I held similar views to yours, would it be accurate (objective-ly) to characterise it as cowardice, having given up, faithless? (Please, see this inquiry for its true form; intellectual honesty in seeking clarity... no way/shape or form am I trying to stick empty labels BUT hope to better 'see' that is./isn't.) Agreed. Although if redistribution of industrial/agricultural production within the member nations (supplemented with subsidies and EU regulation, i.e - lets not allow previously majority sugar cane producing regions provide jobs and import it instead from abroad dirt-cheap...) ... well, high taxes would be still more livable than now. In case the incentive was reversed, the now skilled labour free regions wouldn't have to 'reinvent the wheel'. As in: restore economic independence, attract able bodied, common value-sharing individuals... which now seems like a feat so out there as 'alchemy 1o1' (converting matter into gold) I know. I know... I kn... Greed corrupts. Astronomical greed corrupts astron... Can we swap ideas in pm regarding next steps?
  9. Hi @Germ-a-knee That sucks, big time! What's next, UK style incarceration for wrongthink? I mean Sweden already does it, Spain does it... etc. Is it just me, or the European legislators trying to softly ease into a full-on totalitarian governance... Have they no brain, their memory is akin to a goldfish's (~6months)... Anything and everything can be, will be used against them too... Do they not understand the consequences of signing their own...??? ... it's mental! (Thanks for the heads up) There's another number 13, the vote is on the 20-21, if passed no-one will be free to share articles just as you referenced. So, likely we won't even hear about more loss of freedoms after that.
  10. Hi @Futurama Philosopher The podcast you're looking for is 4031, it's the 4th question from [2:37:15]. Also, 'fecebook' is not doing good to its usership, maybe leaving it could make some of the unnecessary anxiety vanish from your life... apart from monetising for others the data you bring without your consent. (it's been proven recently) p.s (That's a very, really beautiful state you people have there. I'm envious.)
  11. No, not at all. Intent is a few levels above various personal incentives. I was curious if you were in 'possession' of those, could see those. (note: Another comment of mine you could have missed, supplementary, in your 'dedicate->philosophy')
  12. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    366. Massive Attack - Special Case 367. Les Hommes - Weegee
  13. barn


    ////... or a small cube sliced out of a larger one... even so, we are able to see all of those once having understood their conceptual structure, albeit not at once but separately//// Pink* doesn't exist. As in: (no light, no colours perception in general+), no pink-specific wavelength, human eyes are equipped with 3 different type light sensitive 'cones' (red+blue+green) butttttt... mix red with white paint and you get pink, so I just contradicted myself in a way...
  14. Hi @Spladam Maybe you could listen to more podcasts. For starters. Alternatively, ...if you wrote a good enough summary of your questions and tried getting on the show... what if you sent an email to @operations ? p.s (If you decided to write in, think about the 'what value would your proposed questions and a convo based around it represent to the listenership' ... perhaps that would help your ask gain more importance. Me thinks.)
  15. barn


    The power of definitions...
  16. It's on the horizon, it's visible to all now... The 'Zucc-ening' is here! Meanwhile, yet another (archived) proof about the true story/strategical significance behind fecebook. p.s (FDR TEAM! Pull out, abandon their sinking ship!... me thinks.)
  17. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    364. Record Monsieur F. - Until Morning 365. Don't Need A Band - Context
  18. Hi @Jsbrads Do you think I'm rightly assuming you'd meant that "1%" IN A COMPOUNDING EFFECT ? i.e - doing regular mindful meditation seems to net small benefit in the moment (even a daily, solid 10min) BUT it's incremental, akin to building up to an 'overnight-success' eventually. p.s / Big, Fat, massive-thumbs-up on you taking care of your self-improvement, I have 'legit' admiration to anyone showing the good examples of healing! /
  19. Hi @CygniAustralis Maybe this will be of some utility to you: ° Think of the earth and the moon. Without the earth's mass influence, there would be no force keeping the moon orbiting our planet. The moon exerts an 'attraction' too, hence tides, influence on the weather... etc. but it's way smaller due to it's much smaller mass and the distance. Anyway, the forces in-between the two could be increased/decreased if the properties describing their 'relationship' were somehow altered, i.e. the moon orbited closer or if the earth was a smaller influence, if it had a weaker 'pull', less relative 'weight-in-the-relationship'. ° Now imagine, that relationships between two people are somewhat similar, in that there are differences in strength of character, the couple's closeness... etc. The main problem with my metaphor however is that human relationships are nothing like celestial bodies orbiting each other (or just very remotely)... With seeing how couples interact/live together, one must be mindful to keep the existence of choice in sight, albeit with layers as they're more often than not split into admitted, secondary or un-aware components. What I'm saying with this, is perhaps what could have been more instructive looking at the scenario you put forward, is to: °see who are the people, and ° what decisions had they taken, ° what actions were performed and ° whether there were repeating patterns visible there. ° BE MINDFUL TO OBSERVE MORE AND KEEP AN OPEN MIND, BE AWARE OF YOUR OWN INCLINATIONS (others might think com-pleeetely different) Making judgements is necessary, although not possessing sufficient understanding will skew with the content of the truth it's within them and leads to bias, confusion... Maybe, (in my personal opinion,) you exercising more curiosity and asking good questions (to them) about what's confusing you about their decisions... It's likely, it could make those you see now in a certain light, appear very different afterwards they answered your constructive and tentative questions. Hope that helps...
  20. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    362. The Prodigy - Diesel Power 363. Neotropic - Nana
  21. That looks like an honest reply ... Yeah, reading and processing on your own is always a good idea for starters, I did it myself too. I also wondered, if you chose not to look into it on your own, but opted for a more convenient route... isn't it fair to assume the answer is rather on the 'meh' side of things? Certainty correct me if I'm miss-characterising the appearance of the ask. My hyper-simplified and limited view on objectivism is that the most it can achieve is to be a supplementary&additional framework for starting to understand what could be more beneficial to the individual other than any centralised type governance. It lacks the stuff that undeniably we humans respond to/affected by and for many more generations won't be able to deny... irrationality and emotional susceptibility besides the intellectual and logical. I also think, Ayrn Rand was an outsider most of her life, don't see her as someone who's been able to connect with the zeitgeist nor the people around her. In my opinion she didn't face her demons and lacked any consistential self-knowledge to see who herself really was, which is always bad when you are an influence on others. Important to mention, I do think she was brilliant and for that, I raise my imaginary hat. She also loved taking drugs (and a lot) which is opposite to brilliant or virtuous... (full picture stuff) Voluntarism and government being involved in dispersing greater liberties? Isn't that a contradictory stance? Self ownership... Doesn't that exclude any government from the get-go, in principle?
  22. Hi @violet I'm not sure that's an answerable question. Which ideas? Could you provide context? Could you be more specific?
  23. Change the word 'America' to 'Everyone' and it'll make more sense... Yes, there's evidence 'Zucc' was lying, people got misled, it's a 'Zucc-y' situation for fecebook now even more. Thanks goes out to The Daily Mail for publishing and reporting on it, Styxhexenhammer666 for the archive link. (messages such as this might not be possible after 20-21, June. Regulation on sharing links is about to change to 'regulated NewSpeak'. I'm serious.)
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