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Everything posted by barn

  1. I think an apt symbolical confirmation could be the cheers heard throughout the demonstration/presentation (it really freaks me out) and lack of 'flying rotten vegetables', I'd much rather have seen the person on the stage trying to duck constantly, amping the speakers to full struggling to out-shout the boo-ing audience... It's not reality. For now, at least. But yeah, why would a 'paid' crowd do such a thing? (to ask that, perhaps it's to answer it) I'm sorry. That's, I'd imagine would have to be a great challenge for anyone to have when trying to start a normal life, just after having had a 'serious accident'. Maybe it's just me and I hope you see how my intentions are of constructivity... I've noticed, there's an awful lot of 'made to'-, 'had to'-, 'due to'-, 'to be__'-s which is why I'm wondering: Do you think it was a more accurate way to describe the events using descriptions for conscious choices people in your account did/didn't make? I'm basing my question on: Those who take full agency for their own decisions, will and are ABLE TO ascribe responsibility for others under the same principle (seeking of/truth is normalised), narratives for 'those reasons' become more accurate. Follow-up actions tell a more detailed account of the characters involved. Also, as an IMPORTANT caveat: I'm fully conscious of the limitations where coercion or threat is present, shrinking the pool of choices, making certain ones less appealing or even dangerous. Even so, wouldn't you agree that it was better to NOT use passive descriptors, simply for, they contain insufficient amount of information? Maybe it's to much to apply here, I just thought it could be a helpful observation. This is masterfully depicted by Stefan Molyneux's 'Simon the boxer' example in his books, perhaps in OT (On Truth) the best. (For me, it brought about a deeper understanding of an insane cycle, a trap designed to rot people's soul, inflict more pain 'photocopier style' and taught me how to spot 'it' more often than not. It's also empirically tested&confirmed, that's why I'm bringing it up.)
  2. giggedy-giggles... I don't think this library could be created; it's too, contradicts itself. Though I'm certain, the deterministic secretly clings onto the hope that it might be made into reality one day. Additionally, there's something fishy about finding only exactly what one's looking for. (invalidates reason for curiosity) p. s. Furthermore, (if I had looked... ) where are my typos? Where are my mistakes? Where's anything else but what I 'would have introduced' ? To anyone stumbling upon the supporting arguments for '42' : be so kind that you drop me a direct link, would you?
  3. I had thought about that (That's why I only replied now) but when you clarified your ask, and I made a rather strong statement about the lack of consistency of the hypothesis, I felt there was a need for supporting my opinions with clarity and substance. It didn't seem fair saying only just (cynically, jokingly ) 'Kalam's Cosmological Argument is akin to boldly going where no (sane) person has ever been before.'
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    328. Stereo MC's - Fever (Steve Hillage Remix) 329. Nuyorican Soul - Nautilus (Mawtilus)
  5. If the coming changes raised the bar for many professions (which I think would be a net benefit for society, if... subsidising didn't implode alongside) that'll mean (looking at what has been the nature of governments) more gov. programs will be created to sustain the vegetative state of an even larger slice of the population, justifying the need for an even greater dependence on government. Supplemented with the watchful eye of B(S)IG brother, who just boasted how easy it is to dupe people. People can't defend themselves against unseen dangers, control/coercion is set to increase. However, (also responding to your certain jobs disappeared entirely part, more as advancements appear...) if a greater freemarket was allowed with more transparency and no 'rigging the game', we could actually start giving the right incentives to the 'able' segment of the population to 'heal' the current imbalance over the long run. Those who'd loose their jobs would certainly have to struggle to adapt. The first couple generations would definitely be 'shocked' but then as prevention and critical thinking got more prominent (nature doesn't have safe rooms), we'd see a much more aware attitude towards realistic goals and development of transferable skillsets. i.e. - more tradesmen/women, higher appreciation amongst the less gifted for the opportunity to work the less pleasant, increase in the confidence amongst the more intelligent to have more children, more & specific guidance for preventative measures, better insurance policies, finding new types of jobs or just shifting as the market required... That's why I think, this product in the current zeitgeist is not going to become the tool for more and real, economic feedback but a huge influence and 'bartering chip' in the hands of the people who are already trying to control what can be said, who can do business and where with conditions ONLY that won't make the competition any fairer. In this current situation, I think we are playing with fire when considering AI. I would like to see freedom of speech upheld first, realism about topics that the very same company is actively working on (at best) repressing. If you read it all, thanks.
  6. I'm currently seeing the idea as one good example for things that qualify as an utter waste of time. But that's just me. Ok, perhaps including the actual statement was about time: "Craig states the Kalam cosmological argument as a brief syllogism, most commonly rendered as follows:[3] 1. Everything that begins to exist has a cause; 2. The universe began to exist; Therefore: 3. The universe has a cause." (from here) First, I'm not sure anything would be called into existence as long as it relied on the existence of something else which had not materialised up to that point. (skipping the steps on a 'consequential starcase' , pure magic, not rational) One can reasonably think, 'cause' refers(!!!) to a relationship and in reality, itself, it doesn't exist on its own. Am I wrong about it? Do tachyons provably exist, particles travelling backwards in time? As in: Take away the object of a cause = then, it can't affect anything and there's no 'cause' (Sounds like chronic hoarding (a mental illnes or cognitive bias, addiction) where everything piled up in a house will one day reveal its utility, therefore it's causal for those items having been picked up. Nevertheless, my logic) can be erroneous) Also, can't square this circle because to put forth knowledge claims of an unknowable is like saying: 'What's 'fairy-fart'? It is a colourless, odourless gas that is green, massless and upon smelling, it irritates human subjects' sense of smell.' (Btw, No disrespect to non-existent fairies, imaginary and fantastic creatures.) Supplemented with: 'Is it possible to create a hole inside a hole if the parent hole doesn't have horizon, that's not even a hole?' So, I'm having trouble seeing validation for any system that's output is greater than the total sum of all inputs. Like this: The idea: One way of disproving: All knowing... If information could be created in a form as 'The Library of Babel' suggests, it would make a pretty strong argument for determinism(wait for it...), although proving it would mean becoming a mighty-powerful entity, gaining access to the future amongst other things and therefore slave to itself... aaand, not so mighty-powerful then. Not at all. A contradiction. Here's a thread I created about the library
  7. It's pretty funny how today, seemingly all I do is thank people for providing great insights into their thinking... Thank you for yours! What do you think about this argument? I wrote earlier in one of the posts: "The problem I was trying to raise awareness of is, when you are on the receiving end, but you can't tell... if you can't tell, you can't influence it. (as in: nobody tries to step over a puddle they haven't thought to look for/looked and the illusion tricked them)"
  8. That's fair and square! Thank you for that!
  9. Hi @ofd Sorry, can't really 'get' why you would be asking that. Care to elaborate?
  10. That's nice. Intersting, but only just nice. How about mentioning the part where the 'staff' treated this non-person as a real potential customer?
  11. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    326. Dj Krush - Duality (ft. Dj Shadow) 327. Perfume Tree - Flooded
  12. Hi @Add984 Hopefully my observation land expectedly, it's after all, just an observation. Wouldn't it be better if you made a point, an argument? I can't tell if you aim to 'brainstorm' or 'fishing' that's occurring. Sorry, but don't know what to make of it yet.
  13. Hi @Kohlrak Thanks for that, I think I can understand your views better now.
  14. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    324. Susan Tedeschi - Just Won't Burn 325. Wilson Simonal - Nem Vem Que Não Tem
  15. Thank you for your extended response, I think I'm understanding you much better. (if not, do tell) That's certainly a possibility, it saying/warning you ahead of time. Sure, can happen. (But at the same time, why would it? I'm thinking : 'I have been programmed to make you think I'm a real person so I hope you can now treat me as a real person') That's a good point. I can't tell how accurately can the world's most advanced AI mimic a person using the largest set of data & metadata... +gov. help... Aaand constantly learning, crossreferencing with other people's behaviour from the long dead to the actively logged-in. I just know that I don't want to find out. Usually, when I need some perspective on this, I remember how in the past subtitles had to be manually created while nowadays it's pretty easy to do speech-to-text. You can use for example a service where two people can have a live conversation without speaking the same language. Currently it supports 10 different languages. Yeah, I get you... Nor do they interrupt you mid-sentence to bridge over to the next probable point of thought, are limited in intonation and fluctuation of 'natural' speech velocity... I know, I know, it's not fully fledged out. Same as with any tech, we can find currently unresolved hiccups and weaknesses. As always. I'm not sure if you are seeing the perspective though. i.e. - The moon lander had a computer with a processing power that today we can fit in an earpiece. Not only did our miniaturisation but the availability of information increased since than. Like a survey that used to be filled out by hand and took a month to answer&process 10 questions by 300 people, compared to today's web-crawlers doing millions of pages every second automatically, without most people ever having imagined even such things could exist. How much have our morals evolve in comparison with all this pile of led on one side of the scale? Should I maybe ask rather, how much have we left them devolve/evolve towards the immoral? If you ask me, we've got a huge catching up to do. We've become the most ignorant humanity has ever been, while some of us capitalised on it to unimaginable extents. The price for NOT being vigilant. I think you are being very naive, or uninformed... I'm trying to find a soft way of saying, there are countless examples of 'certainly it'd NOT do X, we'd be warned/informed ahead of time, we could stop it before getting out of hand'... but that never seems to be the case when there's no freedom of expression or transparency, when responsibility taking is deflected. HUMABIO I. e. - Are people given answers as to how/why shadow-banning, arbitrary content tailoring is being done? Search results not reflecting the actual available set of information, companies selling your data (not just meta) to third-parties... etc. I'm sorry, don't see how any good can come out of this IN THIS SET OF circumstances. 1. Do you agree with the part, highlighted here? 2. Did they let the call-recipients know (in the video) that they were being duped/tricked/misled/used for an experiment... etc.? (I'm asking because I didn't see it happening. Isn't that worrisome?)
  16. (Sigh)... So, would I be wrong to hypothesise that you haven't had the opportunity to see the presentation in question? If I'm accurately assessing... that's ok, it isn't a must. Perhaps you could see things in a different light, then. (I can only encourage you to see it for yourself) Anyhow... let me ask you this: Isn't the purpose of an insurance to 'cushion' the fall after an unexpected event, proves that accidents are occurring without the people's ability to prevent them? (as in: if they could, there'd be simply no need for insurance.) Then it follows, when AI's are acting in the name of individuals, insurances would have to be on par with the capability of the worldwide reach of the largest multinational company that has the full support of the many tentacles of several governments, (actually, it's far greater but I toned it down)
  17. I see. In that case, I would suggest you invested in yourself first. More important than money is your skillset and integration into a support group. Having friends is a good thing. Think about something that you have already some pre-disposition doing for. (Apart from familiarising yourself with basic survival skills, you don't need to be an expert if it isn't what you are into) Not being completely locked up in a big city and having the option to leave from highly populated areas makes sense too. Best case scenario, that which has been postponed to fail gets delayed by some more (to 'bite' back even harder) and I (personally) wouldn't take anyone's predictive capability as a golden standard. Not even mine, here. (except for principles that which you should evaluate, adapt, enact for your own good) Be your true-self, have real-time relationships, Barnsley
  18. Right, those are generally optional. You can choose to not buy or not use certain things. The problem I was trying to raise awareness of is, when you are on the receiving end, but you can't tell... if you can't tell, you can't influence it. (as in: nobody tries to step over a puddle they haven't thought to look for/looked and the illusion tricked them) Lastly, would you agree with me on that the less power an entity/individuals in that organisation have, the lower the risk for abusing said power?
  19. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    322. The Mighty Bop - Life 323. Bonobo ft. Andreya - The Keeper
  20. Hi @MercurySunlight I'm guessing you haven't seen the presentation... That's ok. Though it is hard to discuss it otherwise. Given that if I took your example with the soundboard... imagine one that listens to you speaking and from that it then effortlessly rebuilds your complete voice profile. Once it's done, or rather 60 seconds or so later, it can speak naturally with any provided dataset and interact MEANINGFULLY. Not like... 'Aww, isn't that cute?! Clumsy AI is trying its hardest to not give itself away, but it's obvious!' But like...'Wha...? Who...? Nooo...You mean, I just got convinced to do X by a non-person? How would it know what I'd meant? What else does it know about the way I think? Who has access to all that data? No, I don't want this system to be allowed to function. It makes duping a walk in the park. Wait. Now, you're telling me it interfaces with the biggest knowledgebase and greatest reach multinational company? You must be kidding me! Just imagine if it partnered with governments for cash and privileges. Imagine if it tried to filter who could see/access what on their platform based on an algorithm and started thought-policing.'
  21. I agree, custom loaded phones have more advantages. Good for you!
  22. Hi @Terran Please accept my sincere sympathy for the probable struggles you might have suffered and I wish you general improvement in your life. To me it was instructive regarding why you might be having your worldview as such. This comes after having seen a few segments from a couple of your videos you linked here: "[...] If you want to know my story, then I produce a link to it here, up to 2015 and before I was kidnapped and tortured by police for a second time and imprisoned for a year without a crime. I am presently on the run from the government, for a lifetime of fighting government corruption, my involvement in the intelligence field, my assistance in putting Wikileaks on the world stage and more. I also offer proof of my identity and histor y. Review chapter 1 of my recent book , it contains a four hour video of my life story along with evidence to back up my story: https://pastebin.com/uMP0fQCd [...]
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