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Everything posted by barn

  1. Awesome. 'Shure' Ok, I'll ask "how to process is progressing" (*the) You've mentioned in a different thread you were 'looking for' 'visuals' to serve as 'possible starting points' for the projects appearance. Can you elaborate what would be preferable, or 'free-for-all'? Additionally, anything else you need help with but isn't within programming... keep mentioning them.
  2. Well, maybe I'm wrong but it does seem to me that's just an excuse that could justify lack of involvement in it, soothe an anxiety. (and I'm not saying it is for certain that's going on, for sure) If a project isn't for you, it isn't... all good, do something else. No need to go on about your doubts, it's counter-effective. Me thinks. I never said it was easy(Although it is a lot easier than many other things) but I certainly think, the argument you put forward is part of what's generally referred to as negativity. People who want to make stuff happen are conscious of the obstacles but aren't stopped by them. An innovator, a person who makes the world (and his/her circumstances) better, looks for realistic goals, NOT HOW SOMETHING CAN'T BE ACHIEVED. There are many indie games that are not flashy, complicated, yet they still compete against other triple A titles, simply because they are imaginative, well put together (minecraft anyone?). I'm adamant, the concept is fantastic, it has the potential to aid many many people, spread/popularise self-knowledge and reflection among an even greater amount of people. It can make the world a better place, that's been always clear for me. (Having completed the first batch myself and have seen what it could do.) I hope you understand why I wanted to clarify, explain a few things to you @lorryand you take it how I intended, a clarification. Have a good one, Barnsley p.s.
  3. Hi @Anansi Welcome, those are some nice sentiments,... about your voyeurism, later(Just kidding, it's a public forum.) See you around, Barnsley
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    The 300th song. For you. All of you. And, I'm glad. many more to come.. Keep enjoying! 300. Yoko Kanno - Bridge
  5. 1. Curriculum goal. Clear, Gotcha. 2. Reading. Clear, Gotcha. 3. Erm... a tad bit on the vague side of things? ('crickets symphony')
  6. You're welcome (? I guess) I concede to unplanned, ... any unplanned action is risky to various degrees. Especially nutritional intake, metabolic cycle, predisposition... etc. Regarding your question about the hypothetical scenario... Simply put, I don't mind what people are choosing to do with the facts they uncover. Narrowing it down to me, I wouldn't. ° certain types of food/tastes I like ° not fully convinced that adequate & complete intake of essential amino acids/vitamins can be achieved, even though it's been proven how versatile can the body become producing them, besides supplements such as Spirulina(in certain cases of individuals, entirely, regardless if fully vegan... I'd have to do a even deeper analysis... etc., feasibility) ° bioavailability of Zinc, Iron and trace minerals is CONSIDERably lower (perhaps don't enjoy eating so much lentils, spinach... even though I eat them frequently, Spirulina here again) ° (overabundance of stabilisers, soy derivatives... I know, I know... cooking daily can deal with most of it, a good system and conscious maintenance after a while becomes built-in, 'effortless'.) My view here(briefly, maybe of interest to you) : ° low (6-8) times a month meat consumption, avoiding certain 'breeds' but not entire groups of meat, like pork or beef (as they have huge differences, not all are from 'meat-factories') ° established, vetted producers, buying with others jointly and whenever possible local/seasonal (encourage, sustainability) ° growing something, anything that's food at home (appreciation, learning, mood-boost, complementing) ° trying to buy the best quality, not the most expensive or hyped, even if home-made (organic, seal of approval don't mean a thing in general... wink-wink) No. Maybe you were thinking of the right thing but it perhaps 'came out' a bit differently. There's no, there should be no "so" or "won't". (as in: <regardless the other's actions,> no initiation of force, self-defense is Ok) Now, this is neat and simple but the problem is, you can't expect to have it with all that's alive. There's a very important requirement, of which must be present (I guess two but they're closely related). What do you think, what is it/are those?
  7. A few more arguments, or funsies... depending on what people are prepared to see.
  8. Hi @Nebula The importance is in the starting quote, knowing what you want to achieve. Let's say that summer have just ended, what would you have completed by the end of it? (clear goals) As for the "chipping-in part", I was saying basically that I'm trying to help people whose goal is parallel to mine but have a better set of skill to do something I couldn't. (e.g. - I don't know how to design a building, but that doesn't mean I can't help building it.)
  9. Welcome to the board @OfTheDunedain e. g. - In France a vegan couple's child died of malnutrition, vitamin deficiency... source (the first article, though there are many more examples there) p.s. (What are the main requirements of the non-agression principle? I mean you do agree with N.A.P. right?!)
  10. Welcome to the board @AscendedMaster Or might be not. As in: The probability of having a productive debate when the source is disingenuous + lopsided, is very low.
  11. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    298. Basil Poledouris - Punishment Asteroid Grazling 299. Thievery Corporation - Meu Destino
  12. Hi @Nebula Welcome! "He who has a WHY can bear any HOW" I'm glad you are taking your life seriously, kudos on your responsibility! I think you could create a valuable product, it would teach you a lot and apart from benefiting you and the world, it'd be a unique personal experience. I'm no programmer but willing to help spreading the huge value it is within/Chipping in by doing work. A massive gain (self-knowledge) that affects every area of our lives, is becoming more popular by the minute. About Nathaniel Branden About Sentence Completion Barnsley
  13. Hi @Copper_Heart What do you think about the responses you got in:
  14. Books that are 'game changers': Daniel Keyes - Flowers For Algernon (Franz Kaffka - Transformation, here I advise you to be NOT doubtful, (lost...or...uhh... It's dense, packs a punch, emotionally.) if you are about to read forth) Q4. Please read books of this author, he has been on the show (btb, as a side note) but he IS 'clear as a whistle', you can rely on what he puts forward, A MASSIVE intellectual PHhhhaaauwer!!! ... JPB style, 'Git Gud!' or embrace the demons! ... you choose. (I'm comically-concentrating, aiming to deliver an effect, coming from an honest place... you know, when you are watching a video and the person gets through to you, AND SOME. Mature, truthful, humbling experience... At least, it's been for me. ) If you are a parent, WATCH THIS from him!!! (please?) TED talk: vid Audiobook: audio book Website: website Amazon: Amazon Reviews: reviews
  15. All is fine, dandy and with rose petals. =(Rosa floribunda 'Europeana'). Thank you for your interesting engagement, see you around. Barnsley
  16. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    296. Diverse - In Accordance (Instr.) 297. Tool - Eon Blue Apocalypse and The Patient ('diverse', 'tool' - yes, music can be as such.)
  17. Thank you for the time and effort, you're doing an important work. No two minds about that.
  18. Hi @David B_ ... did a bit of juggling with the handlers, hope it gets to you. So, perhaps I could be somewhat described as a skeptic when it comes to free-en. but it doesn't matter here that much... I just imagined the 'double-whammy' where something useful comes out of his project(outside the UK) and on top of that the fields of thorium over there get utilised in tandem. In theory, it could speed things up at least 10-fold economically, given there's at least a measurable drop in bribery. (around 90th place amongst 180 nations, a considerably miserable standing that is... on a second thought, very unlikely, maybe on the long term, very long term.) Thumbs up on sharing a video about someone standing up for his principles, choosing to be determined against all odds. (I know it's about many other things, but I appreciated them the most) THANK YOU!, Barnsley p.s. (Man! Where have you been all this time!?)
  19. A dog doesn't refuse to fly. Nor does it make sense to expect it do so eventually. It's attribution of qualities that have no basis in logic, no other way around it but to see it as irrational. Then again, there's the 'flying sheep' phenomenon (not 'Worms Armageddon') As in: In extreme conditions, strong wind gusts might blow sheep off their feet (I'm thinking good ol' Ireland/Scotland), making it seem sheeps can fly. or better even, Monty Python came up with a far more entertaining idea, that is if 'sheep could jump the hoops of logic, clean, straight through' (Flying Sheep + Flying Sheep in French)
  20. Why wouldn't you answer a binary question with a binary response, escapes me. That's ok, nevertheless. Indirect answers provide information too, while they're about other things, can shine a light on chosen attitude in speaking of a topic. Still, you haven't responded to(I'll have to let it go, it seems you don't want to respond on it. No problem.): Which would have been/is foundational establishing the difference between the mechanisms of concepts and things that which exist in the physical world. However, you did speak about: ° Avoiding to say if unicorns are real or not (I haven't asked) ° How's believing in unicorns may be irrational (didn't ask neither) ° What would make them believe such a thing (neither this) ° You would hope they ruled out drugs when concluding things (nor this) At this stage, I'm wondering whether if it's worth continuing because simple queries don't net constructive answers, objectively. 1. "We" - that'd include more than just you 2. "physical presence" - a concept is without a physical presence, that's why it's just an abstraction an idea. You're speaking about something else. Great. But that still doesn't make it clear whether you are saying if time is a concept or if it is with a physical form too. It just mean, you claim to be able to see it as a concept, not that you actually do. Well, I was rather pointing out what is the reason why I see 'being on the fence' (indefinitely) when asked something directly a slippery slope, furthermore why it seemed to me... You are joining (trying) the two types of existence... not good. No clear separation, it's relativistic. Abstract entities created by individuals have no (none at all) ability to act, claim ownership or do anything without the individuals' aid. 'Governments' do not exist in reality, do nothing. The individuals in control of concepts/abstractions do. It's the individuals that act, create / do whatever they want with concepts upon the agreed rules & physical limitations. Same with time as a concept. It's content is dependent on the creators' definition but take the creator away and so does the concept too, vanishes like it never was. You can't do that to a chair or a table. Can't disprove the existence of a physically existing object, no matter however you twist definitions around it'll be there, the only thing you can achieve is to convince your senses to ignore/avoid acknowledgement of reality in the physical world. Not good. That's different. I mean, you linked a long debate, so I can't be sure what is that you are putting forward. Do you agree with everything/everyone there? Also, do you think of (SR, STR) immediately when someone asks you for the current time, the time of the day, time spent, time to spare? (That would be crazy in my opinion.) I haven't a clue why you are saying this, after I had pointed out that when you use tautology, that adds no argument and is therefore a waste of time & and when you gave an excuse with a probable explanation(there), it doesn't change the fact that it was/is 'not an argument'...Still remains unchallenged. Don't understand what are you referring to. ("propose one") To propose what? Hey, why not join in the ask yourself?
  21. Sorry... a bit of funsies... can't get it out of my head... one of my favourite 'standard of proof - spoof' Monty Python - Witch trial
  22. No links here, just some additional ideas... sorry. Water makes food last LESS longer, hence dehydration, volumetric issues too as the % of water in foods is generally high (even 6 months worth can be a challenge to store if not dehydrated). Active carbon filters and reverse osmosis ceramic water purifiers should be at the top of your list, surprised you haven't. (that'd save you many a headaches down the road, bit of an investment but well worth it)
  23. Sorry?! Are you saying that YOU are having problem seeing time only as a concept? That, it is more and according to you can take physical form? You didn't answer my question. That's ok, just letting you know I asked something else. A definition that is dependent on the perceiver isn't a 'good' definition by objective standards. Similarly, if we enabled the mixing of objective standards with relative and subjective points of views, we wouldn't be able to communicate even. i.e. - no established meaning of words, complete chaos. To say that the concept of 'government' exists the same way as a 'chair', diminishes objectivity, it makes for a more subjectively handled world, all things can become relativistic. Not good. Never heard of time manifesting physical properties, I highly doubt it to be possible. I could be still wrong, though. Would you be so kind and share with me your source/reference, please? I'm fairly certain, you were explaining/giving me an excuse. I wasn't angry, perhaps a bit annoyed, thought I'd clarify. Please, don't use tautology as it doesn't transmit any argument and is wasting both of our times. What would be perhaps better, if I could see a case made for how you know what you claim to know and what it'd take to falsify it. A standard of proof in short.
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