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Everything posted by barn

  1. Remembering how much you wanted it, that's great news (initially), fingers crossed it goes through! I rather not, in this form that is... I'm trying to say here is, that ask is very general, especially the 'things' part. Maybe you could narrow it down a bit, if you wanted. What I really was saying earlier on is that for "2. What value does he represent in you r life?" - there's quite a few negatives, and that he isn't anyone 'considerably important' in your life... so that's outside of my original ask. And for I'm sorry, but I couldn't see any relatable and I rather not make up theories out of thin air.
  2. Gotcha. Thanks for that. No worries. I sort of see: I don't: and p.s. - If you'd like, I can give examples or specify even more.
  3. @J.L.W Now I'm wondering if you not quoting me and/ responding directly is for a specific reason. (if you did write to what I tried to highlight, can't tell exactly neither) If you prefer not to, that's fine too, I just ask if that's what you preferred. (totally fine) p.s. - I know it for a fact, things suffered tend to increase the sensitivity of 'some of our buttons', yet with self-knowledge they can be operated just like others. As long as you know...
  4. Hi @J.L.W 1. Does he think he drinks too much? 2. What value does he represent in your life? 3. What do you gain by helping him?
  5. That's all-right, no offense taken whatsoever. (couldn't have) Sure, feel free to assume that if you want to.
  6. That's all-right, I respect your choice. This is all-right too, respect your perspective. I can't tell, wouldn't want to put words in your mouth, not my choices. This would be part of revisiting, which you've just declined... I guess, perhaps that's why I see it contradictory.
  7. Hi @Kohlrak Would you like to revisit the pm you started, in the pm first?
  8. I think it is admirable of you (first round), while it's also highly risky (deeper assessment) because: ° only but a small minority 'stays on the ball' (approx. <5%, verified it myself quantifiably, eluded to it in another post) ° help is only real if the secondary motivation isn't self directed (imo) ° an individual being helped solely from the outside has the easy way out of converting the situation into abstraction in a heartbeat, have seen it 'too many times'. ° 'unhealthy&/toxic' individuals can't be part of the virtuous and principled individual's life... direct consequences include integrity = saying no, pushback, standing up for beliefs, disassociation from 'users' who more often than not escalate (can be an aspect of self, same as another person) addition: What has worked best for me to establish level of danger/stability is to understand how closely follows their concept of love their principles. i.e. - Is there a disconnect between what they claim is good and what they call good? Deeper: Are there any red flags such as 'I can use the concept of love for something that's even in a small degree is abusive towards me, exceptions can exist.' ° failure to help can lead to resentment for the concept of 'helping is good', only if the helper isn't conscious enough, melted together, projects onto the other. ° helping others can be a distraction from helping oneself e.g. - like trying to help someone find a job while the helper doesn't have one or is dissatisfied.
  9. Sorry but that's not element of the question I had asked you. It's also possible you've not seen it?
  10. What do you mean by closer/more local? What I see is that the younger generation has no framework for integrating knowledge and prioritisation is acted by the whim of their group's collective 'mind' (what's popular = goes). Sort of like when a flock of birds decides to change direction. They're even more impressionable than the previous generations just resistant towards a few influences. Interesting that you separate the two, I always think of just one. Like causation, the consequences is dependent on the originator, without it can't exist. Maybe I'm wrong, why do you see them independent? (if I'm correctly grasping you) Huh! I thought otherwise. Could you please help me find references?
  11. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    343. The Meters - Here Comes The Metermen 344. Boards Of Canada - Pete Standing Alone
  12. Hi @jgw2001 I think it is, visibly that is, appreciable how you source many things and I'm sorry if my following question comes of 'uneducated' or 'uninformed' during a selective media-blackout. Is it fair to say that what Tommy Robinson has said on his video recording or what could be heard around him was information fully in the possession of the public (anyone else could have gathered the same) at the time and around his incarceration?
  13. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    341. Hidden Orchestra - Hushed 342. Tony Kinsey - Day By Day
  14. Hi @ofd Well, I could ignore my previous message and the response I got (or didn't, still). I rather not do that. Thanks but no thanks.
  15. Hi @ofd (I don't know if you have seen my kind present to your ask in another thread... haven't seen you acknowledge it yet...) (observation) Your ability to absorb, process and check all the content I have provided in a couple minutes is nothing short of fantastic, perhaps even magical if I believed in it. - - - 28.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit, coward) I c u. I also see, you like to use arrows instead of intelligence.
  16. Forethoughts(4): 1. 'You get what you have paid for.' - I strongly believe, that's exactly fair, I only don't think people of Ireland have considered BOTH side of the choice. 2. If people respond to incentives (I haven't found a 'sound' enough rebuttal so far), it is but most probable that people in Ireland have abandoned the path of taking responsibility OF infidelity. 3. If some referendums are followed through, others are put in 'sandbox' mode, why bother respecting it's originator or the results for that matter. I see no logic NOT connecting the dots here, maybe I'm wrong. 4. If the efforts of our Ancestry (not my culture but I'm made of 'human stuff' too) can be overturned by such a weak argument, why couldn't we have established world-peace already? i. e. - It's like saying 5-2=3 is easy but 1+2=3 is haaard. It's 'nutty' to say the least. The facts: Previously upheld 'rule of the land' got swept away by an immensely great landslide of counter-will, the new majority of the voters... Younger citizens in Ireland voted overwhelmingly for the right to kill unborn people. Older citizens in Ireland voted overwhelmingly to oppose the killing of unborn people. The younger generation(s) way of thinking is not what their elders uphold, regardless, they have managed to change what the consequences will be for new people being brought up in Ireland from now on. This is a simplified breakdown: ° ~ roughly *2:1 ratio (723623 : 1429981), voted 'YES, KILL unborn PEOPLE' ° only 1 constituency was against (better than none) *caveats: - shame on you, Irish Women ('Wamen' too) - shame on you, Irish 18-24 yr olds - shame on you, Irish 25-34 yr olds - shame on you, Irish 35-49 yr olds - shame on you, Irish 50-63 yr olds - shame on you, Irish middle class - shame on you, Irish Working (-on more gov. power) class - Most of all, shame on you 'Dubz' From here: [link - I wish it was fake, but it isn't.] p.s. Empathising with the 'ABC of family' victims in Ireland: Good luck with crime and economic stability Ireland, you've got only yourself to blame! Not sure it'll work out less than catastrophic... I'm sorry. (sigh) You had 1 job, 1 job to do...
  17. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    339. Dj Shadow - Giving Up The Ghost 340. Gustavo Santaolalla - Home
  18. Hi @bl4k Your sacrifice of neurons is much appreciated, saving us from loosing some brain cells ourselves. Thanks for the links too! Barnsley
  19. An analogy would be: Your physical postbox. It receives bills, letters, promotional material, official communique... etc. Each day when you open its lid, grab the bunch and sift through it, a part of it, will straight land in the bin(or recycled) unopened, unread, its contents immediately rejected. Those that are directly addressed to you and seem 'legit' will get a 'second chance' and only discarded when confirmed they too were some form of a strategy to use up your attention. Most often than not, its a quick process as you know what bank you're with, if your mortgage is in check, whether you want to join a religious group or send a goat to a remote part of the world... One day, you open up your postbox and find that there's now much more papers 'appearing' they've been directly addressed to you and seemingly contain useful information/things. As in, while sifting through, you notice someone or something is changing the way the papers/envelopes looked like and many more now resembles each other, it's becoming much harder to differentiate between whether you asked for it or it's being ceverly inserted in, making it seem like you asked for it the first place. The transition is so subtle, that you only 'connect the dots' allowing you to see something troubling was occurring, when a neighbour of yours opens its postbox besides you one day. A confused look on his face, he asks: (Neighbour) - Sorry, I was just standing beside you and couldn't help but notice... Why does everything in your postbox come with the same logo? Do you have a service to organise your inbox for you, your subscriptions? (You) - What do you mean? (Neighbour) - They all look the same. You should be able to recognise what you have subscribed to and the ones coming from market strategists. Shouldn't you?! (You) - I thought that they were all my reques... Nooo, wait... Now, that I can compare yours to mine, your postbox is filled with different sized, coloured, type... I think something 'funny' has been happening to my postbox I haven't noticed. How did I miss it? What else haven't I... ...
  20. Hi @Mark G (my latest pm has it expanded...) 'Discussion over what road to take in a bifurcation, is before, it proceeds one's actually walking, going somewhere...' Abstractions don't, they can't give you clarity. Connecting with your deep emotions do that, seeing the direction you're heading to while IN MOTION is different from paralysis, being on the fence. All that said, I realise it might seem harder to get moving even if one's already in possession of where to go next. Falsely, it can appear, more deliberation is needed. But is it?!
  21. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    337. Mo Horizons - Follow That Arab 338. 9 Lazy 9 - Endless
  22. Huh... Interesting. Does that look like 'proof of concept' ? The title says it all, without further ado...
  23. There's nothing suspicious about his 'Wackopedia' page getting updated within... (sigh) 'Squirrel!!!'
  24. I hear you. I really do. 'separating the chaff from the wheat' Not good, yet I don't think he'll be hurt. That... That, would be disastrous. A 'tsunami' type wave would be unleashed and the 'toothpicks' supporting the present state of affairs, barely holding back the massive body of water (already seeking cracks to breach pc dams,) would just flood everything and everyone. A friendly reminder (Please get your foundations sorted, let others deal with this, you're not much good for yourself 'fighting on two fronts', one is solely dependent on you... I'd only focus on that. I wish you all the best @J.L.W.)
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