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Everything posted by barn

  1. Yet another proof, Trump understanding how Asian politics works is a great asset to his presidecy... apart from gaining him even more respect in those countries. Is Styxhexenhammer666 correct when he estimates another 'demonstration of power' might be needed to get the participants really want to finally sit down and agree on something?
  2. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    334. Ulrich Schnauss - On My Own 335. Cut Chemist - Spat 336. Boards Of Canada - Kid For Today
  3. That's ok, at least you explained your strange wording. I have always been able to effortlessly find any and all publications, be it videos, audiobooks, podcasts, presentations, links/references, referrals. I guess it also means that my 'Internet kung-fu' is better than yours... hijaaa!!! .... The book you're looking for (better than the other in this subject) is: For the 'Simon the boxer' analogy, among maaany other great and useful... Amazon (consider the affiliate links, beneath) Affiliate links ▶️ US: http://www.fdrurl.com/Amazon ▶️Canada: http://www.fdrurl.com/AmazonCanada ▶️ UK: http://www.fdrurl.com/AmazonUK Audio book PDF version I'm not an affiliate but strongly endorse the book!!! Have Real Time Relationships!
  4. Forgot to thank the op for posting it here, it's good to see/listen to various viewpoints, even when the 'elephant' had to be constantly escorted outside of the visible areas, only catching its shadows here and there for a moment...maybe in the next debate the 'handlers' decide it was time the world should see it. Maybe if the debate was held in China or Japan. Who knows. p.s .
  5. @TheRedPanda You're most welcome, I find it always easy to be nice to nice people. My pleasure. (a good reminder) See you around
  6. Neat. I think it is praiseworthy you examining these things. Massive thumbs up! I'd definitely keep discussing these topics with open-minded and curious individuals until you get absolute clarity and the internalised state. (as in: can spot, avoid, manage, maintain true heading consciously)
  7. Gotcha. Please provide an example first regarding my previous message. ("... help me get a better understanding...") ... If you'd like to. Thanks
  8. Certainly: As in, let's say you were a 'social alcoholic' (needs drinks to stand people who are otherwise vain, boring) and for years on out the typical get-togethers included drinking during the meetings. One day you change your mind and don't order any alcohol but try the experience without. The difference is obvious and you try to share your observations with the people, to which they respond by saying things as 'You're acting square, aren't you?!', 'C'mon, it's nothing to do with alcohol, what got into you?'... etc. Who does it benefit not drinking alcohol when get-togethers, those that need it for the duration or those who are there for the actual individuals, the true-selves of the people?
  9. '19.' (SFW edition, supplementary to the FDRpodcast4096, the op's 'semi-referring')
  10. Good on you, I have massive respect for people capable and demonstrably responsible for their actions! I'll remember that from you, thanks. Regarding your clarification: If I'm over-simplifying and loosing out important details here, please correct me... Would it be fair to say, you are struggling to accept your ex-friends' true nature due to the investment you've put into the relationship with them? Additionally, who does it benefit you having doubts about standing up for your preferences, when it's come about you 'seeing more' compared to the past?
  11. -> -> Perhaps you could help me get a better understanding of what you mean by providing an example. The very least, your wording is on the 'unique' side of things here.
  12. Let's have a look, shall we... From all the quotes I took, it is reasonable to estimate that, the Swedish origin friends of yours ... you have distanced+/ they have distanced themselves from you, but either way they comprise less than 1 in 10 person in your close, inner circles. Does that mean you have a disproportionately greater contact with people NOT from the same culture as your own country? Isn't that cultural isolation EXACTLY, maybe even 'proximity isolation'? I mean, I am looking at your quotes... wouldn't you arrive to the same conclusions reading yourself back? Maybe you made several mistakes and need to correct them, clarify... sure, feel free to do so. I have nothing against correcting errors, mis-spoken words being rectified.
  13. Well, J. B. P. stepped it clean over. Again. As more will do when realising it was an option from the start. Be mindful of your focus. (If I may suggest)
  14. I would love to hear more about that. For fairness sake: (not final) 'Someone who shares my principles to a large enough degree and choosing to share truth with me, unapologetically, virtuously is reciprocal.' Huh. Interesting. Why were you sad? To me, the order is different +added properties. 1. doubt / anger / inconvenience / sadness 2. clarification 3. relief & resolve / update Does that mean, that You are 'culturally' isolated... sort of 'austerised' by 9 out of 10 people from your inner circles? (If it's true... Maaan! That must be hard as 'adamantium'!) I see. Do you think 'belief' can be taken as proof? (as in: should there be objective proof of evaluating what is/isn't virtue signaling?) Um,... Yes, let's say they accidentally chose not to compare deliberate actions to objective standards. It can happen. I mean, what would they gain from discussing diametrically opposing assessments to their claims... yep, all is good, look away,.... 'squirrel' !!! (as in: Sorry to say so, I'm wondering if you were actually white-knighting, still not allotting responsibility proper, where it was due. It's hard to do, so please accept my sincere sympathy but I warn you for your own good... nobody recovers from an illnes the doctor omits to mention/treat. Be truthful! Have Real Time Relationships!)
  15. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    332. Metallica - Frantic 333. Tor - Glass & Stone
  16. Traps are designed for people who can't get out of them. Those who step over them, can see, remember to look for more.
  17. Hi @TheRedPanda Welcome to the board! Are you familiar with the fable of 'The scorpion and the frog/frog and the mouse'? Well, your account vaguely reminded me of that. Only just approximately because I found the descriptions general and broad. (Maybe it's a just me) Have you considered re-examining the/your definition of 'friend'? (because: What we normalise, we repeat.) What made you to settle for him, rather than anyone else in your environment? (because: if you knew, you'd have more information as to why others might be inconvenienced) Do you think, all feminist are the same? Are there virtuous feminists? (because: blanket terms are easy to cast, especially when objective observation is lacking) Barnsley
  18. Hi @lorry Maybe your work schedule was too packed but I'd have appreciated a bit quicker response. Sorry, I had to mention. It's a bit dense for me, but I'm sure I can come up with a few different approaches, 'skeleton' ideas... even if for mostly discarding, I'll take what you've provided. Thanks for the second post, it made the description clearer (for me). Keep in touch,
  19. Consider yourself lucky... 1. In his own words (from 9:20 / 15:00) : 2. A neat, short video adding & summarising :
  20. Sorry. Don't hold your breath. (I'll have another go at it later) I almost created a thread on it, hahaha. (crispr-cas9) Especially had it in mind for a 'backdoor', a 'morality hack/circumventing' to a feasible & partial application, without going against the Gods (for other's sake). About my probable fluke... I think you gave me ample to answer it. Thank you. Enjoyed reading.
  21. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    330. Yoko Kanno - Remedium 331. Spacer - Move
  22. Oh, yes... TPS or 'right now, only what we need'. Very lean and efficient. Apropos... You might find fascinating, how Elon Musk takes a fundamentalist (like in physics) approach to figuring out how a factory's useful floorspace better utilised might actually net multiple dozen degrees of increase in productivity. As in: How the volume, mass of things producing compares to the total available volume. (He's not the first one, but apparently he's crazy enough to actually stumble through the 'birth process', being physically present a lot!!!) I don't remember where have I heard him elaborate on this, sorry. There's a small probability it'll come to me... maybe in an interview from inside one of the factories? Sorry. a personal note: he's too crazy&/unstable + a terrible father (most likely) to make me see his philosophy worth examining on but a few limited areas... It happens with inventors/technologists to me(I could be wrong). But this bit, even I'm certain he's right. Always keeping the best bits for Last... Just kidding. When you said: "after some time copied all over the world." I wondered if it was preferable with the addition of 'when the state finally allowed it.' as in: GPS, certain surgery procedures, the internet? As of (you wrote): "Since the end of the cold war, you have seen a trend towards less interference, even the Nordic countries have begun to become a bit less restrictive, compared to the past 70 years." Well, that's a reeeally broad statement, not saying it to invalidate it but maybe we are just looking at different things through different glasses. What I see is government power 'going stealth mode' every single day, attaching its tentacles to the young much more and positioning itself (as it has always argued) the only real Shepherd of the people who would be otherwise lost and die starving. Just look at the example of student loans, a fine synonym of 'asymptote' (learnt it the other day), money borrowed which you can never pay back, nor default. A large money battery for the state. Or, take when 'higher education is for free' in Nordic countries... it's not. Everything has a price. If it doesn't, you are literally the product. (Fecebuk, Screwgle, Twatter...) For more freedom and less interference, we'd have to see... Those now in powerful positions, running pyramid-schemes, take a u-turn and give up treating people as chess pieces after having done so for many, many decades. I'm not saying it's impossible, I only say that it's very unlikely. As in: What's in it for the 'elite' now in power, to throw away their 'toys', to 'reform'? What would it take for a 'scammer' to get an honest job after a lifetime of lies and cheating? Is that a rational position to pursue or there are better ways to get to the same destination? I can't give you an example where there was a precedent for anything similar. Please do, if you can. I'm starting to feel pessimistic and when I do it's usually because of someone highly charged with optimism. Are you an optimistic person? Is this just a fluke of mine do you think?
  23. Hi @Mole Have you heard about something called 'Hawking radiation' ? (a theory, the debate is still active and unresolved) Perhaps you would also enjoy reading about the 'Black hole information paradox'.
  24. Yes, virtually he's 'dicknapped'! (pun INtended) P.J.W. recently produced a great breakdown on many parallels, I'd suggest watching it afterwards (incel). Social skills, appearance, DOING meaningful stuff... etc. Listen, watch both, very-very instructive and good at dispelling mental fog especially for men.
  25. In an ideal world, I couldn't agree with you more. The reason why I wish that was true is because (I. ) technological advances come out from disproportionately small areas of the world, perhaps even an amalgamation of a several things. While (II. ) a generally present factor with varying intensity is the presence of over regulation and coercion, otherwise called government interference. Ok, this is perhaps just nitpicking... Feel free to ignore. Did you mean 'rational' as 'economic', 'fear of social austerity'?
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