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Everything posted by barn

  1. Good gracious_ all right, all right (!!!) you want to burry me under a 'heap-load' of quotes or make it rather digestible... and no, I don't mind reading long-winded stuff, nor your content as I had mentioned before (in another thread). Although I don't know what if I will be able to positively/meaningfully contribute. Would you do it if I (couldn't) didn't guarantee that I was going to be interested afterwards? Do you think it was beneficial for others too? Do you think you could do a good enough job without taking the immense task of re-reading the whole thing, again?
  2. Hahaha, sorry but I just thought that was one of the least expected response I've ever seen here on the boards. (not an argument, only been here for a few years so far... thought that was 'something') Well, sure. I'll always support you in making your choices on your own, even so if I think you are the only one loosing out by not checking things. But that's ok, you get what you pay for. (except where there's coercion, so glad I can't possibly do but just entice/share, use words and read others who mostly DO research things) Until you took a 'pro-active, checking things' approach, would you mind steering clear of my threads? Do as you wish but I don't enjoy the format nor the content you are producing, AS OF NOW) (I said I wouldn't repeat myself so if you want more clarification, I recommend you revisit the earlier posts. Re-reading my references to your comments should be straightforward enough as I tried to quote accurately and plentiful.) Otherwise, take it easy and have a good one! - - - /18-08-2018 / Hi 'doorbell enthusiast', Don't be afraid to make an argument, arrows aren't. They are however useful in attracting views and making the arguments in the post more visible... thanks for that!
  3. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    381. Brother Of Soul - The Projects 382. Holland - Ste.025
  4. Please describe the value of the 'what's innit', me doing that would net me what?
  5. Please, be my guest and choose the most preferable option you deem appropriate. (I think that's a great idea.) I understand. No, I don't want to do that. (*3) If you can do it, I don't think I should. Please, don’t manipulate. Were you going to say something objectively true here but forgot/omitted your evidence? (I'd like to think you forgot but don't want to assume stuff, so I ask you.) Sorry, but I noticed you've STILL NOT answered these (3q. -s). I'm ok with you declining but it is only fair if I confirm whether you willfully choose not to. (I won't ask again) The first The second I never said or suggested nor implied you should do that SO THEREFORE I don't understand why you would be saying that. (It looks as if you're taking what I said out of context, claiming stuff I never said. Is that a fair assessment?) Additionally, it does make me wonder if you had the capacity to examine your own convictions.  The third I can and can't do many things, same as with you. I can for example see, that what was really simple for me to do on my own is according to your 'ask' requires my input(supposedly) , when I am certain that you are more than capable or 'skilled' enough to do on your own... is it laziness, perhaps?  (Don't get me wrong... I'm ok with that, sometimes I can be lazy to do stuff on my own too, though being upfront about it is I think a very good idea.)  - - - /18-08-2018 / Hi 'doorbell enthusiast', Don't be afraid to make an argument, arrows aren't. They are however useful in attracting views and making the arguments in the post more visible... thanks for that!
  6. Maybe you missed my last question, about the DOING part, please answer if you don't mind. I never said or suggested nor implied you should do that SO THEREFORE I don't understand why you would be saying that. (It looks as if you're taking what I said out of context, claiming stuff I never said. Is that a fair assessment?) Additionally, it does make me wonder if you had the capacity to examine your own convictions. I can and can't do many things, same as with you. I can for example see, that what was really simple for me to do on my own is according to your 'ask' requires my input(supposedly) , when I am certain that you are more than capable or 'skilled' enough to do on your own... is it laziness, perhaps? (Don't get me wrong... I'm ok with that, sometimes I can be lazy to do stuff on my own too, though being upfront about it is I think a very good idea.) That he had produced books, narrations, speeches, introductions, part-took in conferences, prize-awards... etc. And I was disappointed to realise many of his visual storytelling was jam-packed with fallacious assumptions, been propagandised to the last fire-ant, even those. (I was silly to expect otherwise, wasn't thinking(logically).) I can't tell, but I would assume yes. Biology a close interest of mine not surprisingly meant that I have seen quite a boat-load of his work (isn't in quotation because it is still work, whatever it's aim) That's a good question. I never wondered what was corrupting there or if the increase was gradual or uneven. Don't care about that. Maybe you'll figure it out after doing some research on your own. - - - /18-08-2018 / Hi 'doorbell enthusiast', Don't be afraid to make an argument, arrows aren't. They are however useful in attracting views and making the arguments in the post more visible... thanks for that!
  7. Hi @J.L.W Don't think it is sensible or beneficial to see those as 'the tide's turning', not at least for now. It's a common card, up the Devil's sleeve to instill false hope or paint achievement ahead of true change so that we lessen our efforts or loosen our grip on what's Evil and had summoned our well-deserved opposition. No no no, signing up to a gym membership and loosing weight is only but the first step towards keeping the weight off or objectively declaring a new heading after DECADES of indulgence in avoidance and 'war on virtue'. Not to mention, our tribalistic, irrational nature has changed little throughout the THOUSANDS OF YEARS so expecting a major update to humanity so soon is crazy in my opinion. (Not saying/implying you did, I'm just making a point.) I don't think we can (or should) win as a whole realistically. I think we should make long overdue updates and just stand for what is right. That's it, practise what we preach more, no abstractions required. I for one make a conscious effort holding myself to the principles of NAP and RTR as much as I can. - - - /18-08-2018/ Hi 'doorbell enthusiast', Thanks for your continued interest here and in many other threads recently (month or so). Don't be afraid to make an argument, I don't bite... generally
  8. barn


    Hi @marias I've been enjoying your 'woke' and constructivity packed comments on the boards, glad you found your way 'here'. Again, another good contribution from you (made me look, write up some stuff)! Nice one!
  9. Same here, don't think 'getting used to someone' is the way to well fitting/shared lifelong joy, other than convenience, multiple secondary gains making life together 'bumpy and tongue-biting'. (I'm always suspicious when couples are together since high-school or because they were neighbours... not that I'm blaming them or there aren't exceptions.) It's not easy but I WOULDN'T say "cannot", as in: Of course, lack of experience about the world and the things in it is one thing... However I found that well-principled, self-conscious individuals don't get themselves into trouble nearly as much as those that lack 'connection' with their parents, their group of friends are 'superficial' and act as a homogenised paste / football fans, rather than a collection of distinguishable individuals. People who do stuff on their own, have content of their own, observations and curiosity... regardless if needing to be developed further, that's I think the core for a better foundation. It always seems to circle back to quality parenting, doesn't it? Available and principled role models, protective (obviously), making sure that prevention is taught, want to verify if things are fine... not just assume, outsource to random ad-hoc gatherings of people. Those children (almost subconsciously) integrate knowledge that'll yes, make them very difficult to get to, unless you yourself demonstrably share virtues/traits with them. Oh, and don't try to pretend because they can 'smell' dishonesty from miles away... Anyway, Fully agree and support this type of mentality! Yes, fully support that. 'Separate the wheat from the chaff...' as soon as possible. I'm so glad you wrote this, especially if you were a female. In any case, thumbs up In My Honest Opinion! May I (?) Add to it that "she will follow" consciously because you demonstrate virtues she feels drawn to. Not the money, the power or the variety of Stockholm syndromes but traits that are hard to earn/maintain and offer the possibility of a good foundation for a shared and chosen growth. p.s. /Stefan Molyneux - "Love is our involuntary reaction to virtue if we are ourselves virtuous."/
  10. Oh, that's okay @smarterthanone I don't understand many things about people's incentives when it comes to making certain choices, say looking for a quality partner on Tinder and other dating sites : And I'm comfortable letting it be an unexplored topic in this very instance, for now at least. That's ok, no problem here neither. I fully accept "those are the only two possibilities that seemed obvious to" you, what's more I won't try to convince you otherwise and respect your own choices. In the end, people always get what they are willing to pay for, not necessarily what they claim to have asked for. The closer the two, the more honesty there's in my humble opinion. I'm saying this as someone who had had to learn this about dating in general, empirically tested / chose to objectively verify it. Including (the hard way) with self-bias and secondary gains.
  11. Did you genuinely enjoy spending time with him/them? I'm glad you are satisfied with how things turned out. (Sorry, don't mean to 'dig' or 'nitpick' but can't walk pass it...or a wording 'glitch' maybe... "don't see recently" & "I'm not the person" but "good friends" = that's an interesting way to put it.) Dunno about this... It pretty much sounds like avoidance, 'zoning out'. As in: to meet but 'not be there for each other', it's like the participants are 'stock', replaceable. Because in the end you can say you've met, though not sure if you really 'met'. Proximity isolation is a tough thing to experience. Everything has it's right time and place, opening up about sensitive topics has to be a conscious decision, nobody likes to be revealed unexpected... I can understand that too. He might have avoided, yes. It might have never occurred to him to see you / spend time together. A bit of (unrelated?) ramble, feel free to skip... I also have seen it plenty of times when people (men & women) claiming to be open to discussing deep subjects but once a precipice is near in sight, they back down, restart the exploration from scratch... saying: 'Oh, it's not that deep, it's not the right time, here given the surroundings to discussing it...' (=I don't want to look) Almost as if they knew, once a certain sets of words is spoken they have to do something about it and they rather not do it. I always wondered if this was censorship or sadism or both. I mean it would be natural to circle back willingly later but somehow that never seemed to be the case with this set of individuals, mainly that's why I try to keep my distance.
  12. Oh, I think you're very smart. No, no no... I can see that miles away. Well, I'm sure you revisited the... and compared them against my proposed ideas. Especially with contents such as... After which you visited the... and contemplated what was the entity possibly about, why would S. D. Attenborough want to do activism for them and how that tied into my first (op) post. Is it remotely close to what you have been doing? - - - /21-08-2018/ Hi Shadow voter, Sure, keep voting secretly. I c u
  13. Hi @Ancient Aryan Welcome to posting on the board... What you've put forward assumed that the reader already agreed and was in possession of the 'groundwork' of your proposed ideas... For me, that's not true. To avoid speaking to imaginary contents and having a 'connected' dialogue, I think it was beneficial if you defined, provided examples & zero arguments (that which describes the standard for 'disprovability' for your argument(s) ) Here's where I'm stuck: i. e. ° What is and who gets to define "justice"? ° What is "creative" in your proposed context? (is it analogous to 'free-interpretation') ° Isn't "equality of effort" a redundant term, when it can be just as easily described with 'free-will'? ° "which is the action of morality" - Are you putting forward this as in: 'Is -> Ought' (subjective moral arbitration <- as you'd have to argue the meaning of the 'Is' first, nevertheless elect consequence(s) and if you just observed, in that case, that's basically adherence to others' chosen actions... again subjective...) {as a side note, that's why I prefer 'negatives' and open endedness, freedom to debate/choose the most preferable always.} ° What value is there in your proposed "Trinary option" over the existing ones; either what you referenced and what people currently practice? What's in it for me or others? Barnsley
  14. Hi @Foolmetwice. I'm wondering, why the countless 'handler', created topi title and background changes (seen at least 3 complete occurrences i. e. - (1+1+1)*3), alias 're-vamps'? You're not the only one, I've seen a small number of people, minority do the same. Being curious if that's ok with you...
  15. Hi @iron May I ask what made your reputation sink to that relative low standing?
  16. By the appearance of things, I guess that's what can be called projection. If you would like to have conversations with me, you need to be constructive at least. Either way, ... It's up to you.
  17. Define "(great) success"... I'm just kidding, not serious. On your anecdote: Um... Shuure... I guess what you are saying is, that it's working for you. I don't doubt that you believe that, for me however it's not an option due to diametrically opposing preferences. (I'd rather not go into them, feel free to 'fill in the gap') Thanks but no thanks. I'm fully satisfied with my romantic choices, it's a "great success" in my view. (i. e. - never felt the need for other than dedicated, long-term relationships... I'm ok with others disagreeing though).
  18. Allow me to 'help'... About World Value Survey In brief: "The World Values Survey (WVS) is a global research project that explores people’s values and beliefs, how they change over time and what social and political impact they have. It is carried out by a worldwide network of social scientists who, since 1981, have conducted representative national surveys in almost 100 countries. The WVS measures, monitors and analyzes: · support for democracy, · tolerance of foreigners and ethnic minorities, · support for gender equality, · the role of religion and changing levels of religiosity, · the impact of globalization, · attitudes toward the environment, · work, family, politics, · national identity, · culture, diversity, · insecurity, and subjective well-being." "Analysis of WVS data made by political scientists Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel asserts that there are two major dimensions of cross cultural variation in the world: Traditional values versus Secular-rational values and Survival values versus Self-expression values."
  19. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    379. Electrosoul System - Nine Planets 380. RJD2 - Clean Living
  20. Perhaps it was better if you watched his docus (some at least), I rather not pick fragments, short clips without context... I'm sure you are well-suited to discern on your own if you did see them...I'd assume you'll spot my meaning if you chose to watch any/some entire documentary of his. Also, feel free to present any counter-arguments to my other points if you wanted, when you choose to. - - - /21-08-2018/ Hi Shadow voter, Sure, keep voting secretly. I c u
  21. I don't have any more leads, if you do find it from him, will you drop an update?
  22. It's not going to go away, Lindsay is taking (massive, brave) action. I think in both cases, whether they acknowledge or try to diminish her documented silencing... Universities better get their act together or else... (Although in my estimation there's only going to be doubling down, 'falling in their own drawn sword' based on the consistent trend on both sides of the Atlantic.) Here's the breakdown from J. B. P.
  23. Hi @TheRedPanda A rough map of IQ distribution of the world (including indigenous people) A rough map of IQ distribution of the world (focusing on the indigenous population) A rough map of population density (2015) I think you'll find these interviews very interesting : (For starters) James Flynn and Stefan Molyneux ° Brian Boutwell ('wacko'pedia link) and Stefan Molyneux + ° Kevin M. Beaver and Stefan Molyneux (origins of criminality among other things) ° Nicholas Wade and Stefan Molyneux (historical perspectives amongst others) ° Eric Turkheimer ('wacko'pedia link) and Stefan Molyneux (environmental aspects amongst others) ° Russell Warne and Stefan Molyneux (79. 3% textbooks on IQ are inaccurate, contain fallacies... amongst other things)
  24. Gotcha (As in : 'understood') Thanks. p. s. (I would be curious to see updates from you periodically(few words) , I for one will be checking here...)
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