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Everything posted by barn

  1. " What you incentivise, grows " Oh, absolutely... Yes, of course you must be here for good reasons, I wasn't trying to get you on anything. I was wondering if you were looking at facts, data, other than personal experiences (i. e - anecdotes), subjective assertions which I'm perfectly fine with if it's mentioned. It's just I was curious if you knew something I haven't heard/noticed/considered. From what I saw here (2007-2017, 2017): ° in 2017, 29.6% of EU-28 with child, for comparison, in Turkey (51.9%)... not to mention fertility. ° The most common household type in the EU-28 in 2017 was a single person living alone (33.6 %) ° 'couple without children', accounting for 24.9 % ° 'couple with children', 20.0 % Looking at developments since 2007: ° EU-28 households with children decreased by more than 2 percentage points (from 31.9 % in 2007 to 29.6 % in 2017) ° couples with children, less frequent (from 21.2 % in 2007 to 20.0 % in 2017) ° single adults with children, however, increased (from 4.1 % in 2007 to 4.3 % in 2017) ° Over the same period, the proportion of couples without children and the proportion of single adults without children rose from 24.1 % to 24.9 % and from 29.5 % to 33.6 % respectively. and this, from here: ° "Some 16 percent of children live in single-mother homes (ranging from 5.3 percent in Greece to 28.1 percent in the UK) and 2.1 percent live in single-father homes (ranging from 0.7 percent in Cyprus to 15.1 percent in Belgium)."
  2. Interesting idea, how do you know that it's true? (Talking about this subject, I would agree that social austerity exists, as do exceptions.) Furthermore, would you agree that single motherhood is greatly incentivised in Europe now-a-days and that there's been a huge uptick in numbers, measurable and quantifiable?
  3. " I have dreamed a dream and now that dream is gone from me. " Daniel 2 (objectivity oriented) Daniel 2 (source oriented) (read it, worth it)
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    401. Tekkon Kinkreet Ost - Whites Dream 402. Jon Hopkins - Sleepwalker " I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me. "
  5. Appreciate the tentativeness, doesn't apply to me. My situation is not compatible with MGTOW. Nor do I think it is reasonable to not process 'the luggage', the history that led up to anyone arriving at the 'bus-stop' of MGTOW.
  6. 1st caller - Supplementary. Interesting observation I'd like to share. I 'know' quite a few astro-phisicists, mathematicians, theoretical physicists that do gloriously (well paid, freedom within choice of project) at companies invested in coming up with tangible and practical application of AI dev. , linguistics, security, crypto... all the really 'dense' stuff. Also, within the 'office' there's no where are you from, who are you... just problem solving and upgrading, continously. IQ-G seems to be more important, merit is "God". Outside, after-work hours... different story.
  7. And I thought that I had problems... I still think I do, which I'm pro-active about @ShutterLake it just helped me to contextualise them better when reading and extending my 'sight of perspectives' a bit better, thanks to you deciding to write them down for others to see (and me). Thank you for sharing! I hope you are/have been/planning to process them so the Tsunami stops at you. Pain unconnected can get out of hand in nasty ways. Full sympathy! Thanks again for sharing! Thanks to you, I got reminded... " Swallowing the abuse without abusing others. "
  8. Hawk-eyes... Good extended memory 'device' you keep around! Well, partly + the proposed op & the existence of the wide variety of cognitive biases, 'simon the boxer' being one of them (not all, naturally). Any thoughts on the op? p. s. (Seems, you might want to rewatch "Emissary". As a supplementary, you should see my meaning better...)
  9. Hi @ShutterLake Welcome to the board and posting! SuperDAD & SuperMOM. Massive kudos on thinking. When we ask 'who does X benefit', we find correlations and answers, sometimes inconvenient but nevertheless useful. Have you thought about that people rarely change?
  10. Hi @CygniAustralis You make a lot of good points. Out of curiosity, what did you think about my response to you in your " Having issues with in-laws " thread ? -> Hi voter. Thanks for the attention.
  11. Ha ha, that's messed up. Who would want to spend time with such people? Appeasers? Men who think they can get a better chance at woo-ing women by being more agreeable than what truth from reason & evidence commands? A great majority of the West?... Because if they didn't, there'd be no fertile ground for 3rd wave feminism (imo), disproportionately harsher sentencing for men in the family court system... etc. Yes. There were/are. My proposed metaphor btw connects to what I have just said... or the direction at least I'm seeing society running towards 'Bolt-style'.
  12. Hi thinkers and alike, So to continue with the title's ask... ... Or is it not, due to some of us, sometimes out of some choices a mixture of linear and something else? ° When I exert force on an object, it displaces and won't move back, I have changed the material reality of it in one direction, in time too and will be there where I left it. ° When I encounter with a situation that I'm unable to 'put it, in its right place', unable to process its emotional charge, that conundrum in my mind will exist until it gets resolved/understood/processed in me... I won't be able to move past it... seemingly I am 'stuck in that loop' until the time came. Isn't it possible that the human mind though it's part of the body, exists in non-linear time, defined solely by the individual's decisions, willed curiosity? time complexity / ->linear time<- memoir
  13. Hi @andrewclunn Welcome. That's a bit of a serious intro. (imo)
  14. Great video, closely ties in with the subject of the op and offers invaluable insights into the truth on many things, 'mission' being one of them. I think I'll be listening to it many more times. Here, the article referenced in the video.
  15. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    The 400th song. For you. All of you. And, I'm glad. many more to come.. Keep enjoying! 400. Kitaro - A Drop Of Silence
  16. All good @Jsbrads No worries. (thnks for chiming back, looks like an honest one too, thumbs up) That's my preference earlier on, so that we're clear n'stuff... like I said, I nevertheless found those specific ideas interesting. Maybe later, some other time. Have a good one!
  17. Yes, I hope to be able to choose the best, that is why I am reading both sides (both the ones against and for sleep training), and try to form an opinion. Thank you, yes, as parents it is our responsibility to focus on the well being and it can indeed be challenging at times Cool, also when you responded to the other parts of my message... I'll be checking that too. When/if it happens. Have a good one!
  18. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -> Hi voter, yes I saw your opinion. Not sure why but that's up to you. Thanks though (for the views too) .
  19. Having been an avid science fiction consumer since I know life, it's quite natural for me to draw some parallels with the art, like this one... Star Trek The Jem'hadar is a genetically engineered servant race to the Dominion. In many ways, they are by far the most manliest characters in the Star Trek lore(background of the image) , ruled by the Vorta (foreground of the image) and oh by the by... the Vorta are subservient to a race that's literally shapeshifters.... (disregard the latest bastardized trials with diversity cast in new movies & series reiterations lately...)
  20. Here's a personal experience for you, I also found women in general to be with a much greater preference for the subjective, 'touchy-feely' and had a usually more anxious reaction to being contradicted... not that one of my friend who I haven't seen for ages isn't a near perfect opposite of what I just hazily and in general terms described to you. Though she's also (for some unexplainable reason) more fond of having male friends, well, the last time I saw her that was the case... anyhow. Don't get me wrong but I don't see a whole lot of social shaming of single mothers or sl&ts in general to pick a few 'usual suspects'.... It seems to me, their social shaming is very lopsided and usually directed at men, or men, sometimes even men, when men isn't around then they frequently shame men. (I'm being obviously cheeky a bit, but if you laughed you know coz it's true. ) Can you tell if it won't happen again? (no need to go into details)
  21. Would you say that can be proved? (that women can police themselves) How? That must have been a hard experience for you...that is, if I properly understood your anecdote. (I am serious about saying I empathise with your lived experience)
  22. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    397. Hidden Orchestra - Disquiet 398. Rodriguez - Inner City Blues 399. Treva Whateva - That's About It
  23. The main reason why I think it isn't accurate is because the choices people make defines their character and rather than the other way around. (I'm no determinist for having it disproven adequately, on my own first.) But yeah, not connecting with the inner-pain corrupts the soul. I'm more than sure the person you quoted wasn't into talk therapy that much. Where are the choices? I'm not saying it isn't a manifestation of corruption in society but when you zoom in on what people thought & did, it's a lot more clear what fallacies and cognitive biases should be avoided... by objective and universally preferable standards. (at least, that's my take on it) I can see eye to eye on that one to near completely. Funny thing is, not sure if women are capable to even police themselves. (again, might be wrong here too) (as in: Yeeeah...! Goood jooob! vs. I'm sorry but that's bad. Here's why...)
  24. Don't be too hard on yourself, what's more, give yourself credit for doing good things... I know it's a weak start, but I for one think you deserve credit for keeping at it! Maybe keeping a brief diary daily, so you could make the positive more visible? Have you heard about Nathaniel Branden's sentence competition exercises? You could be productive doing that on a regular basis, maybe twice a week at first?
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