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Everything posted by barn

  1. Hi Richardy, Thanks for sharing that... not sure why it occurred but I'm sure you had a good reason. I guess it also helped you to reinforce / organise your thoughts better.
  2. Sure, I respect your choice. In that case, I'm not motivated to respond to your questions.
  3. Hi voter, Thank you for your continued interest and for the views, here as well. Don't be afraid to make an argument... Barnsley
  4. Hi Mishi2 or @M.2 Long time no see... I'm afraid, before all, I'd like to return to this post first (if you also were interested) , and then we'll see...
  5. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    477. Skalpel - Some Day Prince Will Come 478. Typesun - Last Home ( dj nature remix ) 479. Wu-Tang Clan - 4th Chamber
  6. Interesting. Why do you think that was? How do you know/have you assessed that? This is a tad bit offshoot, still kinda relevant: Would you say that the current efforts in increasing the effectiveness of vetting to the USA (no 'terror-badies' allowed) is neither going to result in the hoped changes, or that it's just imperfect and it will achieve a large enough success? Dunno. I sorta think, all that think that would be able to make a better living elsewhere will try, be it someone who is a statist to the gifted... it's just that not all will be able to stay elsewhere for various reasons (can't adapt, homesick, rejected... etc) btw... That's why I asked (it's ok) about the European ancestry regarding the USA. This is also interesting. Again, I would be curious to know, how have you concluded / verified it? True. (As in: created, sustained by the will of the people from the land) This, I also believe to be correct (if I followed your line of thought correctly). Hence the problem currently in the US and other nations regarding population replacement, the current signs, and its very likely, much greater consequences. Would you say, that it was easier to heal a 'recently' fallen ill patient with a still working immune system in a hospital, or a person that has never been very strong and is currently lacking access to proper health care system?
  7. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    475. Billy Cobham - Stratus 476. Nautilis - Nautilus
  8. Thank you, yet again a great variety of callers. Also, Glad she made it back again, now on a much 'lighter' topic.
  9. Hi @Souleye This might sound disappointing or even contradictory, though its how I understand the 'partial' success of yours (I mean the individuals', if there is). (if I'm inaccurate, corrections are welcomed...) As in (example) : ' I agree that holding people at gunpoint is force, violates personal freedom, it's morally wrong to steal, while at the same time I'm choosing to participate in the sustainment (not just being forced myself to enable... that's different), the creation of more incentives of the same crap I just claimed I had disagreed with. ' ie. - ' I agree with you that dating a, crazy, 3rd wave feminist is not going to lead to a good marriage, however I am going to keep taking her on dates eventhough I don't have to because it's the 'best' I had so far.' In my personal experience (had a few encounters with temporary visitors to the board too), statists are highly contradictory in their thinking, want to be taken care of, their principles are not based on an understanding of individual responsibility taking, objective&personal-responsibility-allotting whatsoever. There are always deep-rooted and painful personal experiences about exercising free-will, individuality in their past... statism is just the superficial manifestation of their unprocessed past negative experiences, speaking to 'that' first I think does have a greater efficiency than abstractions about government, regulations. (me thinks) In short, could it be, that the person you are referring to doesn't really understand force / doesn't want to do the right thing for various reasons? (maybe thinks, repercussions can be avoided by lying, status quo is better than living according to one's principles) After having observed an experiment go terribly wrong, it is madness to perform the same experiment, expecting a different result... or just another way of saying, the experiment is for pretending, NOT for learning/finding/evaluating.
  10. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    473. Bobby Caldwell - What You Won't Do for Love 474. DJ Krush Ft. D-Madness & Masato Nakamura - But The World Moves On
  11. I think that's fair and logical to ask. Then again, "is it really a good idea to take in" South African refugees? The way South Africa is... (well, partly at least...) Or am I not drawing a true parallel, are the two completely different? Also, it isn't likely bringing "that here" because of the Constitution and its protective powers (until it lasted), right?! Perhaps you could define "that" more? Lastly, probably you've noticed in the title the "<20% Europeans" with which I was approximating the part of the population that would be welcomed with broad arms by the States, should a mass departure occurred from Europe (obviously, there'd have to be a vetting / 'grading' system in place). +1: I was wondering... What percentage of the North Americans came from Europe originally? Did they leave Europe back in the day to seek more freedom mainly?
  12. Pertinent. May the video speak for itself.
  13. Hi @Bleak Morn Would you like to give feedback?
  14. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    471. Bush - The People That We Love 472. µ-Ziq - Catkin and Teasel
  15. Hi @Aleks What were the books that you found interesting while using the board's search functionality? Which threads on this topic did you find useful?
  16. Hi @Aleks My point of view of it, is this: ° Whatever you feel more comfortable with, IS probably going to increase the efficiency of the sessions. As in: Easier to open up, less time spent on 'settling in'. ° As long as you aren't holding a strong preference for either of the two sexes, the level of competency should be more important by far. As in: A bridge that's solidly built will stand firm, serve its purpose independently. What gender the architect or the builders were is irrelevant in the quality/reliability of the work. ° If what you are saying is (statistically) correct, it's likely, you'll have an easier time finding female than male professionals. I'd imagine, the male ones (following the same line of thought) would have a more packed schedule. Are you clear on how to evaluate, what to look for in someone that you are hoping to work together with? I think, ultimately that's much more important.
  17. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    469. Lara Fabian - The Dream Within 470. Dj Shadow - Hindsight
  18. Hi @GeorgeW earlier you wrote... I. -> Yes. Optimisation. Or in other words, that which doesn't adapt, perishes. Not all increments of changes result in the same/equal degree of benefit and in some instances, some superior adaptations occur too 'late', accidents manifest... etc. I agree, I can too, verify it existing, universal property of that which is alive. II. -> Several reasons,a lot of them... but no, I don't think it's reasonable. (have a look for: 'Is->Ought') 0. First of all, even now, your and humanity's genome is undergoing a what seems like constant change (mutation too). We are still (and hopefully will be) evolving...changing , due to a myriad of different factors. 0.+1 Why do you go to the dentist, if what you'll be experiencing is going to be stuff, that every creature without a consciousness would plain & simple avoid? (Isn't that overwriting a 'hard coded programming' with consideration & comparing for objective standards, resulting in a conscious action based on the most preferable outcome ?) ° Just because something 'works' , it doesn't mean there's no superior, or that it can be objectively asserted. It just means, that what you are looking at 'fits neatly into a custom made glove'. Think of the size (length) of beds that were in use at the turn of the previous century, we wouldn't fit in those. (in general) Think of the way societies manifested, and how they are or aren't shaping up to be better today. (note that I'm not saying that all changes were for the better... but I pretty much prefer a world with rational, objective ethics, much more property rights, to the free for all tribalism that ran for many a thousands of years) ° Look at how, in the free market of ideas, those that do not provide value, can't keep up with those that cater to the newly emerging, ever changing needs of the people. ° ... don't you think, something that which is that deeply rooted in us, say for example the deference to high sugar content food, isn't such a great idea without the free-agency for saying no (free-will), in a world where such ailments readily and cheaply are available? ° Why do you think, throughout the history of cold climate inhabitants, the general ability to survive and do well increased, whereas in warmer climates it did not? What was necessary for the newly arrived settlers to end up 'suffering' , in order for survival? ... the list goes on and on... I mean, if your question was about the 'lizard brain', without any consideration for morals... well, sure. But we are humans, not animals. We are nothing like anything we know. We are more than animals, while also resembling animals. (architecture, language, science, art, self-destruction... etc.) ps. - If you don't mind, please quote certain parts from posts, making it clear who/what you were referring to. I think that would be better for all. (If you agree) - - - /19-08-2018/ Hi voter, An arrow (colours negligible) points to things, since you didn't make any argument... thanks for highlighting mines!
  19. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    467. Chet Baker - Almost Blue 468. John Lee Hooker - Goin To Louisiana
  20. Hi @szymonmol Welcome to the board and posting! Barnsley
  21. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    Hard At Work / 26. Phace - Brainwave
  22. Oh, please... be my guest. Feel free to ask for help from others if you feel inadequate, can't muster the courage, ran out of ideas...although I empathise, I don't recommend acting as you did. (I'm guessing that's why you didn't address me straight like a man would... or maybe I'm wrong?) I'm still 'awaiting' your counter arguments, corrections... (shouldn't hold my breath, right?!) I'm also expecting you to apologise for this last 'less than intellectually responsible' addition, from now on. Feel free to to do as you please, as always. ps. - Good video, I also like Scott Adams. Read a few of his books too, highly recommendable thinker... kinda shame you evoked him here.
  23. Hi @Matty Rose Cheers for that! Good video. It's always good to see videos like the one you made, hearing people's impressions, on the ground 'reporting/commenting', a bit of a peek inside... etc. Thumbs up for making/sharing it! Barnsley ps. - I'm really glad security was strong and reliable, also that the protestor-fools wasted cash on actually adding to the entertainment value by failing miserably...
  24. Hi @luciusjuniusbrutus That sounds annoying (amongst other things). Have you people tried again? Alternatively, how about posting them here for starters with the link of the video/s in question. (plus if there were any proofs, that would, I think, add to the threads depth too... don't get me wrong please, you know how it is... you can never be sure about who is/isn't 'a dog typing on the internets' ) Barnsley
  25. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    465. Groove Armada - Lazy Moon 466. Audiopharmacy - Ruined Lands
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