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Everything posted by barn

  1. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    548. Toti Soler - Todos os Sonhos do Mundo 549. Bonobo - Scuba
  2. Because the way we think (the things we normalise) is reflected in what we do.
  3. I'm having trouble putting this idea in the right place, maybe even highly disagreeing with Stefan Molyneux on it. I don't know why, could be down to not fully understanding the context or perhaps this was a ' glitch ' (?) . The quote: (begins around minute 45') - the podcast "Do you have any nice guys who asked you out and you look back and you say: 'Well, that guy became a productive member of society. Boy, I sure wish I had gone out with him!' [...] - her response Yeah, cos I mean there are guys out there who can't find a girlfriend and you are getting knocked up by the fellon. Just, can be a little bit frustrating for the nice guys out there. Just pointing it out, so that they're validated. " My interpretation on what this could mean: Stefan Molyneux expressing sympathy and empathy for 'nice guys' who (weren't) aren't given a chance by women like her (with how she was back then). My issue with this is: In my mind, 'nice guys' ought to NOT go anywhere near(professionally, ok) women like her, nevertheless be sad or upset about not getting a chance. Because she was highly wreckless (combination of harsh 'up-fumbling' and personal choices, peer sabotage, ignorance from other parts of society, skewed cultural framework to some degree as well... a combination.) and the partner would have been constantly exposed to risks. And so, 'nice guys' engaging with her would have been (would be - ie. similar women) playing Russian roulette when there are actually girls/women who are doing the self-work, aren't predisposed to making progressively poorer decisions until disaster is reached... why give preference to the 'dodgy' over other women? Perhaps, 'nice guys' should, the fact that they couldn't get involved, should knock it down on wood. And even, if by exposure to a virtuous partner, women like her (in her past, respectfully) would take the pro-active approach to healing... Isn't it kinda too much risks involved, too high investment required compared with other women? (I can imagine specific, individual cases but the general idea is just too far of a reach for me.) Isn't it a(n all round) good thing that women, like she used to be, don't get involved with 'nice guys'? Shouldn't be nice guys warned, prepared, protected from wreckless women until those women started out (on their own) on the road to manifesting aware, virtuous behaviour, none of the 'passivity thing' and spreading potential misery with each relationship? If not, isn't it like sacrificing 'nice guys' and enabling toxic personalities spreading their genes, reducing the incentives that would force people to re-evaluate their thinking/value system? /respectfully, I don't mean to be rambling /
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    546. Foo Fighters - Good Grief 547. Yoko Kanno - Europa
  5. For those that are interested, there's a promo code for the big 5 personality assessment at: https://www.understandmyself.com/ Check out Jordan Peterson's latest Q&A video for both this and the 'authoring suites'-s promo codes. When I took the personality test, I found it to be highly accurate and very, very insightful... that hasn't been very common with other tests, evaluations I had done in the past. It'll be updated in the future, worth to recommend it to people you know as the price point is great as well.
  6. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    544. Jenova 7 Ft. Hugo Kant - Inner Space 545. Bela Fleck & The Fleckstones - Zona Mona
  7. With less than a week to go, vote is happening on the 12th (in Strasbourg). For those in Europe, or with European citizenship, here you can find your MEP if you wish to get in touch, send a letter. link - http://www.europarl.europa.eu/unitedkingdom/en/your-meps/uk_meps.html
  8. Hi @PT Bergin Congratulations! Welcome to the board! Barnsley
  9. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    542. Henry Mancini - Lujon 543. Maserati - Wire Were Towers
  10. Supplementary : Thumbs up, @PillPuppetPoet appreciate that! I remembered another thing that might make the event a tad bit more engaging. (it might be of interest to you, or not...you'll be the judge of it.) There's this app called 'kahoot' I'd used when hosting events, mainly as part of an interactive game at the start and at the end of each session with a custom made activity for each stage to sort of get the ball rolling and then later, to tie up things/summarise near the end of each meeting. You might wanna look into it, it's laughably easy to use and set it up, in my experience adds to the kinaesthetic learning while boosting entertainment for all... at least from what I understand, people are more likely to return if the overall experience had a higher 'fun factor'. (there are very few people who are strictly for the intellectual, so I gathered) Once you did do it, I'm looking forward to hearing from you how it went in a few words...
  11. Hi @PillPuppetPoet That's a well-rounded and densely 'packed' collection of incentivisers, me thinks. The last paragraph being my favourite, probably due to my preference on the more 'practical' aspects of learning to think and living according to one's beliefs & principles; 'taking the rubber to the road' as much as possible. I found that the 'humans are meaning making machines' closely describes our daily existence and anything that has a positive effect on it will influence the quality of our life, the decisions we make (as in: better grip on the real, separation of the illusory, better foundations, less unnecessary circles/skipping 'loops') Probably you would agree with philosophy being an inoculation against propaganda, manipulation, sophistry... which are frequently deployed by various actors in countless areas of life. Maybe even a defensive instrument if necessary (ie. - 9 out of 10 dentists recommends this product...how so? why? original surveyed group size?.. etc. ) And humility, deference to virtue. Hopefully making the practitioner become more willing to recognise and accept/work with existing limitations. Or perhaps burn off deadwood as a result of noticing the self restraints that had been blocking certain decisions previously. (kinda repeating myself) All the best with the gathering, wishing you and the participants a fantastic time! ps. - I recommend that if you haven't, watch Stefan Molyneux's "An introduction to Philosophy" series. There's a playlist on ScreYoutube.
  12. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    540. Amon Tobin - Ruthless (Reprise) 541. Intense - Paradox
  13. Hi thinkers and alike, Those who rule over you (by force), especially over at the 'Five Countries' can't stand/they would like to diminish individual freedom even in the realms of personal privacy. {as in: The Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand} That's why they're pushing for in-built backdoors for encryption technology. Sure, nevermind that when the NSA came forth (they had to) about their leaked, stolen hacking tools it was regarded as a major threat... seriously, they think people haven forgotten about it? Not kidding. This would be the end of crypto in general, apart from the major introduction of new, never before seen levels of dystopia. links: ° the push ("Statement of Principles on Access to Evidence and Encryption") ° NSA hacking tools stolen/leaked/both
  14. Hi @DRS-147 Welcome to the board and posting! Barnsley ps. - interesting, the article you linked (wrote?) gives an estimated time of read next to the date of publication. Aaand.. some references, without knowing how accurate they're: crypto chart (basic info) history of Tezos(cointelegraph. com)
  15. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    538. Boards Of Canada - Turquoise Hexagon Sun 539. Air - Radian /Radian/ - - - 05.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), Thanks for another set of random boosters!
  16. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    536. Akasha - 21st Century Boy 537. Soel - We Have Died Already - - - 04.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), thanks for helping some of my posts gain more visibility! Keep it up .. I wish to share with 'moar' ppl
  17. Hi thinkers and alike, I'm very happy how civilised the discussions went, and the seriousness of them. It's likely, many people more/less familiar with the broad outlines of the views each participant usually is remembered for, might already suspect the tension points ahead of time, still the reality of their content of speech could surprise you nevertheless. There's a ton they actually agree on. Aaand the 'funsies' too... For the sake of staying impartial, that's all I want to say for now. Though I 'walked away' with more clarity and a better understanding of what's there and probably what's missing in the argumentations.(for me) The first day (link to vid) The second day (link to vid) two more days adding them soon
  18. Hi @Spenc My way of thinking about this is centered around awareness and self-honesty (+ courage for {self-}empathy is a must). As in: Am I looking at the 'mechanism' or the only visible 'moving part', while being completely oblivious to the real effect(s) it has been having on me but I only noticed the final part? It very well could be that some of these learnt behaviours had developed as part of a successful strategy for coping with something. ('successful' here means 'a possible solution for a frequent past incentive') I think, there's more to the 'why'... aaand the context part too (you mentioned a hypothetical scenario "it was late and you were tired or it was raining.....") It could be that you were right. How would you go about disproving your theory? (i.e. - it's verifyability) Would it be something like(?) : ' When I empathise more with others (deserved), I feel worse than when I deliberately don't do it. '
  19. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    534. Matthew Herbert - Alone 535. Cliff Martinez - High Energy Proton Accelerator - - - 04.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), thanks for helping some of my posts gain more visibility! Keep it up .. I wish to share with 'moar' ppl
  20. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    532. Fumio Hayasaka - Katsushiro & Shino 533. Phil Collins & Philip Bailey - Easy Lover - - - 02.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), I c u
  21. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    530. Dirty Vegas - Days Go By 531. Dj Krush - With Grace (ft. N'dea Davenport) - - - 02.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), I c u
  22. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    H. A. W. / 28. Matrix vs Goldtrix - It's Love / Trippin - - - 02.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), I c u
  23. ° (instead of, lack of) it's demonstrating negative in-group preference ° supporting the fracturing, alienation of a part of society in South Africa, inevitably fueling racial hatred (the next domino) ° making a statement on the stance the government is aligning itself towards its own legal framework for the future, goes hand in hand with UK newspeak, totalitarian leaning I guess (Muslim majority by 2035* geez?). not to mention, if I was an investor and saw that statement, I'd probably see if I could reduce what I have going on in the UK, just to be on the safer side of things... ...with difficulty, but I get all of these. Hence why I am not living there, won't go there. What I can't understand is why would any investor move resources, get developments going in a country where the government has legal procedures in place to take over/expropriate/steal without negative consequences or equal reimbursement. Are there more or less foreign investments going into Venezuela? (begging the question, I know) Does Theresa May (she's just a puppet btw) seriously think/implies there'll be investors lining up to fund random warlords one after another? ( as high turnover of leadership is usually the case within tribal wars, no sane developer who can't fund apart a strong enough private army will even consider it ) Am I missing something here? What's in it for the UK? There's only loss to be 'gained'... Apart from the betrayal it's also a very ill decision politically and economically. Is this sabotage? It seems, things are a lot more degenerated than what I had imagined they'd be. This is seriously scary stuff and I'm having trouble accepting it. *ref - 'Muslims outnumber...' (Telegraph)
  24. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    528. Carpenter Brut - Roller Mobster 529. Naxatras - Waves - - - 02.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit), I c u
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