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Everything posted by barn

  1. Yes. That's exactly what I meant. Would you treat a friend like that? Are you treating someone like that? Why would anyone allow you to treat them like that? (can you think of reasons?)
  2. Hi @ACStudio What an awesome intro! I have been enjoying reading your contributions for their content and the references(!!!), clarity. You make me want to learn more about the topics mentioned (not just in this thread). I'm curious as to what your recommendation(s) would be on: What skill should a layman focus on first, in the pursuit of learning(doing also) to be self-sufficient economically? as in: not looking for shortcuts but instead would appreciate hearing about your experience for having good foundations (I guess it'll require time and consistency) In the sea of available information, what springs to your mind regarding 'digestible' sources of knowledge? (I like for example how you usually explain your ideas, make arguments, provide references, very transparent, no bs, casual... so on) Thank you!
  3. Hi @mhholder2011 I don't want to sound weird... Just seems... to me... it seems that's not the right question. or to put it in a different form: What does it tell you about that relationship if you are having thoughts like that? Which makes me wonder about a few other things but let's take this one step at a time, perhaps.
  4. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    587. Jamie Lidell - What Is It This Time? 588. Phats & Small - Turn Around
  5. Hi @mhholder2011 Welcome to the board and posting! Barnsley
  6. I know. There are a lot more low quality and impressionable women (or men) out there. Probably has been like this for many many thousands of years (for perspectives). Keep in mind though, that's not everyone ('even in' Ireland). I would hope that you have already seen evidence of that here, on the forum to name just one example. If I may suggest something I tell myself too... Mind your thoughts and see clearly. Make sure (that's why I suggested elsewhere to you "Keep the conversation alive") that you become the opposite of that, vigilant and disciplined. That's an amazing start, it will bring you closer to people with similar goals and perspectives in the 'walk the walk' sense. (me thinks/'walks')
  7. Hi @richardbaxter A follow up question? No, not that I can think of. For now that is. Thanks. I see more provided in your response than what I originally, at first, thought I'd wanted to ask. (seems pretty intentional, re: on the clarity of your stance too... makes for comparing things easier (usually). I like when people choose that, thanks again.) refs. About twin studies (,in general) Supplementary: Gregor Mendel (curious just how many leading scientific minds were supported, I guess 'cared for' by the Church back then)
  8.  I think I have alt-right Tourette's.  (Maybe you're accurate about that.) Being open and upfront about one's own flaws... I think that's better than denying, makes 'weighing' easier. Constructivity leaning people usually can appreciate that. I think it's good (for others too, probably) that you are considering this likelihood.
  9. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    585. Dmitri Shostakovich - October, Op.131 586. Luisine Icl - Numbers
  10. Hi thinkers and alike, "The world is designed for the average." - Served as the inspiration for this thread. There's a lot of life-skills and inherently present traits that makes one candidate superior over the rest... food for thought. A special Heineken one...
  11. 1. remove barrier, promise 'free-er' deliberation in return. 2. voted. Now, it's time for the 'umpf', having opened the gates it's free rein... Disagree? Can't do anything about it, can you?... (coincidental, yeah, right...) ... There goes the future of Irish Ireland... or rather any hope of recovery for Ireland... Say hello to state mandated (or coerced with 'the gun') free homicide... Feminism (the rotten variety) takes over. It's m-e-n-t-a-l, and people fell for it! link ps. (please, anyone thinking of up-voting these posts... don't)
  12. Hi @SeeBee Welcome to the board and posting! Barnsley
  13. I don't think by repeating anything it can become any more or less. Maybe for ideologues, I guess. Is that true? (I certainly think so) However if it's just an empty opinion, ok. It's not me who just got an inch closer to being 'possessed' by an idea.
  14. Well, not what I would call constructive from you@RichardY Hahaha... you know, before it was two words, now one... are you going 'cryptic' by the day in some chosen threads? But jokes aside... I can't mind read. Sorry. (if you hoped) It looks as if you're assuming I or others might. Care to make an actual argument instead? And please, try to make it more than 2 words if you don't mind. No obligation, a preference I still have (funny, I seem to be repeating this to you) ... would be reasonable, right? proof - of your two word crypt... me calling a specific content of yours out earlier (funny, it's in the same thread you quoted...)
  15. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    583. Fear Factory - Demanufacture 584. Thomas Newman - That's The Deal
  16. Hi @LastKnight1881 Interesting. What do you think... Can I belong to a group which is composed of (?) individuals, 'individualists', where each person is free to choose whatever 'aspects' they choose (reasonable limitations tho, can't choose outside of what's available in the objective reality) ? Is that a discrete group? (the word is about: separate, distinct, non-continuous) As in: A couple months ago I read about Russell's paradox. That's why I'm asking. - - - 26.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit, no substance), Here, let me put forth an equally strong counter-argument... (presses 'F')...' Donesky ' !
  17. [...] I think this way too. (not that it mea...) Thanks for expanding. I understand it better. ps. - enjoyed reading, nice one.
  18. Um... It looks like to me, emotions are taking over your better judgement. (as in: name calling, again not speaking directly - starting to see a pattern, right? , plus other things that look like to me' lashing out' rather than composure) If that's what you think is preferable to you...
  19. Hahaha... of course you are... Maybe you forgot the thread you're posting simultaneously in (highly doubt it) ... this looks like intentionally lying to me from your part. Crooked stuff, please don't do it as it isn't necessary, sheds an even worse light on your content, makes it increasingly difficult for me to take them seriously (kinda past that, almost). Is it true that you have been posting simultaneously in another thread also, this one? As a reference, I can certainly help with that
  20. What does this even mean? Who's hijacking? I'm confused.
  21. "c 'mon maaan! That's not very virtuous in my estimation. (looks like the opposite of being respectful)" -from another thread, posted by you, just after I asked you HERE not there, connected with this- As I said earlier in this thread @MahtiSonni , still haven't changed my mind. "I think that would look like a good idea in different circumstances but given that it's pertinent for the thread (me thinks) and didn't plan on spending too much time on it anyway.( probably won't be necessary, maybe not)... I disagree. " As in: What you want is not what I want. You can accept that or not, up to you. Sorry if that's unpleasant for you, no problem if you decline to add your thoughts concerning 'original sin' here. Do you decline?
  22. Funny thing is, I have never posted on this thread until you used my moniker here. c'mon maaan! That's not very virtuous in my estimation. (looks like the opposite of being respectful) It looks as if you're trying to 'drum up something' , instead of answering a question I had asked you directly. (link) Mind you, it's ok if you decide not to answer. Free choice 'n all. Why wouldn't you want to respond to my ask directly? Also, please consider this before responding: You stating (or anyone else) doesn't mean it has truth value, same would go for me. It's ok though to not want to treat others with respect (your choice too, seemingly here) when they did so in the first place.
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