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Everything posted by PatrickC

  1. I thought this Indian chap had the most interesting outlook of the average white person I had ever heard. I definitely would be interested to hear a conversation between Stefan and this guy, if it interested him of course. What did others think of his thoughts, as well as any future conversations with Stefan?
  2. Yes, good point.. I imagine it's the groups that the College funds and I guess they can also ban the marketing of such groups on Campus property. The one good thing mind for what it's worth. At least they aren't just banning men's groups, as has traditionally been the case. That said I think this is just a management exercise in not letting things escalate. A sign, they are probably shitting themselves..
  3. My albeit anecdotal experience is that they were often mollycoddled by their mothers and rather insecure around women of their own age. Often older women would approach them. So they rarely took risks with females as most men do.
  4. Kathryn very kindly joined us in a Hangout over the weekend with the Philosophy Film Club, where she and others got to expand on their thoughts on the movie. Really enjoyable conversation too. That I thought people here might like to listen to. My initial cynicism of the movie has since been quelled somewhat by the thoughts of those in the show.
  5. Wanted to share this now rather oldish movie of 2011 with the excellent actor Liam Neeson.. It had quite the emotional impact on me, as it touches on many issues that effect men these days. From Suicidality, loss, loneliness, fear, survival and love. It does all that in a really honest and open way with none of the usual faux male bravado either. I may well do a show on this myself with the Philosophy Film Club podcast. But I wanted to bring it to Stefan's attention, because I think it highlights many of the issues men face these days. Particularly in the r/K realm we have been discussing so much of late. Love to hear Stefan's thoughts on it, if he ever had the time to watch some day.
  6. Degenerate main stream media.. meh!
  7. Well done old chap! It's not about podcasts of course. It's about personal integrity and future happiness. All the best man.
  8. It seems this thread went a little off topic. But this recent interview with Gavin Mclnnes might be of interest to some of you. Points to some of Rooshes new approaches and thoughts of late. I don't agree with all his thoughts, but it does seem to provide yet more evidence that Roosh is beginning to take a more K approach to his life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5qxMhaXC_o
  9. Good for you, I used to have meh attitude to it in the past. But after seeing men improve demonstrably after making the same decision, I've become much more of an advocate for this decision. That said, the overal improvements came about with other changes in their lives, so the 'not watching porn' was just a part of that self improvement. But it was a significant one that helped them with energy levels, more active love seeking and being more productive and social in general. Masturbation is fine on occassions, it really is mostly about the porn, which seems to encourage some men to just indulge too much.
  10. Like the ladies in my life I assume prefer me to be less (but only marginally so) than a Redwood circumference in girth. I too prefer my ladies to be waifs that I can balance on the end of my finger and rotate them in the manner they wish to go.
  11. Yes, generally I found them to be somewhat demur compared to now and far from being demanding and entitled. They enjoyed the reverence they recieved (and deserved) in reasonable measure. As were the men of that day, as the (celebrity men of today) today do.
  12. No I was not privy to this.. But I assume I missed the memo from Ms Moneypenny. Damn her!
  13. All that might be true of course, but imagine a (celebrity) bloke publicaly whinging like she has done recently. Privilege of the sacred vagina!
  14. I really quite despair with this millenial generation of whiny self entitled women these days. Millionairesses such as Taylor Swift and now this silly bint. Have all the comforts of the modern world really replaced their brain matter to that of pulp. I cannot imagine the actresses (or songtresses) of the past would have been so crass.
  15. It's a shame, but I understand given his age and other priorities. But he would still be a great catch, if only because he would have had a (well deserved) brief part in the start of this enormous (albeit ramshackle at times) intellectual philosophical renaissance beginning to happen on the internet these days.
  16. Haha.. Yes, they can be quite distracting can't they. Despite what some might say as her protecting the porn industry from censorship. I think for someone that has picked an R selected profession. She comes off as remarkably K in her denunciation of feminism and leftism. I believe she might be sneaking some IQ points in those fabulous knockers.
  17. Thought you (particularly the chaps) might enjoy this recent rant from Mercedes Carrera about feminists Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian after their recent whine to the UN about supposed cyber violennce against women.
  18. RamzPaul is a race realist, which is something quite different from Stormfags who often seek all out race war. Race realists mostly take empirical data that we already know about race (and gender) and point out the contradictions. They also conclude (rather uncomfortably) that we all tend to share a race bias when push comes to shove. I don't agree with RamzPaul on everything, but other than his monarchist solution, he and many race realists are mostly for peaceful solutions and are far from being racist. Using the definition of racist as being the hatred of other races of course. Whereas you can ascribe this definition to most Stormfags. One clearly hopes that philosophy becomes the resolve for this issue in the future. But sadly race is an issue whether we like it or not. Social justice warriors and other powerful ethnic lobby groups will not let it lie, so the debate is on. Race realists are a part of the (attempted) rational discourse people are beginning to have on the issue. Uncomfortable as it is might be for many, particularly white people.
  19. Our latest show! A new taste of what is to come with future PFC shows. Hope you like and please give us your opinions and thoughts on it.
  20. Yeah, I'm kind of with Rosecodex on this. That said, 'cuckservtaives' definitely puts those certain self proclaimed 'un' conservatives into their correct genre.. Personally I have more respect for an outright leftist than I do these modern day cucks. They are as degenerate as your average far left social (progressive) justice warrior.
  21. 46 now, been listening since two months after my 39th birthday.. Not sure what all of this means of course.
  22. Not at all Diki.. Just PM me with your details so I know who you are.
  23. Hi Yehwah, Welcome to the boards. Glad your life is beginning to turnaround for you. If you're a part of Facebook, we have a meetup group here in London. There is also another one based in the north of England as well. We act loosely as a cog for FDR friendly folk for most of Britain and we have regular google hangout calls together. Feel free to add yourself and I'll add you to the group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1438425056435291/
  24. Thanks for posting this. This is very interesting. I hadn't considered that the drugs trade could have such an effect on a local economy. But it kind of seems obvious now when I think about it.
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