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Stephen C

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Everything posted by Stephen C

  1. Yeah, I saw that you've been a member since 2006 which made me curious as to what motivated you to pop in. Did something significant happen recently that caused you to feel more comfort and confidence in yourself or these ideas?
  2. I'm more + than -, thanks for asking. What caused you to want to check in to see how everyone is now?
  3. I came across this recently and thought of this thread. It's fun [View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb0scU4prtQ]
  4. [View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2Ml2JWbqCc]
  5. You're welcome. I'm glad you found more info on the topic. That website is delicious, omnomnom.
  6. You're welcome. Kinda reminds me of this... [View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPeV8zNIkyI]
  7. http://www.personal-growth-programs.com/procrastination
  8. Ethics, compassion, and any other collective delusion CANNOT stop you. They can't even slow you down. Your own personal values are the only thing that can and will slow you down and even stop you dead in your tracks. Thanks for posting this, it's very brave of you in my opinion. High fives.
  9. There it is :)http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_853_Managing_Other_Peoples_Emotions.mp3
  10. I just gave this a re-listen and thought of this post. It might be worth trying on, Toad. http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_365_The_Joy_Of_Hatred.mp3
  11. ...for a klondike bar?
  12. Sorry, ToDo. A couple years ago I could of pointed you to that podcast right away, I'm losing it. I've spent some time looking for it, but I can't remember the title. If I come across it in the future I'll post here. Great podcast by the way.
  13. You're talking about the "give, give, give and then see what you get back" podcast?
  14. I'm sorry, I don't understand. If there's anything you would like me to understand or know please feel free to email me. You prefer that I go away, thank you for expressing your preference. I'm happy to meet it. This will be the last time I address you or post in a thread you began. I'm sorry you are so tired of me. I'm sorry that i am a troll.
  15. On second though, that's a bit ridiculous. Maybe men treated women awful, maybe women treated men awful, it doesn't even matter. Screw adults. Children have been and are treated awful by both men and women, and I think that's what matters.
  16. I think that a lot of it is ex post facto thinking for sure, but many MGTOW claim they get sex and could have girlfriends if they sought it out and I'm inclined to believe them. There tend to be a lot of fatalistic arguments they put forward (see Briffault's Law) and they all seem to uniformly oppose psychotherapy from what I can tell and that stuff all smells of confirmation bias, of course. Whenever I have suggested that they hold the corrupt women in their lives accountable they get very mad at me. That would be their decision, and that decision is to do nothing. Oh, I don't know what the heck I'm talking about. I read the title of this thread and a little bit of the first post and for whatever reason the thought came to my mind that these men have no control, can't get what they want and need and are inventing control and the idea that they're getting what they want and need. I think it's terrible that so many men and women aren't getting the relationships they want and need in their life. I was thinking a bit about this yesterday and something that came to mind was that men in the past fucked men over in the future by treating women something awful, but I'm no historian and again still have no idea what I'm talking about.
  17. It's cute how these men pretend like they're making a decision.
  18. I don't think this thread has anything to do with diet. I think it is about being fed lies.
  19. Edit
  20. It could be worth considering if there is anything the depression would say if the depression could speak. The same goes for the anger.
  21. I would very much like to talk about this topic with any or all of you. I'll be waiting for the emails
  22. That guy looks like he wants to double karate chop my neck. From the looks of the ceiling in the backround, I can see he's been eating paint chips. The woman looks like a Necromancer summoned her.
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