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Stephen C

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Everything posted by Stephen C

  1. The guy in that picture looks like he just jumped out of the bush to ask me if I want to cuddle with him.
  2. It's obvious that guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
  3. No. You are incredibly wrong. Please watch the video to understand how the human metabolism and fat hormones really work. This information in the video is very true and useful.
  4. Exactly.
  5. And they lose muscle mass. I never said it was the only way fat gets into the fat cells. I mere said it is the way sugar has contributed to the problem.... for 10k years, obesity hasn't been a problem... then cheap sugars come on the market. Now we KNOW the biological mechanism that makes it happen. Educate yourself. That's what I'm saying. I hear ya. Nonsense be everywhere.
  6. And they lose muscle mass. I never said it was the only way fat gets into the fat cells. I mere said it is the way sugar has contributed to the problem.... for 10k years, obesity hasn't been a problem... then cheap sugars come on the market. Now we KNOW the biological mechanism that makes it happen. Educate yourself. That's what I'm saying.
  7. It's true, that's why eating and drinking nothing at all for days and days makes people gain fat.
  8. The original creeper...
  9. Forget about new dreams, work on dreams you do remember. Doesn't matter if you already have, keep exploring dreams you do remember. Thank and send appreciation to your unconscious for serving you these tasty dreams. Give that a shot and see what happens. I was talking to a fine gentleman in the chat room a few weeks ago who said he hadn't remembered a dream in almost a year. I asked what the last dream he remembers having was and we explored that dream and what was going on in his waking life around that time. I think we did a thorough job and made some great connections, he thought so as well. He emailed me the next day and guess what it was, a fresh juicy detailed dream he remembered from the night before.
  10. I don't know the entirety of the situation with your father and mother, but I have a suggestion ... the only problem is it's manipulative as a mofo so I'm not sure it's worth it...Contact your parents and let them know how sorry you are that you aren't and haven't been a good son. Tell them that you're all fucked up in the head from the drugs you did and just generally fucked up in the head from birth, and this is stopping you from doing right by them. Let them know how important it is to you that you take care of them and give them what they need, especially now that they're getting old. BUT, in order for you to be the helpful son you want to be you need to go to therapy to fix the crazy parts of yourself that get in your way of having a great relationship with them. That you need to get rid of this anger you have for them and you know just the therapist to help, and then you can return to them the loving son they always deserved and you can be supportive for them til their last days, like a good son should be. It's a odd suggestion, I know. Not sure if it would work with your parents, if you could pull it off, or if you'd even consider it, but that's what comes to my mind.
  11. You're welcome, thanks for sharing it. [{]
  12. Massive congratulations, Stone.
  13. You might want to hit them up individually, I'm don't think they all check the boards.
  14. Not at all. There's nothing unreasonable about having preferences and making requests.
  15. It's pretty moot. I live with my father. There's no way I could cut him off from my life now. I'm in the process of moving out but it takes time. I haven't suggested that you cut anyone off or move. What's pretty moot?
  16. Polarization Between “Take Your Time” and “Do It Now Parts” http://www.personal-growth-programs.com/store/demonstration-sessions/ifs-sessions/demonstration-ifs-session-polarization-between-take-your-time-and-do-it-now-parts.html /cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/
  17. Sorry, I don't think I'm confused about your father.
  18. He starts off the video "My name is Sam Vaknin, and I am the author of..." then the video lagged / froze and I was imagining he was going to say "alllllll these books you see on the shelves behind me". Great video. He's put a lot of effort into explaining Nacissism. Thanks for sharing [View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMiUSujAV-0]
  19. She did the complete opposite of validate your experience of reality. She implied your experiences / memories are not valid or based in the real world. She implied you are mentally ill / insane. This is why you fear she will try to have you commited, because she would like to believe you are mentally ill / insane. You cannot help your mother, you cannot help your father. Every effort you put into helping either one of them, or anyone else that supports their position will only harm you.
  20. You're welcome.
  21. [{] She attempted to erase you. I'm sorry. :(You do exist, you haven't made up any memories. [View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua47SXnthxA]
  22. I just realized...I think Save is going to be transporting his daughter around. I don't think a scooter will do the trick, but that's still an awesome suggestion.
  23. Interesting suggestion. [scooter]
  24. Mhm, it's based on a prison experiment.
  25. Juan, welcome. Thank you for sharing yourself. What I left in the quote above is a fantastic insight on your part. What you would say if you read your own post as someone else. I think this may be what is contributing to not achieving what you want. I say "You don't have to do anything. You know what you want. You don't have to do anything" That being said, I know how difficult it is to carve out a new pathway called "You don't have to do anything", especially when there is already a pathway called "JUST FUCKING DO IT" so deeply carved out already. I wish you the very very best, and I'm sorry this is troubling you. Hey Stephen, So thanks for the reply. I appreciate what you said, "You don't have to do anything. You know what you want. You don't have to do anything". The difference in perspective challenged me a bit at first. When I read it, I thought to myself, well duh that’s common sense stuff like what I said. I had to look at it a couple of times to understand it. The difference from what I can understand is that the way you say it, it is voluntary. The things that I want not only do not have to be sought after, but because there is no aggression of myself feeling like I have to make myself do it, I can without guilt or added pressure seek that which I desire without being so anxious about it. More importantly I ought to not have talked that way to myself. If I had read this like you, and responded the way I did to myself, I would be cruel to that person, and in that case it is me. I need to try to not be so aggressive in my own criticism and self-worth. I hope that makes sense, and more importantly reflects what you said. I appreciate your advice and your willingness to express yourself. It’s something I'll try working on. By repeating "you don't have to do anything" throughout the day whenever I feel anxious, kind of helps calm me down a bit. So I really want to thank you not only for response you gave, but for the actual benefit it has been just from reading your post. I hope all is well for you Stephen. Thanks, Juan Big smile on my face, Juan. I'm glad you find my response useful. There's one thing I would like to point out or suggest as a possibility from what you said above. The Part of you that says "JUST FUCKING DO IT!", that's not you. This is something you HAD TO internalize to survive. This Part of you is amazing, and talented and hardworking and does it's best to keep you safe, so I appreciate this Part of you greatly. It wants you to get things done, but it's approach is not effective. It's not an effective parenting or teaching behavior to tell children or students to "JUST FUCKING DO IT". It may seem to work for the parent/teacher in the short term, but it's not an effective long term strategy at all. Perhaps you and this Part can find another way to get things done, but without a doubt this Part is to be well respected and understood. Hopefully that makes some sense. Oh yes, thank you Juan. not everything is well for me, but I have a pretty good ratio of wellness going on. I’m glad I was helpful in eliciting a big smile for you. I haven’t stopped running through my head what you replied here on the post. It’s funny I didn’t think I would get such an amazing response from anybody, and yet you and Ribuck have been extremely helpful. I can’t thank you enough Stephen for your kind words, advice, and time you have taken to have this conversation. On to your suggestion, I have read over what you said a couple times. Right now I’m thinking, ok sure I get it that makes sense and I ought to refer to myself with respect. I know that I have to actually behave in this manner, and just last night there was a moment in which I was self-attacking because I needed disapproved of the way that I behaved on the phone with my sister. After a few internally aggressive remarks, I told myself ok you got to chill out. You know what you did wrong; now you just need to plan what you can do to make it right. From there I think I was able to channel some of that aggression and use it to write a letter to my sister explaining myself. She immediately responded and we were able to patch over what happened and I can’t thank you enough for instilling in me the need to review myself, and communicate with myself with respect. I know that it was just one experience and there were others from now till then that I ought to have behaved in that way and I didn’t. So I still have a lot to work on but what you said makes a TON of sense. I will continue working on respecting me. It’s weird, I felt at times after I read your post that I have multiple personalities that I have to respect but I am no Cybil. I’m glad to hear you have some pretty good ratio of wellness going, what’s going on for you that your ratio is positive? Don’t tell me you won the lottery, because I won it a little while back when I found this site, and now when I made this post. My ratio of wellness has been pretty good these past few days. You're very welcome, Juan. I'm amazed you got such amazing responses too. I wanted to add something else to the discussion here... http://www.personal-growth-programs.com/procrastination Aside from the "JUST FUCKIN' DO IT!" Part of yourself there may be other Parts that are involved in the process also, working hard on their jobs. Cybil Shepherd from Moonlighting? There are a lot of things that keep my wellness ratio on the plus. To see you're getting the support you need is a fine example. Your show of appreciation towards me is another.. It snowed last night. I love seeing snowfall and all the streets covered with white. Earlier I went to the 99 cent store and played with the new kitty they have. I had a short chat with the woman that owns the store, she speaks very little English. It felt good to see a smile light up on her face, she's usually pretty grumpy. There are all kinds of things that keep me goin'.
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