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Everything posted by nathanm

  1. Awesome! I don't think the reactions are necessarily irrational or anti-skeptical. It's an unexpected event, and pulled off with a high level of execution and production value. Plus you are only seeing reaction shots in the moment, not necessarily after people have had a little time to ask what the heck is going on. Maybe there were faces with knowing grins on them that weren't included. Ahh, and then it's a viral marketing thingy at the end. I see. But with 18 million views it looks like it was worth the effort.
  2. What are government services anyway? I have no idea. I know what I buy, what bills I pay and what services those are for. But the tax money taken from me goes into a black hole of mystery. No different than if I had dropped cash on the ground and it blew away. I see anarcho capitalism as simply just having the bills for the stuff you know about, and no theft for mysterious services allegedly granted by unknown people far away. You'd probably have MORE stuff to pay for in a voluntary-only world, but you would know what it was and how it directly affected you, for the most part. You certainly could still have some umbrella organization that collected money to fund a lot of smaller businesses and maybe you didn't know or care what they all were, but you still saw the value in subscribing to it. Whatever form it takes I don't know, but I just know we won't have to fight about it.
  3. That post was brought to you by Apple's built-in DictionaryThesaurus application! Muniment is apparently a legal term. Never heard of before myself. I like to learn new words, but Joseph's silver tongue serves to obscure his message rather than make it clearer. I found that if you read the transcript instead of listeningwatching, some of his most dense sentences take on the form of comedy. Which is nice considering the man has never said anything funny AFAIK, nor does he find anything else funny. Note the complete whooshing miss of Stef's 'rank amateur' bit right at the start. Didn't get it, throws in the "cute" insult. Classy guy…sheesh!
  4. In other words, one's propensity to expend ancillary chronological assets upon Mr. Joseph would be inherently squandered if one considers the aforesaid intrinsic jester nature of the man as shown in the irrefutably axiomatic digital muniment.
  5. GentleMAN that is, there's clearly only one of those involved here as Joseph shows. If someone called me a con artist, douchebag, bullshitter etc. and reinforced all of the criticisms I originally had of them I wouldn't have any interest in 'settling my differences' with them. It's fucking over at that point. They're just another asshole on the internet, and you gotta move on to greener pastures.
  6. 13 minutes in…I can't WAIT to see if he touches the ending. Ahhh, must resist the urge to fast forward! Oh well, how very interesting. THAT part of Stef's video reply was curiously absent! Too sore of a spot, don't touch it!
  7. Steal $20 from everyone when they aren't looking and then announce an election to determine who decides how to spend the money. Then ask why everyone's so mad at you and why it's any different when the government does it. Cause…Reasons! The Constitution! Splunge!
  8. I had hope for humanity earlier today, but now this pet blessing thing…I now have nothing left to live for!
  9. Joseph's emotional frustration and contempt for society is clearly evident, thinly coated over with a veneer of complicated language. This guy was probably deeply hurt and frustrated by things in his life, he's always been too smart for the people around him, he got screwed on a job, he can't make money as a musician and this buildup of contempt for his world manifests itself in the form of being an erudite douchebag who manipulates language to suit his ideals. I absolutely do not believe he has any respect for anything Stef said, no matter how many back-handed compliments he threw in there. He's a miserable, angry person screaming 'fuck you' at the world. And I feel his pain too, I'm a frustrated artist as well, but unfortunately it manifests itself in the form of being an insufferably smug asshole. But luckily nobody suffers such people like Stef can. I absolutely would not be able to take it were I in his shoes. I was cringing like hell when Joseph eluded to a future debate about his Resource Based Economy. Seriously dude? Did you not see how shitty this one went? Up is down, black is white, voluntary is coercive…what the hell is there to talk about?
  10. It's like every fluff article in every magazine in the checkout line at the grocery store just took a giant dump in my brain. I clicked on the About Me page of Michael Urbina's site and it was blank. Then I turned off Safe Mode in my browser and sure enough, there was a picture of a giant pussy there. Try reading that list and transpose it onto a different group rather than being male. Somehow the attributes granted to you by birth are not anything one should be judged by, oh except if you're a white male. Then oh gee, you better watch your step you were born evil and must REPENT. All of this bullshit just serves to keep sexism alive, just as people still do with racism. If you continue to compartmentalize people into groups and make generalized statements about these groups then you aren't making any progress. You're still not evaluating individual people on their own merits.
  11. Maybe Kant wasn't the only one who was very rarely stable.
  12. Sometimes there's only so much rock star drama that one can tolerate in a sitting. But this particular clip was great. For me …And Justice For All was THE pivotal album that turned my tastes in music. I remember thinking something along the likes of "Geez…guy must've had it rough!" upon reading the lyrics to Dyer's Eve. I had never heard any song with that much anger directed at parents. Sure, all religions have their bullshit, but that whole not-going-to-a-doctor thing is so utterly messed up. It's also a shame that suffering and abuse so often (always?) makes for great art. Which brings up another question to ask your anarchist friends: "Yes, But How Will Angry Rock Music Be Handled In A Free Society with Peaceful Parenting!? Answer Me That, Huh! Answer Me That, Mr. Voluntarist Wacko!"
  13. When a Catholic authority figure wants to "reach out" it's a good idea to keep a safe distance until you know their motives. But hey Francis, it's so cool that I won't get in trouble with the antagonist character in your favorite fanfic. The ghost of Tolkien has also told me that it's cool if you don't believe in Illuvatar in case you haven't read the Silmarillion and stuff (who could blame you, really?) but you know, still try to live a good life and all.
  14. Perhaps the dispatcher is more important because in politics it's more important to say the right things than it is to do the right things. At the very least the appearance of doing the right thing must be maintained. Whether or not the thing gets done, or gets done poorly, or if it is made worse than it was is all easily swept into the memory hole. A stretch I admit, but that's what came to mind. I clicked on this post because it's soooo rare to see anyone in government losing a job. Well, at least I think it is. News disseminator Alan Chapman will have more perspective on this.
  15. I'm dying to know how this one went. Mostly I'd love to know the details of the job, if the caller is willing to divulge. Putting aside Stef's completely legit clarification for the purposes of the rest of this sentence, I'd be really curious what retouching gig pays 80K. GadDAMN!!! * major eye-poppage * I'm guessing supermodels, or maybe big time corporate advertising?
  16. Maybe it's just a fun German historical reenactment? You know those crazy Nazi cosplayers are really into the authenticity. Come on gang, let's kidnap people from their homes for old times sake! It'll be a hoot.
  17. That's the infamous documentary about the Salem Light Bulb Company isn't it? Nobody who has seen that movie would dare admit it publicly of course, so it's unlikely anyone here would admit to seeing it. I know I haven't. If you can produce evidence of me watching a movie about light bulbs I'd love to see it, but I won't hold my breath. Go ahead and get the NSA to turn over my Netflix history, you won't find anything even remotely involving lightbulbs, I can assure you. Some people even say the lightbulb documentary doesn't actually exist, but is in fact a false flag operation by the CIA. I don't know if that's true, but it probably totally is.
  18. Only call 911 when the 'cable going out' involves a utility pole crashing onto the hood of your car in a shower of sparks.
  19. Signing such a petition may in practice have the same non-effect as voting, protesting or lobbying the government for a change in policy, but the big difference is that there's no violence involved. If the petitioners win it is because someone at Amazon made a decision to pull the book, not because the Amazon SWAT Team is going to back it up with guns. (I envision a khaki uniform with orange and green accents) The free market means you really do have the power to complain, in the state system they just pretend you do. I agree that it seems a bit whiny to do the petition thing rather than just plain 'ol don't buy it, but it's much more vocal. It's a moral objection to the contents, not just don't sell this cause I don't like the prose.
  20. Not really, I'm saying there is something inherently boring in the catholic mass. Even if you do accept the religion this can be the case. I would also argue that many people who do regularly attend church are doing so for reasons other than religion. The people who do genuinely buy into the stories are usually the more vocal and crazy types and they receive more attention. This is just my experience, I have rarely encountered someone who was real passionate about religion. If a person has gone as far as identifying as an atheist I can't imagine they would still want to attend church for some secular aesthetic reason. I dunno, the big stone building is cool, but not enough to make me sit through a mass. Maybe the organ music, if they have one, can be nice.
  21. I can't speak for the snake handlers or the dancing and belting out gospel tunes crowd, but I know that if an atheist willingly attended Catholic Mass on a regular basis for recreational purposes such a person should probably be immediately euthanized for the good of humanity.
  22. This Peter Schiff video can fix that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGdH7iGNqlY#at=2404
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