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Everything posted by nathanm

  1. The area of celebrity political views is even more confusing than that of non-celebrities.
  2. His take on Stef's Hunger Games review would certainly be interesting! Heh!
  3. That guy is not living in poverty, he's living a minimalist lifestyle within a richer, modern, highly mechanized and technological world. You can choose to live like that much easier because of the fancy stuff around you. He's not living like that because there's no other way to go. To me the word "poverty" assumes that those in it think it sucks and want to get out. This guy's life does not seem to fit any of the definitons. Especially not the second one and definitely not the 3rd one. poverty |ˈpävərtē|nounthe state of being extremely poor: thousands of families are living in abject poverty.• the state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount: the poverty of her imagination.• the renunciation of the right to individual ownership of property as part of a religious vow. If this story came out in pre-industrial times we would be oohing and awwing at some space age guy who had machines and electronics. He's just the odd duck compared to everyone else. But hey, good for him! It's not for me, I personally like being able to stand up, even indoors!
  4. That same format could easily be used to put across more fundamental ideas of abuse as well.
  5. I gave up on online dating awhile ago. It was a nightmare. I've never felt more nihilistic as when I was doing that. Maybe things have improved nowadays, but back then it was a pile of crap. Horrible photos, completely apathetic profiles, zero creativity. It was like people were selling themselves with a $2 advertising budget. If I never hear the phrase "I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual" again, it will be too soon.
  6. Having perfected moral, ethical behavior in humans the military is moving into more technological pastures. http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/182147-us-military-begins-research-into-moral-ethical-robots-to-stave-off-skynet-like-apocalypse
  7. Your criteria is great, how wide are you casting your net? Cause my suspicion is that you're going to have to go country-wide with that. I could be wrong.
  8. I wish more people would record the boring stuff that happens before the ruckus starts, because this like so many phone videos doesn't have any context to explain what's going on.
  9. Tyson says philosophy doesn't have anything to offer the physical sciences but he allows for ethical philosophy.
  10. It's a risky thing to ban words. Because there's no way to get them back. Once a word has been banned all the people with knowledge of that word are sworn to an oath of silence. Then begins the enormous process of removing the word from books, magazines, newspapers, films, digital files and internet-based mediums. This does put a lot of people to work, though. To date there have been only 17 banned words in the English language. Unfortunately there's no way of knowing what they were. Some people alive still know them in their mind, but of course cannot speak or write them. It's entirely possible that if this campaign succeeds, we will be the last generation of people with conscious knowledge that the word "bossy" ever existed. People in the know may give each other a nervous glance when the word "boss" is used, which is dangerously close. Some extremists are even pushing for banning "boss" but that's merely a tiny fringe element.
  11. Well at least one of those deadbeats shouldn't mind being probed. But that makes me wonder, aside from the base fact that it's a government agency funded by theft, does a slacker EPA agent actually do less harm to the environment by not doing their job?
  12. Pipes causing people to drown in bathtubs. Plumbers called on the carpet.
  13. What a waste, who cares about the damn camera angle? My formal debate review:
  14. But it IS blatant and obvious. The news stories of cop abuse boggle the mind, for instance. They are getting away with slaughtering everyday people. Not creepy-looking villains and thugs, but average everyday folks. People actually still vote for the scummiest and most corrupt people we can muster. By the time the West gets to a North Korea level of visually-obvious fascist pagentry the minds of people will have already been broken and it will no longer matter.
  15. Fascism is like the horizon, it's something people have heard and read about, they can see it themselves, but it's always off in the distance and you never reach it. If events don't unfold exactly like George Orwell wrote well then hey, I guess things are bad, but they're not THAT bad. Whew! Let's not worry or do anything about it until we see actual swastikas on flags, OK?
  16. Well yeah, Bob sees it his way and Stef sees it his. The intentions of the filmmakers are not always apparent, and the interpretation of the viewer can be widely varied. You frame your interpretation based on the stuff you're interested in. The anti-male angle on Rio 2 is not at all surprising given the current shows Stef has done. I have been perplexed by some of Stef's movie reviews in the past as well, but in the end it's all subjective. There's no right answer. For instance I've read lots of reviews of Eraserhead which were all over the place, but then I found one guy's interpretation that clicked and made perfect sense to me. If you can immediately connect with David Lynch films without reading what others have written, much kudos, you are probably a super genius! I don't always see the same things Stef describes (like the whole empathy thing he saw in District 9 and Avatar) but his angle is always interesting. I'd love to see a Donnie Darko review by Stef.
  17. Once all the idols have been torn down, Michael will conclude the series with The Truth About Stefan Molyneux, usurp the throne of philosophy and then it's hemlock smoothies for everyone. Muwhahaha!
  18. Hmmm, maybe…is acidic vomit and verbal diarrhea the same thing?
  19. There is one intersection on my commute where I used to do this regularly; stop at the red, check traffic and go. One of the lanes was basically the outlet of an apartment parking lot so there was never anyone coming from that direction and not a whole lot coming in from the opposite side either. But I would get a little nervous if any other cars were 'watching' me, and the light cycle itself wasn't really that long so I stopped doing it. There are cops trawling around in the area on a pretty regular basis, so it was a risky move. Traffic is an interesting thing for science and engineering, it would just be nice if totally bald-faced extortion was taken out of the issue. Traffic needs consistent and universal rules, just as in moral questions, but they don't necessarily need to be in the form of lights and signs, but rather in the minds of drivers. Merging onto freeways is the area I see the most selfish behavior. People don't want to weave in there like a zipper, they just want to plow ahead full speed and get in front of the flow. Sometimes people don't understand "yield to traffic from the left" in roundabouts, but I only go through one of them and always with very low volume of cars. But what causes the most problems? Cops pulling someone over. Every fucking time. Then add in that huge statist guilt trip campaign of "Move Over, Slow Down" and you're guaranteed a big fat embolism every time Johnny Law wants to Just Do My Job.
  20. • Unfair to existing donators (double dipping) • Makes FDR beholden to advertisers rather than listeners • Does not fit into the long-established model of get free stuffdonate voluntarily • Aesthetically would feel cheap and weird But like dsayers said (he's a sayer, he says things) there is already built-in advertising for various stuff which is the best kind of advertising. But then, it wouldn't hurt to wear an ACME Scalp Wax t-shirt every now and then I suppose.
  21. All that aggrandizing and yet all you have to do is send them a folded piece of cardboard with sentiments someone else wrote? Bathos? On the upside, this is good fodder for satire. Sentimental music swells for every job! We are ALL special!
  22. I just woke up in a cold sweat, terrified by this shocking realization: If Aubrey DeGray got a haircut we could ALL LIVE FOREVER, right now! Ahhh!
  23. You know what you never see? Amish people coming into online forums and arguing about topics with The English. Hmm, there may be a lesson there.
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