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Everything posted by nathanm

  1. http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/11/mark-wagner-video/
  2. I disagree, it's not obvious at all. If you watch the rest of their playlist on their channel they have videos for a whole bunch of stuff. I just see a list of statistics laid out with some nicely done animationpost production work. I feel indifferent about most of them and I think the whole grading system is a bit silly and arbitrary, but there's no call for political action in the videos that I've seen. Most of them are advertising for an insurance advisory company.
  3. Hmmm: Product DetailsThe War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies are Harming Our Young Men by Sommers, Christina Hoff (Aug 20, 2013)The WAR AGAINST BOYS: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff Sommers (Jun 12, 2001)
  4. I didn't advocate vandalism, I'm just assuming that's what might happen and that I understand. A 10 second interaction with the neighbor kids isn't the venue for a discussion about childhood obesity. Turn off your lights and lock the doors and be done with it. Or hang a sign with that same message, preferably taped to an overstuffed scarecrow for maximum impact. Or put the bowl of candy at the end of a gauntlet with rope ladders, tires and mud pits and a banner saying, "Happy Halloween! Come and get it, tubby!"
  5. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are all gluttony-celebrating holidays. Everybody knows it's not a healthy eating day. If you're concerned about the fat kids then don't give them candy or give them some other healthy treat, you don't have to crap on the fun with your passive aggressive letter. They may still turn up their noses at your offering, but at least you don't have to get up in people's faces about it. I'd be more in favor of preaching the Thanksgiving-As-Overturning-Of-Socialist-Policy message thingy if you want to be contrarian on a holiday. If that could be condensed into either a meal prayer or Night-Before-Christmas version it would be cool.
  6. Now we know why Chris Hadfield is crying. It's Stef, that big meanie! Inspired by some guy's bitchy comment on G+ I extracted this highlightnamesake audio clip.
  7. Hope you enjoy your toilet paper and egg omelet, Miss Harridan.
  8. I might be hallucinating from lack of sleep, but did I just read about a government program facing REALITY? It can't be! In any event, it's a valuable lesson for us all. If you epically fail at something, just remind the disappointed people that it was a "Worthwhile Aim"! "Yes MasterCard, I know I haven't sent in the minimum payment for the past 3 months. But I my aim is to pay that balance in full. Thanks, bye!" "Well Jim, it looks like your house was burglarized, the fish tank exploded, the kitchen stove burnt up, all your wine bottles are broken and there's motorcycle tire tracks all over the carpets, but I assure you I had the most worthwhile aim of making sure your house was safe while you were on vacation! Sorry about the mess. Hey, do you have my check?"
  9. I think it can FEEL like prices are fixedobjective possibly because there's not much haggling in Western culture. If you watch a show like Pawn Stars or American Pickers you can see true 1:1 subjective valuations taking place, but this isn't the same interaction you are going to get at Target, Wal-Mart or Amazon (don't forget to use the Stef portal!). AFAIK you can't haggle over price, it's either buy it at the sticker price or don't buy it. I guess this is because there are so many middle men involved whereas haggling over old oil cans only has one layer of, ahem, economic actors. Not sure, though. That might have something to do with where that caller was coming from. But mostly it just sounds like a whole lot of 3rd party bullying from a bunch of knowitalls after two other people have made an exchange. Both the last caller and Peter Joseph think they know better than you what you want and need and re-label their chutzpah as objectivity and science.
  10. I dunno, I think it is about personal behavior. Somewhere along the line you need to learn not to trash up either other people's, communal or unowned property. Here's a really disturbing series of photos from a post-music festival: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2403467/Reading-Festival-2013--fetch-dustpan-brush.html This really makes it hard to make that warm fuzzy libertarian claim that 'people are generally good'. Because the evidence here is that EVERYONE is a lazy asshole. Dammit people, what happened to 'take only photographs, leave only footprints?'
  11. Wow, that man can talk! I just caught Stef's open letter video to him and had to find the source material. That would be a very interesting conversation, albeit quite daunting. He's quite emphatic on the socialism angle. But he doesn't sound beyond hope.
  12. Civilization is already crumbled for the most part. We only have enough civilization to sustain a cancerous growth of statism. I hope for the day when former cops are sitting in front of someone at a desk, doing a job interview, for a REAL job. Heck, maybe it will still be in their same line of work as a security guard or something. But for the first time they will truly have to serve and protect people who need it. For real this time, not the fake, do-whatever-the-hell-you-want kind. It will just be a job, like everyone else's. No extra special privileges. You will see a "peace officer" and not feel nervous and worried, he will be about as dangerous as the greeter at Wal-Mart. Even today, if cops were at the same level as firemen it would be a huge improvement. You know, the guys who only show up when necessary? You don't have firemen looking over your shoulder with a back pocket full of tickets every time you light your gas grill, turn on the stove, or make a campfire, but you do have cops looming everywhere on the road whenever you drive from point A to point B, eager to take your money. And a fireman is more likely to put an oxygen mask on your dog's face rather than a bullet in it.
  13. Tattoos: Omnipresent art with no eraser and no Undo? No thanks! The eye contact issue makes your videos a bit strange to watch. Are you reading notes from a screen or are you looking at yourself in a viewfinder?
  14. What about the coffee itself andor the experience of a human-staffed shop?
  15. I've next-to-never bought coffee at a dedicated store myself, so what's the benefit of human-prepared coffee? I mean, I've seen the thing where people make art designs with the cream and obviously that's not as automatable, but the coffee part seems fairly scientific and quantifiable. (But then you might say the same applies to chefs, and now you're gonna get yourself in big trouble) I'm not 100% sold on the idea of self-checkout, (e.g. Wal-Mart, Home Depot) but I do like it sometimes. If you have a ton of stuff in your cart, because of a Global Access Abundance or otherwise, it starts to feel like you're working for the store instead of the other way around. But the absolute number one reason to still keep human cashiers around is so you can enjoy the mind-exploding insanity of buying alcohol from someone who is under 21. Sometimes I think chemtrails and ghost orbs are the stupidiest things I've ever heard of, but requiring a hand that has been on the earth in excess of 21 years to pass an object across a scanner takes the cake.
  16. Sorry, I should clarify, I'm referring to the more lofty psychedelic stuff that carries with it all these life-changing claims of expanding your mind and becoming one with the universe and giving you a whole new perspective on things etc. Those sorts of claims. Such claims are not made for alcohol and caffeine.
  17. Will there be five separate phone numbers for each phone which change to reflect the person using it at the time, or just one phone number and you have a 1 in 5 chance of calling the person you wanted? Or maybe the five groups of 2000 users can only call each other? What if my wife isn't in the same group as me? Then I'll never know the right groceries to get!
  18. It would be like dumping year old gas from the lawnmower into an F1 race car engine. Why would you want Stef's mind to be impaired in any way? Yes, I mean impaired. Nothing is so oversold and over-reviewed positively in this world as the effects of drugs.
  19. What does piracy have to do with anarchy? The situation in Somalia is not what people promoting anarcho-capitalist principles are for, and usually is the clichéd retort they have to defend against. You can't support the NAP and also defend hijacking, it makes no sense. Here's an article which I found thanks to resident board member Dave Bockman about how the movie is basically a load of shit, or words to that effect. http://nypost.com/2013/10/13/crew-members-deny-captain-phillips-heroism/
  20. "HE'S HEADED RIGHT FOR US!!!" I'm glad I don't have pets, because their life is forfeit if a cop is within the vicinity. If you have a dog and a cop ever shows up at your door you better have a kennel on hand to shove him in, preferably a kevlar and steel one. Anything else and I'll just assume the dog is going to be shot. Also, I love the soft language, "his duty weapon" Why isn't it "his assault pistol"?
  21. Stef's analogy of an exploding Brinks truck comes true.
  22. It's a pretty radical shift in what everyone is used to, so when the first person dies in one there will be hysterics about the entire concept. No hysterics for the thousands who die in cars every year, or plane crashes for that matter, we all put that out of our minds. But because it's a plane for normal people (well, let's be serious, I'll never be able to afford one) you will have hyper sensitivity to the technology. And remember, the FAA is in charge of the auto-piloting network, so there's that. My gut feeling is that people of normal income would never be able to afford one, but then I looked up what the cheapest airplanes are going for these days. http://www.planeandpilotmag.com/aircraft/best-buys/10-cheapest-birds-in-the-sky.html I don't know if the flying car would be in that price range or not, but I was surprised that airplanes are that relatively cheap. I think that the idea that the feds will let anyone fly one without a license is fantasy. They are going to crack down soooo friggin' hard on this stuff if it comes. Sorry, must…maintain…childlike…wonder…not adult cynicism…arrrgh!!
  23. Tone-wise, it could have totally been done without conflict and terror; more like the fun, mirthy stuff that the Improv Everywhere people do. You could still do all the moving stuff tricks without a fight over coffee spilling and screaming etc. But obviously it's to promote Carrie, so…
  24. Since it works so well, it should be expanded to marriages, the workplace and retail establishments. Smack your wife, smack your husband, punch your boss, slap a cashier. Everyone will learn their place and then just watch the excellence flow! Eventually we can get back to crucifixion and gladatorial combat, it will be like another renaissance I tell you! Instead of the Thumbs Up icon we can switch to the Open Hand. This video was OK, but not as good as it could be, so I spanked it. Now the next one will be awesome. A society of perpetually bruised flesh is an enlightened society!
  25. Our algorithm has determined that your brunch cocktail is not maximally efficient to ensure a Global Access Abundance and therefore you may not have one. Did you bring enough booze for the entire class? No? Well, too bad you may not have that resource! Also, that lime is not as sustainable as it could be. You know damn well the market slave masters are holding back the 500-year lime, which can be regurgitated and reconstituted into lime form. But no, you'll never see it because of this narrow, truncated view of some pie-in-the-sky anarcho-capitalist bullhonkey that only works in the theoretical land of marketing magic.
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