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Everything posted by nathanm

  1. Not to mention people can come over and make Naked Gun references. But in all seriousness, in the reference to the pop star, if anyone actually envies that guy it's really sad. If you are born exceptionally good looking and have at least some modicum of talent you will be raised upon a platform in this society, and the same people will be just as eager to tear you down and grind you into the dirt after your time is up. It's not an enviable life, it's a curse. I wouldn't trade his life for mine in ANY capacity. That said, his music is NOT played where I work. If it was I might have some hate on for the guy.
  2. I hate that guy! His fucking dams are blocking up the water flow to my picturesque grain mill!
  3. Would make for a cool Flash-based paper dolldress up thingy. https://www.google.com/search?q=dress+up+doll+cutout&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=-gq9UuHZKMjb2AWXuIGABg&ved=0CEwQsAQ&biw=2019&bih=1432 Gotta have a mohawk in there of course.
  4. Looks like it's time to move the Brian Froud books into the non-fiction section of the stores. This is also another feather in the cap of anarchism. In a stateless, roadless world we may no longer be able to leave our shabby, burning homes to buy poisoned meat at the store, but it will mean that elves can roam wherever they want. That is a vision of the future we can all agree on I think.
  5. Seconded. It's a great documentary. Really impressive operation they've got there.
  6. Of course it's a miracle. Do you remember the Bible story where Jesus turns the four poison ivy plants into forty hemp plants and then all the Israelites play frisbee golf?
  7. Really good stuff, they tell a story very quickly and effectively. Kids having a bad time in a world of mostly indifferent adults. Just looking at these in isolation I was vicariously worried about you being thought of as a pedophile for such shots, (I mean, in the insane world) but when I saw the rest of your collection it made more sense. Never shot street stuff myself, but I assume it's a little easier with a higher crowd density. If you were wearing a trenchcoat and shooting kids at a distance with a long telephoto lens you might have more problems. If it were me I'd do them all in b&w, I think the b&ws are more effective and have better image quality. Wait, hang on: I like this look best: http://500px.com/photo/2096027 Just my 2 cents.
  8. I used to be into science back in the day, I still have a well-worn copy of their first demo. Saw them play their first show at CBGBs. But when they signed the major label deal and everyone and their mom was into that stupid music video "My Hypothesis" I couldn't stand them anymore. All the skeptic poseurs walking around with their fake-ass Galileo henna tattoos and isenthalpic process t-shirts from Hot Topic. Makes me sick!
  9. A bounty!? We could all land in the clinker for this!
  10. Black hats are worn by villains of course!
  11. It would have to be funny and subtle. Anything too serious is going to be flamed for being too "political". It would have to be able to be interpreted as non-message-for-you-sir by the average viewer. Possibly the greatest challenge an ad agency could have. But most likely an expensive failure.
  12. Yeah, this is a tough subject for me. I started with two great friends, added maybe a dozen in high school and college, lost most of those after school, leaving the same two friends afterwards but whom I rarely talk to anymore these days. Both are married, one with kids, one without. The more time that elapses without any contact with them the more odd it feels. I could end it at any time with a phone call, but so could they. I don't know who is at fault. There's no fundamental problem, but in the past there has been some political friction. I remember we watched the Michael Badnarik constitution class once upon a time (my first big step on the journey) but it never went too far beyond that. Even more odd is the thought of finding new friends, at my age it seems ridiculous. That's probably a ridiculous thought too, but that's what I think. Now I just "meet" cool people on the internet. It's fine, but not the same. Ever since pursuing libertarianphilosophical avenues I've grown even more isolated than I was before, which was considerable. This is partly unavoidable because it redefines your world as being largely sick and corrupt and removing yourself from that line of thinking removes you from zillions of other people. You can always revisit if you stick to talking about trivia, but it will never feel quite right. It's almost like bizarro anarchy, but with relationships: Anfriendist=no friends=bad! Minfriendist=little friends=good!
  13. There's nothing good produced in human society unless people go to work. All the cool stuff we all need to survive and enjoy life is the result of doing work. The money part comes after, you have to physically get up and do something, anything if you want to live. This parasite only can do what she's doing because there's a surplus of wealth created by all the working people. No matter how unfulfilling you might think your job is, you are still serving yourself and your fellow man by doing it. There's no slacking and relaxation time unless there's work being performed. If you throw out work from the equation you are naked and starving in the wilderness. The caller is fundamentally aligned against reality, which is made possible by violence and intimidation, but reality will ultimately win. I don't envy her in the least. I would rather have the old jobs I hated than to live with the truth that I was a worthless shell of a human being.
  14. A manned version could be cool. It could have a camera, microphone and speaker on it. The Amazon rep calls your cell phone says, "Hey the drone will be there in 5 minutes, go out to the drop zone." Then you stand there and wait to catch it and the operator can make sure it's all clear, drop the box into your hands and then say "Thanks for shopping at Amazon" from the miniature PA speaker. Perhaps houses could have chutes on the roofs that packages can drop into and slide right into your house. No worry about it being stolen and you won't have to be home a the time. Basically making the job of Santa Claus a real thing. I highly recommend watching the 60 Minutes shows with Jeff Bezos. Your heart will be warmed with a Jeffrey Tucker-like sense of warehouse wonder. Plus, Montesorri school and all. Hmmm, positive early childhoods make successful people, whoda thunk it?
  15. Obviously it's going to be limited by the size and weight of whatever will fit in the box. Although the box itself looks like a perfectly re-usable container in itself, it seems like it might be cool if the drone shut off, allowed the person to remove the items and then it took the empty box back. But I suppose Amazon won't want anyone to touch the thing. Safety is obviously a concern. I could see a dog charging this thing and getting its face shredded. But there's probably less danger in this than in the cars we all drive everyday despite all the death and carnage. Well hell, even if it didn't land at all and just dropped the box into your yard from 15 feet in the air that might not be all that different than what regular packages endure in the conventional shipping systems.
  16. So cool. And if it wasn't for the FAA, we could probably have it right now instead of in 4-5 years. Although I do always wonder what part of regulations are real (which would still exist in a true free market) and which are fake (which are political bribes to stick it to competitors etc.)
  17. It was just one of his general themes. I remember one caller on his show was bothered by the presence of anarchists at Libertarian (Party?) meetings and Harry basically said that even if he disagrees with their ideas he's not going to stand in their way as they both have the same goal. Like, we can debate about 1% vs. 0% government later, but let's get to that point first kind of thing.
  18. At first I was all like But then I was all like Perhaps people will blow right past her example and not question it. But to monkeywrench that soldier example right in the middle of an otherwise positive message is so frustrating. What exactly does it mean to be "one of our nation's heroes" AND a loving husband and father? What does she mean by "accomplished"? Did he kill a lot of people? Did he kill NO people? Did he follow every order and never question his commanders? Did he constantly argue with them? What is the standard of being a good solider? How can she ask us to reject "sanctioned violence" and then define those who are paid to kill as heroes? Sure would have been nicer if he was just a firefighter. * sigh * I try to remember Harry Browne's words about how he is not going to stand in the way of people pointed in the same direction as he is. But by using that example this talk goes into the frustration-inducing Minarchist or Agnostic argument category.
  19. What a terrible injustice. I know the feeling, too. Back in the olden times, in the long long ago, I would be miffed when the metal albums I was browsing were categorized in the Rock section. Blasphemy! Back then there was no medium for instantaneously broadcast, petulant whining, though. It was the era of the angry letter to the editor. Big time lapse. Also, if you're such an awesome Christian why are you buying a bible at Costco anyway? Don't you already have a gilded-edged, leather bound copy in the coat pocket of every jacket you own? Don't you have it on your Kindle? And if you're a pastor aren't all the good parts memorized? Heck, why are you even looking at other books besides the bible? Does reading get any more scintillating than the Good Book? Of course not.Try to get your begatting fix anywhere else, you just can't!
  20. I didn't listen to the podcast at all, but Bill fuckin' Burr may be the most arrogant fuckin' cunt I've ever fuckin' heard in my fuckin' life, I don't like his fuckin' tone. Hey wow, I think I'm getting better at this philosophy thing!
  21. Eru ("The One"), also called Ilúvatar ("Father of All"), first created the Ainur, a group of eternal spirits or demiurges, called "the offspring of his thought". Ilúvatar brought the Ainur together and showed them a theme, from which he bade them make a great music. Melkor — whom Ilúvatar had given the "greatest power and knowledge" of all the Ainur — broke from the harmony of the music to develop his own song. Some Ainur joined him, while others continued to follow Ilúvatar, causing discord in the music. This happened thrice, with Eru Ilúvatar successfully overpowering his rebellious subordinate with a new theme each time. Ilúvatar then stopped the music and showed them a vision of Arda and its peoples. The vision disappeared after a while, and Ilúvatar offered the Ainur a chance to enter into Arda and govern over the new world.
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