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Everything posted by nathanm

  1. Seems that wherever I go on the internet, I always find My People. It might not be apparent at first, but they come out of the woodwork. It will take awhile to get through this thread, but I am giving it the horns for now. I felt a great disturbance in the Non-Initiation-Of-The-Force when that show came up with the caller complaining about his girlfriend's taste for 'screaming' music and the subsequent piling-on. I knew my own rising hackles could not be solely my own.
  2. Thanks RyanT. Wow, it got SOOO much worse. This is like an upscale Jerry Springer show, exploiting dysfunction and putting the worst people on earth on display for our entertainment. Just read that article, it pretty much speaks for itself. If you want someone to write parenting articles that excuse every behavior and make parents feel good about themselves regardless, then she's your writer. Yeah, it seems what's lacking here is planning ahead. Like what Stef has described about taking his daughter to a 'big person' restaurant. The pro-spankers are all about dealing with the results of NOT doing any planning, of just putting kids into the adult world and wanting them to behave as adults would and then raging and hitting them when they don't. And worse yet, acting like they are the victims just as much as their kids. Perhaps some humans would be better off if they were 'spayed and neutered' like dogs and cats. Not actually proposing that of course, but it feels like it would be a good idea.
  3. What? They actually set up a photo shoot to illustrate how her son is being marginalized? That is some twisted stuff right there. I know it comes from one of those celebrity fluff, click-bait, brain-trap sites that makes you feel stupider each second you spend reading any of that stuff, but still that is really bizarre. If she was childless it would at least be a harmless piece about some woman who is doting on her pets (although it might be upstaged by a more pressing article about how the Pope is Catholic and water is wet.) Is she a celebrity? Never heard of her and Google doesn't show much.
  4. I'm not against everything the man has to say, I was vegan for a number of years myself. I just don't share his emphasis and I still think he sounds like a douchebag, which doesn't mean he's wrong, he just sounds like a douchebag. I think humans need to start treating themselves better before turning to the plight of animals. Post a story about a cop beating a person to death and you get lots of excuses, post a story about some guy running a dog fighting ring and people are ready to break him on the wheel. You can't even have a video where a human is being mildly annoying to an animal without smoking-ears style outrage. But tormenting children…heeelarious stuff.
  5. If someone cannot provide me a very specific, detailed and codified description of how spontaneous order must work then I'm just going to go back to being chaotic and disordered as usual. When will spontaneous order be enacted? I need times, dates and places so I can prepare! You can't just have spontaneous order without everyone having a current copy of the rules fer cripes sakes! Who is going to be in charge of this spontaneous order? How long is the term? What kind of voting system will be used to elect the Spontaneous King? How many cabinet members can the Spontaneous King have and how will their duties be delegated? If a rigid system of spontaneous order cannot be defined and agreed upon beforehand I see no benefit it pursing it at all.
  6. The video's audio is pretty bad, so I'm not going to judge your voice by that. All I know is that the world needs more low singers. If that's the range you feel comfortable doing, then go for it. They are so damn rare. I'd rather hear effortless huskiness in the lower registers than a strained tenor range. But we live in a tenor-centric world though, it's the high fructose corn syrup of singing ranges. You just can't resist it. But remember, the blessed tenors only get those high notes for limited time, then they're gone and even the most ardent fans are reduced to pity should they choose to take to a stage in their golden years.
  7. Well shit, now I have to get a new needle for my douchbage meter. Dang thing sheared clean off.
  8. Not the usual field-issue array of spanking apologetics. Well, a little bit. The "I deserved it" crowd is still most annoying.
  9. It's always great to see Stef out "in the wild" and not just head on, white background, talking. But what's this…is that a background!? Is there life beyond the void!? A flickering fireplace no less…fancy.
  10. Putting aside factors of government involvement and the like, I notice this question of CEO pay never goes the other way. Nobody in the middle ever wonders if they are "unjustly" making more money than the guy who comes in and empties the trash and sweeps the floors. It's only ever whining about the guy at the top whose job category is something you've never trained for anyway.
  11. We found something the government is actually efficient at! A joke told in a single URL. Impressive.
  12. Fair warning, this isn't going to sound very good when I explain it, but I want to keep it brief. You know because of the UPB test thing. Can it be universalized? Is it a winwin situation? Can two people do it to each other simultaneously? A man cannot steal gum from a shopowner, because if he did it would mean that the shopowner gave him the gum, but he doesn't, he expects something in exchange. So to take the gum without paying is wrong. The thief wins and the owner loses. But I admit that the strict binary thing can cause issues too. Like this unfortunate crap with certain toob videos and the letters a, c, m and d. (I hate even bringing it up) Folks think they've got FDR over a barrel with that and I can see their point, (probably not equivalent, but I felt very wrong about taking unemployment money when I got laid off because I wanted to be as strict as possible in regards to morality) but it's like in the light of all the other statist evils in the world it really doesn't matter one bit. People are being blown apart in Syria as I write this, cops are harassing and beating people up, children are being abused…a misstep into statist territory over some internet trolls is infinitesimal. Perhaps another test of immorality is that the perpetrators of these behaviors make every attempt to hide it. The thief runs away from the store owner, he does not walk in and start taking things out the door with a big smile on his face. The abusive parent won't hit their child in public, but they will behind closed doors.
  13. I think you can have 5 immoral vs. 3 immoral. But it probably doesn't matter in the end. Moral vs. immoral behavior is binary, after which there are gradations, but there is a solid line which is crossed or not crossed. For example, circumcising a baby boy is immoral, but it is less immoral than gunning down a crowd of people. No matter what minor wrong thing you compare with a massively wrong thing, neither of them can ever be good. Shoplifting a pack of gum is immoral, holding a gun to a clerk's head and demanding cash is more immoral. The line is objective, but perhaps the gradations are subjective. I had a friend who shoplifted a cassette tape from a record store once, and another one got busted for embezzling 3 grand or so from her employer. I gave the first guy a lot of hell for it, but none of my circle of friends had much to do with the embezzler after that. They were both wrong, but there were different degrees of severity. Again, the specifics of the crime does not change the moral status of the behavior.
  14. Never being to to your teacher, or anyone for that; unless they have it.
  15. Wow. That is the most obscene load of horseshit I have seen in a long time. (Sorry, horses) No, the producers of this propaganda are demonstrably NOT over racism and have recruited children to continue the seemingly ETERNAL whining about it which I can only assume they never want to truly end. Racism is just the updraft of hot air from a pile of rotting lies that people can use to cruise along in life, never having to take any tangible action to make positive changes. I'm fucking sick of hearing these excuses. The Man is holding you down, but he has many colored skins and many different faces. The only good thing about this is that the video has more dislikes than likes. Perhaps people are not as gullible as I thought. (this impression will expire in approxiamtely four hours)
  16. I didn't clean under the carpet because it was the Will of God™. I am not a bad sweeper!
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/04/09/hawaii.volunteers.repair/index.html?iref=topnews#cnnSTCText
  18. Don't worry about it, once you get to the free market paradise of Somolia you will forget all about your crappy US dollars. Don't forget that a shadowy man in a suit will come and present you with a gold bar just before you leave.
  19. Good news, Ana's wind tunnel test after this video went very successfully, the engineers are quite pleased with the data.
  20. I know I want MY body to look like a pile of uncooked chicken breasts. Unfortunately this means working out. Instead I was hoping for something more supernatural, or perhaps an industrial accident of some kind.
  21. #1 is always public address music, but since I cannot hear it 95% of the time at work (someone made the speaker level low enough), so I am at peace with it currrently. The entire movement of people who whine about the Media showing beautiful people: • Claiming that the existence of beautiful people lowers their self-esteem • Complaining about Photoshop • Believing that Photoshop is wholly responsible for creating images of beautiful people • People that assume the existence of beautiful people has something to do with setting setting a standard for others (an unrealistic standard!) So I can't like looking at Beyonce just because I cannot be Beyonce. They don't do this with other media, though. Nobody says Ansel Adams is lowering my self-esteem in my own photography, nobody says that Schindler's List is lowering the self-esteem I have for my movie, and nobody says that great singers are presenting an unrealistic standard for singers who don't have the same pipes. Parts of the broader range of "Willful Ignorance": A) People who claim that spelling and grammar does not matter because it's the internet. B) People who claim that their misspellings are the result of typing too fast. C) People who don't know the difference between a typo and a misspelling. Cashiers who put the coins on TOP of the bills. Coins in general, pennies being the worst. Depositing paper checks (bank has improved this though, to their credit, with an auto-scan feature) Verbal tics: Like, You Know, Umms, Ahhs etc. Driving peeve: People who refuse to weave when merging into traffic. Junk mail newspapers (50% of my trash I suspect) [insert First World Problems self-effacing text here]
  22. You can get away with any narrative concept as long as exceptionally good-looking people are presenting it. Show us pretty faces and our defenses go down.
  23. Fluff news time. Hey, guess what now there's a place you can tell feminists to Move To If They Don't Like It: https://news.yahoo.com/blogs/oddnews/brazilian-town-run-by-women-is-looking-for-a-few-good--single--men-210647685.html;_ylt=AwrSyCUxw_9TxVMAnmfQtDMD Admittedly, "Noiva do Cordeiro" is not as succinct as "Somolia" but hey you can't have everything.
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