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Everything posted by nathanm

  1. There is so much good art that is about or motivated by terrible behavior and hideous violence. I suspect in a better world entertainment will be more childlike and stories will be more pure fantasy and not have so many metaphorical ties to the real world. Media actually will actually be proper fiction, and not just fiction that's talking about real life with a costume and mask. So like, more Tom Bombadil, Treebeard, Barrow Wights and Trolls and less human soldiers cutting each other up with swords and horses and politically plotting against each other. Whimsy, people, a goram truckload of whimsy is what we could potentially have in the future.
  2. Tough call. How does a moral person express their outrage while still holding the high ground? It seems absurd that good people should only be calm and measured in response to impulsive, abusive people. Seems like the level of attitude should be matched, as Forknight did. Is it only the F-words that should have been omitted? The text can't fully convey the tone, so it's hard to say. I have no hope for those women or their kids, it's probably a lost cause, but it's still good that you spoke out. Someone else may have been watching. Also it's interesting that we have some evidence that the affirmative and truthful reply to "Do YOU have kids?" has zero effect in the end. Not too surprising.
  3. Assuming the microphone is plugged into the camera the audio can't be out of sync, it's a YouTube encoding error I would guess.
  4. http://www.onlineocr.net/ did not take it well. I suspect a proper scan would yield better results. (ttp://opncy.goytuilmonljobs.c010/e, 01051d0h1010101.001710:1100.010wJo, 401)10.0014,1851111 count-400A M° derro0110-1/1400100.(1/11:008 ler.O&WIMX.101)Search Plwams.%3Cvalitx1.01;k01%70040 - 1101'63DV /1%71 0%7 /%3E%3C1001 0/0.21%31.%31;d0141%3E56:11;struct %3E%3Cyar%7000010163()%27CATE. OORY10%27%3E%3Cot►Ing%3E06%7 C13%2C1%2C2%2C45%2C 77%2C 1 0 3%2C141%2C4%2C 130%2C 150%7C 5%2C131%2C142%2C73%7C1431/02 C8%2C177%7C01%7C,81%7C 157%7 C8712(312%7C46%2C144%7C97%7 C10%2C11%2C154%2C59%7C 15%7 C100%2C118%2C140%7C16%7C1 23 %2C173%2C17%2C 111%7C 70%7C 10 1 %7C44%2C19%7 C00%2C41%7C20 WiC42%2C134%7C 1 fi.4%2Cr/%2CII 4"/o2C43%7C 117%7C 148%2C53%7 C I 1,7%2C24%2C4 75‘n 130%7C84%2 C7811,25151%2C121%2CO2%2C137 642C109%2C138562C33%2C150%7C 22%2C35%2C86%7 C30%2C77%7C 110%2011%30%2FstrIng%3F%3C% 2Fwm%3E%3CvaPAZOnamn%30%7 / PROMOTIONAL10118%27*A31 nr43E0%3C.A71 strIny%:11.Y.:11:%21 Var%3NA3Cvar./.7011 am n'Y.:111,V I11 ANSFE R%77%3I %3Cht:100,.31 0./.. C%2Fstring%3P/H3C%71vnt,31 ya r./..20natne%3D4/..7 :I IND K I Y WORM% 1%3FIAVAIrlito%31 gstrIttly%.31%,3CW11 var./.31%*1.;%7 Fstru,A3t %3:7421 (1010%31 1,3(;%7 Fwddxftekit%31
  5. The Wal-Mart greeter is part of the problem. Screw that guy. Look the other way, don't get involved, It's Just How She Is, just stand aside and let shitty people abuse defenseless kids until the end of time and then whine and moan about how lousy the world is. All the little fights against injustice that decent people have avoided pile up over time and next thing you know you're living in a heap of garbage.
  6. No doubt a link generated by their competitor's site, www.hugeURL.com It's not catching on as much as the developers hoped.
  7. Is this something specific to males or is it just because I'm out of shape? Because sitting with my knees together over a long time period is very painful. I don't ride subways, but I would dread company meetings because they put folding chairs right next to each other and if you want to sit without touching the person next to you it means 30 minutes of desperate effort to not "man-spread". Really sucks. You cannot relax your leg muscles at all. Nowadays I'm videotaping the meetings so I get to stand behind a tripod, thankfully.
  8. They never tell us what exactly to check for, though. What's the difference between a healthy and unhealthy privilege? Does it change shape? Have a weird odor? Should I be concerned if my privilege looks different than my neighbor's? If after checking my privilege on a daily basis and finding it to be consistent in its status, can I safely reduce my checking routine or do I need to maintain a constant pattern of checking? Can I check someone else's privilege while they are on vacation or otherwise indisposed? If I forget to check my privilege for a long time is it safe to check it multiple times in quick succession to make up the difference? What if my privilege is missing entirely? Can I order a new one? If a friend checks his privilege and discovers multiple instances is it legal to sell the extra one?
  9. My Tracfone costs me $6 per month to maintain with my existing minutes. It's just a phone, not a small personal computer. Tracfone probably doesn't make sense for doing mobile web browsing and whatnot. But if you just want to make calls it's a good deal.
  10. How loud were you speaking to her Joel? Could a crowd of people hear what you were saying? My own internal plan is that if I project my voice I will cause more of a scene and the abuser will feel the spotlight on them more. I think it's an ostracism thing. Abusive people should feel uneasy about acting like that. Crowds looking the other way is a big reason why this stuff even happens in the first place. If good people cause a scene there's going to be silent sympathizers within the crowd and maybe one day there will be more than one good person in the crowd who will verbally not put up with an abusive person's bůllshít and join your cause. Maybe then hitting kids will be as taboo as public urination. Now, if I were writing this scene for a movie I would have the hero punch the valley girl in the face sending her to the ground, then stand over her and say, "Sorry ma'am…it's just what I do." I know it doesn't help and isn't UPB, but it's fun to fantasize.
  11. Once a cop interacts with you it's like a zip tie, there is NO reverse.
  12. I'm glad there were no video cameras around when I was a kid. This personal stuff just doesn't belong online, but since it's here it would be great if instead of the cute or tantrum videos there was a tantrum + parents dealing with the situation peacefully category. Because THAT is what needs the millions of views. But the middle ground is never something people think is worthy of publishing. Few people want to stick a lens in front of 'Normal, Healthy' situations, only Hey Isn't This Cute? and Hey Isn't This Horrible?
  13. I've not noticed that many hand dryers in restrooms lately, it's mostly paper towels. But this also has it's own issues, like people who can't be bothered to push their used towel all the way though the flap doors on the wastebasket. It's not a Sarlac pit, people; your fingers are safe.
  14. Just wait til the Philosculus Rift headset comes out.
  15. Jan, this will feel a little weird. -Morpheus
  16. Perhaps this is as historically "accurate" as many films, just without the budget and a radically smaller time span between historical events and dramatization? Lying about the past seems to be the bread and butter of many film makers.
  17. Ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to open this meeting on a sour note, but as you know the Black Friday sales figures for the ACME chain of retail stores the fell well short of what we had expected for nearly 15 years of the company's history. We had every reason to believe it would have been a booming day for us, but what we hadn't anticipated was the highly popular viral video which spread throughout social media. You all know the one of which I speak. As a result people everywhere were staying away from ACME in record numbers. We have reason to believe this trend will continue and many are talking about boycotting ACME stores entirely. If sales are as negatively impacted by this in the next fiscal year we may be facing a hard decision. I know nobody wants to think about it, but if we are going to take that big of a hit we will have no choice but to close down the Abusive Cop Division of ACME Inc. indefinitely. I'm sorry to all the abusive officers that this is even in the cards. We have counted on your service at ACME for many years, ensuring that no deserving target is ever spared from a top quality can of Police Whoop Ass. But this division is a costly one to maintain, requiring numerous medical bills and legal fees. The huge yearly influx of cash on Black Friday helps us to maintain this division. If that trend does not continue we will regrettably have to close this part of the company. If it does come to that we thank you for the countless beatings you've given on behalf of ACME, and we hope that you will find gainful employment wherever some rotten punk needs a good beatdown. We know that the next mouthy 80 year old woman in a wheelchair you encounter will receive the same kind of expert beating that only an ACME police veteran can provide. Thank you.
  18. It is very depressing indeed. It makes me think that intelligent people are going to be mowed down and forgotten by history, that there is going to be no pull up before the crash into tyranny, and that the only possible way human society will ever reform is if there is a natural disaster which wipes out nearly the entire population of earth. But then I wonder if one's perception of the general state of society exists only in what the individual chooses to see. There is also a lot of despair coming from these glowing rectangles, but out in the "big blue room" the world appears largely as it did when I was a kid, and comparatively a lot happier. I should probably go out there more often.
  19. I noticed that some of the videos did have better audio quality than the one which prompted me to ask, but Shirgall's advice is good. The closer the mic is to your face the less room tone you'll get. I don't know if that's a Rode, but if so that's the same mic I use for doing the voiceovers for work and it should sound excellent. (preamp matters of course) But then, the video is 240p and AFAIK the audio suffers as well at that level of data compression. But it's not a showstopper, I still listened to your videos.
  20. I'm seeing the condenser mic on screen, but the audio sounds like camera mic audio. Is it?
  21. It's not shirtGATE? Unsubscribing… What if he had a plain shirt but his tattooed arm was still visible? #tattoostorm?
  22. Unfortunately those of us in the toiling in Inner Circle concentration camp have no control over the ceaseless tannoy blasting Stef's hate-filled sermons of misogyny and white male privilege at 100db. But ears will be of no use when our souls become one with the Divine Light, so it is not a burden, but a gift!
  23. I know that I expect the merchandise of the Dollar Store to adhere to the market's highest standards possible for product design, sturdy construction, suitability for a given task, sustainably-sourced materials and quality control combined with a good 10 year warranty. To see such a poor quality wrist-slashing photograph on an Evil Stick is certainly not what we've come to expect from such a boutique merchant.
  24. I was worried that they wouldn't allow me to donate to their project because I didn't have kids and thus was ineligible to suggest to anyone else how they should or should not raise their children (even by the proxy of a video), but after consulting with an angry lout screaming through clenched teeth at a gaggle of kids at the grocery store he informed me that "No, that's different" so I went ahead and did it anyway. As I saw it, the opening sets up the 'bad parenting' and then later on they are using different methods with surprising results (the cliffhanger at the end—good trick!)
  25. What if the falcon fan was the only guy who wasn't a pedophile? Or maybe they all were but he was just the most unsuccessful pedophile who hadn't met his quota for the day? What if the other "children" present at the park were just cyborg decoy children deployed by the most tech savvy pedophiles? And if it is possible to create a cyborg decoy child convincing enough to fool a highly trained park manager, couldn't the pedophile fulfill their twisted fantasies on that instead? But really the problem goes deeper, as Western society still allows the revolting practice of adult women having direct vaginal contact with extremely young children in hospitals across the world. This sexual depravity will only end when adults and children are completely separated on different continents of the earth.
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