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Josh F

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Everything posted by Josh F

  1. This is inline with my current theory that all actions here on by the catholic church is to hold on to their last remaining foothold in latin america, and we now how socialist latin america is....its a last ditch attempt.
  2. I'm more interested in answer to the questions I asked (not in bold).
  3. Ivan, good job I guess man, assuming what you said makes sense (I couldnt say). Can I recommend you crop the video and hide the paint tools?
  4. You know what... I just spent a bunch of time researching what Islam says about raising children. It absolutely advocates hitting children, but I confess it also recommends and provides a vast list of rules and regulations and other stipulations. For example, you aren't suppose to hit them until they are 7. Sounds like a mild improvement on Judaism and Islam. Perhaps Idris you can share your own childhood experiences with us... I'd be very interested to know how you and/or your siblings were disciplined as children.
  5. cmon wesley we know bitcoin isnt real money, chocolate gold coins are the only real currency because they have delicious intrinsic chocolate value.
  6. I'm not going to do any of that stuff, what an absurd and incredibly insulting request. You think I havenĀ“t experienced religious absurdity in my life? Do you think atheists are all raised on some island where crazy people can't come? We know how prayer works, we've seen it and done it, it doesn't work, we all know it doesn't work, and you know it doesn't work. Let me explain what you're doing: talking to yourself, looking for coincidences, and then using that irrelevant activity to justify your belief in an abusive space overlord who you'll abuse children into worshiping. Please do not request anyone on this forum practice Islam, that's horrific. This is a forum against irrationality and child abuse, making it the opposite of Islam.
  7. This was the single most important question asked. EDIT just saw the rather late response, reading now. I was pretty certain the only way to tell the truth was to cut a chickens head off and read the patterns in the blood, but if you tell me this crazy prayer thing is the right way to determine truth from fiction, well by golly it sounds far more clean than the chicken entrails. I'm sorry for being so condescending, but I think this skirts the point and your argument in and of itself is condescending. You seem familiar, though very loosely, with the ideas of evidence and logic. Can you please provide how you know prayer works empirically or logically? So when it comes to discerning between truth and falsehood, you know that someone saying something isn't sufficient proof, even if you're under the impression that God sent them, right? How do you know the Devil didn't send them? How do you know they're right? So check it out, God has sent me into your life to tell you that Islam is a system to control people and is the source for far more evil than good in the world, and always has been. You're an atheist now, then, right?
  8. Being drunk and driving might not be immoral, but it is dangerous and people who care about you or the lives of others should be concerned.
  9. I feel like this response was very evasive of a very important point I brought up. Is this story fictional?
  10. lol, I'm living up to my stupid username with this post. Great feedback everyone, thanks!
  11. Yeah I mean talk about an inexpensive way to keep a government from returning in a stateless society. I think it is interesting to discuss, though I would never ever ever put money into something like that.
  12. I guess as far as being one of those big aggressive bros, this is about as close as you get to compassion, so hope it worked.
  13. So if I was to hear this from a girl, a red flag would go off for me. Why are you intrigued by potentially dangerous people?
  14. Yeah I think once you deal with your family of origin, keeping other abusive people out of your life becomes so much easier. I think if this happened a couple years ago, I would be really sad about the encounter, spend weeks thinking about it, wondering what I did wrong, etc. I've barely thought twice about it though.
  15. I think Betas in that context should be held morally accountable to... like a woman who keeps dating abusive men.
  16. So in this post is a libertarian considered a minarchists, and not an anarcho-capitalist?
  17. Introducing violence adds a very unpredictable element, not that is creates the opposite effect, but that its effect can't be predicted. This might be the stateless solution to preventing the rise of another state. My question though... I believe Israel has a similar policy on dealing with people who take over the heads of terrorist organizations. The Israeli government assassinates them, the idea being that it discourages people from rising to the top. I couldn't comment on the results of this policy, only that Israel doesn't seem to have stopped terrorism with it. Now, as a community I think we know better than to say the assassin is the one introducing the violence. However, this almost sounds like a stop gap, like Mutually Assured Destruction. Yeah very interesting.
  18. This is wild: http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/11/18/meet-the-assassination-market-creator-whos-crowdfunding-murder-with-bitcoins/ The short is that someone invented a system using bitcoin where you can anonymously crowd-fund a bounty on the life of a politician. The would be assassin can claim the entire bounty by using bitcoin to hash in a note about the time of death of the victim. The highest target: Ben Bernanke. Could this change the world?
  19. lol, Jer. I think people's motivation to even consider helping these dumb old baby boomers is because they haven't processed or experienced the abuse from these people the rest of us have... they're the cause of economic collapse and unemployment, they should be the ones who suffer for it.
  20. Aesthetics, economics, etc are about subjective preferences. I like jazz, I want a ferrari, etc. Morality deals specifically with objectively preferred behavior. Math is objective, for example. Choice of car is subjective. See what I mean?
  21. the expensive part becomes the lighting costs and climate control costs.
  22. I'm most concerned about how many people suffered under his government. It mentions that he expanded the military. I don't think it is good to hold people morally accountable only for their rhetoric and not for the consequences of their actions.
  23. The solution is not to hold ourselves accountable for the mistakes of a previous generation. We don't have any mandatory obligations to provide them with any of our own wealth.
  24. Yeah just a few big announcements and it could jump again I suppose. Every step it takes in being normalized will presumably increase its value and velocity.
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