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Josh F

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Everything posted by Josh F

  1. Some of these are really positive, and some of them very destructive, IMO. Reading to your kids? Great. Praying with them or watching football or chanting your families last name is pretty ridiculous.
  2. I don't have advice as I am not a parent, but I will express that I wish my mom had come to a site like this when looking for advice. I remember my sister and I being "banned" from going out with my parents to dinner because I guess we used to behave in a similar way. Preventing your kid from dominating you is a common thing other parents talk about, but the solution is not to dominate back that much I know for sure. As a side note, my baby sitter was usually my Godfather who was the nicest and funnest guy to be around. When you need to meet with your friend or engage in activities your kid doesn't like, having someone around like that makes it easier. I remember not really caring about not going out with my parents because it meant Gerald was coming over to bbq some chicken and build pillow forts.
  3. I actually had a bad reaction to a Tetanus shot myself, which prompted a foray into conspiracy world. I got incredibly sick and the left side of my face swelled on massively within a day. Some antibiotics cured me though. They're not a conspiracy, but there are low quality vaccines, and as u said they're not all necessary. Similarly I left my dog with my parents for a month and they got her vaccinated. She became epileptic. But in this case the doctors used 5 vaccines at one time, a few of which were these shitty low cost old vaccines. In all likelihood though your daughter will be fine
  4. In a free economy, anyone with any interest or concern would be free to invest and pursue any number of tactics to reduce sex slavery. Likely a plethora of approaches, peoples, funding, investing, etc. would be trying to solve the problem from different angles. Unfortunately now we only have the resources and approaches which are allocated by a politician, whose electoral base is likely not heavily influenced by sex slavery. Like, how hard is it to catch these guys? From a tactical perspective, it is fairly easy. Undercover cops look for prostitutes, and investigate the situation. Sex slaves aren't limited to remote smoke filled secret society rooms, the vast majority are available to the public for sale, it isn't that difficult to prevent. In government where these things occur, local government officials are often bribed or part of the act itself.
  5. yes, it is an excellent tool, but the projects arent philosophically geared towards circumventing the state and the investors aren't libertarians. I think we could raise a lot of money for a lot of cool projects for our specific goals, our community is large even if it is spread out, with many employed and active participants. Projects like seasteading, for example. And nothing says you can't use em both, right? If this community believes free market solutions are the cure, why not develop specific business tools to help our this specific community? Make being a libertarian a good business option. not necessary, just install wordpress and buy this theme or one like it:http://themeforest.net/item/sweet-date-more-than-a-wordpress-dating-theme/4994573This entire project could be set up in a few days with less than $100 by just one person.
  6. the chat is always swarming with socialist infiltrators. Trying to have productive convos and suddenly people are saying things like "Capitalism sucks" or the other day I was talking about my business and someone actually said "I'm sure you're just doing it to make a profit!" Its like holy shit fuck off, we dont want you here.
  7. I like your thinking. I find business tools even more lacking than dating sites for this community. The philosophy of free markets doesn't mean you have to be an entrepreneur, but we do value ones who engages peacefully in the market. And statist business owners have so many resources available, the free market has some but very few. Kickstarter, Venture Capital, etc. I'd love an ancap Kickstarter, dedicated to funding projects of liberty.
  8. To prevent us from completely destroying their economy by increasing the cost to import (tariffs, etc). Also, we're their #1 consumer, and most of their other consumers are our allies and are equally intertwined with our economy.
  9. Does she sleep in bed with you or separately or in another room without you?
  10. I am sorry in advance if this post is under-researched, but I wanted to ask the community what Libertarian specific business resources were available to us. So I found something called the Founder's Fund, which is a venture capitol firm created by Peter Thiel. I'd be particularly interested to hear about a business community, online, for entrepreneurs and business owners who don't believe in using the state to dominate the market. I've started a business myself and would love to communicate with other people doing similar things. Let me know what you guys know, any groups or businesses catering to the business needs of the libertarian world. Basically, is there an FDR or business owners? lol
  11. So you've never run a business or created a project or managed a company, right? I don't mean to be dismissive, but these are just the economic perspective of a young child living with their parents. Everything should be free because you'd like for a gift economy? You also don't understand how businesses make their estimates, and how without pricing, it would be impossible to determine the cost of supplies. This is what you completely don't understand and why what you're espousing isn't feasible or describable or optimal. Businesses are created by RISK. For example, I am building a business right now. I've had to invest thousands of dollars already, hundreds of hours of my own time, and have had to live a lower standard of life to afford to do so. I am making a risk. I a risking my money, my time, and a potential income to build a business where will service a market demand. I don't know if it is going to work. It might or might not. I suffer those consequences if it fails, no one else. Thus if it succeeds I reap the benefits. In this fantasy gift economy, I would NOT work for free, no one else would work for free, no one would risk their capitol, and no one would waste time being productive. Its childish and thats the most honest argument you're going to get, it is the economy of a small child dependent on their parents with no idea how money or businesses work or where product come from. Let me walk you through your own idea. Zietgiest says hey everyone lets have a gift economy. Everyone in economics and business ignored you 100%, as they are right now, they will always ignore you because they know it is absurd. Now what? Thats it. End of the line. No productive people are part of the Zietgiest movement, none of them are giving away anything for free, and nothing you personally are doing demonstrates this would work. So, if you believe in this, be the first one to put your money where you mouth is and try starting a business where u dont spend money, and then give away your stuff. GOOD LUCK! Otherwise all I hear is "mommy buy me that toy", either it works, in which case you can compete right now, or it doesn't in which case its just a movement of dependents crying about not having free stuff online. now, to help me understand. NO ONE is going give away their labor or products for nothing. That being a fact, how then does Zietgiest get started? So you made the videos and stuff saying free gift economies are ideal, yet no one is jumping to this new business model. Why? Why would they ever jump to this business model if it cant compete? They won't, right? So, now that we're in reality world, when NO ONE wants to give away themselves of the product of their labor, wht do you do? How do you gain control of the resources? Now, let me talk to you about the FREE MARKET invention called OPEN SOURCE. Open Source is much like the gift economy you described. However the only reason it functions is because it is an information technology. It isn't actual real property. The state and IP laws called it property, intellectual property, but it isn't. It is none physical, can be copied without cost, can be created without material resources, requires no physical distribution, requires no manual labor, etc. Do you see how the FREE MARKET will happily create FREE whenever possible? That is why my business is about giving customers a FREE service, much like Google or Facebook. It is free information, not free food or tangible goods. I still plan to earn money though.
  12. One type of atheism, many atheists with many other ideas. Statist atheists, cake loving atheists, surfin atheist. None of them believe there is any evidence for the theory of God.
  13. Capitalism is extremely communal. The Bonobos do not use tools in the wild, so they're not really relevant to the example. They share lovers, this is not an economic situation, it is sexual, and more akin to having orgies than following Karl Marx. As to the straw-man, you've said you don't advocate force, yet you do advocate central resource control. How can YOU reconcile this. that is to say, it is your job to simply explain how people will be encouraged to voluntarily give up their resources. Without writing pages, if you are interested in explaining this to us AnCaps at all, you need to clearly answer this question: If you advocate for centralized resource control, how do you acquire those resources from parties who currently own them and are unwilling to give them up?Please keep your answer down to a simple statement or two, I don't want evidence or proof or links to understand this question I just need to hear what has been proposed to solve this potential problem, and I cant find the answer anywhere.
  14. I'm aware of the connection between my intelligence and my abuse, that's why I said that. I agree with the ability to quickly be alerted to sick people as well, people with a history that is, and practice being responsive to that awareness and avoiding people. I will add that my humor comes from the same place as well. I could always resist people if I was funny or smart about it.
  15. It really fits my domestic pattern, which is that at the least all the sick torture and propagandizing made me smarter. Unfortunately not true for most people. I knew one friend who was afraid to ask women out for almost 5 years because he thought he was contributing to rape culture. We did have a Libertarian teacher, he lasted 2 years and was scared off to work in a charter school.
  16. I think it is telling that AnSocs have a vast list of resources that others own, to which they feel entitled. The list of things they have and are willing to give away is much smaller. There is no way to make the trade voluntarily between people who have things of value with people who don't, so the only conclusion is to take the things they own from them by force. Private Property exists within nature. Many animals are territorial, meaning they claim land, use it for hunting, and keep out competition. Monkeys who fashion tools will often keep them, defend them, and even trade them for things like sex. Humans private property happens spontaneously all the time. For example, there is no law that says you can't cut in line at McDonalds, but everyone respects the order people line up in. If you go to the beach and you see some chairs and a blanket, you don't just start using it, you assume it is someone else's and if you want to use it you'll ask. If a woman doesn't own her clothing, can't I just start taking it off her without her permission? And yes that is absurd, but it is an absurd reflection of a system without private property. Now, many socialists believe in private property for everything except the means of production. They believe those things (like water, land, gas, factories, etc) should be held in common. This is the Robin Hood syndrome. People romanticize robbing the rich to feed the poor. They believe in the fantasy of the noble theif, which simply doesn't exist. Any system in which someone risks their life or time or well being to secure the property of another person they're NOT going to give it up to people for nothing. They're going exercise their own control over the resources. I cant imagine living in a world where if I want to use food from a farm I need to consult some DMV type bureaucracy.
  17. I thought I would share with you guys a particularly unique insight have to the public education system. I grew up in Los Angeles, and though not a particularly remarkable student as far as grades were concerned, when it came to the national testing I was scoring through the roof. I was since IQ tested amongst other evaluations and determined to be an especially smart kid. They're not wrong, and not in a bragging way but just to understand this story, I am intelligent and diligently critical. So what happens when you test through the roof? Well in Los Angeles there is a point system, of which I was awarded many, which can be used to get you into highly gifted public magnet schools. I was sent to my first in elementary school. My biggest problem there was just losing my old friends having to adjust to a much more difficult academic environment and some radical feminist teachers. We studied latin roots and mathematics mostly. I then went to a highly gifted Jr High, which was math and science based. Finally, for Highschool I went to a magnet school which claimed to be about the Humanities. My High School program, called CORE, buried within a normal public school, was the highest level programming and brainwashing I've ever heard of in a public school. This wasn't subtle. Our subjects included: Greek Love, Communism, Racism, Sexism, Classism, Islam, the History of the Native People, Taoism, Slavery, Affirmative Action, LGBT rights, and more. The content was far less extreme than the teachers themselves. Allow me to give you a few examples: 1. Racism. Our class of 400 kids was brought to an auditorium. White kids were asked to stand on chairs. Latinos and Asians asked to sit on those chairs. While black kids were instructed to lay prone at our feet. While in this position we received our class lesson on white privileged. Kids were asked to move if they didn't feel they were standing or sitting in the right place. A jewish boy stepped down, a couple black kids stood up, but the ones who knew what was coming next didn't move an inch. Each kid was publicly addressed one by one and told their ideas were wrong until they were encouraged by the group to return to their original position. This is the world, we were told. 2. The math of affirmative action. Our long haired middle aged hippy white bisexual teacher spent an entire class trying to teach us that the math of Affirmative Action doesn't harm white people. It was hilariously ineffective, only because so many of the kids in these classes were in advanced math classes and clearly better at math than our professor. 3. For gender studies, a pyramid of tables was created. The white alpha males were placed on the top, followed by the alpha males of color, then the alpha females, all the way down to a group of dorks and nerds hand selected by the teacher. One girl selected began to cry. She didn't think she was a dork. We had to spend the next 2 hours watching her and our teacher cry while we're being told we can't escape the social prisons we've be placed in. All I could think about was escaping the very real and physical prison that was my high school. CONFESS! Another huge aspect of our classes was group confessions, which were very frequent. An example, a latino friend was uninterested in speaking. Privately several teachers continue to approach him and discuss speaking with him. His friends are all white kids, mostly Jewish. In his group, making racial jokes is mutual, but never vitriolic. He was asked to denounce his friends as racists, during which he broke into tears. Only a week later he was explaining how the teachers had been pressuring him into it and that he was never really offended by our jokes since it was such a playful and mutual thing. He was crying because he was attacking his friends and afraid he was going to lose them. Pedophilia, not only did we study greek love, but according to piles of stories, out teachers were quite busy living it themselves. The aforementioned bisexual hippy and the resident Jewish feminist teacher were known to have had a threesome with a student. The balding communist teacher would run a Cheese Club at school, and every year he invited the kids back to his house for wine, and many stories year after year came from the last girl to leave the party. Our Music teacher actually got in trouble for molesting children in my own Jr High, and was transferred (yay!) to my High School. Of course, the young gorgeous english teacher I had a crush on was the only teacher not diddling her students, just my luck. Once, to test the school, we were required to write a 10 page paper on Affirmative Action. Instead I wrote 2 page gushing confession of racial ignorance changed only by their valiant efforts. It was the highest grade they ever gave me. Anyways, hope this gave people some insight into some of the higher level aspects of public school. The vast majority have no idea what we're being taught (let alone what is being taught at elitists schools), but it is extreme propaganda by teachers with higher certifications. When the regular brainwashing isn't enough, they send you to this school.
  18. Well in the memetic sense, the communist or collectivist or socialist meme is spread to children by the multitudes rewarded by the state. It works until it doesnt.
  19. I hope I can offer some insight.I dropped out of college a year before graduation. I began working, saved some money, and moved to Costa Rica to start my own business.I definitely don't regret anything, I have become more social, learned a second language, gotten in better shape, and started meeting women again after a long funk. I am a developer and entrepreneur. My first business was a Tree House company in Los Angeles. Doesn't work, good money until the government takes down your treehouse for violating zoning laws. Now I am doing freelance web and graphic work while I am building the first free business directory for Costa Rica ( at pongale.com ).In 1 year I am hoping to expand my project to a free-market education platform. So.... for everyone in your life saying no, there is a world of people just like you and they're the ones doing the msot amazing things. Smart college drop outs are the best =D
  20. Here is what it is man, its beyond anger, it is the desperation of someone who knows they are wrong. Same approach to "discussion" as a government apologist in the media, distort, use adjectives, never get into the real debate, show emotion, us vs them, and everything else. Poor TZM people, I hate to see someone prey on people who want to find the truth. though here is the thing about the community, they're pretty receptive to new info, i've been recommending a bunch of stuff and they're eating it up. Its just what happens when a smart talker gets ahold of a bunch of public educated minds.
  21. I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere but I haven't seen any podcasts on the subject. I was wondering what everyone's opinion on adoption is... my girl and I were just hypothesizing about it and both agreed adoption would be better idea. It seems to offer a lot, there isn't any burden on your woman's body, on the selfish side. And more importantly if you believe in peaceful parenting, then you're not only creating a good human but removing a potentially bad one as well.
  22. dude the ULTIMATE irony though, in his facebook post about the podcast, (where he continues his "conversation" alone for the benefit of his community) he accuses Stef of Utiitarianism! Peter Joseph [ Official ] Stefan's Religion in 3 propositions:1) The State is the root of all Evil. 2) We are all just Voluntary Exchangers. (Classic narrow-minded Utilitarianism)3) The Non-Aggression Principle is the moral apex. (Thou Shalt Not Coerce!) Exactly.
  23. I have a high vocabulary and a good understanding of language. I've been accused at times of sounds like an SAT. And Peter Joseph never says anything of value!!!!Firstly, he is going on and on about how this isn't a debate, even posting as much on his facebook. The first thing he does is just start reading a prepared script. Followed by an hour and a half of zero respect, zero science, zero attempt to explain his ideas coherently, zero content. It isn't jut sophistry, this guy is just....... what an unhappy human. If the leader of the group doesn't even put his own theories into practice in his life... he is just a hypocrite. I mean he works in advertising, he does day trading, and he works in popculture..... while complaining about wallstreet advertisements and our culture in decline.
  24. I guess I just don't have enough respect for universities to have considered it offensive. I see your point about facilitating fraud. Not to contradict your point, but the content isn't beyond liberal arts and electives. You're not getting someone a biology degree or medical degree, you're doing their women's studies or political science or history classwork. I don't know if it is immoral to defraud force. I'm thinking of myself in college and how I would have rather spent some money to get a degree if I had it. I was bored to death in University trying to fulfill all their requirements under the assumption this degree was necessary for a certain quality of life. I've since come to realize how useless the degree is in the first place. Short of making my parents happy it wouldn't have played a roll in my life. Is it wrong to bullshit bullshit? And is it wrong to make money helping another guy bullshit bullshit? Its an important question, for sure, and you're probably right. On that note there may be other options writing online content.
  25. I'm the same way, there was some judge who gave a guy 120 days in jail for calling him a cock. I just had to go on his facebook page and call him a cock, it felt so fucking good. Then I think about what you're saying, that i should be indifferent to this kind of insanity and being drawn into it is just reflecting my own insanity... or my own anger at insanity. Its like, now I could see this stupid Judge going to my facebook, finding out who know what and trying some petty shit against me, it is entirely within his nature.
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