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Josh F

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Everything posted by Josh F

  1. I can recommend a profession to check out which would meet your demands. Write Research Papers. There are several companies you can sign up for, most of them will have some sort of website where the orders are posted. It is a first come first serve kind of thing, so you can watch the page when you need work. The work is basically doing homework for other people. If you have a 3.8 GPA that is proof enough you can do this work. It usually pays about $8 to $12 a page (double spaced) but can pay more depending on the level of the paper. You'll likely also be able to find private clients in your school for $20 a page. A bonus to the job is that some papers you do for school might overlap with papers you do for work and you save some time. A minimum wage job for 40 hours a week in CA is like $360 a week, and you can share a $900/mo apartment. Food costs about $10 a day. So that's $750 in expenses and $1440 a month, which is hardly glorious but will work. Finding a full time minimum wage job these days is another issue entirely. Also the guys above advice is good and accurate from my experience. I am a highschool and college drop out, and each time I dropped out my life improved. I've even dropped out of living in America, which is a little more hardcore, and it has been great. Dropping out of highschool got me my first income and apartment. Dropping out of college got me my first $$ job, while my friends were still graduating (most of whom are still unemployed 3 years later). Leaving the US has dropped my monthly expenses to about $700, living on the beach making websites and shit.
  2. Intead of examining the morality of stealing Intellectual Property, look at the morality of enforcing it. I go to a bar, and cover the Beatles all night. An agent comes in says, hey that is the intellectual property of Michael Jackson's heir, you can't play that. Threatens me with arrest and fines. Where was the NAP violated? When I played music someone else wrote or when the agent threatened me with jail?
  3. Absolutely Fabulous, The Office, and Python aside, British comedy is a decade behind
  4. Its that Poe's Law, if something is stupid as shit you can't saterize it without it seeming true: like politics and religion
  5. Steve Aoki Shocks EDM Community By Admitting He Is Not An Actual DJ Fans of US “DJ” Steve Aoki are in a state of shock after it emerged that Mr. Aoki is in fact a performance artist who has been engaged in a finely orchestrated and prolonged performance art piece that has encapsulated every aspect of his life. The news emerged after it was revealed that Mr. Aoki has been awarded with a Special Achievement Award from the American Council of Performing Arts (A.C.P.A.) for the project which has taken up almost the entirety of Mr. Aoki’s adult life. Speaking for the first time about the revelations, Mr. Aoki, pictured receiving his award from professional egoist, Kanye West, sought to explain the motivation behind the project. “I wanted to explore the fickle nature of popular music fads by devising a public and onstage persona that could push the bounds of ridiculous behaviour to an extreme and still manage to get away with it.” “For me it’s about trying to be as absurd and laughable as possible without any of the audience being aware of, or being willfully ignorant of, the sheer absurdity of what they’re witnessing. The EDM explosion for me was the perfect vehicle to explore that idea because it seemed like that audience were capable of mindlessly accepting the most crass gimmicks and personalities,” explained Aoki. “The show and my life as “DJ” Steve Aoki has evolved over the years, ” he explained. “I’ve had to live every waking moment as this guy without ever breaking character. That’s always been the toughest part, seeing myself become this clown and never being able to say ‘Hey guys, it’s not real’.” “I kept adding more and more unnecessary vulgarity to the show, bright flashing lights, topless performances, silly hair, Indian headdresses, trampolines. I kept thinking that at any moment people would realise that this was no longer dance music but that it was an absurdist pantomine and the game would be up. But no-one has ever even suspected.” “Even when I started throwing cake into the audience, which I intended as a not-so-subtle reference to the circus that my show had become, the audience just lapped it up. No-one thought to themselves ‘Oh look, he’s started throwing cakes into people’s faces like a fucking clown, surely this can’t be legitimate dance music?’.” Spokesman for the A.C.P.A., Arnold Trumball, described his admiration for Aoki’s project, “It’s a tour-de-force in method acting. He’s been living as this consciously asinine DJ for the last 15 years without ever breaking character. Can you imagine living every waking moment as the DJ character Steve Aoki? Churning out shit track after shit track. Attending shit gig after shit gig?” questioned Trumball. “Not being able to hold your hands up to even your closest friends and admit ‘my career as a DJ is an absurd joke’. That’s real dedication to your art.” http://www.wunderground.ie/steve-aoki-shocks-edm-community-by-admitting-that-he-is-not-an-actual-dj/ In short, this guy has been going around pretending to be an asshole DJ who makes bad looped music and throws cake in people's face just to point out how incredibly pathetic the dancehall circus is... and I'm not a fan or even a real passionate critic of the music but this is great!I've heard a couple interviews over the years from big names in this kind of club scene crap, and they say some DUMB stuff like how their music is the key to world peace. Its just a bottle popping club scene culture, eewk -------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE Oh nevermind, they are denying it and claiming it was a hoax. Even funnier....http://steveaoki.com/
  6. Let me help explain this to my fellow North Americans a little better, living in Central America in a Catholic Country I have a good perspective of how people who actually care about Popes are responding. The pedophile scandals and narco-traffic scandals ravaged latin America, the last major bastion of support the Catholic Church has.... and agnosticism, christianity, and atheism are all on the rise. They know this. They're keenly aware of the outrage, and feel it in their pockets. Thus, get rid of the creepy German guy and bring in a latino (white Agentinian, but still he speaks spanish). Now he is reaching out in new ways trying to maintain their tenable grasp on human conviction.. Without people in the churches, its just a giant realestate scam.
  7. I agree, if I were in charge of the new franchise I would be promoting the economic superiority of the Capitalist Ferrangi to the antiquated Star Fleet haha
  8. It is fun, but Keynesianism will be the least of your problem, its mostly just straight up socialists. Expect a few to hold your view against you and lower your grade.
  9. For sure there are a lof easy to draw parrallels with socialism. I'm not sure what diety you're talking about. In one trek episode they explore the idea of panspermia where they discover the original species that spawned the others. There is the movie where Kirk has to fight god. There is the Q character, too, who despite being god like is never considered a god by the crew. You got the episode where Jean Luc has to explain to a group of tribal people he isn't a god.Now, there is this horrible Voyager episode where they talk about the God molecule or something and 7 of 9 like worships it like a diety, stupid as shit. They even ruined the hive mind with the queen thing. The lore is that there was a WWIII where people were slaughtered and gassed and blown up, but the technology that comes from it was the warp drive, which inspires alien contact... and the volcans i guess help us become peaceful using logic, like Stefan Molyneux! =D Interstellar Molnyneuxs
  10. The original series and next gen were clearly the brainchild of a staunch atheist and the later series were riddled with appeals to faith and other corny concepts. Though the model is clearly statist, I think it holds up a great mirror to our illusions and the reality. Just imagine Obama being as politically deft as Jean Luc Piccard, its fantasy! Also, as for economics, in a world where the technology is advanced enough, access to interstellar resources might be near infinite, and the capacity to rearrange atoms... since the foundation of econmics is that all things are scarce, having a society without money makes sense if that problem is solved. For example, in general, we don't pay for oxygen because it is nearly infinite. Though I will agree with the portrayal of the Ferengi. It seems almost like Nazi propganda against the Jews. The evil money lovers with the ugly faces and crooked backs schemes and taking advantage of people's good nature.
  11. There is this great Next Gen episode of Star Trek where the crew discovers a lost human colony. To remain in perfect balance with the limited resources available to them, they used computers to keep everything and everyone in balance for a century. The people were cloned and programmed to perform specific jobs. They are genetically perfect, as well. However, their sun is about to explode or something like that...and long story short the technology to save them comes from technology derrived by Geordi's eye visor thing. The point being that their programmed perfection was unadaptable to any unplanned circumstance. Anyhow.... just trekking out.
  12. Organic Farming could be a valuable learning experience. I would research successful business models in the organic market relative to the size of your farm. If it is organic, it is going likely rot quicker, meaning you'll want to sell it locally, meaning you'll want to provide common local consumables at a comparable price. For example, you may find organic tomatos economically unviable, and might find avacados suprisingly viable, or the opposite. You might find avacados worth it, but not something people consume in the community. Where is the farm? How old are you? Whats the budget? How big is the farm?
  13. Yeah I agree, and maybe issues with her mom and brother and friends or relatives growing up as well. I wonder how to approach her in an attractive way to encourage her to i dont know... switch from ansoc to ancap.
  14. exactly, lots of counter economics here. and yeah to the guy from the UK, it must just be all the rock music
  15. Something to add here too is that I think I've been experiencing racism for the first time in my life. I'm a white guy, but here it doesn't quite mean the same thing. This is generally true anywhere in the world, white people are at a higher risk for theft, people try to overcharge us, and the legalities of work are tricky and disadvantaging. Additionally, here, they quite asually call you a gringo, which is basically a slang word for an American, but msotly just means white foriegner. Now, they call asian people chinos and black people negros. Young black girl are often referred to as negrita, and fat people are called gordos. So I try not to take it too sensitively, but still, its racist. One thing that strikes them as particularly American is apparently, and it is true I am realizing, we speak way too loudly! Here where I live right now it is mostly white people, and with a good accent and grasp of Spanish I can usually slide by for like 5 minutes, so taxi drivers dont drive in circles to overcharge me and people give me fair prices at the butchers. In poorer places in the country I stand out much more.
  16. Not great. A judgmental and "disciplinarian" type dad but I dont know the degree of spanking or anything else. Upper middle class, educated. Warm mother somewhat distant father. We met in highschool so I cant speak in too much detail about her before that, and she has never been too specific about the past but has definitly shared her conteporary frutrations
  17. Yeah I mean it must require a lack of empathy to participate, so it can hardly be affirmative or good, at best it is amoral. Especially when you'retalking about heroin and crack and things like that
  18. "Come inside so we can talk about whats wrong with you" "I hate to say this but you're being real ugly right now" "maybe you're internalizing our funny family" "the punch punch game" "I would put your bald headed through the window if I didnt think your dad would shoot me" Cop arrives and she starts crying immediately for the first time. Such sick manipulation. I can relate. this poor kid man what a champ
  19. I have a similar problem, I use the hour right before sleep to review my entire life with an emphasis on the abuse or the embarassing moments. Podcasts help, I listen to them as I sleep, or read before I sleep. Ive been working on these problems with myself for a long time, and it isn't every night always, but when it does happen I can spend 4 hours rethinking the 2nd grade. Just avoid drugs or sleep aid, that won't help at all! And this is going to take some time.... lots of time but now I find myself interjecting helpful thoughts into the inner debate. Like "you were a kid man, dont hold yourself so responsible" and things like that
  20. She is my friend. I have a lot of empathy and sympathy towards her, as we grew up in similar situations. She has done a lot to demonstrate the same in the past, but we haven't been living in the same country or city for the last couple years. I removed her from my facebook, because I don't like reading something from someone who won't let me respond to it, it is sort of a personal rule, but when I see her again (which I will) we will still be old friends. We spend hours catching up and talking about philosophy and politics and anarchy, she is intellegent and has an attractive charisma, passionate, and would make an epic cool AnCap. Why should I not care?
  21. Who needs a gun when you can shoot a hadduken? Great topic though, so some of the reasons I think play a roll mentioned above include Homogenous Culture Shame Culture Higher Incomes and Education A history of Sword control before gun control Less Drug crime These things all lead to an increase in criminality, so.... Lets think of this whole thing from the opposite direction. Why would Japanese people need guns? What if violent crime causes the increase in gun ownership, not the other way around? So if you live in a dangerous violent place, you're going to want a gun. If you live in a safe place you don't need a gun. How much demand for gun ownership exists in Japan? Wouldn't low crime rates lead to less gun ownership in a free market?
  22. Yeah, it is a commodity, that is why you pay for labor. If it wasn't a commodity, it would be free. And free labor is slavery.
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