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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. Hey I've heard this stat quoted a few times on the show and I am looking for a source on it for some writing I haven't been able to find one. Can anyone help me out? Thank you so much.
  2. People have heard of Stefan all over the place now! When I got into the show about 8 or 9 years ago the chance of meeting someone IRL who'd heard of him were slim to none Now even mainstream intellectuals are finding him increasingly difficult to ignore
  3. No, I don't mind, because I don't prefer divisive approaches at the best of times. I think you have to find equal footing with people to change their minds in the first place most of the time. So I actually think it's often a good thing. I am not against Christians or people with any faith or any people without faith, I can even find common cause with the left on foreign policy and civil liberties and I find if I have a starting point of talking about how government makes things worse for the poor and free markets make things better for the poor I can begin to shift their position to something closer to mine. However, I can't really get around Stef's original arguments about indoctrinating children though.
  4. I would love to see stef do a video on his response to Singer's drowning child example
  5. A week or two this video came up as suggested on youtube somehow! I'm just wondering to what extent Stefan's views have changed, if at all, on this issue
  6. thanks for the feedback guys glad you got something out of the article
  7. I think you might enjoy this article, it explains very well how government is responsible for this massive increase in costs of living http://scottishlibertarians.com/the-hope-of-affordable-housing/
  8. I have heard of this series as well it sounds fantastic
  9. hey sorry I never saw this till now! Also in Scotland if you want to add me on facebook my name is Antony Sammeroff I can introduce you to other Scottish Freedomainers.
  10. I think this article does a good job of pointing out exactly what BIG advocates are missing: http://scottishlibertarians.com/basicincome/
  11. Here is something I wrote on this point - i think the BIG misses the point, we need to look at what is destroying living standards: http://scottishlibertarians.com/basicincome/
  12. perhaps I can put him in touch with my friend Tam who was a fascist but became a libertarian since he would know what changed his opinion mauybe
  13. thanks John I would also like to get the source that Stefan used so I can use this particular stat
  14. Hi I have heard Stef mention a few times that 30-40,000 people are moving out of poverty a month between India and CHina I would like to use this figure and was wondering if I could have a citation for it
  15. The progressive parent youtube channel has lots of interviews with parenting experts on the peaceful parenting wave length it includes an interview with Stef
  16. YAAAS. It was too expensive so I asked the library to buy it and they did and now it's on it's way to me. And now hopefully other people will benefit from it as well!
  17. Hi looking for one or more like-minded personal-development enthusiasts pro-free market person or pair of persons to help with a project - business project, money involved $$$$$ someone wiht considerable sales experience and good at it and think outside the box, can come up with good yes ladders to interest people in personal development, self-knowledge, improving their lives with a new approach I am not an expert in sales so I want to balance my skills with others and preferably freedomain radio people for similar outlooks and ethics also prepare to collaborate with voluntarists.
  18. I don't at the moment but I might in the future. I might have to have some Devils advocate debates on Why is it offensive to say I have those fears? I never asserted that they were well founded or otherwise I have had various experiences in my life that lead me to having certain triggers like anyone else And also when is being offended anything to do with philosophy? I'm offended isn't an argument either. I don't at the moment but I might have in the future. I might have to have a few Devils advocate conversations to clarify my own views and come to conclusions before entering the debate on either side. I am unclear where I stand at the moment. Why is it offensive to say I get scared? I never said that you were the kind of people who would actually do that just stated my own experience. I have my own triggers based on my own past and transference like everyone else and one of those is fear of being ostracised for dissenting opinions. It's not voluntary it just gets triggered sometimes. Finally, what has being offended to do with philosophy? That is not an argument either Being offended is a subjective state - there is not something in the world that is 'offensive' but you can find things offensive if you perceive them as an insult. I don't think I deliberately insulted anyone by mentioning my experience. I look forward to your clarifying these three points.
  19. See, the funny thing is - I feel scared posting challenging Stef's views - even though i am not altogether in disagreement with him - on this issue I feel there is sometimes hostility in this community (not from everyone!) towards positions dissenting from Stef's even making that statement I am afraid of being banned or ostracised I admire you posting your own views and opinions on this topic, because you feel scared of doing so and are powering through your fear to honest expression - and I think the points that you raise are legitimate. That said - I don't think the views that you have expressed are actually controversial within this community - they certainly are controversial outside of it which is maybe where the fear is projected from? I don't know just a possibility Let me know what you think
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