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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. pollution would be a complicated issue in a free society, in the sense we can't be sure of how it would be handled. nt once those solutions were in place they would probably be really simple. One thing is for sure, the government is not a solution. It was government who built all these roads, we have no idea what kind of awesome environmentally friendly mass transit systems would have been invented and used instead if they hadn't been built. It was the government that subsidised the fossil fuel and nuclear industries. It was the government that made wars bringing the greatest of environmental destruction and wastage of resources. The government picks up everybodies trash for free which means people to not have to pay to have it disposed of in accordance with how easy it is to dispose of. Someone throwing away a bag of waste paper is taxed the same as someone throwing out a bag of industrial batteries - that is mad. Or glass tin cans which can be recycled economically. It's insane.
  2. I am an Alan Watt's lover - it is a good thing for the internet otherwise much of his wisdom would have been lost. Thankfully he has found an audience.
  3. it says a lot when an anti-rational lunatic can make Jon Stewart look llike he's talking utter crap
  4. Alfie is awesome! I recommend listening to and reading anything you can get your hands on from him he has a standard liberal view on politics but aside from that I think he's one of the most important thought leaders of our time highly empirical as well, he always sites as many studies, as much evidence as possible, and has lots of very logical arguments
  5. Here is a podcast on engaging people who hold this view :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IalPvNCC3k
  6. It's better to mine Chomskys brain I would also like Stef to debate a heavy weight lefty like Chomsky or Michael Parenti -- most of them have god way old, Howard Zinn is dead Who would be an equivalent opponent from a younger generation? Michael Moore haha well he's just a lib, not left enough
  7. I was in the library yesterday and picked up the book Philosophy for Dummies and checked the index for Rand, flicked to the appropriate page to find the author stridently proclaim "they say she was a philosopher but she was obviously not one" WFT? apparently, objectivists made assertions not arguments - said he, referring to her novels. Clearly he had never actually bothered to check out her nonfiction. He sounded resentful because she went to be a screen writer rather than university. This is not the first time I had heard someone claim that Ayn Rand was not really a philosopher... why? because potatoes. because I don't like her. And Marx is considered a philosopher?
  8. the book Women Can't Hear WHat Men Don't Say by Warren Farrell has a great chapter on it
  9. I prefer voluntarist actually the original political us of anarchism is a 19th century economic system that closely resembles communism
  10. Yeah maybe they hate being under hamas, or maybe they hate the blockade and being bombed the crap out of once every couple of years.
  11. Hey this is an awesome idea, this organisation is creating an app so that anyone who needs empathy, anyone in the world, can connect with a trained person, share their woes and get some reflective/active listening to ease their pain. I think this is a sweet idea and encourage people from this community to send a few dollars in the direction of their crowdfunding campaign! Stuff like this could really make the world a more sensitive place. http://www.empathyapp.org/
  12. Yes, my response is: this guy is one of those ill-informed idiots who unfortunately thinks his opinion is the law without doing any research
  13. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheProgressiveParent/videos
  14. the moon landing would have cost a fraction of what it cost if they'd just waited 10, 20 years until the technology moved on I mean the computer was like what a nokia phone could do
  15. anyone living under the conditions the palestinians are living under would have the kind of response the palestinians are having
  16. This is the title of the documentary that was on last night in the UK, here is a link: http://www.channel5.com/shows/too-tough-to-teach/episodes/episode-1-678 My friend sent me it asking what I would do with these teens since she knows I'm into peaceful parenting the term "documentary about boys with behavioural problems" gets my back up to start ---- so the conclusions already been made, it's a behavioural problem, it's not a mentor-ship problem, or a parenting problem. The problem is the boys and the way they are behaving, because everything happens in a vacuum and young people just are the way they are it isn't anything to do with their environment. But the school uses no punishments for example, it seems like they are trying to do something positive. About to watch it now
  17. What a blatant lie. When Israel was created 700,000 Palestinians were run out of their homes. There are still jews living in houses that were taken by force from their occupiers. You have already acknowledged that you believe Israel belongs to jews simply by right of birth, regardless of where they were born. So your credibility is under question.
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