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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. goood luck hope to see you back when you're ready
  2. it's a terrible approach, it doesn't affect peoples underlying values at all it just bullies them into appearing as who you want them to be and their dysfunction tends to come out in other ways
  3. Marv how is posting here a good use of your time? why don't you set up a channel to perpetuate the truth amongst those who have not been tainted by the FDR doctrine you can also spread information about peaceful parenting, etc. to a completely different audience from us
  4. I liked the message actually, of course it only applies to people who actually mother! I think if there is one good thing about it it will bring into peoples attention what is required and hopefully make them consider it further before popping one out
  5. beautiful! What a talent you have developed you must have practiced a lot and cultivated your approach!##I really enjoyed the painting it was eery and I felt it in my body
  6. hey I understand that a lot of people come along and replace their own inner dialogue with Stef podcasts I've done it in the past I think you can trust yourself not to be an all-or-nothing guy ---- broaden out, listen to different voices and media but most importantly take some time not to listen and to listen to yourself journal about your own life and views journal about points of disagreement so you can clearly see why you disagree as well as where this will help you find your voice just a suggestion you can take or leave!
  7. Ok, if it's that important I definitely would like to understand it By analytic rejection do you mean that the argument is refuted in its own premises.
  8. Ok thanks, but I am not talking about the term ad-hominem, I clearly said I was pointing to the part of the video where the author talks about Paul Johnson who, it seems, is not such a wholesome fellow himself. And what were the comments on that? I'm 9 minutes in, I don't see how the "past behaviour is the best indicator of future behaviour" bears any relevance at all on whether the argument commits the genetic fallacy If you were using Karl Marx's past behaviour as a predictor of his future behaviour then sure it would be quite useful it can't predict the facticity or falsehood of his theories I disagree with the theories of Marx, and I found the video very informative and educational but it's really an unrelated point does this mean if someone else came up with exactly the same theories as Marx but bought a factory and handed it over to the democratic control of his workers the same exact theories would suddenly become true? It's philosophically bankrupt. -just got to end of intro so I wait with better breath to be corrected
  9. Hey here I have set this video to a part on the character of Paul Jonson who attacks the character of (only) left wing intellectuals comments? I feel he'd have more credibility if his book included a passage on Ayn Rand and other people who weren't liberals who had dubious lives. Margaret Thatcher ordered a war crime. Reagan supported the contras in Nicaragua who committed atrocities like cutting off women's breasts.
  10. Hey here I have set this video to a part on the character of Paul Jonson who attacks the character of (only) left wing intellectuals http://youtu.be/hlpQPR9j7yU?t=11m20s comments?
  11. I've really enjoyed all the shows with Warren Farrell on them, here is a youtube I just did on a related topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z4poAoTbMo
  12. Can Empathy be a Learned Skill? Here are some practical approaches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGY8DRc_BA4 here is another video for empathising with your kids, but the tips can also apply to adults
  13. thanks for collecting all those links for us Kevin, very helpful
  14. Why not? Many of my best friends are women maybe you didn't feel like you had a lot of choice with women so you fancied all women who took an interest in you? I'm just asking because this can happen I'm not saying it's definitely true
  15. I put on a shirt, lol I'm using my hands more, I still need to improve the lighting, this one looked a lot brighter on my screen than it turned out 4 Predicates to Authentic and Open Intimate Relationships https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z4poAoTbMo
  16. Here is a video I made on developing Empathy, I hope this helps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGY8DRc_BA4
  17. I just noticed there is no mention of you communicating how what he was saying made you feel to him I would use that kind of thing as a better judge of character than a difference of opinion if you express how you feel and he's empathetic that's a good sign if he's more like "well that's just because you x y or z" or "well you're just to sensitive" or "well it's the truth, deal with it" or something like that then he either isn't an emotionally intelligent person or isn't a caring person that is valuable information which will help you decide whether he is worth being friends with or not
  18. yes I agree, but only if your empathy is conscious not if it's simply an ego defence or an adaptation you developed to survive childhood you probably need to know how to empathise consciously to empathise with yourself when you are not receiving empathy if you know waht I mean otherwise ou might just think it's par for the course
  19. Can I use your question for one of my videos?
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